List of bugs in i16




Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
New bug I noticed (or mebby it was already there and nobody took the time to check?)

But Female toons in the character creation screen and in the gameplay itself, using the skirts section and going to some of the longer shorts, the hips show through the clothing (basically the clothing embedding itself in the geo of the female and the portion of the hips showing through)
Mostly just a graphical glitch but it ruins the outfits a bit.
These longer shorts have had this geometry since they were introduced (in issue 4). They're supposed to show the hips. No geometry is embedded; those gaps are meant to be there. I believe it may be a Korean style as those shorts were added by the Korean costume team.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
My Elec/Elec Scrapper won't stay in combat stance. Very often, ususally when I use Charged Brawl or Jacobs Ladder, my character will execute the attack, then immediately return to the neutral stance. I can't reliably reproduce it, but it happens to me *a lot*.
An update on the "won't stay in combat stance" issue: I'm pretty sure this is caused by using Build Up. If I'm not in combat stance, and I use Electric Melee's Build Up, and then start attacking, I get the problem. If I use Build Up when I'm already in combat stance, or if I use Build Up in the neutral stance and then hit Esc or Z a few times (the "unselect target and cancel combat stance" keys) then I don't get the issue and my character will stay in combat stance as expected.

Edit: When this bug strikes, it also seems to increase the occurrence of the bug where a power activates but the animation doesn't play, which leaves you free to run around while the power hits.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Retrogression View Post
These longer shorts have had this geometry since they were introduced (in issue 4). They're supposed to show the hips. No geometry is embedded; those gaps are meant to be there. I believe it may be a Korean style as those shorts were added by the Korean costume team.
Having flesh jutting out from clothing looks highly out of place and ugly for that matter, I've never seen any type of shorts that does that just at the hips for those two small pieces of skin, I can understand perhaps something going down the side showing the skin under the shorts but not through them.



My Controller's Phantasm is disappearing between zones (such as exiting a mission).

#141757 We Are Legion, #99205 We Too Are Legion, #5514 Bug Hunt

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Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Having flesh jutting out from clothing looks highly out of place and ugly for that matter, I've never seen any type of shorts that does that just at the hips for those two small pieces of skin, I can understand perhaps something going down the side showing the skin under the shorts but not through them.
I can confirm that these have been this way since they were put in the game. Whether you think it's attractive or ugly, it's not a bug. If it were a clipping issue, adjusting the hips slider would affect how much skin is showing, but that is not the case. Though I have noticed that a few things clip differently since i16.. I'm sure it's working as intended, but I'm not so sure I like it. I have a lot of issues around the elbow area on a lot of my toons now. Oh well, very minor issue.




Shriek makes you locked in the rooting animation for awhile.
You can still slide around but it looks silly.



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
I finally met all the requirements for the Demonic accolade with my level 50 Fire/Fire brute, thanks to the change to Coldhearted... but the Demonic badge is broken, as others have noted. Darn.
Same here, and there is a thread in the Badge forums which indicate that getting other accolades (High Pain Threshold most often mentioned, but someone also mentioned Watchman) will cause the badge to unlock even if you don't have the required badges for Demonic.

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Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
I think they settled on powers within 5 levels of the lvl you EX to.. and you can still get XP within that range as well.. if I understand it correctly. Any powers higher than that will still be unavailable like before.

Also, to add to the list:
You cannot summon an Ouroboros Portal while EX'd. The animation will play, but no portal will appear. If you quit your team and become un-EX'd, the portal will suddenly appear where you had just clicked a minute ago. It's quite spooky.

Actually I moved away from where i clicked (far away) and it appeared in front of me when i quit team.

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Operating System: XP
User Client: PC
Zone: The Hollows
Character name: Jasmine Sparks
Time: 11:00pm-1:00 am 9/20-9/21
Archetype: Scrapper
Level: 14
Mission: several missions in the contact's story arc, streetsweeping, and when no mission selected at all
Mission Contact: Julius the Troll

Summary: The character had XP turned off on the "double influence, no xp" setting, but still gained xp. The level pact partner/team leader Pvt Pat Soldier was able to turn off xp.


1.This character is in a level pact and was SSK'd at the time the setting was turned on. This is the character that initiated the level pact.

2. Both pact partners were on in team, the one who was team leader (and invited to the level pact) was able to turn off xp.

3. Tried switching leadership outside mission to see if that autmatically fixed it - NO.

4. Tried manually resetting it to 'earn xp' and then again setting "double influence, no xp" while as team leader to see if that would work - NO

5. Tried disbanding to see if resetting it while solo would automatically fix it - NO.

6. Tried manually resetting it to 'earn xp' and then again setting "double influence, no xp" while solo to see if that would work - NO

7. Tried having the pact partner having the problem reinvite the other and then resetting - NO

Sidenote: On other characters on this account I am unable to use the Oroborous portal while SSKd regardless of team level. Even at level 50 on an all 50 team it doesn't work. The power is expended, but nothing happens. I mention it in case they are related since these issues are not happening universally.

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Saw this one last night, and it seems to be new, but may have been reported elsewhere. Curiously it wasn't there when I16 first dropped, so something has changed in the last few days.

While running a street sweeping team we found that the animation for Stimulant was messed up. Specifically, the "tricorder" appears, and lets out a beam, but it's suspended off to the side. Instead of holding the tricorder, the character does a brief version one of the bent over animations (like the one that preceeds Council bosses converting to Warwolf when their HP are low).

There were 3 people on the team with Simulant, and all 3 had the same issue. Two males, 1 female. It occurred in Skyway as well as Faultline, remaining a problem between zones. Lvls were 17-20.

68 Level 50s, all made the old-fashioned way.
Original: Quasar Lad - Fire/Kin troller. Latest: Asp Kicker - Grav/Poison troller.
Completed the "Full Alty Challenge" - level 50 in every archetype, and "Alty's Ultimate Power Challenge" - level 50 in every available powerset in the game.
Member of the Repeat Offenders



Originally Posted by Monkey_King View Post
Attempting to save or load a color scheme on my Robots/Poison mastermind bugs the menu so that no Poison powers can be customized anymore; it immediately reverts back to Original when trying to select Color Tintable, and remains bugged on all my costumes until I reload the client. The game becomes unstable at this point and crashes after a couple minutes. I also cannot reproduce this on Test with the same character.

When I go to the Test server to save some of the custom power schemes I made there, the powerCust files are generally not being accepted by the live game. They don't show up on the menu, like the files aren't there at all. These are just plain text files, so I don't know what the problem could be.
Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
Additionally I can not seem to save my custom colours for storm summoning. It saves. The file exists, and attempting to re-save - the game give the "save file already exists" prompt; but I CAN NOT load the storm summoning file - it does not appear in the list when I attempt to load it. Could this be a symptom of the problem?
I'm having the same issue with saving/loading certain characters' power customization files. So far, for me anyway, it seems to be limited to characters that have a non-customizable primary (though not all of them-- my Ninja/Storm MM's Storm set saved and loaded fine, in contrast to several reports I've heard of Storm save problems).

I first noticed it with my MMs, but right now I'm alt-tabbing out from trying to save/load files for my Archery/Devices blaster-- neither the overall or pure secondary save files will display, despite being present in the actual game folder; but, bizarrely, the primary set save file will display, even though it is not customizable. (???) Also, when I deleted the primary and overall saves from the folder (while in Windows), the primary save file remained in game until I used the delete button there as well. Usually the load list is affected by changes I make in Windows, but not in this case.

I've tested this twice now, abridging the character name the second time to make a second set of saves to compare it to, and both times it's the same: the useless non-customizable primary save displays in the load list, but the overall and secondary saves do not. So far, though, my colors are displaying properly; I just have to repeat those adjustments for each costume slot in lieu of being able to load a file.

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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I'm ok with that. So long as you can't zone with's all good.
Good to see you don't red-raid much. And are you officially announcing that it's a change to prior i14 (observed) behavior?

As it is, I'm ok with it.

Nothing better than having a few blue raid companions in Atlas WW, enjoying the smell of burnt flesh when a lvl 5 toon runs into WW.

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The Gangbuster badge text is still incorrect - while it states that any Family boss should give badge credit, only Marcone Consiglieres are currently counting toward it. Additionally, the counter is still 200 kills, while many similar badges were lowered to 100.

Still don't like the 333 requirement for the Geas kill badges. Seems an arbitrary number which few (if any) other kill badges match and just looks as though it's there to deliberately increase the time it takes to earn those badges and the accolade. If nothing else these should be lowered to 200 (100 would be nice but since all ranks in a faction count for these I can see how 200 would be preferred).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I'd really like them lowered to 100, same with the wolves and vamps for that matter.


LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs



From a bug report I filed yesterday, so this actually happened two nights ago -- has anybody else seen this kind of odd behavior with mission difficulty setting?

Last night, three of us were running radio missions in Peregrine Island -- my level 50 scrapper and two defenders, levels 30-42 or so. We'd proven last week that we could handle my level 50's +4 / x8 settings on radio missions IF we used a little common sense and some tactics. We were doing that last night and having a blast again!

I'd just taken a new mission -- nobody had entered it yet -- when a friend asked to join, and then another friend. Thanks to the new SSK system, I"m not sure of their levels but hey -- that didn't matter, right? A couple minutes passed as they came to PI, then we walked in the door and the original three of us on the team were surprised to see nothing but level 50 villains inside the mission.

"Well, this is weird."
"Seriously. They're FIFTIETH?"
"Well, turn [the difficulty] up after we do this one," said a new team member.
"It IS turned up. Like, ALL the way."
"Yeah, we were fighting 54's last mission!!"
"Wow. And wouldn't five people on "Heroic" a couple of weeks ago have spawned at least 51's and stuff?"
"You know how it is sometimes -- maybe the higher level ones are in the back part of the building?"

No, it was full of level 50's throughout. Oh well -- we exited, I grabbed another radio mission, and hey! Level 54's again! Much fun was again had by all, including the reactions of those who weren't prepared for the shift in tactics facing 54th Carnies and who promptly faceplanted.

I can't remember if we did one more mission full of 54's or two more, but then it happened AGAIN: We entered another new mission and "Huh? Level 50 villains again!?"

For some reason, my CoX client locked up just a couple of spawns into that mission -- with a weirdly unresponsive keyboard for 30 seconds, THEN followed by "sound looping" -- and by the time I exited CoX and returned, they'd finished clearing the nothing-but-level 50's from the mission. Upon my return, they gave me the "leader's star" back, and we ran one more radio mission filled with level 54 villains before calling it a night.

Same team leader thoughout (me) up until the crash, doing nothing but my level 50 "+4/x8" radio missions, and WILDLY varied results!! Here's hoping that this can be duplicated and fixed, soon....

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP but probably N/A -- we all saw/fought the same villains....
User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): PC
Server: Virtue
Zone: PI
Character name:
Time: Sep 20, approximately 12:23 AM EDT
Archetype: Scrapper
Critter Type: Council, Carnies
Level: 50 AND 54 -- which is the problem!
Power: N/A
Badge: N/A
Mission: Radio
Mission Contact: N/A
Mission ID #: N/A
Bug Description:
Link to Forum Discussions:

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Amusingly enough, the "Charge" power that Blue Mito's use is exactly the power "Charge" power Famine uses. As in, he actually calls the same power, with the same limitations. Sounds like you had a particularly bad streak of luck -- after the 3rd jump, any bolt has a 75% chance of not jumping again.
Castle, are you sure this is working as intended? I just got this going between two characters who were away from the rest of a raid. I kept them separate for a while, and let the lightning bounce between them. I counted at least twenty leaps. At a 25% chance of leaping after the 3rd chain, that's got a 0.000000006% chance of happening. When it finally ended, it was because it missed.

Also, it still crosses zones.

Edit: Here is a demo recording of the lightning persisting in Ouroboros after that raid. (For those thinking the folks in Ouro were particularly unfriendly... everyone protesting was at the raid. )

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Custom groups with standard enemies are now broken. It seems like the mission's ability to know what level you are. I have two custom groups with enemies ranging from 25-54. Playing a levlel 50, In one group a few enemies that actually stretch across that level range spawn properly but they got a lot of random grey buddies spawning along with them and my other group it seems to refuse to spawn the level 45+ enemies for me and it's rather inconsistant which lower level range enemies it feels like spawning. I was getting 29s, 41s, and 45s all in the same mission.



Apparent peacebringer bug, used to be buffs would carry over when you switch forms, (like build up or essence boost) if you switch to human, hit your buffs and switch back, essence boost stops healing right there, your build up is wasted (sorry dwarfs) and I'm pretty sure this wasn't the way it was pre-i16. As for your issue Ozzie, I had the same issue here and there pre i16. but it was few and far between.



Drop Rates: They seemed low while playing on teams but are terrible solo. After 3 hours and 10 missions/hunts my 41 blaster got lots enhancements/salvage/inspirations but no recipes. It was frustrating. I played on what feels like tenacious:+0,+2,boss, no av.

A few hours later I played the character for two hours with difficulty at: +0, +1 (default after changing #s),no boss, no av. The 2 regular missions didn't give any recipes. The final scanner mission gave two common IOs and one invention IO.

Tonight i played 3-4 contact missions, and did lots of street sweeping. I played for two hours at: +0, +1,no boss, no av. I got 1 common IO.

Messed up Maps: I reported a map where part the roof was missing and you could go walk on the ceiling tiles. One minor glitch is in the Mutant store in Talos. Character shadows are square and match the floor tiles.

Scanner Mission Doors in PI now appear on the northern monster islands and are suicidal to get to.
I had a GM help me with a stuck person I was to rescue. She had that "slide instead of walk bug" and kept getting hung up in the water.
Holds and sleeps use the disorient animation.
Today I found a new one I have to retest. I made my first new character since i16 went live and am plagued with an annoying pop up bug. Dialogues, character screen, etc, are okay but certain pop ups like doors ("you cannot enter"), mission entry messages, log-out pop up, and a few more, are effected. The text appears to start above the box so most or all of it (doors) is unreadable.

I try other characters see if they are effected.



Originally Posted by Gromar View Post
Scanner Mission Doors in PI now appear on the northern monster islands and are suicidal to get to.
It isn't new. I had such missions in i12.



Merits for GMs not awarding properly for Teams:

Zone: Kings Row
Team size: 6 (mixed level, leader L50)
Player: Anonymouse (me, not leader of team)
Mobile: Clockwork Paladin

There were 3 paladins in the pit. So we went after them. I got no merits for the first one.. which I thought that maybe I missed the message, so I opened up my salvage window and watched my merits. Again, no merits on the second one. I quit the team for the third one and got xp/prestige/merits for the third one solo.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Hooray, another PvP bug!

* Mind Link and Fiery Embrace are still causing travel suppression after the patch from the 22nd.
* Defender Telekinesis still does repel against player targets.
* Arachnos Widow -> Indomitable Will still suppresses when mezzed, the other mez/KB protection toggles seem to have been fixed.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I have 3 things I'd like note that seems to have been implemented with i16:

1) We have the Fusion Generator in our base, the energy rings that rise up the large post are no longer where they belong, they are in the middle of the floor about 2 squares away from the generator

2) I'd like to know if anyone else has seen a decrease in overall accuracy. I rolled a new scrapper with i16 and as usual I collect as many temp powers as I can en route to 50. All the temp powers including the vet ones seem to have a 50/50 chance at hitting anything now.

It seems accuracy may have been nerfed with all powers not just temp powers. Thinking maybe it was something messed up with my new character I have since started 3 others and the issue seems to be overall in CoH.

I notice the **whiff whiff whiff** fest when I first roll a character and having no enhancements (understandable), but it continues with training enh, then DO's and it continues with SOs. Do I now have to slot 2 accuracy SOs just to routinely hit something? I have been playing since CoH beta and I do not remember ever having 3 and 4 misses in a row, as the norm with SOs. Not to mention a series of 6 consecutive misses with Nemesis Staff and Black Wand.

3) The periodic "lag" for lack of a better term on Protector is rather annoying. Sometimes you freeze, unable to click powers or move, while you can see the game continue around you, including enemies continuing to attack your character. This does not happen to just myself. I can tell when a teammate is experiencing it when they are frozen in midair or mid stride and the rest of us are continuing to fight.



Originally Posted by Bad_Dog View Post
2) I'd like to know if anyone else has seen a decrease in overall accuracy. I rolled a new scrapper with i16 and as usual I collect as many temp powers as I can en route to 50. All the temp powers including the vet ones seem to have a 50/50 chance at hitting anything now.

It seems accuracy may have been nerfed with all powers not just temp powers. Thinking maybe it was something messed up with my new character I have since started 3 others and the issue seems to be overall in CoH.

I notice the **whiff whiff whiff** fest when I first roll a character and having no enhancements (understandable), but it continues with training enh, then DO's and it continues with SOs. Do I now have to slot 2 accuracy SOs just to routinely hit something? I have been playing since CoH beta and I do not remember ever having 3 and 4 misses in a row, as the norm with SOs. Not to mention a series of 6 consecutive misses with Nemesis Staff and Black Wand.
Nope, no decrease in accuracy. My numbers are same as before the new issue.
Your combat chat logs should tell you everything, including your hit roll and when the streakbreaker kicks in. You can monitor your numbers using the Combat Attributes monitor (top of the Powers list window) and watch your Last Chance to hit.

Note that if you get a bad roll on a power that has a 90% + chance to hit, and then follow it with a miss with a temp power (~60-80% chance to hit range), the streakbreaker would allow 3 misses since it takes the least accurate power in your recent "miss series" until you roll a hit or the streakbreaker forces a hit.
Also, watch for PBAoE powers with low inherent accuracies, like Cloak of Fear, which has a base 0.67 accuracy and will mess with the "miss series" in the same way.

ParagonWiki page on the Streakbreaker

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



Thanks for that explanation. I haven't tried "Combat Attributes monitor", I will investigate further.