List of bugs in i16




Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Mission: Create a Distraction
Contact: Crimson Revenant
Location: Nerva Archipelago

Patrol Text has a typo:
[NPC] Longbow Flamethrower: Looking forward to meeting the Brawler?
[NPC] Longbow Minigun: You betcha. I just hope he tinks well of our operation here.

I think this may be a case of colorful writing. Yesterday I saw some zone dialog where a Family NPC said "wifout" instead of "without".



Yeah but this is longbow we are talking about. at least put a tinks' in there or something to denote that it is indead meant to be a bit on the color side.
New bug (probably) don't click on doors to ToT during zombie invasions. something is borked.



Just now got that Mastermind/Elevator glitch, they ended clear at the other end of the map, but when I dismissed them (to keep them from training every baddie in the map straight to me) they popped up next to me and left... >.>



Arachnos heavies appeared in a lvl 50(+4/8) arachnos paper. Apparently they dont like other arachnos so they start fighting.



New discovery with "wandering" minions. Just because you see the minions as generic and not in your pet window, someone else will probably see them with the names and the other way around too. So if you see them with their names in your pet control window, someone else may not. This appears to be client side and not Server side. Just a heads up.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
New discovery with "wandering" minions. Just because you see the minions as generic and not in your pet window, someone else will probably see them with the names and the other way around too. So if you see them with their names in your pet control window, someone else may not. This appears to be client side and not Server side. Just a heads up.
A Little proof. Nevermind the building missing in the background where I could see it (My screenie is the one without the proper names, hers is with. This issue is about the Minions popping out of the Masterminds control and proving it has nothing to do with the server but a problem with the client itself.

^This is her screenshot with her window up showing her minions as controllable.

^This is my screenshot, notice the Minion names are not there but after I do a heal or anything on them, they will show up properly on my screen once interacted with.



Originally Posted by SkeetSkeet View Post
I'm seeing this problem on a daily basis. If I've been doing much of anything else in the game before opening an auction window it will take so long to open that the game disconnects.
Same here. . .Open the AH window and the game mapserves and disconnects.



When walk is active, and Mystic fortune is used on you, it doesn't take hold because walk negates it.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
When walk is active, and Mystic fortune is used on you, it doesn't take hold because walk negates it.
WAI. ALL powers are disabled when Walk is on. That includes external buffs. Once you shut off Walk, the buffs from a Mystic Fortune used on you is applied.

The current bug is that apparently multiple Mystic Fortune buffs are applied as soon as you turn off Walk, and the Mystic Fortune buffs are supposed to not stack.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
WAI. ALL powers are disabled when Walk is on. That includes external buffs. Once you shut off Walk, the buffs from a Mystic Fortune used on you is applied.

The current bug is that apparently multiple Mystic Fortune buffs are applied as soon as you turn off Walk, and the Mystic Fortune buffs are supposed to not stack.
I actually shut off walk afterwards, the buff from Mystic fortune did not apply. All that was there was Defiance and Swift.



No way I was reading through 17 pages to see if this was suggested or not. In regard to the bug with MM pets not going through elevators and such properly:

If I remember correctly if you get a certain distance away from your pets the program will reposition the pets near you. We've got so many buttons included with a MM build for follow attach and the likes. Why not include a button that calls an instance of that part of the program. A "pet teleport" if you will. So, you go through an elevator, enter the bank on a mayhem, and instead of getting yourself killed by a hot door when you enter with only a few of your pets, you simply hit your button and the pets are repositioned to your location.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
WAI. ALL powers are disabled when Walk is on. That includes external buffs. Once you shut off Walk, the buffs from a Mystic Fortune used on you is applied.

The current bug is that apparently multiple Mystic Fortune buffs are applied as soon as you turn off Walk, and the Mystic Fortune buffs are supposed to not stack.
Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
I actually shut off walk afterwards, the buff from Mystic fortune did not apply. All that was there was Defiance and Swift.
That would be a different bug then, depending on how long after Mystic Fortune was cast before you shut off Walk. If it was longer than the duration of the buff, you wouldn't see it applied so it wouldn't be a bug.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
That would be a different bug then, depending on how long after Mystic Fortune was cast before you shut off Walk. If it was longer than the duration of the buff, you wouldn't see it applied so it wouldn't be a bug.
It was immediately afterwards, so the code for mystic fortune and walk is conflicting. Probably when the Mystic Fortune power goes through it's randomization for the buff selection before it actually applies.

/arena command no longer works. Nor does its pseudo command /ac



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
/arena command no longer works. Nor does its pseudo command /ac
It's working for me.



Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
It's working for me.
Every time I tried it last night ended up telling me the format was incorrect, telling me to use either /arena or /ac
I did both and got the same message on both.
Could be a bug just related to that specific toon or it could just be a bug where /arena doesn't work in areas without a arena.

'Nother one.

Difficulty set at +0/x0/No AV Yet Everything is spawning +1 to my level including Minions showing as yellow. (I'm level 20 and they show up as level 21) This seems to be across all characters that have not modified their difficulty rating.



*bump* YET ANOTHER one with MM's.

Upon zoning pets have a habit of "forgetting" I've trained them in the first place. the "train everybody with everything" type of animation plays but I don't see any of my mercs with their helmets on signifying that they were trained. Same thing with my ninjas, zombies and, robots. Not sure about thugs but I'm pretty sure if those are affected all of them are.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Every time I tried it last night ended up telling me the format was incorrect, telling me to use either /arena or /ac
I did both and got the same message on both.
Could be a bug just related to that specific toon or it could just be a bug where /arena doesn't work in areas without a arena.
Oh, I see. To talk in the arena channel, you need to include some text, such as /ac Hi.

To bring up an arena interface, use /arena_list.



Ok, that makes a bit more sense, I wish they (or someone) would document these commands better for everybody to understand...



I know they fixed the Invincibility looping sound problem, but there are still some things that are weird about Invulnerability.

One, the animation+sound of Unyielding is delayed. Once you toggle it on, the character goes into the stance, but the aura doesn't become visible and the sound doesn't go off for a good 2.5-ish seconds after you toggle it on.

And Invincibility, while now functionally working correctly, has the animation but no visible aura. The sound DOES play, though. And in the right spot, too.

I use the default Invulnerability as far as colors go, but I tested Invincibility in custom colors and the aura still doesn't transfer outside of the costume creator.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker



Location: Server: Freedom Zone/Mission: V_Arachnos_45_Layout_02_03 / 1314.0 0.3 -127.8

the Double-Level Bug rears its ugly head again.

Animation bug: Shield out, ninja run on and, rest. because the animation for Rest is set at either a higher or even priority as the ninja run it tends to flip back and forth. Personally I would like to see the animation priority for rest dropped back where it was before i16 so I can read a newspaper instead when resting or mebby sipping on a drink instead of always kneeling down.

same thing happens with mission transporter



And another one, this time with huge body types and "robotic arm 2"

I don't know what the heck is goin on with this one but the Robotic arm2 shows up just fine on normal and female body types....
and now it seems to be back to normal... This seems wierd though like the geo for the arm had it all crushed up into one point.



Add in, Robotics masterminds have a protector bot AI bug. The second protector bot is not bubbling my mastermind, all other bots get the double stacked shields from them, and the acid mortars/FFGs/etc are all getting double bubbled. Haven't tested it on another character yet.

Tested again, the second bot bubbled me and the first did not. Whichever cycles first will buff you in sequence, but the second will not.