no blinds




I've only been playing this game a few weeks but I'm struck by how difficult it is to find a team. I've tried forming teams myself but I'm put off by the rude and arrogant people who believe you should send them a begging letter before they gran their permission for you to send them an invite. I mean why?

If you don't want a team don't sit in the 'looking for team' section. It's pretty simple. You also get the option to refuse when an invite is sent. Why do you want to waste my time and spoil my fun, making me stop playing and spend all my time sending stupid messages?

Whenever I see the 'mo blinds tab' I know the person is rude and arrogant so I just don't invite.



Personally i think it's rude to sent a team invite just out of the blue. Perhaps the team you have isn't what they're looking for, missions/TF/badge hunting/farming etc etc.
Not to mention that there's lower levels players who will try invite higher levels to powerlevel them.

And i think you'd find them less rude if you just took the effort to send a tell asking beforehand "wanna join lvl xx team for some missions?"



Whenever I get a blind invite (and I am always flagged as 'Not Looking For Team'), I know the person who sent it is lazy and arrogant and refuse it. After all, if they can't take 30 seconds to let me know they are doing 'x-level missions, in x-zone', why should I waste my time and spoil my fun, to join a team only to find out it's a boring farming one?

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



I have the "no blind invites" option up purely because i *am* annoyed of invites just coming out of the blue. Most of the time when i get them i am in the middle of a mission OR spending time at wentworths/ the black market, and having the "you have been invited to team" pop up in the middle of the screen is annoying.

Now, saying that, if i get a warning (in this case a tell) that it will be incoming, then that means i can take the time and at least anticipate it and get stuff sorted out myself. Also you *know* that at that point in time when they reply to your tell that THEY are NOT super busy at that point in time (ie break in combat, stopped selling at wentworths etc)

Call it arrogant/rude for having "no blinds" up in the search window? Well to be honest, i find it more rude to just get an invite with no warning... especially *if* i was in the middle of combat and the invite window is hovering over a mob that i have to click on (has happened to me more than once)



It's simple. If you don't want to be invited don't mark yourself as looking for a team. The invitation has a decline button you can use if you don't want to join. You can also quit the team by clicking the quit team button.

This is the only game I've played where people do this. Age of Conan has a similar team finding system but you don't get snotty 'no blind' messages.

This is why nobody wants to have the star in a team. You have to spend ALL the time you have the star sending chat messages.



I've only been playing this game a few weeks but I'm struck by how difficult it is to find a team. I've tried forming teams myself but I'm put off by the rude and arrogant people who believe you should send them a begging letter before they gran their permission for you to send them an invite. I mean why?

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I'm not asking for a begging letter. but i prefer a nice tell asking if i'm interested in a team. oh! and i WILL reply in as polite a manner as the tell i recieve.

If you don't want a team don't sit in the 'looking for team' section. It's pretty simple. You also get the option to refuse when an invite is sent. Why do you want to waste my time and spoil my fun, making me stop playing and spend all my time sending stupid messages?

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it's not that i dont want to team. i'm just picky when it comes to what/when/where.
Example: i'm currently lvling a new troller. i have no intentions of doing hollows with this troller, as i've done that on the last 3-4 toons in lvl range. so no point in joining a team if it's doing just that. here a nice tell asking if i'm interested in a hollows-team is much appreciated.

Whenever I see the 'mo blinds tab' I know the person is rude and arrogant so I just don't invite.

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you got this all wrong. it's the other way around. those who cant be arsed to write a tell are arrogant, and it's very rude just throwing tells in other peoples face.
if you want to play ball with someone you dont just throw the ball in their face and expect them to pick it up and play along. you ask them first

jbWarsmith out!



not always ..... Reading of the team notice is "Essential" in this game... as its common sense. if u get a blind invite send a tell back say .. im sorry not teaming/ whatever and then say in future please read my team/search comment.

its a 2 way thing is curtesy

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



Personally i think it's rude to sent a team invite just out of the blue. Perhaps the team you have isn't what they're looking for, missions/TF/badge hunting/farming etc etc.
Not to mention that there's lower levels players who will try invite higher levels to powerlevel them.

And i think you'd find them less rude if you just took the effort to send a tell asking beforehand "wanna join lvl xx team for some missions?"

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^This, pretty much. Doesn't take long at all to send a quick message giving me information on the team and what we'll be facing.
To me, sending a blind invite is like sitting in front of someone, banging the desk saying "Join my team now! Join my team now! Join my team now!". I don't think it's rude to ask for a tell first.



It's simple. If you don't want to be invited don't mark yourself as looking for a team. The invitation has a decline button you can use if you don't want to join.

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Actually, I'm pretty sure the default setting is the grey "Not looking for team" setting in the search window. Most people I see haven't changed it. Sooo... you're most likely blind inviting people who are actually set to the grey "not LFT" flag, which would make the blind inviter rude in my humble opinion.



Love the irony of this post. People using the team message to inform potential teams of what they're looking for is considered rude, whereas blindly sending an invite isn't?

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Love the irony of this post. People using the team message to inform potential teams of what they're looking for is considered rude, whereas blindly sending an invite isn't?

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Oh yes - the irony in the last two sentences is positively heartwarming:

Why do you want to waste my time and spoil my fun, making me stop playing and spend all my time sending stupid messages?

Whenever I see the 'mo blinds tab' I know the person is rude and arrogant so I just don't invite.

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How about if someone spams lft in broadcast. Do I need to ask them? Flagging yourself as looking for a team is equivalent to broadcasting lft.

The system provided is good and well thought out. People looking for a team can find one, people in a team can find people looking. But just suppose, to please tohose who want an extra choice an automatic tell was added before the request was sent would that be OK?

Like, instead of just being sent a team request in response to your looking for team notification you were automativcally sent a message

'I know you have alredy indicated you want to find a team, but here is an automatic tell to confirm that you really are looking for a team.'

Then you can click yes or no. Followed by the usual 'xx invites you to a team.' where you get another chance to decline.

Or would you like an extra, extra, extra chance to say no?




This is why nobody wants to have the star in a team. You have to spend ALL the time you have the star sending chat messages.

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This. You got a good point here. It is annoying to try finding team members. I HATE doing that. If you send a tell most people even refuse to answer the message at all. Which is disheartening. You need to send out messages to a lot of peoples each taking you that 30 seconds plus the wait for their answer. Which most of the time will be nothing or a no thanks.

That's one of the reasons I play this game solo 99% of the time. Because yes, I will not bother anymore to try to form a team. And I dare say this is the point for most of the players.

If we want a HEALTHY community where players who take the initiative such as the OP gets rewarded for their effort. Where people are willing to take the star we will have to change our attitude. Not just the attitude of the arrogant people who blindly invite but also the attitude of the arrogant people who don't accept blinds.

For the record: I DO ACCEPT team invites be they blind or not.



Or would you like an extra, extra, extra chance to say no?

[/ QUOTE ]

What we'd like is for people to actually have some manners and ASK, no matter WHAT the teaming flag is set to. Would you like it if someone total stranger confronted you in the street and demanded your complete and undivided attention, or would you rather they say "Excuse me, got a moment?"

Manners, dear boy. It's what makes is different to the baser creatures don't you know...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I have the "no blind invites" option up purely because i *am* annoyed of invites just coming out of the blue. Most of the time when i get them i am in the middle of a mission OR spending time at wentworths/ the black market

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It takes all of 2 seconds to click the no button and seeing as you can't invite when someone is inside a mission i'd love to know how that's ever been a problem for you.

What annoys me is how people write 'always lft' in their search comment or something to that effect, but when you ask by sending a tell you get some snotty sarcastic reply saying "if i was i'd set it to 'Looking for Team'". To those people I'd say if your not looking for a team, change the search comment or hide. Some say it doesn't take much for you to send a quick tell but don't often even bother to reply to one, bit hypocritical if you ask me.

I can see why people often resort to blinds in all fairness.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



Usually when i'm team leader i rarely have to look for people. I often get tells asking if there's room. I also have nothing against sending out a short tell asking if they would like to join my team.

How about if someone spams lft in broadcast. Do I need to ask them? Flagging yourself as looking for a team is equivalent to broadcasting lft.

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If they're spamming broadcast i would say invite away.
And no they're not really same, since there's still diffrent kinds of teams. How would i know that your team is not a farming team, planning to do a TF etc etc.

I might have no intrest in farming a mission, nor have the time for a TF.

I do not accept blind invites because i do not like to be randomly invited and find out they just wanted me to pad their mission. Or some low level who goes "PL PLZ".
If that makes me arrogant and rude, so be it. It makes my gaming experience much more pleasant not having to deal with that, and knowing that those who do send out a tell, generally tend to be good polite people who are fun to play with.

It's a MMO ffs, is it so hard to interact with your fellow players?



I kinda agree with the OP here if there set at looking for team i dont see why they should then require a tell with the full run down of the team. (some seem to requrie this)



Whenever I get a blind invite (and I am always flagged as 'Not Looking For Team'), I know the person who sent it is lazy and arrogant and refuse it. After all, if they can't take 30 seconds to let me know they are doing 'x-level missions, in x-zone', why should I waste my time and spoil my fun, to join a team only to find out it's a boring farming one?

[/ QUOTE ]This, for reasons already stated, most of all for the sake of being respectful of the person you're inviting. It's no better than blind Supergroup invites (which can luckily be disabled and set to 'disabled' by default without hampering gameplay).

Besides, as there's different stuff to do in this game, people want to know just -what- you're inviting them to. Four out of five times I'l accept a blind when I'm set to LFT, but one out of three times it ends up being a freaking farm or something else I'm completely not interested in.
And no, writing 'No farms' in the LFT message does not make a difference, as blind inviters apparently don't read those anyway (proven as I had 'No blinds' as my message for a long time, to no effect).



literally all it takes is a simple tell of "interested in a team?" to which I reply sure (with a smiley face) or "No thanks but good luck" there are times when I'm not particularly interested in teaming and want to do my own thing where I can take my own pace, stopping for the occasional ciggarette/tea break mid-mission or just amble around Paragon/Isles for a while.

If your looking for teams for something big, say a Taskforce, I recommend joining Sals Badgehunters on Union, unfortunately I don't know the badge hunter channel for Defiant but I'm sure someone can tell you.

There really does need to be a 'on taskforce' and auto-setting for the LFT thing...the number of tells I get during a taskforce asking if they can join then having to tell them it's no possible thanks to the Taskforce mechanic (which I still think is kinda crappy that you can't invite others once it's started even if you've lost someone from the original team...).

One tell...takes about 4-5 seconds to type out...even if it's just "Team?" I'm not the kind of person that asks for a 'you interested in a level X team in X zone doing X missions?' tell, just a simple Tell beforehand would be nice.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I have "no blind invites" on all of my characters just to make sure that I'm ignored by people who share the OP's mindset. I don't want to play with people like that. I want to play with people who are capable of sending a polite and informative tell first.

Edit- Aside from anything else, I like a bit of banter when I do team. The people who send blind invites without sending a tell are more likely to be the kind of uncommunicative team that I don't enjoy.

The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...



It takes all of 2 seconds to click the no button and seeing as you can't invite when someone is inside a mission i'd love to know how that's ever been a problem for you.

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It can happen if you've been killed and gone to your base or the hospital - it can be particularly annoying for teleporters.



Okay, I don't accept blind invites but don't say anything unless that person keeps spamming blind invites.

Personally i always send tells no matter the flag of the player. Some people don't like Hollows for example or some don't like chasing radio missions all day. So a tell including mission zone, type and level is a polite thing to do.

So in the end, IMO if you're sending blind invites (invites for fill or farming teams) to people whose search comment is "No Blinds, No Fill, No Farm" (yeah, this is my search comment on all my heroes) you deserve any arrogant replies (not including insults mind you). If you can't respect other people's desires, don't wait respect in return.



Personally I am sort of with the OP. If someone sets themself to LFT I just invite. If they are set not LFT then I don't bother sending an invite or a tell. Setting the LFT flag states you are looking for a team. If you are in my level range then "invite sent". I don't screw around with "Hi, I am currently in the area of looking for team mates to join me for mutual enemy bashing at or around the level of $level, Applicants must have super powers and GSOH".

Although at the moment with the tell system being screwed I just solo and recieve "Tell asdf" as a tell. My search comment is "just invite me as tells are broken and I won't get them". So much for people reading search comments.



Or would you like an extra, extra, extra chance to say no?

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What we'd like is for people to actually have some manners and ASK, no matter WHAT the teaming flag is set to. Would you like it if someone total stranger confronted you in the street and demanded your complete and undivided attention, or would you rather they say "Excuse me, got a moment?"

Manners, dear boy. It's what makes is different to the baser creatures don't you know...

[/ QUOTE ]isn't that called market reseacher?