How is the game SUPPOSED to be played?




With yet even MORE anti farming/anti abusive (i mean cummon people, friendly abusive is fun!) posts around again, im just wondering how people think the game SHOULD be played?

According to people there should be:

*No Farming
*No Fast levelling past the lvls youv done a million times
*No filling the market with a ton of items you deem useless
*No Overpaying an item YOU want because it makes it harder for others.
*No smacktalk in pvp zones/arena
*No PUG's
*No playing to your strengths in teams, you MUST listen to whatever the captain says at all times regardless whether theyr right or wrong.
*No moaning on the forums (does this count as a moan? hehe)
*Everyone should leave the mechs in RV alone until i let them have it.
*More penalties for death even though a lot of people complain when they do currently die (im pro more penalties btw, debt needs to be doubled at least).
*No farmers in the game because they ruin the late lvls for us because the devs nerfed the family!!! Farmers screwed the TRUE players of the game! Yet afaik isnt there just the ONE family mish?
*People should only use atlas broadcast to say when theyr lft or to announce important things, doesnt matter that some people use it to start a convo off in the zone and to make new friends. We have to play the way THEY want too.

Feel free to add you own hehe

Oh and for all the people that do think they play the game "properly" . . . . . . . . how'd you fund your latest toons? Did you sell that hami goo for (now) 700k? or that rare recipe for a few mill? because thats down to farmers too you know




@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I agree to some extent but still; no matter WHAT game you play, there'll always be gold/equipment farmers. Heck, it might end up 'ruining' the game later on but still, the whole point of a game is to have fun right?

People often fill the markets with useless items in order to get certain badges - I see nothing wrong with this, this'll just make the price of that item drop.

I see where you're going at with the broadcast bit but to be honest, no one seems to complain about socialising through that channel, in fact it's actually easier to talk to someone through that then to go right up to someone and talk on local.

More penalties for death? Why?? What about all of the 'squishes' out there, such as Masterminds, blasters, corruptors etc..We wouldn't want to end up with 3 bars of debt in a single mission do we?

Well, not bothered with the rest, that's all =)



We wouldn't want to end up with 3 bars of debt in a single mission do we?

[/ QUOTE ]

And why ever not? That's what we used to get, inside or out. Taught us not to die. Oh and all this were fields too.

Lets face it, a blaster without debt is probably hiding somewhere out of the way or still in Outbreak

I'm very pro-penalty... bring it all back... debt 4 times (have i got that right? it was halved then halved again?) as high as it is now, and from level 5.



People moan too much about the way people play this game. Everyone pays just as much every month to be able to play and as long as they play by the rules no one should interfere.

On a sidenote, I do agree with upping the debt from each death. Currently it doesnt actually have any effect. You die, team clears mob and by the time you've used your wakie the debt is gone. Hardly a penalty is it...

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein




*No filling the market with a ton of items you deem useless
*No Overpaying an item YOU want because it makes it harder for others.
*No PUG's
*No playing to your strengths in teams, you MUST listen to whatever the captain says at all times regardless whether theyr right or wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]What forums have you been reading?



Oh and for all the people that do think they play the game "properly" . . . . . . . . how'd you fund your latest toons? Did you sell that hami goo for (now) 700k? or that rare recipe for a few mill? because thats down to farmers too you know

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh really? I was under the impression it was because I listed it for that much...

@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"



Upside down.

In space.

On fire.



Upside down.

In space.

On fire.

[/ QUOTE ]

With a beeny hat on.



i was going to make some sort of coment on the ops list untill i started typing then relised i actuly cant be bothered going over all this again, fair enough i dont think all these things have been mentioned in one hread at one time before but they have been dun do death else where in the forums with everybody basicly agreeing to disagree.

the one thing i can say about the game after this long playing it is we all pay the same sub for the same content so if people wont to farm who cares as long as they dont pester me to join them im happy.

my only other coment is about the market im guilty of both selling things for silly high prices coz i need the end on one of my 50s and also of paying silly amounts for item not because ive sat in a mission for 3 hours leting somebody farm but because ive spent a bloody week earning it the hard way to get what i wont and im not the only person who plays the game this way so try not to generalise to much please

There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's

Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50



Upside down.

In space.

On fire.

[/ QUOTE ]

With a beeny hat on.

[/ QUOTE ]

On Christmas Day.



The game is supposed to be played with free-flowing hair - as yet, it's not possible to play it properly

[/ QUOTE ]You said that about necklines... just give them a few years

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Upside down.

In space.

On fire.

[/ QUOTE ]

With a beeny hat on.

[/ QUOTE ]

On Christmas Day.

[/ QUOTE ]

with one eye closed

There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's

Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50



if the game were to be ideal for everyone then it wouldn't be fun anymore



The game is supposed to be played with free-flowing hair - as yet, it's not possible to play it properly

[/ QUOTE ]You said that about necklines... just give them a few years

[/ QUOTE ]
I will - I have time

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



You make a superstrength Brute and start hurling rocks at people. You'll find that this is truly how the game is meant to be played, as evidenced by how hilariously fun it is. Hypertech, scientific process, magical enchantment or impossible skill, it's all beaten by a massive rock in the face.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Upside down.

In space.

On fire.

[/ QUOTE ]

With a beeny hat on.

[/ QUOTE ]

On Christmas Day.

[/ QUOTE ]

with one eye closed

[/ QUOTE ]
And a monocle on the other eye



I love the 'That's not how the game should be played' comments, it's just like what the homophobes say in real life, adds a nice touch of humour to posts.



"Play the game how you want" is simply not good enough IMO. Because sometimes how you play upsets, irritates, offends, or is detrimental to other people.

So, being impolite, abusive, or ganking is not on.

UNfortunately, the blithe attitude that "farming doesnt effect anyone else" is utter nonsense. It effects the whole community. The only question is to what degree.

Farmers may wish to argue it is to a minimal (or near zero) and therefore acceptable degree. But maintaining an attitude of "IT AFFECTS YOU NOT AT ALL SO BACK OFF" is not helpful, as its not true.

ULtimately I would imagine this game is supposed to be played in the way that is fun. But for everybody.

Its a good point about homophobes. We cant go around dictating how Sexual relationships are supposed to be played. But we can go round saying that perscuting homosexuality is wrong and we can go round saying that public displays of sexual behaviour is wrong (irrespective of sexuality) due to the offense this would cause many people.

"Do what you want" is just overtly simplistic and not thought through IMO.



People moan too much about the way people play this game. Everyone pays just as much every month to be able to play and as long as they play by the rules no one should interfere.

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I always have a laugh when this comes up.

Technically not everyone pays the same. If you chose to only pay a month at a time you pay more than someone who signs up for 3 or 6 months. I think it should be decreed that anyone who pays month by month gets to tell anyone who signs up for 3 or 6 months how to play their game and if you pay 3 months you get to tell those on 6 months plans what to do. Those who sign up for 6 months tell no one how to play and have to listen to everyone else. That should sort everything.

(I'm getting strange visions of John Cleese and the Two Ronnies...!)



The short simple answer is to play however you want to, and within the rules of the game as stated in the EULA etc, as long as you're not affecting other players negatively.

Of course "negatively" is open to interpretation and some players will lash out at anything they perceive is at fault for their own in-game problems and shortcomings, but being abusive is by far the biggest example of affecting players negatively that I've seen in MMOs.

I can't be bothered to give a long complex answer, you'll be glad to hear

Honestly I couldn't give a hoot what "playstyle whiners" think at all, as long as: a) they're not in my face about it while I'm playing, b) they're not paying my sub, c) I'm playing within the rules set by the Devs/Publishers (which of course includes not being abusive to other players), and most important of all, d) I'm still having fun. If I stopped having fun, but the majority still were, then I'd know it was time to find a new game to play.



If you're not having fun, then you're not playing properly

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I can't believe I'm saying this but GG is right.



If you're not having fun, then you're not playing properly

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't believe I'm saying this but GG is right.

[/ QUOTE ]

You were just in denial

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork