How is the game SUPPOSED to be played?




If you're not having fun, then you're not playing properly

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't believe I'm saying this but GG is right.

[/ QUOTE ]

You were just in denial

[/ QUOTE ]I think it was the Ganges actually.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



sat at your computer with a 42 inch moniter naked (ok for those who are a bit modest you can ware a thong) with a fridge full of bear with in easy reach

dam should have read the rest of your post not just the headliner



Play how you want and what makes it fun for you, dont give a stuff about others who moan about what you feel is fun as lets face it its human nature to be different.

PL and farm for some, RP and dull missions on the lowest setting for those who dont want xp or debt for others, do what the hell you want.



Upside down.

In space.

On fire.

[/ QUOTE ]

With a beeny hat on.

[/ QUOTE ]

On Christmas Day.

[/ QUOTE ]

with one eye closed

[/ QUOTE ]
And a monocle on the other eye

[/ QUOTE ]

With one hand tied behind your back.

But seriously, as long as it isn't breaching the EULA, do as thou whilst.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



with a fridge full of bear with in easy reach

[/ QUOTE ]Make sure that fridge is locked tight though.



with a fridge full of bear with in easy reach

[/ QUOTE ]Make sure that fridge is locked tight though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess its a polar bear?

I really don't want to know why you'd be naked though... As long as you and the bear are happy with your lifestyle choice who are we to judge?



sat at your computer with a 42 inch moniter naked (ok for those who are a bit modest you can ware a thong) with a fridge full of bear with in easy reach

dam should have read the rest of your post not just the headliner

[/ QUOTE ]

BEAR,THONGS omg muddy go back to bed its far to early for you today



Upside down.

In space.

On fire.

[/ QUOTE ]

With a beeny hat on.

[/ QUOTE ]

On Christmas Day.

[/ QUOTE ]

with one eye closed

[/ QUOTE ]
And a monocle on the other eye

[/ QUOTE ]

With one hand tied behind your back.

[/ QUOTE ]

Using an old C64 wiggly joystick without an autofire setting.

DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.

Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!




*No Farming
*No Fast levelling past the lvls youv done a million times
*No filling the market with a ton of items you deem useless
*No Overpaying an item YOU want because it makes it harder for others.
*No smacktalk in pvp zones/arena
*No PUG's
*No playing to your strengths in teams, you MUST listen to whatever the captain says at all times regardless whether theyr right or wrong.
*No moaning on the forums (does this count as a moan? hehe)
*Everyone should leave the mechs in RV alone until i let them have it.
*More penalties for death even though a lot of people complain when they do currently die (im pro more penalties btw, debt needs to be doubled at least).
*No farmers in the game because they ruin the late lvls for us because the devs nerfed the family!!! Farmers screwed the TRUE players of the game! Yet afaik isnt there just the ONE family mish?
*People should only use atlas broadcast to say when theyr lft or to announce important things, doesnt matter that some people use it to start a convo off in the zone and to make new friends. We have to play the way THEY want too.

[/ QUOTE ]

+ No Farming? Lies. Farming is fine as long as they don't spam you with filler invites.
+ Fast levelling? See above. Farmers populate the market with more drops and recipes.
+ Filling the market? This actually HELPS people to buy things cheaper.
+ Overpaying? Supply and demand in action. Place lower bid and wait for supply to increase.
+ Smacktalk? Turn off villain/hero broadcast chat.
+ PUGs rock. Great comic relief.
+ It's the leader's team. Suggest an action, but abide by their decision.
+ Moaning is fun. I like moaning. Where would we be without moaning?!?
+ Heavies suck since the buff nerf, and even a buffed one was easy to perma knockdown.
+ Two or three Family missions actually, one big one heroside. They nerfed behemoths too.
+ Am I the only one who hides the chat tab whenever I need to zone into Atlas Park?


Oh and for all the people that do think they play the game "properly" . . . . . . . . how'd you fund your latest toons? Did you sell that hami goo for (now) 700k? or that rare recipe for a few mill? because thats down to farmers too you know

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, this is quite a nice balancing thing. For people who just level through content and don't farm consistently, it's a great change. Normal TFs and mission runs mostly drop tech salvage, and tech rares sell for more now (though magic rares are still slightly more costly).

For farmers, it's a mixed blessing. You have two types of farmers, those that farm for the influence (or drops) and those who farm for experience points (Powerlevelling). The first sort tend to farm big outdoor maps of mobs on the second difficulty level for maximum drops over time, and don't care about the exp. The second sort only care about exp and drops are of secondary importance.

"Drops" Farmers? Personally, I fall under this category: I farm for Influence and drops in order to outfit my toons with expensive IOs and HOs. Heroside I farm magic mobs (Behemoths and Carnies). Redside I farm tech mobs (Nemesis, it's faster than the longbow or possessed scientist map). With the tech/magic salvage drop changes the cost of magic salvage has plummeted, but the cost of tech salvage has risen. Farming any mob is therefore still profitable. This change would have impacted me negatively heroside, since selling rare magic salvage isn't worth as much now as it once was... but they're still worth selling, and a large amount of inf comes from Purple IO recipes and Common level 50 IOs anyway. However on villains I love the fact that tech rare prices are on the increase, since I get them by the barrelful.

"Exp" farmers? With the Family and Behemoth nerfs (Family are worth less exp now, Behemoths are a LOT harder to hit) only the untimed Freakshow map is available for the "outdoor" powerlevelling crowd. The large number of "Family" map powerlevellers contributed to the vast surplus of tech salvage, which is why prices are now on the increase. The cost of Purple recipes and general level 50 pool A recipes should remain fairly stable, since powerlevellers are always going to find SOME form of mob to farm. However only fairly unintelligent Exp farmers have been doing outdoor maps in recent issues anyway, since the best exp-over-time is now repeatedly running radio or paper missions on "invincible" for the mission bonus. (the original untimed Dreck mission is still a favourite for some reason, habit is a hard thing to break...)

Market trends? Personally, I expect the cost of tech salvage to remain at decent levels on Heroside (less Family map farmers feeding it) and the cost of magic salvage to stabilise once enough people realise that it's not so easy to farm Behemoths anymore (unless you have Focussed Accuracy or perma-Fortitude!) which leaves Carnie maps and that Preatorian "psionic citizens" one as the only other big outdoor sources of magic rares. And hardly anyone likes to farm Carnies; they're not great exp, they mez and phase a lot and they don't "clump up" well. Yay for my Spines/DA's "niche"! (Heroside there is also a small bunch of people who farm Magic mobs in the Shadow Shard by running round and round the outside of Fathim's temple. Strange folk...)

The big outdoor maps to farm on CoV are either Longbow, Freakshow-and-DE, Family-and-Nemesis or Pure Nemesis. The indoor Possessed Scientist map deserves a mention for magic salvage farmers, but being indoor it needs repeated more often than other maps for the same amount of kills, which cuts down on your "farming speed". On villains the supply of magic and tech salvage has always been more equal that on heros due to the large number of Longbow maps, but at higher levels tech-only maps become slightly more common. That Nemesis map is quite hard to beat unless you're a defence-based toon with low accuracy...

Finally, it's definately worth mentioning Cimerora. Level 50 Magic-dropping mobs on infinitely repeatable missions, and an endgame TF that features those same mobs. Available to both CoH and CoV... I think this might be a big factor. Expect the price of both types of salvage to stabilise and for the magic prices to remain fairly low. Recipes are going to be the main earner from now on.



afaik it was just the family that was nerfed.

Heroes: Phobos-, Protector-Bot, Shadow of Ra, Bionic Eye, Entropic Chaos, Strike-Freedom.

Villains: Necron Phobos, Khorne-Berzerker, Full Metal Panic, Smasher Devourer, Degrees Kelvin.

Co-Leader of The Echelon
Visit us at



with a fridge full of bear with in easy reach

[/ QUOTE ]Make sure that fridge is locked tight though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess its a polar bear?

I really don't want to know why you'd be naked though... As long as you and the bear are happy with your lifestyle choice who are we to judge?

[/ QUOTE ]

no panda the polar kept eating my penguines



afaik it was just the family that was nerfed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Behemoth's "invincibility" power was tweaked so they get HIGHLY buffed if there is even one person or pet standing in melee range of them. Try fighting one, and watch the ToHit rolls on your combat tab.



No Farming? Lies. Farming is fine as long as they don't spam you with filler invites.

[/ QUOTE ]

It doesn't matter how many times you say this, and it doesn't matter how reasonable a request it is, for some reason thickheaded oxygen wasters will complain at you for even this.

There wouldn't have EVER been any question or 'problem' about farming if they hadn't all started spamming people with fill requests.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Upside down.

In space.

On fire.

[/ QUOTE ]

With a beeny hat on.

[/ QUOTE ]

On Christmas Day.

[/ QUOTE ]

with one eye closed

[/ QUOTE ]
And a monocle on the other eye

[/ QUOTE ]

In a hole.
In the dark.

More to the point, take the old Wiccan credo - "do as you will but harm none".

My 3p:
DO ask if you need extra people on your team.
DON'T ask more than once. Try and actually remember who you've asked before.

DO sell your stuff for the going rate.
DON'T buy up the entire stock of something essential and force the price up for a profit.

DO play the game your way.
DON'T wreck other people's enjoyment if you can help it.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Upside down.

In space.

On fire.

[/ QUOTE ]

With a beeny hat on.

[/ QUOTE ]

On Christmas Day.

[/ QUOTE ]

with one eye closed

[/ QUOTE ]
And a monocle on the other eye

[/ QUOTE ]

In a hole.
In the dark.

[/ QUOTE ]

And this is the really inportant bit...

Without using insps

Because insps are teh cheator.



With a big foam hand on.

I couldn't care less how people play. Just don't ask me to fill or ask if I want to be bored to death in a farm team.



To be honest the righteous way to play CoX is getting naked rub yourself top to bottom with jello (strawberry please) and enjoy that gaming experience.

I am sure you all experienced it once and saw the true gaming light.



To be honest the righteous way to play CoX is getting naked rub yourself top to bottom with jello (strawberry please) and enjoy that gaming experience.

I am sure you all experienced it once and saw the true gaming light.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hell no - Lime.



Noob.Lime is for beginners.Ask Xanthus



Xan's all about the blackcurrant.



*People should only use atlas broadcast to say when theyr lft or to announce important things, doesnt matter that some people use it to start a convo off in the zone and to make new friends. We have to play the way THEY want too.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is because you can easily meet the person you want to start a conversation with under the Atlas Statue and chat in local chat instead of spamming broadcast with a load s*** the majority of people couldn't care less about.

Debt doubled? Triple it please.

"Hai! Thts mai hevy!" - You are a noob. Back away slowly.

Now... farming. It bothers me yet, at the same time, it doesn't. What annoys me is the way the Devs go about nerfing things when something like, oh I don't know, a level restriction could have been placed on Peregrine Island instead of nerfing the mission for the majority of players who didn't farm it.

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze





Xan's all about the blackcurrant.

[/ QUOTE ]

Woah!Thats way too hardcore for me



With a nice cold beer, on teamspeak having a laugh



I don't care what others do, I pay for my sub and do what I want and others do the same. It's when the two cross over that gets my goat I.E blind invite filler teams which is just darn right rude and using people as a commodity imo.


I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.



You make a superstrength Brute and start hurling rocks at people. You'll find that this is truly how the game is meant to be played, as evidenced by how hilariously fun it is. Hypertech, scientific process, magical enchantment or impossible skill, it's all beaten by a massive rock in the face.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to admit that, that is very funny. Nothing is more ignominious than some snooty hero bragging about their conquests and getting a rock in the head.