116 -
*runs toward nibs and cries, why ow god why mate!*
but im sure we still gonna see yae around on a different MMO..
[/ QUOTE ]
Pfft, I've hardly been in-game anyway. You saw it coming a mile offJust recent developments and RL issues make it more official
Bye Zortel
Completely agree with your reasons for leaving, same reasons I'm leaving too actually -
Never thought I'd be seeing you go, FFM. Hope you find another game as enjoyable as CoH was.
I'll probably be seeing you in another Superhero MMO sometime soon
Bye Standoff
Who's gonna order the coach load for us all? -
Until now, and Positron's statement that the Devs are no longer interested in doing Story Arcs, just TF /SF, and there will be no re-vamping of tired zones, just shiny new ones. That's enough for me. The Devs are leaving story arcs to the player base, and letting the story rot.
[/ QUOTE ]
I wasn't pleased with that either. I (and many others I assume) liked to have a back story to the game and to the missions fitting in with the games canon, and would like that story to progress. -.-
Tara DrDestiny -
Hello, 39 month Veteran here
I haven't been on the game properly in months and I'm just not enjoying the game as much as I used to. The main reason I held on for so long was because of some close friends in my current supergroup whom I still talk to on Skype.
I know I don't post much here but thought I may as well say my goodbyes too since everyone else currently is
It's been fun while it lasted but with these latest announcements, to me the game is lacking direction now. May be back at some point, but meh, we'll see.
Thanks to those who made the game extra enjoyable through the years, you know who you are.
p.s. Account runs out in September.. didn't cancel my sub in time -.- -
Gen. Pansington: Positron, are there any plans on reworking the shadow shard tfs? noone ever playes them anymore
P: Right now, we'd rather add zones, since a revamp takes almost as much time.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now, I haven't been on the game much lately due to being busy (and being slightly bored), but surely it would be better to improve current zones like they did with Faultline and the Rikti War Zone?
Adding zones could split the player base up further, and last time I was in the game, a lot of the zones felt pretty empty. For playing an MMO, sometimes it just doesn't feel like an MMO to me (obvious exceptions when I go to Atlas, Wentsworth, etc.). -
And servers are back up. And no, I'm not joking.
Clicked it once, shall just keep an eye on this thread to see when the servers are unrestricted.
Probably not do anything straight away. Eventually come back onto the game and transfer my story arc from test. We'll see though.
Probably about 25-30 million, which I promptly spent on some IO sets.
For the sake of my mental well-being, I am not going to calculate how much money I've spent.
Ooh, just noticed it's connected now, and for my friends too.
Same here, and for a couple of friends of mine.
I can't even get the updater to connect, and neither can a couple of friends of mine.
13 13 13 im seeing a trend going on here! OH DEAR JEBUS... its friday the thirteenth this friday!!!
[/ QUOTE ]And another in March (which is the day I'll be flying to the US on).. good thing I'm not suspicious >_>
On topic:
Feeling for those who have been laid off. Shall wait for word from GR though before speculating on EU CoX's future though -
Oh must try what should it do?
[/ QUOTE ]
Having a quick look at Paragon Wiki, it seems to alter your draw distance and the amount of detail rendered. Although, there's a warning for setting it to 4, maybe MA has a very high spec machine
Edit: ... What MA said. -
Woken up to about... 5 cm of snow in the East Midlands area. And now I'm gonna drive to work through it
Stalkers, although I feel like I haven't given it a fair chance, since I only got up to about level 5, then went on to another alt and ended up deleting the stalker.
Haven't gotten very far on a Tanker either, although I just haven't had the chance / motivation to play lately. -
[/ QUOTE ]
It's been nerfed