List of bugs in i16




New bug(?)
What did you devs do to rest? seriously! You guys gimped it!

Screwed up all my macros now so I cant use a emote then rest and be doing the emote while resting. Mebby I don't want to kneel all the time... mebby I just want to relax and read the newspaper? Listen to police chatter? but nuuu, Now I gotta kneel down in the grimy slop of the sewers to regain my health

No seriously, it functioned before i16 allowing you to use a emote and then rest, the rest animation wouldn't override the emote.
Post-i16, Rest animation overrides any emote in use when rest is activated. I'm seriously hating that (and its a RP killer for some of my characters)

Originally Posted by silversword437 View Post
It was completely random... but it came out well. I love the Lost being tossed like a couple of dolls. ^_^
The Gibbering Lunatic, Making your Epic screenies even more Epic!



Originally Posted by Terminotaur View Post
Day jobs don't work for Kheldians while in Nova or Dwarf form. At all. I have 2 kheldian characters and couldn't find a single day job between them that still worked while in forms. Even the auto-powers and end-of-mission bonuses stop working.

This bug may pre-date I16, since I recall seeing it before.
It would be nice if the end-of-mission stuff would work, but the Forms supressing auto-powers is standard, as I recall. Only click buffs carry over.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Katze View Post
Were you on the ground? Shivans can't be summoned while character is in the air.
There's definitely some sort of bug.

Shivans cannot be cast at all in Bloody Bay... I have tried with a Blaster,
and two different Stalkers (on two different servers).

The animation occurs, the Shivan begins to appear, and then poof, fades
completely away before the animation finishes.

The Shivan cast is lost and wasted and it never appears...


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Has anyone reported a bug with Earth controllers regarding the color customization?

I just placed one but theres so many i dont know where to begin.

1. I customzed some powers, while leaving others as a default. When I click save in the upper right hand corner, all my powers revert back to the orignal scheme.

2. When I change come powers and this time, do not click save I click continue the powers remain outside of the tailor. However, if I click back on the tailor, I can not change any powers whatsoever. The tab defaults to custom, but if change that tab, or the individual powers tab, it tries to move to the next (i.e. Lava(, but moves right back to the customized version i entered the tailor with.

Seems to only have on earth controllers.



When using the Bright Invulnerability theme, the body glow for Unyielding in Invulnerability barely gets colored. Even if you choose the most saturated colors on the palette, the color of the glow surrounding the body ends up very washed-out.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Possibly older than Issue 16 but I'll mention it ( for the amusement factor if nothing else ). In King's Row near the AE building at about -1166, -42, 31 in an open ground level lot a Madness Mage was giving a captive the speech that goes: "There is a crossbow pointed at your forehead. I would suggest that you do not move. This roof is quite high."

Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Found another one, at the tailor on my wp/ss tanker (4 costume slots) on the male body type, theres no trenchcoat option... and I have the 3 month vet. I CAN however use it on female and huge body types, and apply it to normal male body types upon creation, however I cannot put it on any of my existing male type characters unless I originally designed them using it.

Slight correction, trenchcoat shows up on my rad/kin corruptor fine even though he had the biker jacket on as well before switching, I think just my tank is borked and I'll probally have to /bug it or petition it or something I dunno. Haven't come across something like this until now.

And now its come back, its a bit random... before the original toon was wearing the biker jacket, this time it was the armored top. But I was able to put it on one of my other costumes without a issue who was wearing a baron jacket...
I was unable to change a female character of mine from a Patent Leather top-and bottom with scarf to either the Trench Coat or Magic Bolero. The options didn't appear.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I finally met all the requirements for the Demonic accolade with my level 50 Fire/Fire brute, thanks to the change to Coldhearted... but the Demonic badge is broken, as others have noted. Darn.

On the bright side, I got the Force of Nature accolade on logging with that character, thanks to the change to the Hero Slayer badge.



Sorry if this has already been posted, but I haven't reall the whole thread... last Tuesday I reached lvl 50 and, as I use the I.D. Character Description to list all my 50s, I've tried to add it, with no luck, no new line showed up, the list remained the same. I'm an Euro player, and I've tried it both Defiant and Union, either hero or villain side, and it's not working anyway.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts:



List of powers still erroneously causing PvP travel suppression:

This list isn't necessarily complete, it's just what I thought to check at the time.

* Night Widow Teamwork -> Mind Link
* Fortunata Teamwork -> Mind Link
* Brute/Tanker/Scrapper -> Fiery Aura -> Fiery Embrace
* All click accolade powers except Elusive Mind (the only one that should be suppressing is the click immobilize)


* Fortunata Hypnosis: Chance for Placate proc in sleep powers (notably Will Domination) will proc 100% of the time against player targets if the target is not in the mez suppression period (i.e. if the power sleeps the player, they will be placated).
* Defender -> Psionic Mastery -> Telekinesis still does repel against player targets, while the in-set versions of this power do not, I assume this is not working as intended. In general, Telekinesis is now very powerful as an autohit toggle hold - generally a target will be dead before TK's hold wears off.
* Bitter Ice Blast does less damage in PvP than Ice Blast, and Blaze does only a few points more than Fire Blast. Given that these attacks have half the range of the tier 1 and 2 attacks, and are not able to be used while mezzed, consider increasing the damage of these powers to the point where they're actually worth using instead of just chaining the tier 1/2 indefinitely. In PvE these powers are balanced around longer recharge timers and their shorter range, but this is not the case in PvP.
* Soul Storm causes an unresisted knockdown when the animation is finished, assuming it holds the target. The ability to essentially negate knockback protection, no matter the amount, including in-set melee KB toggles/clicks, is unbalanced and needs to be fixed.
* Knockback in general needs to be revisited - someone using only SOs (for example, a Mind Controller or Dominator) can toss someone around and then mez them and their target will be dead before they can defend themselves. The only way to stop this KB on a squishy is to invest hundreds of millions of inf in IOs or to team with a Kin, which have become increasingly rare and in some cases nonexistent given the travel suppression changes. Perhaps adding KB protection in PvP only to all ally-granted mez protection powers (Clarity, CM, etc) would solve the problem without forcing people to rely on spending hundreds of millions of inf to stop a power that can be slotted with SOs.

And four PvP QoL requests:

* Can we PLEASE get a "no base resistances" option? The main kicker of running DR-off matches is the 40% base resists a squishy gets, which turns DR-off matches into a one-dimensional "KB then double AS" strategy. Adding an option to remove the base resistance would allow DR-off matches with a larger variety of teams and would allow Sonic and Therm shields to become useful again for more than just melee characters.
* An option to disable the sudden death feature would be welcome as well - it seems people can't agree on how best to implement this, if it should be implemented at all. The old "drop everyone to 1 HP" method gave the advantage to characters with self-heals or DoTs, and the new "slowly reduce max health" method gives the advantage to stealthed characters, who can just hide until they hit 1 HP and then get a free kill. Since the PvP community at large can't seem to agree on a solution, why not just have the option to turn sudden death off? There are no rules, unwritten or otherwise, that say a duel or team match has to end in sudden death, and in the case of some team matches, you might not even realize you're tied until sudden death kicks in. Ties are acceptable in the scope of arena PvP. Leaving the option mandatory in Swiss Draw matches is a good idea, but a more balanced solution needs to be found and implemented.
* Further increase the flight speed of observer cameras (if it's not already at the cap, it should be) and give them a form of Combat Jumping - the combination of fly and CJ allows for significantly better maneuverability to watch fast-paced combat than does fly on its own. Most PvPers will have the SS/SJ combination and the flying cameras just aren't fast enough to keep up with the action on larger maps.
* An in-match scoreboard for both the participants and the observers, to enable the participants to see the scores on-the-fly, as well as letting observers who are joining late know the score without having to rely on out-of-game methods (i.e. Vent/TS) to find out.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
It will pick the closest color if doesn't exist in the palette the theme uses.

That might cause problems with changes to power customization sticking, but so far we haven't been able to reproduce it internally.
Just saw this too, am having a devil of a time making custom colors stick on tornado, freezing rain and gale in storm summoning too. It will take red/red but not blue/white, seems like it only applies colors if both match. Not sure why.



I reported this in game, but having a post in the forums always helps.

The Voltaic Sentinal for Dominators Electric Assault is colored the hero Blue/Purple instead of the villian Red.



MasterMinds, Ouroboros Portal behaves as a pet when summoned, and shows up in the pet window which causes the activation bounding box to become smaller (you have to aim right for the bottom edge or you end up selecting the portal instead of using it)

Mender Lazarus TaskForce I am currently running it SOLO, diff settings are +0/4/No AV
Thought you needed at least 3 people on your team to run it. (Have pets up. will attempt to run it again without the pets summoned after I've completed it and will update this post with the data)

Global tells seems EXTREMELY lagged at the moment as well.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
MasterMinds, Ouroboros Portal behaves as a pet when summoned, and shows up in the pet window which causes the activation bounding box to become smaller (you have to aim right for the bottom edge or you end up selecting the portal instead of using it)

Mender Lazarus TaskForce I am currently running it SOLO, diff settings are +0/4/No AV
Thought you needed at least 3 people on your team to run it. (Have pets up. will attempt to run it again without the pets summoned after I've completed it and will update this post with the data)
Ouroboros Portal has always showed up on the Pet Window on Villainside... at least for me.

I've always wondered why it would show up on Villain, but not on Hero.. but I didn't let it worry me. I never had a probem accidentally selecting it though. As long as I was within range, I'd get the Hand cursor just fine.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Mender Lazarus TaskForce I am currently running it SOLO, diff settings are +0/4/No AV
Thought you needed at least 3 people on your team to run it. (Have pets up. will attempt to run it again without the pets summoned after I've completed it and will update this post with the data)
All Ouro TFs can be started and completed solo.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I'm haveing an occasional problem where I'll eisther zone REALLY quick, or it'll take minutes.

The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.



this is odd, because before i16, it actually requested that I needed at least 3 people on the team. Mebby that was the bug at the time, but it only happened the one time I did it before.

Originally Posted by pyrite View Post
I'm haveing an occasional problem where I'll eisther zone REALLY quick, or it'll take minutes.
You just HAD to say something.... I was having NO problems zoning until I read your message. Thanks alot... pfft
Yeah now I'm gettin hit with it zoning into the boro mission.
3 minutes and counting. The screen hasn't even changed from the City of Villains backdrop

Taskmanager, here I come!



Didn't read through the whole thread, but was wondering if anyone else has had the following issues:

1.) The game's memory usage has a leak....again....

2.) After playing for a while if I log to the character selection screen to play a different toon, I click on the toon and click on the arrow to enter the game, the game freezes and I have to manually end the process and restart the client. This has happened ever single time I've changed toons today.

We'll see....



Not sure if this is a bug, or one heck of a coincidence, but I was running my level 16 Ninja/Storm MM with my brother's level 16 DB/SR Brute in his missions when I leveled. It asked if it was okay if I stayed at level 16, and when I said yes, all my ninja died, and so did my brother's brute.

This could be a coincidence because we just happened to take out a cobra, and he was fairly low on hp, but I had just healed him, and the timing was too strange for me to ignore.

I'd imagine there'd be a way to test this again, but it never came up again.

50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy

Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.



Originally Posted by Everfree_Fire View Post
Not sure if this is a bug, or one heck of a coincidence, but I was running my level 16 Ninja/Storm MM with my brother's level 16 DB/SR Brute in his missions when I leveled. It asked if it was okay if I stayed at level 16, and when I said yes, all my ninja died, and so did my brother's brute.

This could be a coincidence because we just happened to take out a cobra, and he was fairly low on hp, but I had just healed him, and the timing was too strange for me to ignore.

I'd imagine there'd be a way to test this again, but it never came up again.
This is leftovers from i15 and before that. When you exemplared to someone with your minons out. They would automatically die because they couldn't exemplar with you (preventing OP minions)

Anyway, the SSK system is also doing this. Pets are supposed to be persistent through zoning however if you are in a team when you zone, your pets will automatically die right after you step out the door because the SSK system checks your level and reassigns it depending on mission and whos team leader so the pets do the same thing as they did with the regular lacky/exemplar and suicide forcing you to call out new ones at your "level"

This is a bug that does need dealt with as making pets persistent through zone changes is redundant when your on a team that ends up killing them right after you zone every time.

(btw, your friend got the pop-up as well or it was auto-accepted by options setting and thats why his pets went splat when you leveled up because the SSK system had to re-evaluate whos level was what and change the teams accordingly)



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
This is leftovers from i15 and before that. When you exemplared to someone with your minons out. They would automatically die because they couldn't exemplar with you (preventing OP minions)

Anyway, the SSK system is also doing this. Pets are supposed to be persistent through zoning however if you are in a team when you zone, your pets will automatically die right after you step out the door because the SSK system checks your level and reassigns it depending on mission and whos team leader so the pets do the same thing as they did with the regular lacky/exemplar and suicide forcing you to call out new ones at your "level"

This is a bug that does need dealt with as making pets persistent through zone changes is redundant when your on a team that ends up killing them right after you zone every time.

(btw, your friend got the pop-up as well or it was auto-accepted by options setting and thats why his pets went splat when you leveled up because the SSK system had to re-evaluate whos level was what and change the teams accordingly)
Okay, maybe I didn't clarify this well enough. He had no pop-up, he had no pets, and we were in the middle of the mission, so no zoning. The minions shouldn't have leveled with me. I can Understand them dying, but not my brother. He was a brute, and died the same time my minions died, in his mission (AKA, nothing should have changed when I accepted it.) Yes, I was the leader, but everything in that mission should have been based off of his level.

At the very least, he should not have died.

Only now thought to check his combat logs to see if there was some excessive DoT in effect that we didn't see.

50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy

Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.



Originally Posted by Everfree_Fire View Post
Okay, maybe I didn't clarify this well enough. He had no pop-up, he had no pets, and we were in the middle of the mission, so no zoning. The minions shouldn't have leveled with me. I can Understand them dying, but not my brother. He was a brute, and died the same time my minions died, in his mission (AKA, nothing should have changed when I accepted it.) Yes, I was the leader, but everything in that mission should have been based off of his level.

At the very least, he should not have died.

Only now thought to check his combat logs to see if there was some excessive DoT in effect that we didn't see.
Ok, guess I missed that part (kinda in a WBT state atm)

Him dying at the same time, save the probability that you stated in your post I find that rather odd and would say to try to reproduce the situation, get your toon up high enough in yer xp bubbles and take a mission, level inside of it and see if the same situation happens again. (the pets dying however is a sideaffect of the ssk system, I have a level 38 merc/pain MM and it happens all the time since i16)

Most I can say is try to reproduce this and note everything being done up to that point. (if you were doing papers I would suggest for the "level" mission to pick one with the same enemies you fought the first time.)

And before I space it again, what was your brothers hp bar at before he dropped?



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
It will pick the closest color if doesn't exist in the palette the theme uses.

That might cause problems with changes to power customization sticking, but so far we haven't been able to reproduce it internally.
I'm not at home right now so I can't attempt to reproduce this, but I can verify: I am aware of power sets that use different pallets within the same set, I am aware that the intent is to use as close an approximation as possible, but sometimes this doesn't work. Sometimes it does, but sometimes I use "copy colors across power set" and the powers that use an alternate pallet remain "original". It drove me nuts at first because I couldn't figure out what was going on. I have a lot of stormies so it is possible that it has to do with storm (I have, since i16 went live, been logging in each of my 94 toons and updating their UIs, globals, and customizing powers where applicable, so I've been through storm several times)... however I honestly seem to remember this happening with earth control. Oh yes, that's what it was - I switched to lava theme, customized the first power (immob), and the second power (single target hold) was still "original" theme. I had to manually select lava on it, as well as a couple of other powers. (Sorry, cannot name powers right now.. six hours sleep.. cannot brain..)



ice sword: ice portion of animation at 90% rotation from angle of plane of the crystal part of the sword, which is in normal position. (thus making it look like you are holding a sword and a big icicle, sideways.)



With the release of I16, starting an AE arc dramatically increases the amount of data transmitted to your client. This can quickly cause someone using a dialup connection to have huge ping times, making the game unplayable.

Situation: in Talos AE building on Pinnacle. Data from netgraph is around 1K. Select an AE arc and click Play. Data rate increases to 4K and stays there.

Quitting the TF restores the data to rate to normal. Entering the mission seems to have a normal mission data rate, though it's hard to be sure.

I use DSL so the increased data rate doesn't affect me directly. But this represents a potentially large increase in the load on the servers' data transmission infrastructure. Such things can eventually affect everyone's performance, resulting in higher ping times for everyone.



Originally Posted by InsatiableOne View Post
ice sword: ice portion of animation at 90% rotation from angle of plane of the crystal part of the sword, which is in normal position. (thus making it look like you are holding a sword and a big icicle, sideways.)
This is on the Known Issues list.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.