How is the game SUPPOSED to be played?




I wont play a character that I cant plan a bbuild I'm happy with from 1-50 anymore. I wont stick to that build, or half the time pay attention to it, but I need to know I can make something I'm happy with. This comes back a Warshade and a Dominator which I wish I'd used the time elsewhere. I'm really glad I picked Ice primary on my dominator, but I wish I'd picked a secondary that I liked less so that slotting and power choices would be easieer and I wouldn't be wanting to 6 slot everything.

Simularly I wish I'd never rolled a warshade because I cant get the all human build I want till the late 30s and I find the other two forms imensely dull

So yeah perfectly understandable obsessions. I also wont create a character I cant think of a name or costume to go with concept wise

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, concept, name, costume, bio and build (especially the synergies between both powersets) have to gel together for me to bother making a character these days - if not then I know from experience I won’t be able to stick with them through 50 levels. Even then, that’s no guarantee I’ll enjoy playing them. I’ve deleted dozens (maybe hundreds) of characters by L20 that failed that criteria, to save wasting more time on them.

Like you I have my cautionary example - my Mind/Psi Dom. Concept, name, costume, bio and build gelled perfectly, but he just didn’t feel powerful/useful in play (mainly /Psi’s fault). For 30 levels I played the martyr, grinding on because so many said that L38 made it all worthwhile (PSW). All I achieved was souring myself to the whole archetype for 5 issues (from I7 ‘til I made my Earth/Fire in I12). Still haven’t deleted the Mind/Psi, still intend to get those 8 levels, still fooling myself that I’ll ever feel like playing him again - but he’s worth keeping as a reminder not to make that mistake again.

I adore my Warshade though - out of all my L50s I got there fastest with him, because I just couldn’t stop playing him - admittedly he is a tri-form double-mire build, which is the only way to build a Warshade to satisfy a damage-junkie like me (and gameplay-wise he was almost fully-formed by L20-22ish, although L38 helped survivability a lot ) - personally I just know that I wouldn’t find human-only viable at all - and that has put me off ever making a Peacebringer, as so many PB players go human-only, but I don't see how that could make anything but a weak blaster/scrapper hybrid.



personally I just know that I wouldn’t find human-only viable at all - and that has put me off ever making a Peacebringer, as so many PB players go human-only, but I don't see how that could make anything but a weak blaster/scrapper hybrid.

[/ QUOTE ]

Better that, than an slots stretched too far, jack of all trades master of none 3 form.



Better that, than an slots stretched too far, jack of all trades master of none 3 form.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sure you're right, but if it doesn't do at least as much damage as a scrapper (and I can't see how unless always in a full team of only Tankers/Defenders/Corruptors/Masterminds) then I think I'll abstain. It's the powergamer/achiever in me and I can't help it

And that was my point, more than the slots thing, because I know that - my tri-form warshade only has his human-form control/buff powers slotted. No way could human-only WS get anywhere near the damage a double-mired nova WS can do - and a PB wouldn't have any Mires at all, just BU (and yeah, I know PBs are more survivable, before someone says it - pre-L38 anyway - and that they hold aggro better in dwarf).



Aren't you supposed to play CoH with a Nintendo Power-Glove?



On the lowest graphic setting.

In windowed mode.

With pr0n on your browser next to it.

Whilst listening to "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath.

And watching Batman.

With the lights out.

And swimming goggles on.

With an eyepatch underneath.

With a plate of crackers and cheese.



On the lowest graphic setting.

In windowed mode.

With pr0n on your browser next to it.

Whilst listening to "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath.

And watching Batman.

With the lights out.

And swimming goggles on.

With an eyepatch underneath.

With a plate of crackers and cheese.

[/ QUOTE ]

You should perhaps keep your habits to yourself

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Yeah, concept, name, costume, bio and build (especially the synergies between both powersets) have to gel together for me to bother making a character these days - if not then I know from experience I won’t be able to stick with them through 50 levels. Even then, that’s no guarantee I’ll enjoy playing them. I’ve deleted dozens (maybe hundreds) of characters by L20 that failed that criteria, to save wasting more time on them.

[/ QUOTE ]Like Cynic said too, I can understand planning out a build, but that's something I have never done. I do all the rest you have mentioned Valkryst though, and I generally know by lvl 20, whether I'm gonna keep the alt or not. Deleted both my WS and PB by lvl 17, gave up with my Ill/kin by the same time, as struggled to find teams at weird times of the day, Emp/Arch went the same way....oh how I could go on. The one I stuck with, hoping that it would get better, was my Stone/Stone, which is still struggling to get to 30 after almost 3 years.

Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body

Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Defender Nilus Scrapper
Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker



Aren't you supposed to play CoH with a Nintendo Power-Glove?

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought everyone did? Am I the only one then?


I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.



Aren't you supposed to play CoH with a Nintendo Power-Glove?

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought everyone did? Am I the only one then?

[/ QUOTE ]

The Wiimote is the only way!
Seriously... 14 pages on this subject! I didn't even care to read more than the first and last page, because once again people are either ranting, or ruining a really good question, probably because deep in our heart we all know the answer:

As long as you (cencored) pay for the game and adhere to the Eula, play the game in whatever way you want. While some teleporting multi-account buffers in RV do annoy me, if they enjoy the game that way, fine. (Even if it's a bit sad they make new PVP'ers stop PVPing fast and ruin the experience for others, as long as the Eula accepts it, I do)

Another reminder is always called for: It is just a game. Yes, It's OUR game, it's a great game etc, but it's still just a game. At least noone (but muddy) will steal your purple recipe. Yes muddy, you KNOW that was really my drop yesterday (Yes that was a joke)



Upside down.

In space.

On fire.

[/ QUOTE ]

With a beeny hat on.

[/ QUOTE ]

And socks on your hands, while whistling at your cat.

(O.o )
(> < )
This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your profile to help him on his way to world domination.



You don't. The new vision has begun already.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Like this.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator