List of bugs in i16




* Katie Hannon Task Force - in the first mission, Mary MacComber and her spawn of Cabal don't gradually increase in level as the waves progress (generally starting at 34 and finishes the 10th wave at 37). Basically, the group spawns at level 34 all ten waves, which when combined with the fact that all ATs and especially Controllers have access to their entire secondary now makes the KHTF trivially easy.

* If you try to view an arena match whose creator was not in the same zone as you, you'll get an error trying to observe the match, even if observers are enabled. For example, if I'm in Pocket D and a match is created from RV, I won't be able to observe it. This bug's been around for a long time, and getting it fixed would be appreciated.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Great, just found a new problem.

I just renovated my base and added a bunch more rooms, also added 2 more workshops. making a total of 3 in the base. 14 salvage containers. However if I make it 15 salvage containers base wide, I cant place a vault. Even if I make another workshop room.
I can't place it in any of the workshops or even the power room. However if I delete a salvage rack bringing it from 15 to 14, I can place a storage vault just fine.

This is a rather bad bug if you ask me.

WHOA! What the heck!?!

Ok, unable to place a salvage container in a room... HOWEVER if I alt+tab out and back in, the outline for the salvage rack goes from red to blue and allows the container to be placed. Tested this with the vault too and it did the same thing when alt+tabbed out and back in.

To test, just make sure your base has the same situation, place 15 salvage containers, then try to place a vault... anywhere. won't happen. Now with the vault still selected and showing red, alt+tab and you will see it turn blue, go back into the game and you can place it...
There is an 18 storage item limit for bases, no matter the plot size.

Storage items include inspie bins, storage racks, enhancie tables, vaults. You may only have 18, no matter the combination.

So my question would be, do you have any of those other items in your base?

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Happily, the terrain was finally fixed from blocky back to more realistic. That being said, I wonder why this was missed. (It is the base portal in IP.)

The caves are also still blocky and I hope that gets corrected , too. This is such a beautiful game and bad textures really make it look 'cheap'. Probabbly not high on the list of priorities, but sure hope it will be resolved sometime soon.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Healix View Post
Happily, the terrain was finally fixed from blocky back to more realistic. That being said, I wonder why this was missed. (It is the base portal in IP.)

The caves are also still blocky and I hope that gets corrected , too. This is such a beautiful game and bad textures really make it look 'cheap'. Probabbly not high on the list of priorities, but sure hope it will be resolved sometime soon.
I noticed that too. The IP base portal was broken before the fix as well. The Talos hill area seems to be only spot I notice it actually being fixed. Parts of Croatoa are still messed up, and as you mentioned: The caves were fine before, but the "fix" has broken them.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Seriously, even purples are running after the first hit and just made me fail my Mayhem mission cause the second I shot anything, they would run away. EVERY FREAKIN LAST ONE OF THEM. This needs to be fixed massively cause this has been happening all day.

You know its a bug when even GM's run away after the first hit.
I brawled Deathsurge pre i16 and he runs. He and Scarpyard can be a pita when there are drones nearby



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
There is an 18 storage item limit for bases, no matter the plot size.

Storage items include inspie bins, storage racks, enhancie tables, vaults. You may only have 18, no matter the combination.

So my question would be, do you have any of those other items in your base?
I completely wiped out everything in my base and recreated it. so no there was nothing else.



Two bugs I can think of off the top of my head:
Last night we were doing the Zombie Apocalypse. I started the team with me and my wife, then invited a few more in and then promoted a 50 to the star. We ended the apocalypse in good form, at a team of 8, and as the team was breaking up the captain quit the team, as did everyone but my wife, and NO ONE had the star, and we were still SSK'ed to 49. (we were lvl 15 natively) Had to quit/reform the team to get straightened out.

Also a graphical glitch: Tar Patch (ESPECIALLY) and Shadow Fall are showing layering issues with wall, floor, and building textures. The tar patch disappears behind the building walls and flickers in and out on floors like the platform in the Tiki room where Trina the Body Sculptress is. To test, go to a dockside zone and put the camera down below the floorline looking up where you can see building and sky, and drop a tarpatch on the edge of the dock. As you pan the camera around you can see where the patch disappears behind different textures. In the interests of disclosure I'm running an ATI x800 Pro card (I know, I know) but this has been observed on my wife's NVidia card as well.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
Last night we were doing the Zombie Apocalypse. I started the team with me and my wife, then invited a few more in and then promoted a 50 to the star. We ended the apocalypse in good form, at a team of 8, and as the team was breaking up the captain quit the team, as did everyone but my wife, and NO ONE had the star, and we were still SSK'ed to 49. (we were lvl 15 natively) Had to quit/reform the team to get straightened out.
Just think, you could've terrorized a neighborhood if you were on a villain, or wiped out an entire gang if on a hero. hehe.

I could see how that could be abused if it's an exploitable bug.



New one, probally unable to be fixed though... I would like to know how the heck Zombies got inside the shadow shard?

Originally Posted by Global Event Notice
ALERT CANCELED: The zombies have disappeared from Firebase Zulu.
and even though on the paragon wiki it says,
Originally Posted by Paragon Wiki
NOTE: The normal Croatoa Eochai and Jack in Irons still spawn during the Halloween Event and do not count toward their Halloween badges. They still reward their year round badges, Pumpkin King and Giant Killer. Make sure you are fighting a GM within the pumpkin patch. If there are no pumpkins marking the spawn site, it is the zone GM and not the Halloween GM.
apparently Eochai and Jack in Irons in Croatoa are counting towards the halloween badges.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Are you sure it was Croatoa's Jack and Eo and not the Event's Jack and Eo?
The guy I was arguing with was swearing up and down it was the Croatoa's Jack In Irons, just the normal run-of-the-mill GM that gave him the badge for the halloween event...



Some of the Greater Mystic Aspects have weird spawn locations. One i cap spawned in an alley clipping inside a wall. A mate had one spawn inside a rock and wasnt able to hurt it. Forgot to ask what zone.



Speaking of Jack-in-Irons, I got a gripe about it. Paragon Wiki says theres a 10% chance that Jack will spawn instead of Eochai... Welp, After killing ole' pumpkin head THIRTY times... (do the math on that percentage) and still no Jack, I've given up for tonight.

Oh, and good Ole pumpkin head Hax!

He's flying.... so Ground-based PBAoE's aren't hitting him.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Speaking of Jack-in-Irons, I got a gripe about it. Paragon Wiki says theres a 10% chance that Jack will spawn instead of Eochai... Welp, After killing ole' pumpkin head THIRTY times... (do the math on that percentage) and still no Jack, I've given up for tonight.

Oh, and good Ole pumpkin head Hax! He's flying.... so Ground-based PBAoE's aren't hitting him.
What zone were you in? Jack doesn't spawn in zones lower than level 20.

I hope someone /bugged the flying Eochai.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
What zone were you in? Jack doesn't spawn in zones lower than level 20.

I hope someone /bugged the flying Eochai.
I was in PI, can't get much higher than that
Unfortunately the screenie didn't show that >.> I thought it did.



Also, probability is a funny thing. If something has a 1/10 chance of happening, you can still try it 10 million times and not have it happen. It's just very unlikely.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



New issue, on my merc/pain MM on freedom, the Trick mob AI seems to be rather single-minded. Normally mobs go after whoever is beating on them the hardest. Nope. sorry I just stand there while my minions do all the dirty work and yet every mob that pops out of those doors has tunnel vision going directly for me not caring about the 6 other guys with guns blazing. Any other mob thats not a ToT mob usually goes for the minions first unless I aggroed them first. Even then however they switch target to one of my minions instead of me but not ToT mobs, oh no. They are dead-set on removing my head from my shoulders. I could put my minions right on the door and put them on agressive, click the door and run a good 20 meters away.

The ToT mobs will push through my minions (even though they are damaging them like crazy) and head straight for me. This seems like a huge bug with the mob AI.
Just tested 3 times, I went as far as I could while the door was still opening and with 6 minions all firing, the mob was chasing ME down the street.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
New issue, on my merc/pain MM on freedom, the Trick mob AI seems to be rather single-minded. Normally mobs go after whoever is beating on them the hardest. Nope. sorry I just stand there while my minions do all the dirty work and yet every mob that pops out of those doors has tunnel vision going directly for me not caring about the 6 other guys with guns blazing. Any other mob thats not a ToT mob usually goes for the minions first unless I aggroed them first. Even then however they switch target to one of my minions instead of me but not ToT mobs, oh no. They are dead-set on removing my head from my shoulders. I could put my minions right on the door and put them on agressive, click the door and run a good 20 meters away.

The ToT mobs will push through my minions (even though they are damaging them like crazy) and head straight for me. This seems like a huge bug with the mob AI.
Just tested 3 times, I went as far as I could while the door was still opening and with 6 minions all firing, the mob was chasing ME down the street.
I don't think it's a bug. Most likely trick MOBs have ambush AI and these would ignore all pets and go after owner



Yeah the ToT spawns are supposed to be a bit more... aggressive... this time around. Combine that with the fact that the costume salvage is awarded for defeating the mobs instead of as a treat this year, and you've got two convincing reasons to stick around and kill your mobs instead of playing ding-dong-ditch. As an added bonus, the XP on large teams for ToT mobs is niiiiiiiiiiiice.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



It's me ding-donging, but I'm moving out of LoS so my minions can wipe them out like a good merc/pain MM should. lol. I have 2 attacks personally. One that came with jump and the other is burst. Thats all. The rest is all heals.

New bug, Halloween costumes. In Ouroboros, I was added to a badge team, Me and another guy in our SG coalition. checked my powers to see how many I lost. well, I lost the usual, no surprise there... oh wait... Why the heck are the halloween costumes greyed out?
I attempted all 52 costumes, all grey. I aquired them all at level 50. So looks like theres a level set to these costumes to the level you got them at. This seems a bit wrong to me.

Had star passed to me so I'm level 50. Costumes are still greyed out in Ouroboros.
Mission transporter does not work either when temporary powers are suspended in Ouroboros. even though Mission Transporter is not noted like a temporary power (i.e. no [Temporary Powers. ] prefix)



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
It's me ding-donging, but I'm moving out of LoS so my minions can wipe them out like a good merc/pain MM should. lol. I have 2 attacks personally. One that came with jump and the other is burst. Thats all. The rest is all heals.

New bug, Halloween costumes. In Ouroboros, I was added to a badge team, Me and another guy in our SG coalition. checked my powers to see how many I lost. well, I lost the usual, no surprise there... oh wait... Why the heck are the halloween costumes greyed out?
I attempted all 52 costumes, all grey. I aquired them all at level 50. So looks like theres a level set to these costumes to the level you got them at. This seems a bit wrong to me.

Had star passed to me so I'm level 50. Costumes are still greyed out in Ouroboros.
Costumes are considered a Stealth power and click-Stealth powers are mutually exclusive. Did you have some other Stealth power running?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Costumes are considered a Stealth power and click-Stealth powers are mutually exclusive. Did you have some other Stealth power running?
I'm a WP/SS Tank, no stealth here.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Well, there is the Stealth pool.

Try deleting checksum.coh in the CoH directory. Reboot. Open the client and let it re-verify. If that doesn't fix it, then /petition it.
yeh, I actually went pretty deep into the presence pool. lol. the build is in the tanker section if yah wanna have a peek

You should try it out first, go to Oro, start a mish there and then attempt to use a costume, they will all be greyed out.



Generally, after a TF/SF mission is called in by the leader, any members on the team still inside the mission get booted back to the outside zone. However, after the "Defeat Future Freedom Phalanx" mission in the RSF, you're unable to talk to the contact until all members of the team are out of the mission.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."