How is the game SUPPOSED to be played?




This is obviously how the game is supposed to be played - nonsense on the forum between missions

[/ QUOTE ]
I guess some threads are just destined to go off-topic - usually I hate that, but in this case I think it might be for the best before the inevitable flame war starts hotting up

And I'm not playing yet - the forum gets zero attention once I've logged into CoH/V



And I'm not playing yet - the forum gets zero attention once I've logged into CoH/V

[/ QUOTE ]

You're obviously not playing the game right then

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



You're obviously not playing the game right then

[/ QUOTE ]
Touché I'll get right onto that.

Or maybe I actually mean "waaaaahhhh stop telling me how to play the game!"

Now, do you think any potential flamebaiters have had enough time to calm down? Maybe it's time one of us tried to say something constructive and on-topic... nah, I'm going to go log-in and play - characters don't level themselves!



Obv saying "I pay my sub and pay how I want" is within reason and to me if someones not pulling their weight in a team or simply doing something thats not quite right IE blasting endlessly with an empath, you tell them and give thema subtle hint...if this continues the chances are they won't be invited to the team again. I didn't use to mind polite farmers who would send an overly nice tell asking me to fill, I simply replied nicely back. But this new breed (new to me anyway) who are simply rude and dont even ask or tell you whats going on and then kick you when they've used you really gets me. So much so I if I'm invited to a team and all the team are white I check where they are, if they're in zones way above my lev I quit.

Anyways being a liberal larry I don't mind what people do unless it spoils my game and thats usually in a team. 'On Liberty' by John Stuart Mill could easily be re-written and called 'On MMORPGs'


I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.



*tears a rock out of the ground and hurls it at the thread*

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



i wish i could join a team that actually knows how to lvl farm...last one everyone lvled but i got nothing at all....while i saved the team plenty of time >_<




And I'm not playing yet - the forum gets zero attention once I've logged into CoH/V

[/ QUOTE ]

It's quite possible to multitask

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Obv saying "I pay my sub and pay how I want" is within reason and to me if someones not pulling their weight in a team or simply doing something thats not quite right IE blasting endlessly with an empath, you tell them and give thema subtle hint...if this continues the chances are they won't be invited to the team again. I didn't use to mind polite farmers who would send an overly nice tell asking me to fill, I simply replied nicely back. But this new breed (new to me anyway) who are simply rude and dont even ask or tell you whats going on and then kick you when they've used you really gets me. So much so I if I'm invited to a team and all the team are white I check where they are, if they're in zones way above my lev I quit.

Anyways being a liberal larry I don't mind what people do unless it spoils my game and thats usually in a team. 'On Liberty' by John Stuart Mill could easily be re-written and called 'On MMORPGs'

[/ QUOTE ]

The only question i have is "Isn't the fact they play how they want and maybe have not teamed before mean that they wont know what they are doing?". Ive played MMO's a long time, i know my place in partys after spending 9 yeras in varied MMO's as a priest/healer. Since a lot of the classes in heroes/villians are attacking/buffing. Would i be considered wrong ot do things "badly" in a party then?

Not being whingy, just asking.

Oh, and hints are fine, its when people go on for 20 minutes at "how your doing it wrong" that gets me. If i do it wrong, drop a hint and leave it at that. Il respec when i get a free one but till then, suffer with a MM with a gun.




And I'm not playing yet - the forum gets zero attention once I've logged into CoH/V

[/ QUOTE ]

It's quite possible to multitask

[/ QUOTE ]
With my connection and playstyle alt-tabbing is not always wise - that way lies lag and debt

And strangely enough I find the game more fun than the forums



If you're not having fun, then you're not playing properly

[/ QUOTE ]

I know a certain someone who sends a ton of pm's harassing others and he is having fun with this in game.Guess thats the right way to play then.

What a bunch of generalising [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Why are you quoting someone else and replying to me? Especially when I have complete disregard for anything you have had to say for a long..long..time and had told you months ago that your on ignore.

Your opinions are of no interest to me.

[/ QUOTE ]Ever occur to you that people might be replying to the actual posts rather than their posters?



If this game is about anything, it's about finding a team and having fun. It's not about sitting in one mission from 1-50, for any stupid reason. AKA static powerleveling for whatever idiotic reason. Or even better, getting a third party to do it for you.

Farming is indirectly encouraged as long as the game reward you for killing more stuff. Goes for recipe drops. Goes for a lot of badges. It's a flawed system. Strike Forces should have better reward options at the end, as they at least approach dynamic team based game play, which is the heart of this game.

The XP and debt looks to be tuned around soloing or something. No way you're getting a lot of arcs done these days. Soloing is not the primary goal of this game, because you can do that offline.

Everyone can enjoy a bit of time for themselves, I recognize that, and heck, I solo a lot myself. But it never was the main focus of this game.





Everyone can enjoy a bit of time for themselves, I recognize that, and heck, I solo a lot myself. But it never was the main focus of this game.

[/ QUOTE ]For you




Everyone can enjoy a bit of time for themselves, I recognize that, and heck, I solo a lot myself. But it never was the main focus of this game.

[/ QUOTE ]For you

[/ QUOTE ]

I was not offering a personal view, as much as stating the blatantly obvious.




Blatantly obvious to whom?

Let me see... When I'm mishing, roughly 70% of it is solo. About 30% is in teams. This accounts for about 25% of my time in-game. The rest of it is spent socialising/RPing.

So, the main focus of the game for me is socialising/RP. Not teaming. I'm going to stand by MaX and agree that soloing might not be the main focus of the game for you, but that doesn't mean it isn't for everyone.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Blatantly obvious to whom?

Let me see... When I'm mishing, roughly 70% of it is solo. About 30% is in teams. This accounts for about 25% of my time in-game. The rest of it is spent socialising/RPing.

So, the main focus of the game for me is socialising/RP. Not teaming. I'm going to stand by MaX and agree that soloing might not be the main focus of the game for you, but that doesn't mean it isn't for everyone.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can believe whatever you like. But the nature of the beast cannot be argued. Socializing and RP'ing would presumably require other people. This is part of the multi player aspect of a MMO. Which is designed for interaction, not isolation.




I'm going to go out on a limb and flat-out disagree with you, and say that the main focus of the game is to have fun. Whether you choose to have that fun solo or with other people is utterly beside the point.

The game may have the option to interact with others in it, but it's not required, and several things in the game are there to enable solo play, rather than discourage it.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



The focus of this game is interaction, including team play. And if you believe otherwise, you are sadly mistaken.

The ability to solo is supported. It is not the main purpose of this game. It is one of many options, all gathered under a greater banner.

The main purpose of this game, is to provide a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game experience.

Interaction is the meat and bones of this game. You can't disagree with this being a MMORPG. No more than you can disagree that you are a human.

I am not telling you what to do, I am telling you what this game is in nature. You can choose to treat it as a single player game if you so like, but the nature of the game does not change because of that.




This has kind of spiraled out of control a bit. Its gone from being a list to now a fight thats dividing the forums a bit.

Can we maybe agree on the line that :- "This is a MMORPG that is basicly based on the idea that it lets you do what you want"?

I just kinda wanting this post to die really. Its starting to get a bit too serious.

Edit :- You pay money, you play how you want. No one can tell you otherwise. The way something is ment to be played is in the eye of the beholder. Besides, MMO's are basicly "Chatrooms with a view"



Anyone who turns around and says "FARMERS ARE RUINING THE GAME" is missing the big picture. Replace the word "farmers" with "idiots". People annoy people. Always have, always will. There's an ignore command for a reason.

A while back it would have been a person messaging a force field defender with "R J00 HEAL0RZ?" or badgehunters complaining about being ganked in a PvP zone and the PvPers arguing their points back.

Someone gives you abuse? Laugh it off. Nicer to laugh than moan I say.

Edit: I must say I agree with MechWolfos, this topic has out-stayed it's welcome IMO.

Edit 2: I think you have a fair point Gravitos, but I'd disagree, I think the focus of any MMO is choice. The choice to do this OR that. Multiplayer is but one of these choices. You'd have a hard time progressing without it, but for this game I'd hardly say teams are necessary, merely advantageous.




Edit 2: I think you have a fair point Gravitos, but I'd disagree, I think the focus of any MMO is choice. The choice to do this OR that. Multiplayer is but one of these choices. You'd have a hard time progressing without it, but for this game I'd hardly say teams are necessary, merely advantageous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Remove the wish for player interaction, and the MMO format is obsolete.

The reason for bringing this game online is so people can hook up and play *with* other people.

The day players no longer can get in contact with other players through activities such as teaming, there is no longer a need for online games of this type.

This is why teaming must be encouraged, because it makes no sense to create a multiplayer environment, without multiplayer features.

Choices? Choices comes in addition to the basic requirement of an online multiplayer game. The basic requirement is to support the multiplayer nature of the game, which is the fundamental reason for it to be made, in the first place.




The sad thing was that this thread was always going to end this way. It has become a testament to ego getting in the way of fun. Posts insisting that a given way of playing or interpretation of the game is 'correct' could be collectively considered a parallel example of how the game is NOT supposed to be played.



The sad thing was that this thread was always going to end this way. It has become a testament to ego getting in the way of fun. Posts insisting that a given way of playing or interpretation of the game is 'correct' could be collectively considered a parallel example of how the game is NOT supposed to be played.

[/ QUOTE ]


I'm not going to get into a petty argument with Gravitos (which would frankly be silly).

I play this game because of the genre. I like superheroes as a setting for a game. I like the idea of making my own hero and playing through stories. Would I have bought this game if it had been an offline, solo game? Probably, yeah. Would I still be playing it 3 years later? Not likely.

However I (pretty much - there were a couple of minor exceptions) soloed my main from L1 to about L35. I was perfectly happy doing it that way, and was quite prepared to solo all the way to 50, and was looking forward to it, so that I could roll an Epic, and play that, too. At the time I couldn't have cared less about teaming, socialising, RPing or whatever. I was having fun playing the game the way I wanted to play it at the time.

Then I became involved in the RP scene (something I'd been hovering around the very edges of for a while before I actually did anything about it), and I haven't looked back.

My sub, my choice to solo, my interpretation of what the game means. And it was damn good fun, too.

Now, Cryptic/NC may have originally wanted it to be all about the teams and the interaction, but that doesn't mean that all of their players feel the same way. The aim, at the end of the day, is to have fun. As long as your fun doesn't wreck someone else's, I see no problem with playing however you want, whether that's solo, teaming, farming, PvPing or whatever. But, IMO, there is no guiding principal in this game that says "If you aren't socially interacting, you're playing it wrong".

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



You can socialise continuously in an MMO without ever teaming with people - some people like to solo while at the same time being able to chat to their friends (who may or may not also be soloing). I know tons of people who play like that - I do for about 10-20% of my online time.

Or don't chat channels count for your narrow definition of how MMOs should be played?

I suggest you look back at the root of the MMO genre - MUDs - before you answer, just to avoid looking silly.




Who's up for some Pina Coladas in Pocket D?

/e dance



OMG, a bunch of naked heroes with Ice Cream, chocolate sprinkles or with thongs having a pina colada :S