List of bugs in i16




The cut scene in Defeat all Snakes in the hatchery from burke is borked



I've noticed random enemies sometimes gliding without moving for a few seconds, generally when I'd expect an animation change ( like attacking after getting up from being knocked down, or changing from idle to attack ).

All the Snake maps I've tried, the map in Bocor's last arc mission ( "SmoothCaves_60_Layout_05" ) and his retrieve Olivia Starr mission have that "faceted" geometric look. All the maps of the same general "smooth caves" style seem to.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Oh yeah, PvP travel suppression still triggers a -regen effect. Not sure how or why, but I don't see how travel suppression is in any way linked to regen. Let's get that removed, please, unless there's a good reason for it.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
The cut scene in Defeat all Snakes in the hatchery from burke is borked
Here´s how it looks



I was soloing with my 50 bot MM. And did a couple of missions. Finally I tried AE mission 112257, which is short. When I was ready to exit and all my bots were at full health, I stepped out and had no pets summoned at all! My bots made it in and out of other stuff. Do pets not make it out of AE?

The mission only uses custom critters, so it shouldn't be the change of level death.



Using the /arenalist command will teleport you directly into an arena match, but something's odd about it:

I was running an MA mission with my second account (so a team of 2) - went to observe a match and was teleported right into the match as an observer but kept my team. When I exited the map after the match was over, I was teleported to the mission door (I assume this is working as intended) but I was also kicked from my team (should've happened when I went in, not when I came out, if it's supposed to happen at all).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Katze View Post
Nope, no decrease in accuracy. My numbers are same as before the new issue.
Your combat chat logs should tell you everything, including your hit roll and when the streakbreaker kicks in. You can monitor your numbers using the Combat Attributes monitor (top of the Powers list window) and watch your Last Chance to hit.

Note that if you get a bad roll on a power that has a 90% + chance to hit, and then follow it with a miss with a temp power (~60-80% chance to hit range), the streakbreaker would allow 3 misses since it takes the least accurate power in your recent "miss series" until you roll a hit or the streakbreaker forces a hit.
Also, watch for PBAoE powers with low inherent accuracies, like Cloak of Fear, which has a base 0.67 accuracy and will mess with the "miss series" in the same way.

ParagonWiki page on the Streakbreaker
Here's what I am referring to:
This is a series of attacks against 3 even lvl Freak minions. I am lvl 30 and each attack has 1 SO slotted.

Power - Hit/Miss - Chance -Roll
1 Chain Induction - H - 74.66 - 46.93
2 Thunder Strike - M - 74.66 - 84.95
3 Havoc Punch - H - 74.66 - 14.84
4 Jacob's Ladder - M - 74.66 - 90.73
5 Havoc Punch - H - 74.66 - 67.52
6 Jacob's Ladder - H - 74.66 - 70.64
7 Chain Induction - H - 74.66 - 68.57
8 Lightning Clap - M - 59.73 - 72.99
9 Thunder Strike - M - 74.66 - 94.13
10 Jacob's Ladder - M - 74.66 - 97.16
11 Chain Induction - H - 74.66 - 23.11
12 Havoc Punch - M - 74.66 - 91.55
13 Jacob's Ladder - H - 74.66 - 63.93
14 Thunder Strike - H - 74.66 - 47.20
15 Havoc Punch - H - 74.66 - 48.47
16 Chain Induction - H - 74.66 - 38.72
17 Thunder Strike - M - 74.66 - 85.79
18 Jacob's Ladder - H - 74.66 - 41.14

Hits = 11 Misses = 7
Avg Roll = 63.80

Related info: Strikebreaker never kicked in during this series. I Looked at each power individually and each has an inherant accuracy of 1.00 and with the SO each is at 1.33, with the exception of Lightning Clap which has less accuracy at .80 and with an SO is 1.07

So many questions arise, but these are the main ones:

1) why is my chance to hit only 74.66 with Accuracy of 1.33 or in the case of Lightning Clap I have the chance of 59.73 with an accuracy of 1.07? How does the math work to turn accuracy 1.33 to 74.66 and a power with 1.07 accuracy to 59.73?

2) why is the avg roll nowhere near 50? You would think the law of averages should put the number right around the center. I noticed that only 7 of those rolls were below 50. I took 5 other alts into AE at different levels between 1 and 45 and ran a mission set at 45-50. This was so each was fighting minions of the same level and comparable numbers would result. Each did a series of 10 attacks with only their primary attack and after those 50 numbers where averaged I got an avg roll that was just under 60. Better, but again, i would expect them to be about 50.

3) and finally is any of this different than prior to i16? Like I said in my first post, this seems to have changed, but I did not investigate any of these numbers prior to i16. I guess it is also possible I have a couple weeks of very unlucky rolls with this character.

Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.



No clue on any of that mess, however new bugs cropping up
Negative prestige biting me in the butt when I clearly have about 200k

Supercomputer not considered a "special" base item, got deleted without prompt. Now I can't put it back.

Btw, this was a bit of a short bump.



Today's patch broke the sound of Invincibility for me. No sound when I activate the toggle, but if an enemy is within range, the "power-up" sound starts looping.



Johnny Sonata mission: "Stop the Wailers from Disrupting the Ritual"

When I defeated the Wailer Kings guarding each Mu Mystic, they rezzed, which is normal. What is not normal is that they stayed in the defeated postion and were sliding around the map. All 4 of them did this.

@Oroborous and @Oroborous2
Avatar by HeroPortraitStudios
From the Groundhog Day Attempt at Citadel: GM, "There's no badge for breaking a TF."



Originally Posted by biomechanic View Post
Johnny Sonata mission: "Stop the Wailers from Disrupting the Ritual"

When I defeated the Wailer Kings guarding each Mu Mystic, they rezzed, which is normal. What is not normal is that they stayed in the defeated postion and were sliding around the map. All 4 of them did this.
We did this same mission yesterday, and the same thing happened. Rezzed wailers stayed lying flat, and slid around in combat with no animation. It also happened to us in the mission before that (IIRC) with the giant wailer elite boss-- that was the first time it happened to us.

Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH



For the PM I recieved eariler I will make my response here as well,

Obviously your not a redname but this information can't hurt much.

Editing my base, I have 17 people in the SG (above the 15 person limit for the prestige bonus) working on the base I exit out of the items and take a look at my work, return to the main room and re-open the tool. negative prestige

Supercomputer bug, simply deleted all the trophy cases (cause those have to be done one-by-one) and then deleted the room. If anything else in there was made using "special salvage" (i.e. vet rewards, badge rewards and such) I would of recieved a pop-up. No pop-up shown and the room deleted. The Supercomputer is no longer a selectable option for the base.

Its On freedom, its My SG "Original Villians" (Originally a typo and the devs said they can't fix it but I've put too much work into it to just recreate it and lose all the prestige already earned)
And my name on Freedom is Garasene Demon or, Gen. Harry Johnson or, Bane Recluse.
Global @StygianRenegade



Originally Posted by biomechanic View Post
Johnny Sonata mission: "Stop the Wailers from Disrupting the Ritual"

When I defeated the Wailer Kings guarding each Mu Mystic, they rezzed, which is normal. What is not normal is that they stayed in the defeated postion and were sliding around the map. All 4 of them did this.
Originally Posted by AngryRedHerring View Post
We did this same mission yesterday, and the same thing happened. Rezzed wailers stayed lying flat, and slid around in combat with no animation. It also happened to us in the mission before that (IIRC) with the giant wailer elite boss-- that was the first time it happened to us.
When I tested yesterday on the test server it looked fixed (Hordeling Berzerkers and Wailer Kings were doing it to me on Live), so it may be fixed with today's patch on Live. I'll have to go check.

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



At least fire, earth and plant holds are using the wrong animation for the held mob.

Quills have stopped doing the sound when it hits.



Originally Posted by Bad_Dog View Post
1) why is my chance to hit only 74.66 with Accuracy of 1.33 or in the case of Lightning Clap I have the chance of 59.73 with an accuracy of 1.07? How does the math work to turn accuracy 1.33 to 74.66 and a power with 1.07 accuracy to 59.73?
We have to know what you were attacking. The base chance to hit higher level mobs is lower than it is for even-level mobs. Also, defense and toHit debuffs lower the base chance. Your accuracy then multiplies this value.

2) why is the avg roll nowhere near 50?
Because that probably wasn't the center of the range. Your base chance to hit an even-level mob with no defense or -toHit in play is 75%. It's 65% for +1 mobs, 56% for +2, and 48% for +3. I should probably commit the +4 and +5 values to memory nowadays, but I don't have them handy.

3) and finally is any of this different than prior to i16?
Just based on the above, probably not. I haven't noticed anything. If anything systemic has changed, I expect some people to notice and start gathering data. Given the values we know, above, and the Hit Chance channel, it should be easy to test out.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Has anyone been having issues with their targeting reticule when using TP Self?

I don't use it on any of my toons, but an sg mate was complaining about the darn thing not seeming to work correctly, especially when in a small or odd space (like on stairs). The reticule would apparently "catch" the edge of the stairs and not move beyond them.

I told him to take a screenie and put in a bug report, but thought I'd check here to see if anyone else had been having any problems with it.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



I created a new Necro MM last night.

Every time I leave a mission, my zombies went blue-outlined and no longer belonged to me. I couldn't issue them commands, I couldn't dismiss them, I couldn't resummon - nothing. They still followed me, mind.

On occasion when I got into a fight they'd suddenly revert to my control and show up on my active pet list. Not always, mind.

Logging out and relogging didn't seem to fix it.

Highly frustrating!



Originally Posted by Ryan_Mercury View Post
I can confirm this one, but it's a bit tricky. Sometimes the entire animation plays out, while at other times it does what you described, playing halfway through.

I'm not entirely sure what causes it, but I found it typically breaks when you hit build-up sometimes and attempt an AS while the build-up animation is still playing. Other powers may also affect it.

Using an accolade (and probably other powers) will actually cause the animation to play correctly after, even if the accolade isn't recharged, simply clicking its icon will fix the animation for awhile until you do whatever it is that causes it to enter the broken state again.

Changing costumes or zoning seems to break it occasionally. This is for the new stalker AS animation for martial arts (I don't know if the default is broken as well).
I've had problems of a diffrent sort with teleport self. well, the Warshade version anyway. I have a macro that works on shift+click. Shift+click=pop up where I clicked
now its just kinda random, sometimes it will fire, other times it will double-fire so I will teleport to the new location and have the same teleport reticle up even though I didn't shift click again. My macro hasn't changed since i15 and it was working perfectly fine then where I could shift+click my way pretty much anywhere that was within LoS. Now its 50/50 for a failure and a huge crater to the ground into a bunch of aggro mobs.

Personally I think that the hover time alloted should be stretched out a second or two, perhaps with a actual temp hover so you can move slightly or a way to shut it off manually.

(Lag kills... Especially with teleporting... >.>)



Originally Posted by Bandeeto View Post
Saw this one last night, and it seems to be new, but may have been reported elsewhere. Curiously it wasn't there when I16 first dropped, so something has changed in the last few days.

While running a street sweeping team we found that the animation for Stimulant was messed up. Specifically, the "tricorder" appears, and lets out a beam, but it's suspended off to the side. Instead of holding the tricorder, the character does a brief version one of the bent over animations (like the one that preceeds Council bosses converting to Warwolf when their HP are low).

There were 3 people on the team with Simulant, and all 3 had the same issue. Two males, 1 female. It occurred in Skyway as well as Faultline, remaining a problem between zones. Lvls were 17-20.
The same thing is occurring with Resuscitate.



New glitch, Costume Creator, Barbed wire, chains chest detail on huge models, clips through the body.... >.>

Dark Armor/scrapper (perhaps all Dark Armor) when changing color for the powerset the effects do not show. Well... Barely.

Playing around on my energy/sonic corrupter in Rest, Sonic Dispersion can be activated even though it affects someone else, but won't trigger until you come out of rest mode.

Sonic Dispersion should just fail to activate period when in Rest mode.



I did a Nemesis mission last night (first mission in the Eternal Nemesis arc) on my level 40 Katana/Super Reflexes Scrapper. I encountered a single level 42 Nemesis Lieutenant in the mission, which of course conned red. My settings were +0/+0, yes Bosses, no AVs. With my settings like that I shouldn't have run into a Lieutenant that was 2 levels higher than me.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
No clue on any of that mess, however new bugs cropping up
Negative prestige biting me in the butt when I clearly have about 200k

Supercomputer not considered a "special" base item, got deleted without prompt. Now I can't put it back.

Btw, this was a bit of a short bump.
I too am having a negative prestige issue after base editing. Just upgrade from a Tiny Hidden Base to a Small Hidden Base and as a result, my prestige balance went from about 130,000 down to 50,000. That's fine. But, then I happened to click on the energy terminal room and, although no room was created, my prestige dropped to -50,000 9because the room costs 100,000). So now I'm under water with my base unless I revert it but don't want to do that because I'd like a gm to correct it. *grump*

Edit: a few minutes later, it seems to ahve fixed itself or a gm intervened without actually interacting with me.




Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
I too am having a negative prestige issue after base editing. Just upgrade from a Tiny Hidden Base to a Small Hidden Base and as a result, my prestige balance went from about 130,000 down to 50,000. That's fine. But, then I happened to click on the energy terminal room and, although no room was created, my prestige dropped to -50,000 9because the room costs 100,000). So now I'm under water with my base unless I revert it but don't want to do that because I'd like a gm to correct it. *grump*

Edit: a few minutes later, it seems to ahve fixed itself or a gm intervened without actually interacting with me.
This seems to be happening randomly, perhaps a memory leak in the base code causing the prestige value to invert (a + flipping to a -) that has happened to me about 3 times now in the past and including my most recent issue with this. Normally the system catches it and reverts it back to a positive integer however this does pose a problem for active base editing and issues as well with the base code itself.



Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
I too am having a negative prestige issue after base editing. Just upgrade from a Tiny Hidden Base to a Small Hidden Base and as a result, my prestige balance went from about 130,000 down to 50,000. That's fine. But, then I happened to click on the energy terminal room and, although no room was created, my prestige dropped to -50,000 9because the room costs 100,000). So now I'm under water with my base unless I revert it but don't want to do that because I'd like a gm to correct it. *grump*

Edit: a few minutes later, it seems to ahve fixed itself or a gm intervened without actually interacting with me.
Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
This seems to be happening randomly, perhaps a memory leak in the base code causing the prestige value to invert (a + flipping to a -) that has happened to me about 3 times now in the past and including my most recent issue with this. Normally the system catches it and reverts it back to a positive integer however this does pose a problem for active base editing and issues as well with the base code itself.
This is indeed an old base bug rearing it's head again.... actually, I don't even know if it ever really got fixed in the first place. If your prestige goes into the negative while editing, you may need to log out of edit, zone out/in and log back into edit again.

It is also known that there is indeed a memory leak with the base editor... one of the reasons synapse suggested several months ago that we keep base items to a 20k limit (least, that's my understanding of his explanation).

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
This is indeed an old base bug rearing it's head again.... actually, I don't even know if it ever really got fixed in the first place. If your prestige goes into the negative while editing, you may need to log out of edit, zone out/in and log back into edit again.

It is also known that there is indeed a memory leak with the base editor... one of the reasons synapse suggested several months ago that we keep base items to a 20k limit (least, that's my understanding of his explanation).
Yeah otherwise the base may corrupt and become unuseable and will need administrative intervention to correct the problem >.> Hence why I'm taking it easy on second floors for rooms.