List of bugs in i16




A random bit of oddness:

During a Positron TF yesterday, I attemtped to call Positron. I had forgetten that I had DC'd and was no longer the leader. As you all know when you attempt to call the TF/SF contact and are not the leader you will not be able to 'speak' to them. What happened instead was a 'notepad' like window popped up adjacent to the contact window. I had not hit any extraneous keys. It was obvious that my attempt to call the contact did it. I was unable to access the text box as the game froze and I had to attempt to close the game to get out.

Indigo, leader of the City of Gaymers

City of Gaymers on



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
I just crashed accessing WW... I wish that would get hit with a serious optimization, every time I access one of the WW employees (or the BlackMarket Redside) My harddrive takes a field trip and goes nuts, the game freezes and stays froze until it either crashes or loads up the market window.
Same here. It has made me hesitant to use WW's when not soloing.

Indigo, leader of the City of Gaymers

City of Gaymers on



New Wierdness with the AE... This is the second time in a row this has happened...

Doing the new mish arc posted by The Ocho (I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with this glitch) But whenever i finish a mish and exit. I'm stuck inside the AE "tube" unable to get out. /stuck works about 50/50 for me and last time I just jumped and bashed against the walls of it till I clipped through escaping that wretched prison.
[edit]forgot to mention, this happened in Cap on the Freedom server.

And the Full crab armor on a normal male bodytype, when in rest position, the helmet detatches from the body allowing you to see inside the model and past the "neck" thats not there.



Originally Posted by Bad_Dog View Post
1) why is my chance to hit only 74.66 with Accuracy of 1.33 or in the case of Lightning Clap I have the chance of 59.73 with an accuracy of 1.07? How does the math work to turn accuracy 1.33 to 74.66 and a power with 1.07 accuracy to 59.73?
Looks like you're fighting +2s. You have a base of 56% chance to hit a +2 with a 1.00 accuracy power, as UberGuy pointed out above. Multiply that 56% by 1.33 for the enhanced value and it comes out 74.66% (actually 74.48, but the 1.33 is a rounded repeating decimal, the more correct value being 1.3333). Since the 1.00 base accuracy for the other powers was already there for us in the last calculation, the Lightning Clap math has an extra step. 56% times 0.8 times 1.3333 giving us the 59.73% number. If you're wondering where the 1.07 went, that is the 0.8 times 1.3333 value rounded to two places.

Here's a bug that I noticed, though it looks to be more of a fix becoming unfixed in the last patch. With Issue 16, a couple of level disparity issues in certain specific types of low-level spawns that had been in the game since release appeared fixed. These spawn level disparity bugs included level 10 Vahzilok Cadavers appearing in some Vahzilok spawns well past that level, while the rest of the spawn was the proper level, and the mixed Outcast/Tsoo spawns seen around the Steel Canyon hospital always having level 12/13 Outcasts and level 15 Tsoo. When Issue 16 went live, I noticed that the Cadavers were still spawning, but they would be the proper level, at least on my level 12ish characters, and that the Outcasts and Tsoo were all the same level in those spawns. It had been broken for so long that each of those made me do a double-take. With the last patch, they are both back to how they had always been.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Gallifrey View Post
Today's patch broke the sound of Invincibility for me. No sound when I activate the toggle, but if an enemy is within range, the "power-up" sound starts looping.
Yeah, incredibly annoying.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



I'm shocked, on the AE bug a redname actually PMed me about it. o.O

     List of bugs in i16	     10-09-2009 12:34 PM	for the duck
and seriously? Bugger off...

And the disconnected head,

I positioned it so you can see the light behind him through his body.

found a odd one... o_O
Merc/Pain MM, After all minons are out (Soldiers, Spec Ops and, Commando) and you use both "Equip Mercenary" and "Tactical Upgrade" The Spec ops guys will not emote any more... that is except for one thing apparently...

When I typed /petsay_all <emote dancerobot>
They all did the robot dance... cept spec ops... They did dance5.... that was the first time I've seen them do something other than stand around in their "ready" stance when they were told to do a emote with tactical upgrade active.
Now however that the glitch happened where they did dance5, all other emotes now work. o.O



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Drop rates for recipes are ridiculously low.
Just came back to the game after detours w CO and Aion. Drop rates seem worse than before. Wasn't there a drop rate bug discovered recently and fixed? Sure not seeing the results of that.



Originally Posted by BurningBear View Post
teaming with someone of the SAME LEVEL on a mission of the same level, Side kicks you to one level lower. The original description said it would sk people that were not the same level. Plus, it conflicts with the spirit of Leveling Pact, when you are teamed with them, and they are forced one level lower because it is your mission. You should be able to have another option other than SK or die! er.. I mean Quit.

Forced super SKing is the only thing I don't like in i16. In fact, I hate about anything that is forced on me.
Yep, it should be an option, not forced. If you want to help a friend w/in the previous 5 lvl xp receiving range you can't. They are forced into -1 sk situation. Not appreciating that at all.



Seriously, even purples are running after the first hit and just made me fail my Mayhem mission cause the second I shot anything, they would run away. EVERY FREAKIN LAST ONE OF THEM. This needs to be fixed massively cause this has been happening all day.

You know its a bug when even GM's run away after the first hit.



A couple of bugs encountered while Duo:

1. Mission owner set to +2 levels. On mission complete, mission owner gets substantially less XP as end bonus than other team member. First mission, Owner gets 500XP bonus. second team member gets 1400xp. Second mission, owner gets 300xp bonus. Other team member gets 1000xp. Both on team are the exact same level. Switched leaders and started doing the second team member's missions at 0/0/no AV. Mission bonus was the same for both team members.

2. If the duo is in seperate zones, with no mission set, you can select a contact marker but it will not show (or briefly flashes) in the nav window. Only contact map markers are effected. WW, T, P, Hosp... all of these work correctly, but the little purplr person marker does not work unless a mission is selected.

One more MM bug:

I have not been able to find a consistant way to reproduce this, but the bruiser on my 38 Thug MM does not always listen to the Heel command. He will engage, then not only not come when called, he does not produce a speech bubble acknowledging the command. All other thugs seem fine. It happened several times, but as I said, I could not get it to repeat on demand.



I Searched but didn't read every post in the thread so forgive me if this has already been mentioned.

I'm having trouble with map markers when selecting contacts.

The marker does not always appear on my Nav Bar and the yellow Waypoint marker does not always appear on my screen.

I have to open the Map and guide myself "manually" until I'm within visual range.



heh, didn't even read the post *right above* yours :P .



Yeah, My bug with the MM's Mercs, seems that when I first give them all thier buffs, when I type /petsay_all <emote dancerobot> the Spec Ops do a random dance every time, after that they emote as normal. I have not tried any other emotes as of yet to "unlock" thier ability to use emotes as of yet but the robot dance (only works if you have the cyborg pack anyway) seems to be the only way to correct this at the moment.



Not sure if this one is listed already.

Just started leveling a MM thugs/dark. I encounter two major bugs.

1. When zoning, my thugs like to 'zone' out. Following me around but not being there. Like one of those non combat pets. Problem isthat you cannot unsummon them either.

2. When I level, especially while in the midst of a combat, my thugs suddenly drop dead. Causing all kind of fun as you can imagine. Like having to spend the next 5 minutes without any pets while you wait for the summon power to recharge or getting more points for my debt badge.

Two very annoying and imo problematic bugs that I like to be remedied asap.



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
Not sure if this one is listed already.

Just started leveling a MM thugs/dark. I encounter two major bugs.

1. When zoning, my thugs like to 'zone' out. Following me around but not being there. Like one of those non combat pets. Problem isthat you cannot unsummon them either.
This happens to me quite often as of late, however if you re-equip them they will show back up.

Theres also a chat command to dismiss all pets. I know it starts with /petcom_all or something to that effect so the command may be /petcom_all dismiss
Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
2. When I level, especially while in the midst of a combat, my thugs suddenly drop dead. Causing all kind of fun as you can imagine. Like having to spend the next 5 minutes without any pets while you wait for the summon power to recharge or getting more points for my debt badge.

Two very annoying and imo problematic bugs that I like to be remedied asap.
Were you by chance on a team where the lead or the mission was lower than your current level? This used to happen with regular exemplaring to prevent the minions being higher level than their controller. This could very well be a backlash from that. So if your on a team when you level, Your level goes up however your autoexempted back down, (but your pets level with you however they don't de-level with you) so your minions suicide to prevent being a "higher" level than you are.

FYI people, after a message to a Redname, They are indeed viewing this thread repeatedly and attempting to get these things fixed. So don't be afraid to go bug huntin if you got the skill for it. I think I'm gonna start on this hardcore tomorrow and see what all I can find.

Oh, and that no-animate while resting bug is a bit annoying that the rest animation takes higher priority than any other animation. I liked it very much reading a paper, using the boombox or doin the lotus pose while resting just for the effect of it, granted its a small thing but still. lol



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
I Searched but didn't read every post in the thread so forgive me if this has already been mentioned.

I'm having trouble with map markers when selecting contacts.

The marker does not always appear on my Nav Bar and the yellow Waypoint marker does not always appear on my screen.

I have to open the Map and guide myself "manually" until I'm within visual range.
It happens when other members of your team are not in the same area as you are. Or at least that is my experience. I hope they fix that soon. It's not quite as annoying as when you couldn't select a mission unless everyone was in the same area but it's still pretty bad.

And BTW - there is no bug with the SKing of same-level characters. They appear side-kicked in the team list but their level stays the same if it matches. I know this is true because my wife and I team all the time and we always refer to the enemies by their con-colors... which match.



Originally Posted by Gaymer View Post
Same here. It has made me hesitant to use WW's when not soloing.

Indigo, leader of the City of Gaymers
I know the feeling. It's a lot of fun having to decide whether opening the auction window is worth the chance the game will choke on its own vomit in the attempt.



Originally Posted by SkeetSkeet View Post
I know the feeling. It's a lot of fun having to decide whether opening the auction window is worth the chance the game will choke on its own vomit in the attempt.
It does seem that the market in general (Black Market and WentWorths) has perhaps a huge memory leak or, seems to load every possibility in the area of icons, item information and price listings that could very well drive the CPU all the way to 100%.... HOWEVER, this is not just a CPU issue, but a solid HD light as well, Full usage CPU. Even on hardcore gaming rigs, I tested this out at Backspace, a cyber cafe here in portland in thier backroom... (Which has thier best computers on the floor) and even they lock up when either Wentworths or the Blackmarket is opened. However After that first loadup it does seem to go a bit faster when loading.

Still doesn't make any sense why it hits 100% usage all around when the mob is clicked.
Yet another bug, Candy Cane Salvage
I currently have a stack of 60 on my character acting as 1 piece of salvage. However attempting to put it in the vault or salvage containers in my base it doesn't behave this way and each candy cane acts as one piece of salvage instead of the stack itself acting as one piece of salvage.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
It does seem that the market in general (Black Market and WentWorths) has perhaps a huge memory leak or, seems to load every possibility in the area of icons, item information and price listings that could very well drive the CPU all the way to 100%.... HOWEVER, this is not just a CPU issue, but a solid HD light as well, Full usage CPU. Even on hardcore gaming rigs, I tested this out at Backspace, a cyber cafe here in portland in thier backroom... (Which has thier best computers on the floor) and even they lock up when either Wentworths or the Blackmarket is opened. However After that first loadup it does seem to go a bit faster when loading.

Still doesn't make any sense why it hits 100% usage all around when the mob is clicked.
My CPU meter gets buried in the red zone by quite a few things in this game. Not sure why that would be for a 5 year old game. My rig is maybe a step or 2 below state of the art, but it handles other, more current, intensive games w/ no problem.

As far as the market, if it's loading all the possible information up front, subsequent searches seem to hang up too.



Great, just found a new problem.

I just renovated my base and added a bunch more rooms, also added 2 more workshops. making a total of 3 in the base. 14 salvage containers. However if I make it 15 salvage containers base wide, I cant place a vault. Even if I make another workshop room.
I can't place it in any of the workshops or even the power room. However if I delete a salvage rack bringing it from 15 to 14, I can place a storage vault just fine.

This is a rather bad bug if you ask me.

WHOA! What the heck!?!

Ok, unable to place a salvage container in a room... HOWEVER if I alt+tab out and back in, the outline for the salvage rack goes from red to blue and allows the container to be placed. Tested this with the vault too and it did the same thing when alt+tabbed out and back in.

To test, just make sure your base has the same situation, place 15 salvage containers, then try to place a vault... anywhere. won't happen. Now with the vault still selected and showing red, alt+tab and you will see it turn blue, go back into the game and you can place it...



Another SSK Issue

Friends and I were trying to run the ITF last weekend. The leader needed to go afk for dinner, and he logged out to help keep spawn numbers down for the rest of the team. The team level dropped from 47 down to 39 or so, based on the new leader's level. Unfortunately, the next TF mission was still set at the previous level, even though none of us had entered it prior to the level change.

We tried various things to correct this issue, but we weren't able to continue the TF. We disbanded and reformed the TF when our original leader returned. But, his computer crashed and the whole thing happened again. This time we had everyone log out, waited for the original leader to log back in first, and then we reconstituted the TF under him to make the levels work properly.

Strangely enough, it seemed that the missions were set at 50 after that. The AV was about +5 in the end, though the difficulty settings were at default and the team was (by then) being led by a level 48 toon.

We assumed this is not working as intended, and I personally filed two bug reports and am petition at the time. I never did hear back froma GM, though it's hard to say with all of the logging in and out to try to get around this issue.

#141757 We Are Legion, #99205 We Too Are Legion, #5514 Bug Hunt

VIRTUE HEROES: Ebon Witch, Essense, Ossum Possum, Eversoul, Jacob Ravenshire
VIRTUE VILLAINS: Gentleman Caller, Little Green Vistor, Black Apple, Emily & Timothy Ravenshire



If the leader had called in to the contact at the end of the mission and received the next mission before he logged out, it sets the mission at his level.

As far as I've seen, there is no way to reset the mission level after that.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



New one, Ouroboros flashback bug, (Hero Side)

Rescue the Mystic from the Circle of Thorns
PERSON_NAME has a reputation for being very accurate. Who knows what the Circle could do with the information she provides?
You have now been attuned to the Crystal. When you are ready, click and activate the crystal and it will take you to the appropriate time stream.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
New one, Ouroboros flashback bug, (Hero Side)
Yes, that's definitely unique to Flashback, as I've done that mission a number of times recently (used double xp weekend to get a bunch of 13s to 14) through regular contacts and it's fine that way.

Not sure how new this is, probably related to certain spawns being already active when you enter a mission. In the final part of the Council Spymaster multi-parter for the Radio, the Council Spymaster took off toward the door the moment that I entered the door, rather than waiting to see me to make a break for it. I have to wonder if this would also mess up the hero cape mission or War Wall Defender badge mission.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
Yes, that's definitely unique to Flashback, as I've done that mission a number of times recently (used double xp weekend to get a bunch of 13s to 14) through regular contacts and it's fine that way.

Not sure how new this is, probably related to certain spawns being already active when you enter a mission. In the final part of the Council Spymaster multi-parter for the Radio, the Council Spymaster took off toward the door the moment that I entered the door, rather than waiting to see me to make a break for it. I have to wonder if this would also mess up the hero cape mission or War Wall Defender badge mission.
Yeah it does seem the current AI programming just has the word "RUN" in it lately, especially for timed ones (like my bank mayhem mish where i needed to kill the hero.) I killed the hero but one of the people who followed ran away and outside the building never to be seen again as the timer ticked down causing me to fail.