What are you going to make?




I know a a lot of people cant wait for the servers to be up, but im curious, what are you going to make/change?

Personally i cant wait to change my Fire/kin



I'm going to make... whoopie!

Seriously though I think I may just stick to farming 8 man spawns for awhile to hopefully get some purple drops.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



theres a shocker :P

ill be making a elec/sm tank and hell be awesome!!



Flaming Zombies

Ice/Cold controller - very cold, very slick, very safe

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



customizng my fire fire dom, grav nrg dom, elec/dark corr

i might in the future but right now wont: Crab, Widow, First stone/invul brute of mine...reasons: becuase i rarely play them anymore

will be making in order: Arch/Ta corr, Plant/earth dom, Claws/Elec Brute, Broad Sword/Nrg Stalker...Perhaps Dark/Dark brute..depending if i begin to like brutes again (so the claws/elec will be the tester )



Right now, I'm looking more at changing the colors on some of my existing alts. Black flames for one of my corruptors and yellow/gold/white energy blasts are things that I've been waiting for.
What sets are being proliferated anyway? Once GR comes out, I have my eye on the pistol and demon summoning sets...

I am your tax dollars at work.

Just when you think you've made something id10t proof, they make a better id10t. - Jade_Dragon



To Paraphrase Ferris Bueller:

"The question isn't what are you going to make today, the question is what Aren't you going to make today."

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



I've got an Elec/Invuln scrapper and a Rad/Energy blaster in mind.



I have no idea what I am going to do first.

I have 21, yes 21, new characters I want to make with the new proliferated powers.

I have I don't know how many characters I want to customize the powers on.

I even have an idea of an AE story I want to do that I have been putting off and maybe I will do it now.

This issue is a big fat sack of win.

Thank you devs!

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Mind/Cold for duelling.
Illusion/Cold or Fire/Cold for teaming.
Sonic Blast/Trick Arrow Corruptor
Thugs/Therm or something/Therm MM

I'll be 'making' many zombie mission runs on my Spine/SR Scrapper.

Many colours to change...my bubbler first then who knows.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah so long till servers come up!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



First thing I'm gonna do is make my Spines/Elec Scrapper. Then later on(as in at least a few weeks) I'm gonna sell all the Achilles' Heel procs I hoarded for massive profit. Think in the 1-1.5 billion profit range.



I'm going to be making a spines/elec scrapper named Severe Tire Damage and a recolored Energy/Mind blaster named Tsunami Psychosis.

Most of my existing characters won't take advantage of the ability to recolor powersets because their costumes and concepts were designed to go well with the color of their powers.

...I forgot what experience means.



I'll be changing a few colors around, and playing some characters I've been holding on who'll benefit from some other changes, but there's no huge hurry on any of that. I'm rerolling a character as a Rad/Mental Blaster.

Honestly, this issue is in that strange middle ground between "meh" and "cool", no exclamation marks on either.



Me? Well I'm still thinking on the making a new toon part (But I'm leaning towards a controler of some type). However the first thing I will do is to respec my electrical blaster toon to make it more of a blaster/blapper type-with more approvate visuals. Then I'm going to slowly tweak my other toons (if needed) over the week.



Okay I lied, I went home during lunch to get a jump on the download before the after work crowd gets on. You couldn't immediately log into the game but the character creation screen was up so I played around with that and ended up making a DM/EA scrapper.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



The first thing I've done is enable 'Friends and Supergroup Only' on my ingame e-mails.

/me waves goodbye to spammers



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
The first thing I've done is enable 'Friends and Supergroup Only' on my ingame e-mails.

/me waves goodbye to spammers
Didn't now that was a new option, can't seem to find any patch notes for I16

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



I'm going to spend the evening painstakingly crafting six new characters:

Electric Melee/Fiery Aura Scrapper (Dark color option to all powers)
Rad Blast/Fire Manipulation Blaster (Fire colored to look like Rad)
Ice/Cold Controller

Claws/Electric Armor Brute
Earth Control/Earth Assault Dominator (Lava Themed)
Thugs/Thermal Mastermind (A Super Powered Hellion!)

Then spend the next four or five months leveling them until Going Rogue comes out, and I make up a bunch more!

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



Well, I have a tanker that needs a few animation changes and my Fire/fire scrapper that needs a respec and aura coloring. I may remake my Elec/Elec Blaster into an E/E scrapper.

Proud player of:
Silindria (50 Fire/Fire scrapper - Head of The House of the Wayward Soul)
Crimson Arrowette (41 TA/Ar Defender - Leader of The Virtue League)



I plan to make the following:


Traps/Dark Defender
Fire/Cold Controller
Earth/Cold Controller
Super Reflexes/Electric Armor Scrapper
Rad/Psi Blaster (maybe)


Thugs/Thermal Mastermind
Necro/Thermal Mastermind
Earth/Earth Dominator
Fire/Earth Dominator
Claws/Fire Brute (maybe)


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I'll finally be able to make a Bots/Dark!

No, those didn't just get proliferated, it's just that customization will make the /dark powers a believable swarm of nanites.

I'll also be able to make a scrapper that I've always wanted: elec/elec. Not because it'll be powerful, not even for the looks, but for the bloody concept. For things outside of CoX, I've designed a character that's an electricity elemental of sorts, but doesn't fight from range.

Also, obligatory flaming zombies.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



What are you going to make?
Spam email go away.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I have names and costumes queued up for:

Ice / Cold Controller - Beautiful Snowflake

Elec / Elec Scrapper - Human Dynamo

Elec / Elec Tanker - Professor Ohm

Claws / Dark Brute - Snuggles the Bear

Arch / TA Corruptor - Blacquethorne

And trying to come up with costumes and concepts that I am happy with for the other proliferated powersets. I'm just not happy with the names and concepts I came up with for the Rad / Fire Blaster, Traps / AR Defender, Earth / Earth Dominator, Ninja / Thermal MM or Broadsword / SR Stalker I made on Test.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



I'll probably make and Earth/Earth Dom and a Necro/Therm MM is I can tear myself away from running 8-man spawns solo with my brutes.