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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Aye yup. This place hit at the right time with the right people to get it going. And it lasted for quite a while. We had people come and people go, but the...soul...for lack of a better word, kept on with it. Well, up until the point when they decided to nuke the forum that is. After that, it, IMO, lost a lot of its heart.

    But thank you everyone. It was a great ride and something that I'm sure I'll remember for the rest of my life.
    I agree and I'll never forget this place.

    I'm not the most vocal person (points to post count), and at times I failed, miserably, at getting across at what I wanted to say, which usually ended up with me getting smacked up side the head by a mod or forum goer in a pm.

    Since I have to work and won't be here when they flip the switch and I'm not really good at saying goodbye, so...... It's been a fun ride and thank you for all the great times. /em salute
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Torment And Agony View Post
    Holy crap thats awesome! They're making a whole show of this?!?!?!
    Yeah, they're making a series out of it for '13. There's not a lot of info out on it yet, so the number of episodes is unknown.
  3. There's a preview of a new series that they'll be doing in 2013, at the end of RvB's season 10 final episode (22), called 'R W B Y'. It's a bit over the top and has a sort of anime like style, but it was enough to make me curious about it and check it out when they start running it.
    If you've not followed RvB season 10 or haven't watched episode 22, go to the 14 minute mark and start from there.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
    I'm not sure how to take shadowstone's post.

    But i would like to believe shadow already knew it's a debunked rumor since the very first line of that article linked above in his/her post said this:
    Yup, I knew it was a debunked rumor, but I just pointed it out because it's quite possible that share holders had a big say in this.

    Nexon ISN'T the majority shareholder of NCSoft. They are the largest single entity owning stock (a bit under 15%) but they aren't the majority.
    Father, I know Nexon isn't THE majority share holder, I've known this for awhile now, but it's amazing what one left out letter in an article, (a), can do.

    But, they are 'a' majority holder outside of NCSoft's controlling shares and are heavily into F2P & cash shops and make a fair amount of money at doing so. The cash shops in Aion and GW2 are influenced by Nexon..yes, I know NCSoft had a cash shop before Nexon came along...and with rumors (that's all I'm going to call them at this point) of Blade & Soul and Wildstar being F2P with cash shop in NA, it makes one wonder if they are going away from subscription based models, or hybrid's like CoH/CoV. The recently annouced jewel/ point cards for GW2, while done at the appropriate time before the Holidays, points in that direction, also.
    Any way, that is basically what 'I' got out of that article and with my experience playing GW2(<--won a free copy) and having played Aion.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    SOMETHING doesn't add up here. I might never be able to prove it, and you might not believe it, but I personally believe that something fishy is going on inside the halls of NCsoft that we're not privy to, an ulterior motive at work. Something has changed the past few years, something I can't put my finger on, but something that I think isn't in the company's best interest. Unlike how I felt when the game launched, it's pretty obvious to me that gaming communities aren't exactly a priority at NCsoft now. That's not to say that sometimes they don't luck out with studios that provide awesome community relations folks like ours did and that sometimes we even get good GM support like we did. But in the big picture, I feel like NCsoft just doesn't know how to treat its customers well, and I for one won't be supporting their games in the future. Right now, it seems that those "long term goals" they referred to are to churn out a new shiny every couple of years or so, let it run for a little while, then burn it down and move on to something else. As a gamer, I have to say no thank you.

    I've been kind of out of the loop due to r.l., so I've not been able to read the forums as much as possible, but when they announced the shutdown of CoH/CoV, I immediately thought something was fishy. I'm thinking one of NCSoft's majority share holders, Nexon, had a really big say in what to do with CoH/CoV.

    This article is a couple weeks old and not directly associated with CoH/CoV, but it gave a small hint at what they're trying to do...at least it did for me.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    My issues with it have nothing to do with the community, and everything to do with its user-unfriendliness. Among other things, I just tried to log in from work and it wanted me to verify the device via email that I can only access from home.

    City of Heroes is the only MMO I've ever felt comfortable falling into PUGs, so the teaming in TERA isn't much of an issue for me. I have a few real-life friends that I have been regularly playing with, and I've found the team combat to be fun (and occasionally necessary) with a few exceptions.

    Dungeons can be rough. To put them into CoH perspective, it's basically like an instance where you fight numerous groups of 2-4 fairly tough Elite Bosses (often spawned rather closely to other groups), occasionally some groups of 5-30 Lieutenants, and often some AV or GM fights with crazy attacks that can almost instantly wipe the entire 5-person party some of whom continually spawn those large groups of Lieutenants. Oh, and you have no mez protection so when the dragon stuns everybody and you try to get close enough to un-mez your tank your priest ends up stunned as well and that's why you shouldn't meddle in the affairs of dragons. Yet, despite these hardships (and anyone familiar with my tendencies around here knows how much I loathe difficulty) I still enjoy the game.

    However, I'm concerned that TERA may not be a viable choice for much longer. Apparently, they're merging servers on September 18th. Mind you, I was uncertain how long I'd be playing the game for anyway - it's fun, but it can't keep stringing me along for several years via gratuitous variety that feeds into my altitis (nor keep me engaged with forums) so I imagine I'd be playing it for a few months at most anyway.
    Yeah, I read that on Tera's main site and went wtf?
    They're making new servers for pve and pvp while leaving the rp server alone. The new servers sound like they're fairly robust machines to handle the load, plus all the zones, except for possibly the Nexus zones, will have multiple channels. I'm not crying 'doom' just yet because I knew mergers were inevitable at some point.

    I enjoy the game and love the combat, but the 'gear score snobs' really chafe my hide some days. Yes, I PuG a lot because my work schedule doesn't fit in with most dungeon progression groups schedules.

    Tera album If this link works, here are a few of my screen shots from the game on 3 of my characters....Nahri- 60 Elin Mystic = Sychel- 33 Elin Priest = Tyann- 60 Aman Lancer.
    I have more but haven't taken the time to go through them and upload them. I do have a Castanic Sorcerer, but it's still on noob island.

    After this weekends announcement, I decided to install the copy of GW2 that I won and dabble around in it. It's ok, but it's, in my opinion, not as good as it was hyped up to be and there are already decked out level 80's running around.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
    I thought it felt drafty in here...
    Pants are over rated *socks Troy on the shoulder*
  8. _Shadowstone_

    D. Gray-man

    A good series that's under rated over here, and because of that we'll never see the final 2 seasons. It had a fair amount of filler injected here and there so as not to stay caught up with the manga, and I think that was part of it's downfall over here.
    I've not found anywhere that has/streams the last 2 seasons, but I tend to stay away from torrent sites, anymore, due to a nasty experience that messed up my last computer.

    The ending feels kinda unfinished/unfulfilled, but it was left some what open just in case they ever decided to carry on with it.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
    Without giving away any spoilers, how many episodes of Phantom should I watch before deciding if it's for me or not? Watched the first two and not too impressed.
    The first two are just laying the ground work, so I'd suggest between 4 to 6 episodes at least. The show is 26 episodes, so that may not be enough, but if it doesn't start to get you interested by then, it might not be for you.
    I'd suggest the first half, but if you don't care for it a little by 6'ish, then there's no reason to keep going and start on the base of the second half's story line.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    Started watching this anime and I must say that it is very good.... anyone else ever watched?
    I watched it when it was streamed and I own the series. It is a very good series that's kinda dark and a bit twisted.
    It's too bad that Anime thread has gotten so big, I know that there were a few others and I that said it was a good watch and recommended it.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samothrake View Post
    This is good to know. However, there is a 3-4 'episode' OVA that was produced and aired after season 2 was aired that details the events between season one and season two. My research suggests that unless FUNimation has that posted on Youtube as well, and if you do not watch the OVA after season one, and you just jump into season two, you will be terribly confused.
    Yes, if you skip the OVA's, which I don't see listed for stream, you will be a bit confused/ disconnected from the story in season 2.

    Edit: I did find the OVA's up for stream, but they're on Funimation's Elite member only stream. I 'think' they have a trial period for the Elite membership, so you could possibly hit that up and watch them before you start season 2.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    ....anyone else watched this anime?

    I am digging it. I don't know why it has taken me so long to get into anime shows. Most are really good.
    I've watched and own both seasons. It's a fairly good series, and I was one of those in the Anime thread that I recommended it as a good watch. If you end up watching the second season, watch the 4 OVA's first (it's basically 4 episodes in one OVA), so you won't feel disconnected from the story when the second season starts.
  13. I've been kinda slacking off on any recommendations here, but I have been watching a fair amount in my spare time...and when I'm not watching Gintama. >.>

    I haven't purchased anything new in awhile and have been mainly watching streams from Funimation, Hulu, and Crunchyroll.

    Fate Zero pt. 2:
    Doesn't need much explanation. It picks up where the first part left off and the pieces are falling in place as to how it will/ would tie into the original. The back story for Saber's Master just finished and now we know why he is like he is. (Crunchyroll)

    Eureka 7 A.O. :
    I'm still a little behind on this one, but it's been as good as Eureka 7, so far. There are ties to the original show showing up, but it's still unclear as to how or if they'll play out. If you liked the original, this one is worth checking out (streaming on Funimation)

    Kids on the Slope :
    Ok, I approached this one not expecting much, but have been pleasantly surprised with each episode. It's a Drama/ slice of life set in the late '60's and is set around some High school friends that play/ enjoy Jazz music. There are some of the standard Jazz songs played, but the 'jam' sessions are produced by Yoko Kanno and used directly in the anime. (Episode 7 has the best jam session so far) (Crunchyroll)

    Jormungand :
    It's an action series based around a weapons dealer, her crew, and a child soldier. This show reminds me a lot of Black Lagoon with it's art style, action (which is pretty good) and pacing. The underlying story is just starting to take shape, but this show is going to be a two part (like B L), so once we're left hanging in a few weeks, we'll have to wait until this fall for the 2nd part.
    (streaming on Funimation)

    There are a few more, but these are the top ones off of my head at the moment.
  14. I watched the series on Crunchyroll, so I'm going off of memory.
    A good portion of the violence is fairly graphic, more so than FMA or Bleach. The first 3 episodes will be a good gauge as to how much will be censored for the rest of it.
  15. I'm just wondering how bad they'll censor Deadman Wonderland. I don't own a tv anymore, so it's of no concern to me, but I can't see it coming thru without any censoring.

    If you've never heard the full OP for it, just go to Youtube and search 'Fade One Reason'.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Just a heads up for those interested in Aion: I installed it last night, and after everything was done, I uninstalled PMB. I've had no issues playing Aion.
    You can play the game without it, but once a patch/bug fix/ update comes out, you'll be downloading it again so you'll be able to update the game. It'll have to be deleted every time an update is applied.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Isn't Sentai one of the ones that Funimation is suing? Or is that Section23? Can never remember.
    Both are in the lawsuit.
  18. Picked up Darker than Black season #2. It's right on par with the first season, but you MUST watch the 4 part OVA first, or you'll be lost and the story will seem kinda pointless.

    K-On fans can rejoice.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    So has anyone here seen Chaos;head? Looks interesting and thinking of picking it up.
    I got it as a Christmas present. It's not a bad show, but it throws out a lot of plot strings within the first 3 episodes, which makes the show a bit confusing, and doesn't wrap most of them up until the last 2 episodes. The male lead characters voice gets a bit grating at times.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
    Picked it up based on a number of Reviews.

    Not disappointed in the least! This is a must see! Old School Animation with Digital FX. So nice and wonderful to see and enjoy. Might just have to get the BD to have when I can get a BD player & HD TV.

    +1 for Redline certainly!

    Thank you for the time...
    +1 for Redline, also....the Blu-ray version is worth it.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    That Hulk looks pretty awful. Amazing how they've gotten progressively worse since 2003.
    Guess I'm not seeing how this version is worse than the other two. *shrug*

    This version actually reminds me of the television series version, only done in CGI...the color, muscle tone, grunts (which are done by Lou), and size/scale. I've read that Stan Lee has said that Lou Ferrigno's version of the Hulk, size and all, was how he envisioned the character.
    Even with all the variations that have been done, when someone mentions the Hulk, a mental picture of the original pops into my head.

    .......and yeah, I nerdgasm'd when I saw the trailer.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Just watched NGE 1.11 and 2.22 over that last couple of nights and they were epic. Really dig the alternate/revamped Angel forms. Gendo is still the biggest ******* to ever grace the small screen. Mari-chan is scary.
    Yup, Mari is scary, but you have to admit she was the perfect one to open the back door code, Beast, on Unit 2.

    Movie 3 hits theaters in Japan this year and #4 hit theaters over there Summer 2013. I'm hoping Funimation has enough common sense to go after both of them.
  23. _Shadowstone_

    Breaking News

    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Wait, wait, there are books?! But how do you see Edward?! You have to see him in the movies, he's so dreamy!
    ............ -30 internets and -20 geek points just for typing that part.
  24. Yeah, charging $20 - $30 for 3 to 5 episodes and their 'special' agreement with the few outlets they picked, outside their store, that locked them into that ridiculous pricing and not allowing any discounts at all.

    I'm not sure how it'll affect that Code Geass manga, but my guess is if it's already in print, they'll keep it going for a bit and try to sell it's rights. I've been putting off K-On!....looks like I'd better get my act together, but I think this deal puts a long hold on it's second season, while they wait for someone to pick up it's rights
  25. bandai-entertainment to stop releasing new dvds, bds, manga.

    I figured this would happen, and it did, sadly. Their method of releasing series is basically what did them in. I was was worried when I heard they picked up the license for Gosick, now I'm sad.....Hopefully some companies will pick up the cancelled releases.