List of bugs in i16




I know I mentioned this before.

But, what about the missing sound from Wormhole when you customize the colors.

or the weird targetable target in the Vanguard base?



I already bugged this but I notice that my Assissin Strike on my Energy Melee / Regen doesn't follow through on the animation. He gets in the crouching position and then just before he goes in for the strike he gets up like I was interrupted but the attack goes off. It does this everytime.

Anyone notice this on any other powerset? Or is it just Energy Melee?

Edit: Posted in Stalker section if any related issues with other Stalker primaries.



Something I noticed during Infinity's Thursday Night Fights (PvP Event). Playing a hero, when a MM was defeated, their pets persisted and were still targetable. However, the Pets did not react to the heroes around them and when I tried to activate an attack, the message was essentially that no target was selected.

Very infrequent and casual PvPer so not sure if this is pre-existing or not but seemed like a bug.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Have not been able to repro this. All of the powers in Storm Control seem to be accepting colors as expected. Both in the power customization screen and in game.

Are you sure you've set those powers to use a customizable theme? Do you have the influence to pay for the changes? Etc
Yes I had them customized to a dark blue color... and created this character after launch with those colors already in. Also I have plenty of inf for my repeated attempts at fixing it.

And the in the customization screen it accepts the colors, and shows the animation of them being used correctly, but when I accept it and exit it goes back to this white color every time.

"The Good... they don't know how close to Evil they truly are..." -The Overlord

Guess what my avatar is and I'll give you a rare candy!





First off, nice MissingNo. avatar.

Second, to take screenshots of the tailor UI, hit the "Print Screen" button as normal, then Alt+Tab to MS Paint and select "Paste." (You might want to open MS Paint before starting CoH, just for ease of use.)

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Originally Posted by Obscure Blade
I understand that they were going to fix the bug that made much of the landscape look faceted, and it seems fixed most places unless my memory is deceiving me. But in the Mercy Snake caves all that rock and debris still has the faceted look.
Fixing the bug required re-exporting all of the affected geometry. Likely some of it just go missed.

Let us know the mission, preferably with a /loc and we should be able to get those fixed pretty easily.
All of the Kalinda/Burke low level snake cave missions have the problem as far as I can tell. Throughout the entire mission, not any particular /loc; I did jot down two mission doors if that matters. -2929.1, 57.8, -1868.1 for "Get away with an op under Arachnos' nose" ; and -3582.6, 65.5, -3375.0 for "Learn more about Stheno". Both from Matthew Burke.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by silversword437 View Post
Yes I had them customized to a dark blue color... and created this character after launch with those colors already in. Also I have plenty of inf for my repeated attempts at fixing it.

And the in the customization screen it accepts the colors, and shows the animation of them being used correctly, but when I accept it and exit it goes back to this white color every time.
I'm seconding this. On my Storm/ice defender on Triumph (Sue Tsunami) those are the only two powers in storm summoning that retain their custom colours.

Additionally I can not seem to save my custom colours for storm summoning. It saves. The file exists, and attempting to re-save - the game give the "save file already exists" prompt; but I CAN NOT load the storm summoning file - it does not appear in the list when I attempt to load it. Could this be a symptom of the problem?

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post

First off, nice MissingNo. avatar.

Second, to take screenshots of the tailor UI, hit the "Print Screen" button as normal, then Alt+Tab to MS Paint and select "Paste." (You might want to open MS Paint before starting CoH, just for ease of use.)
Huzzah! *hands Chad a rare candy*

Alright now... here is me changing all the colors in my set again. I had put them all back to default because that was better than the plain white.

As you can see, I have plenty of inf to spend, and gale should be a blue color. When I hit accept, I then ran out and blasted a Luddite with gale. It came up that same white color as my previous screenshot.

Now, when I go back to the tailor, the power customization screen looks like this. Now note I did NOT change anything at this point.

And now, when I click on a power, this happens. Now I did NOT choose these red colors, they seem to automatically be selected as soon as I click on one of these grayed out powers. The exact same thing happens with every one of these powers except the two which seem immune to this. And even if I hit accept at this point, the colors of the powers will not be red in game. They will still be white.

There... hope that helps a bit more.

Edit: Wait... scratch that last thing about the red not showing up. It IS showing up. In fact more colors are showing up when I color them individually. I think this was a problem with the copy all colors across current powerset. Because as soon as I stopped doing that I suddenly could color my powers again. And its finally carrying over in-game.

"The Good... they don't know how close to Evil they truly are..." -The Overlord

Guess what my avatar is and I'll give you a rare candy!




Archetype: Scrapper (probably happens on Brute/Tanker/Stalker too)
Powerset: Willpower
Power: Rise to the Challenge
Themes: Bright Willpower/Dark Willpower

Bug: Normally, when you enter combat with RttC on you'll get this ring of light effect when the power starts affecting an enemy. If you go with anything besides the default colour this won't happen.

Picture of the effect:

I know this is very minor, but it's a neat effect. If it helps at all, this animation also plays when you activate Indomitable Will (and it works with tinting). I have no idea how the whole tinting process works, but perhaps knowing this will save some work.



[quote=Obscure Blade;2240204]Males NPC citizens in missions "run around in panic" without using their legs. They just sort of glide. BaB in-game ( on VU2009 ) when hearing this took about 30 seconds to figure what was wrong and said it would be fixed in the next build.quote]

This...the strange thing is, the females run just fine. I only see the males affected.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
It's still not fixed? Hang on a sec...try now
Your avatar is bugged
its pointing to
theres nothing there.
Originally Posted by silversword437 View Post
Huzzah! *hands Chad a rare candy*

Alright now... here is me changing all the colors in my set again. I had put them all back to default because that was better than the plain white.

As you can see, I have plenty of inf to spend, and gale should be a blue color. When I hit accept, I then ran out and blasted a Luddite with gale. It came up that same white color as my previous screenshot.

Now, when I go back to the tailor, the power customization screen looks like this. Now note I did NOT change anything at this point.

And now, when I click on a power, this happens. Now I did NOT choose these red colors, they seem to automatically be selected as soon as I click on one of these grayed out powers. The exact same thing happens with every one of these powers except the two which seem immune to this. And even if I hit accept at this point, the colors of the powers will not be red in game. They will still be white.

There... hope that helps a bit more.

Edit: Wait... scratch that last thing about the red not showing up. It IS showing up. In fact more colors are showing up when I color them individually. I think this was a problem with the copy all colors across current powerset. Because as soon as I stopped doing that I suddenly could color my powers again. And its finally carrying over in-game.
I have noticed that with the "Match colors across all powers" option, if you go bright on your first powerset but dark on your second with the copy color option ticked, the bright ones will revert to the closest color to the dark powerset you chose.

This could be the issue. Though I noticed you only had "Match colors across powerset" selected. Thats usually what I use just to toss all the colors on at once then I immediately shut it off and go from there, so this might be part of your problem.

I tested this last night with gale and gale colored properly on my toon, Captian Blowhard (sonic/storm) and it all colored properly.

And Silver, that screenshot is pretty epic, either blue or white, Looks like your tossing cars around. XD



Originally Posted by silversword437 View Post
Edit: Wait... scratch that last thing about the red not showing up. It IS showing up. In fact more colors are showing up when I color them individually. I think this was a problem with the copy all colors across current powerset. Because as soon as I stopped doing that I suddenly could color my powers again. And its finally carrying over in-game.
Storm summoning uses two different palettes, so using "copy all colors" will only copy to the powers that use that palette.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Have not been able to repro this. All of the powers in Storm Control seem to be accepting colors as expected. Both in the power customization screen and in game.

Are you sure you've set those powers to use a customizable theme? Do you have the influence to pay for the changes? Etc

So a Black Lightning Storm tinted for a yellow secondary(thus showing internal Yellow Lightning) is meant to shoot a Black lightning bolt?

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



I've had a quick look through the forums and haven't found any answer to this:

Leveling when exemplared doesn't give the full health, full end and tier 3 insps that you normally gain. I /bugged this but the UK GM's don't seem to realise there is a change to the SK system and all their information was outdated, including giving me a link to the Wiki.

As most players in a team are now either exemplared or SK'd it would be a massive change to not allow the exemplared players to retain the normal leveling bonus.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Storm summoning uses two different palettes, so using "copy all colors" will only copy to the powers that use that palette.
It will pick the closest color if doesn't exist in the palette the theme uses.

That might cause problems with changes to power customization sticking, but so far we haven't been able to reproduce it internally.



Darrin Wade's "Seek revenge for Darrin Wade" is another that has the "faceted rocks" problem, in the cave style section of the map. Scattered all over; one such rock was at 231.2, 65.4, -429.1.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
It will pick the closest color if doesn't exist in the palette the theme uses.

That might cause problems with changes to power customization sticking, but so far we haven't been able to reproduce it internally.
Yeah I've noticed this secondary color pallet on a couple of occasions and usually I just set all the ones that work the same and set the "problem" ones seperately. Works fine at that point.

And glad to see you got your avatar back BaBs

Question as well for you BaBs, with the new forums in place, how many negative reputation comments have you recieved?



Day jobs don't work for Kheldians while in Nova or Dwarf form. At all. I have 2 kheldian characters and couldn't find a single day job between them that still worked while in forms. Even the auto-powers and end-of-mission bonuses stop working.

This bug may pre-date I16, since I recall seeing it before.

Also, not sure if this is a bug, or intended - the Peacebringer heal, Glowing Touch, has a really low range to it. Its only 30 feet compared with 80 feet for every other ranged single target heal in the game. If its not supposed to be that low, can it be increased?



Originally Posted by silversword437 View Post
I would screenshot this... but I dont know how to make a screenshot while in a the tailor screen.

Recoloring them and exiting the tailor does nothing, returning them to default animation and back does nothing as well.
You can take a screenshot by hitting print screen, alt tabbing out of the game and opening mspaint or any image editing software and hitting ctrl+V or click edit and hit paste. Then save the file.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Glad to see the snap shot anim got fixed/is being worked on/whatever.

Has there been any official response lately about the horrible drop rates though? Was on a large team a couple nights ago and definitely noticed this. We were doing various 45-50 level arcs, blueside, with a few lowbies SK'd. Forget the exact difficulty setting but it was something to the tune of +3, as if we were 8 heroes. In about 3 hours of non-stop missions, I got about 3 recipe drops, all of them generic.



Found another one, at the tailor on my wp/ss tanker (4 costume slots) on the male body type, theres no trenchcoat option... and I have the 3 month vet. I CAN however use it on female and huge body types, and apply it to normal male body types upon creation, however I cannot put it on any of my existing male type characters unless I originally designed them using it.

Slight correction, trenchcoat shows up on my rad/kin corruptor fine even though he had the biker jacket on as well before switching, I think just my tank is borked and I'll probally have to /bug it or petition it or something I dunno. Haven't come across something like this until now.

And now its come back, its a bit random... before the original toon was wearing the biker jacket, this time it was the armored top. But I was able to put it on one of my other costumes without a issue who was wearing a baron jacket...



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post

And Silver, that screenshot is pretty epic, either blue or white, Looks like your tossing cars around. XD
Hehehe... thanks. I took it while running from the D entrance in PO to Cap. I was trying to make sure this problem didnt have anything to do with the body sculptress tailor.

It was completely random... but it came out well. I love the Lost being tossed like a couple of dolls. ^_^

People knock KB, but if you use it smart it will be your bestest friend.

Anyway... that problem I had is still there, but now that I found out how to work around it I am golden. It really just seems to be tied to the color across all powerset button for some reason.

Well whatever it turns out to be, I hope I helped in some way.

"The Good... they don't know how close to Evil they truly are..." -The Overlord

Guess what my avatar is and I'll give you a rare candy!




I think I just found the cause of the vet trench not showing up.

Both my leather jackets have a short-cape on them using fringe as the cape style (looks awesome that way, try it out) and because of this cape being on my toon I'm unable to switch the trench on because possibly its unable to clear the cape on its own so you have to remove the cape THEN switch to the trench. Problem solved.



Archetype: Corruptor
Powerset: Dark Miasma
Power: Darkest Night
Customization: Color Tintable
Model: Female
Colors: Any

Steps to Re-Create:
1) Setup as above, level to 4 or above.
2) Cast Darkest Night on any enemy ("anchor") with at least one other enemy within the radius of Darkest Night.
3) Particle effects for the anchor appear normally.
4) Particle effects for any other enemies do not.
5) Either watch the enemy that doesn't show the visual effect for Darkest Night activate some power of their own that puts a particle effect on their model, or hit them with some power that puts a temporary particle effect on them (I use Corruptor, Ice Blast, either Ice Bolt, Ice Blast, or Freeze Ray.)
6) Observe that the particle effect for Darkest Night now shows up, and stays active on the enemy even after the other particle effect expires.

I asked somebody else to test this, and they got similar effects, although they claimed that the Darkest Night (non-target) effect disappeared shortly thereafter; I was unable to reproduce this. For me, it works consistently, unless they exit the radius of Darkest Night and then re-enter it.



My Elec/Elec Scrapper won't stay in combat stance. Very often, ususally when I use Charged Brawl or Jacobs Ladder, my character will execute the attack, then immediately return to the neutral stance. I can't reliably reproduce it, but it happens to me *a lot*.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.