List of bugs in i16




New one, got a blind invite on my level 3 warshade. I saw the guy was in trouble so I joined the team, next i get the "Exemplar or Die" message so I let the time tick as far as 1 second so I can assist this guy at my full power for the level. When it hits 1 second I hit accept... wait a minute, I'm still level 2.... but he was level 1... and... and... why am I level 2? o.O
(Ok that isn't the major part of the bug yet.)
Ok, so I figure I'll ditch the blind inviter, hes alive and currently I'm just wanting to solo so I tp out. He leaves the team and now.... 30 kills later what do I have to show for it? 67 influence and 0 xp. and I'm fighting whites/yellows/oranges/reds.... and 0 xp... (and no, I was getting xp BEFORE I teamed up with this guy so no my options are fine.) So yeah, SSK Bug... Big one. I'm gonna probally have to relogin to fix it.

You have defeated Blood Brother Slammer
You gain 10 experience and 7 influence.
Stygian Renegade has joined the team
You have defeated Blood Brother Slammer
[NPC] Lakenya: Finally! Someone with honor!
You gain 7 influence.
Stygian Renegade is now the team leader.
You have defeated Fallen Buckshot
You have defeated Fallen Buckshot
[NPC] Blood Brother Slugger: You're holdin' out.
[NPC] Ouida: Don't, please.
Entering Equinox.
LVL1DUDE has quit the team
[NPC] Stacy: Hey, what happened to the Entertainment section?
[NPC] Ryan: Sure, I'll pick up your cape from the dry cleaners.
[NPC] Clyde: Hey, what happened to the Entertainment section?
[NPC] Blood Brother Slicer: Fork it over.
[NPC] Twila: Get away from me!
Entering Freedom Court.
[NPC] Blood Brother Slicer: I'm puttin' you down for the count.
[NPC] Blood Brother Slugger: Great. Boy Scouts and Brownies.
You have defeated Blood Brother Slicer
You have defeated Blood Brother Slugger
You have defeated Blood Brother Slicer
You have defeated Blood Brother Slicer
Note since I joined the team... Nadda.

New exploit?

[edit]Relogging Fixed it, I'm earning xp again as normal.[/edit]



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
New issue, on my merc/pain MM on freedom, the Trick mob AI seems to be rather single-minded. Normally mobs go after whoever is beating on them the hardest. Nope. sorry I just stand there while my minions do all the dirty work and yet every mob that pops out of those doors has tunnel vision going directly for me not caring about the 6 other guys with guns blazing. Any other mob thats not a ToT mob usually goes for the minions first unless I aggroed them first. Even then however they switch target to one of my minions instead of me but not ToT mobs, oh no. They are dead-set on removing my head from my shoulders. I could put my minions right on the door and put them on agressive, click the door and run a good 20 meters away.

The ToT mobs will push through my minions (even though they are damaging them like crazy) and head straight for me. This seems like a huge bug with the mob AI.
Just tested 3 times, I went as far as I could while the door was still opening and with 6 minions all firing, the mob was chasing ME down the street.
As the others said, sounds like ambush coding.
The sort that, y'know, ignores [Hide] as well?
God I hate that coding...

Still. They die the same as everything else. Fill the buggers full of lead.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



In kings row, the Pocket D truck, theres doors nearby. If you click on them, they will behave much the same way Trick or treating does with mobs if the mobs pop up in a different door down the way, these doors behave like the ones on the truck taking you to pocket D as well.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
In kings row, the Pocket D truck, theres doors nearby. If you click on them, they will behave much the same way Trick or treating does with mobs if the mobs pop up in a different door down the way, these doors behave like the ones on the truck taking you to pocket D as well.
It is known behaviour and it was around long before i16. For example, instead of using chopper in 4th mission LGTF, you can enter through the door nearby...



actually alot of bugs have been addressed in this thread post-i16 and pre-i16 as well, I've just been too lazy to change the title.
That and we have a couple rednames constantly checking the thread for new information



Ok, haven't /bugged this yet, but intending to. But if I try to right-click a teammate, or local person near my, and "add to global" it doesn't work. No amount of right-clicking works, I have to manually enter their global. It's really annoying cause it takes a minute or two to gather their global, more if your computer is freezing from the possible ram leak, of if that person is just slow to respond.

Anyways, I've had this problem reliably since i16, every single time i've tried to add a global. (Which I've done maybe 5 times.)

Anyways... Have fun guys!

Originally Posted by Galactoman View Post
Poor Coyote... I've always wondered what he did to piss off Statesman badly enough to earn himself a lifetime of telling newbies to punch sick people...
Mark Urial - 50th level Kinetic/Energy Defender - Guardian
Ooohhhh Snap - 50th level Fire/Kinetic Controller - Guardian
Frigid Hottie - 50th level Fire/Cold Controller - Guardian



Another one having to do with the Extinguishers and HEATS, human form, use the extinguisher so it appears on your character, then switch to either yer squid or Huge hulking brute of a alien and you will still see the extinguisher on the different form.

Rescue the Captives mission from Sunstorm, Peacebringer mission Arc
Clue from the file cabinet "Order for Transfer" has HORRIBLE grammar.

Originally Posted by Order for Transfer clue
You this series of transfer orders among some council files. According to them, they've been rotating captives in and out of this for years. From the notes on the orders, it seems like .....
Should say,
Originally Posted by Corrected Clue
You find this series of transfer orders among the council files. According to the documents, they've been rotating captives in and out of this base for years. From the notes on the orders, it seems like
On top of it all, I can't tell what power it is, but every time theres a mass of enemies somebody uses a power that causes this large red flash out of nowhere, I think it has something to do with either claws or spines. Anyway it crashes my client EVERY TIME. a hundred other powers can be flying left and right, but the second this specific power hits, its endgame. *CRASH*



I don't know if this has been mentioned, I actually noticed it pre-i16, but it seems more prevalent post i16...

The player rating system wants to put commas in character names that have spaces.

This becomes a problem, because the system will not recognize character/toon names that belong to a global... the name becomes separated into individual names. "Punchy Pixie" becomes "Punchy", "Pixie". Since the names "Punchy" and "Pixie" don't actually belong to the global, the rating stars will not show on "Punchy Pixie".

I've tried going into the text file and editing the commas out, but the edits don't stick... the commas just come back in game.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Why are bp totems sounding like robots while in their idle stomping around animation? Havent noticed before.



New one, global friends list. This has happened on a few occasions, its showing people online who haven't been online since last night. When right clicked all you get is "Remove" and "Chat" But it still shows their character name that they played last as "Online" even though they aren't.

as much as I hate to bash the dev's proofreading ability, they missed yet another mission clue.

Contact: Sunstorm
Mission: Defeat all foes on cargo ship
Bug: The clue dropped from the council guys at the start says the following,

... Brave soldiers of the Council;
Know that this mission is of particular import to me ...
Yes I know its tiny and should say "Important" seeing how further down on the clue it does indeed say Important there properly.
(stuff like this just annoys me when I'm trying to get into the background of a class I haven't really toyed with.)

GAH! Another one from Sunstorm...

Note, that body on the ground was shadowboxing, saying "We've been doublecrossed!" After I killed him it said he was a council lycan
and the defeat text said, "You found some orders on the defeated Penumbra Elite Archon"



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
as much as I hate to bash the dev's proofreading ability, they missed yet another mission clue.

Contact: Sunstorm
Mission: Defeat all foes on cargo ship
Bug: The clue dropped from the council guys at the start says the following,

... Brave soldiers of the Council;
Know that this mission is of particular import to me ...
Yes I know its tiny and should say "Important" seeing how further down on the clue it does indeed say Important there properly.
(stuff like this just annoys me when I'm trying to get into the background of a class I haven't really toyed with.)
Actually, "import" is perfectly fine as it's used there, although "importance" might be more generally accepted. Replacing "import" with "important" would not be correct.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Actually, "import" is perfectly fine as it's used there, although "importance" might be more generally accepted. Replacing "import" with "important" would not be correct.
I should of put the whole clue up then, because Import is not the proper term to use in the entirety of the clue message itself. and for being in "Fancy handwriting" it should of been importance. and yea I just corrected myself... >.> lol



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
New one, global friends list. This has happened on a few occasions, its showing people online who haven't been online since last night. When right clicked all you get is "Remove" and "Chat" But it still shows their character name that they played last as "Online" even though they aren't.
There is one legitimate case when you see only "Remove" and "Chat". It happens when your gfriend is on the different server than you.

There is also case (which isn't new, it's been around for a while) when player logs off while being on the team. You will see them in gfriend list as online, but Shard (server) field will be blank.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post

GAH! Another one from Sunstorm...

Note, that body on the ground was shadowboxing, saying "We've been doublecrossed!" After I killed him it said he was a council lycan
and the defeat text said, "You found some orders on the defeated Penumbra Elite Archon"
The 'bug' is that the Skyraider should have been fighting with a Council Archon ( Penumbra Elite will turn into Warwolves (Lycanthropes), as I assume you've encountered since you're playing an EAT.)
If he wasn't there it would be worth doing an in-game bug report since it sometimes happens that objective NPC's 'disappear' from missions.

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
There is one legitimate case when you see only "Remove" and "Chat". It happens when your gfriend is on the different server than you.

There is also case (which isn't new, it's been around for a while) when player logs off while being on the team. You will see them in gfriend list as online, but Shard (server) field will be blank.
She only plays on freedom, my main server. And she will show up online, after shes logged off.... and I've logged off. and logged back in, 8 hours later (after I wake up) it will still show her online.

Originally Posted by Katze View Post
The 'bug' is that the Skyraider should have been fighting with a Council Archon ( Penumbra Elite will turn into Warwolves (Lycanthropes), as I assume you've encountered since you're playing an EAT.)
If he wasn't there it would be worth doing an in-game bug report since it sometimes happens that objective NPC's 'disappear' from missions.
Yeah I've seen them at times, on the Recluse Strike Force Mission against Requiem.
Just seems odd that something like that would happen and I did do a in-game /bug (but its not like anybody reads those for about 3 months anyway according to the rednames on the board)
but its a one-time thing I hope. Today has just been weird.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
She only plays on freedom, my main server. And she will show up online, after shes logged off.... and I've logged off. and logged back in, 8 hours later (after I wake up) it will still show her online.
Did she logged off while being on team or solo?

Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
...on the Recluse Strike Force Mission against Requiem.



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
Did she logged off while being on team or solo?

sorry, I'm half asleep here, she usually passes out at her compy so I boot her off the team where she idles to logout.

and I apologize, I think its barracuda that gives out that mission. It's been like 2 months since I've done it.

Another that has to do with halloween costumes,
the "PPD Swat Officer costume"
Follow cam is not centered on the head but instead centered about 3"-5" inches (guestimate game distance) from the front waist line.



Nother bug, this one has been around since before i16 for me and is annoying as all heck.
Invalid Target
Invalid Target
Invalid Target
Invalid Target
Invalid Target
Invalid Target
Invalid Target
Invalid Target

On any sort of "Invasion" zombies or ritki (banner events are ok) I get this CONSTANTLY. self targeting or targeting through someone else, I get this like crazy even though I see them being damaged I still can't attack them? Seriously?
I'm on my 50 rad/kin corrupter and I'm unable to attack jack squat, sometimes I get lucky and can hit fulcrum shift on a guy or two, but other than that because of getting the Invalid Target message over and over again, I'm completely useless.

Seriously NASTY bug out there now... Has to do with the salvage containers inside of bases. Remember how I said if you alt+tab to another window (like a yahoo messenger window like I did) that the salvage container outline will go from red to blue? Well if you actually set it down afterwards, one of your salvage containers will vanish.... In this case it was the one with ALL my rare salvage in it... >.>
Attempting this same trick with other stuff that comes up red has.... unexpected results, like the mainframe turning into a small LCD...
same with the combo control unit, it turns into a small LCD...
Seems like everything turns into a small LCD when it has a red outline...

And now my base is missing its lowest floor, taken not 3 minutes ago...

This is actually intresting, I'll be compiling data on this when I get back from the store.



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
Why are bp totems sounding like robots while in their idle stomping around animation? Havent noticed before.
Other odd sounds: DE Granites are howling like Warwolves. I know those two share the same skeleton, but some game sounds seem to have been thrown into a mixer lately.



A AE bug that nobody has stumbled upon I would assume. Will end up posting this in my bug thread as well.

In Test mode in the AE, if you rez using a wakie and hit "Invincibility On" while you are rising, of course you end up in the stunned mode, however it NEVER wears off (till you die again) You will stagger around everywhere, you can still attack, you can fly at the stunned speed however your character bugs out and stays in the "stunned" animation. (even says Stunned under your hp/sp/xp bar)
That and if you turn on invincibility when dead and attempt to rez you die immediately afterwards.
Or, heres one for a lark... Trick your friends and have them "test" out your mission. Head in, run for the first mob, stop short, let your friends barrel right in and click their names and click "Kill Target" in the Architect Options. Watch them faceplant one-by-one.
Even funnier when theres no enemies around them, like just before they reach the mass they fall down dead. Good for a few chuckles, till they learn how to do it back >.> I think I wasted about 3 rezzes in the middle of a bunch of mobs before my coalition-mate informed me they found the button... >.>



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
Why are bp totems sounding like robots while in their idle stomping around animation? Havent noticed before.
They've always (at least as far back as I first encountered them, about June of 2004) done the Clockwork "wind down" sound when they were defeated, which I've always found odd. I don't recall them having any other robotic sounds, though.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
They've always (at least as far back as I first encountered them, about June of 2004) done the Clockwork "wind down" sound when they were defeated, which I've always found odd. I don't recall them having any other robotic sounds, though.
The defeat Clockwork "wind down" sound has been corrected as of I16. They now sound like wood hitting the ground. (Yay!)
I didn't notice the issue with the walking sound though since I was in scrapper lock mode. I'll have to check it out.

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



Memory leak with masterminds

Note the guy with the flame pants and such is supposed to be the Pyromaniac.
Even though the names flipped, he still did what he was supposed to do, run in, burn them all and faceplant in style.

Note: I went from Cap to SI redside and it happened, the names were normal on the cap side, once I entered sharkhead thats when they were all messed up.

But I think this name flip is the tip of the iceberg with a very serious underlying problem. Memory leaks in the software code, pieces not being cleaned up properly or recycled.
when I dismissed them all and recalled them, the names were the same. (clearing old data)

Not to mention I've noticed my ping has been spiking left and right with more yellow lines than red causing random issues and random faceplants. The current pipe that CoX resides on should be re-evaluated.
when my ping goes from 90 to 3000 with only Cox running.... Theres a problem. and its not with my 2Mbit internet.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Not to mention I've noticed my ping has been spiking left and right with more yellow lines than red causing random issues and random faceplants. The current pipe that CoX resides on should be re-evaluated.
when my ping goes from 90 to 3000 with only Cox running.... Theres a problem. and its not with my 2Mbit internet.
I've mentioned before that CoH is the only game I play that buries my CPU and memory meters in the red zone. There are more graphics intesive games out there that my rig has no problem running. Why is CoX using so many resources?



Dear Devs,
THIS is what happens 75% of the time when you access the black market or WW.

THAT is what we call a memory leak my dear devs.
This screenshot was taken a few moments before I had to force close CoX because it froze up (namely because it ate my full 2 gigs of RAM right up.)