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  1. Hallo Freitag, danke für die netten Worte und generell Danke für alles...
    Ihr alle, die ihr an City of Heroes mitgearbeitet habt, werdet in Erinnerung bleiben...

    Ich bin von der Nachricht immer noch geschockt, aber Paragon Studios werde ich mit Sicherheit noch lange als Entwickler meines absoluten Lieblingsspiels in Gedanken tragen...

    Dazu noch herzliches Beileid an alle von euch, die von der Nachricht sicher noch härter getroffen wurden als wir.
    Wenn es irgendwo aufmerksame Human Resourcer gibt, findet ihr in der Branche sicher wieder fix was...
  2. 32wa-qqwx-yn35-wvw7-ahca
  3. SuicideSquid

    Rula Shin codes!

  4. Thx, used 8xsa-l6z3-ydwb-la7c-w59h
  5. Liked the finale - very much so indeed...

    CoX is the MMO where we can really feel like we are moving something in the world.
    Sure thousands of others do the same missions - it's an MMO after all - but at the final fight and the press conference I felt huge...

    Throw in the deaths of some major in-game character and an all-grown up Penny Yin and you have a world that develops and circles around your character...

    Short: Nicely done devs, now go and top this with Story Line 2 please...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I'm going to say something which some of you may find unpopular, but there are times where it is my responsibility to stand up and be an advocate for our team. I apologize if my words cause you to be upset, but it is the right thing to say.

    When you say we do not listen to feedback, it is disingenuous. You can accuse us of many things, but accusing this team, the team now, the developers who have been working on this game for over a year, of not taking player concerns into account it is something that is, quite frankly, hurtful.

    I might not always agree with the decisions made and not always get my will...
    But Paragon Studios has a history of listening to player feedback and explaining decisions made unmatched by any other MMO company I'm customer of... so keep on the good work...
  7. Ah ok, eine Rückmeldung egal welcher Art ist schon genug...

    Danke Freitag
  8. Hmm, ich hab die PMs - wie gefordert - direkt an 7deCoeur geschickt...

    Heißt das, ihr habt die Codes auch noch nicht...?
  9. Ok, ich versuch es jez nochmal hier... ich hab 2 PMs geschickt und einen Post im Thread vom 21.12. getätigt, wo ich gewonnen hatte... kein Kostümcode...
    Mache ich was falsch...?
  10. Hmm, I know this has already deviated from the original topic... but...

    The Statesman Death leaves me a bit unimpressed, of course we have to see how it is done... but the choice is so obvious that it never occurred to me they'd really remove him...

    And then I thought how much cooler it were, if at the end of the Storyline the Hero that sacrifices all... would be you...

    So not "Who will die?" but more "You will die!"

    Of course it could be Comic Death(tm) or you could be reset to level 1 and start new as a legacy character with the same name - it's all been done...

    Just an idea I had... perhaps for the next storyline?
  11. Hmm, kann das sein, dass meine PMs nicht ankommen...?
    Ich habe jez schon 2 geschickt...
  12. "Eine kleine Spende für einen guten Zweck - nämlich einen elektrischen Dosenöffner für Blacky hier... der muss schon seit Ewigkeiten auf die Toilette. "

    Falls ich ein Gewinner bin, erteile ich NC Interactive, Inc. und NCsoft Europe Limited die Genehmigung, das Recht und die Befugnis, meinen Namen, mein Bildnis, Foto, meinen Heimatort sowie sämtliche Angaben, die ich zu meiner Person und zu diesem Wettbewerb mache, zu Werbe- oder Promotionszwecken zu verwenden. Ich attestiere auch, dass ich das 13. Lebensjahr vollendet habe.
  13. Huch, spät gesehen... gute Reise...
  14. Hallo Ava,

    hab schon was im "internationalen" Thread gepostet, aber hier auch nochmal euch alles Gute in (und auf?) Zukunft...

    Das du vermisst werden wirst, weisst du ja bereits...


  15. SuicideSquid

    Flying East!

    This makes me very sad, very sad indeed.

    But an end is always a start - so good luck to you and your hubby an all future endeavours...

    China... wow... China...
  16. SuicideSquid

    R.I.P. Muad_Dib

    I didn't really know him, but my condolences to all who did... it's always sad to see someone go like this...
  17. I like the new designs very much - the style works for magic users in a super hero universe... at least it does for me...

    And yes, put them up in Paragon Market as soon as possible...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    I'll take one of everything, thanks...

    Just kidding... but all of these sound positively awesome...

    So... when can we have them... I22...?
  19. Sad to see her go... but wow, what a good reason to go it is... all the best wishes
  20. Tried again last night - worked...

    Not that I changed anything on my side, though...
  21. Hmm, I tried verify from the NCSoft Launcher...

    And I switched to US-Version, copied my CoX-folder, patched and verified this... now I have CoX and CoX (EU) - of course none of them work...

    Tonight I will try the test servers, did not finish patching yesterday...
  22. I'm stuck after I hit play...

    Loading...-Screen stays on for ever, don't even get to logging in...

    Tried repairing the client, of course to no avail...
  23. Ah, ok... was a bit confused as I could use all the other new animal costume parts including the bad breath
  24. Very nice, but where can I find the animal heads?
    And honourable mentioning of animal fur on monstrous gloves would be nice...
    I'd prefer if we could have the actual claws on hands and feets a different color but I know this will not happen...

    I think, when this goes live we should have a few costume sets from the dropdown in the tailor - would help a lot...

    Edit: I'm on the Euro Test Server, btw...