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  1. I haven't made a Spines Scrapper in a while, so I wanted to go down the double damage aura route.

    I just wanted to get an idea of the pros and cons for Spines/Dark, Spines/Fiery and Spines/Electric.

    Can't decide which to make, and they all seem fairly nice. I might even make all three yet, but I just want an idea of what I'd be getting in for with each of them.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vox_Doom View Post
    I love Reese's Nutragious, they taste like peanut butter Lion bars.
    Interesting, I must now research this!

    Oh, and Poland you say, MrCaptainMan_NA?

    This is most pleasing.

    Most pleasing indeed.
  3. Mmmm, Dark Chocolate HobNobs, Kit Kat Peanut butter and, which I think was just a limited run, Peanut butter Lion Bar.

    Those are sooooooo nice!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I got this again so it's not completely gone.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's already been pointed out that this hasn't even been past QA testing, so it hasn't even been anywhere near a live server or even a public test server.
  5. Lady_DarkForce

    Survival Stats?

    Would anyone happen to have, or know the where to find comparative survival stats for each secondary? I mainly want to see how Shield Defence fairs against the other sets.

    Any help would be great.
  6. Lady_DarkForce

    Dreaming of CoX

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm sure most of us have it...I hope most of us have had it, but sometimes the world of CoX invades the brain and makes us dream of the darn thing!

    Usually when I dream of CoX its just a random bit of playing the game - nothing totally strange. However the other night I dreamt the Steel Canyon Yellow Line Monorail had moved right over next to the uni and Perez Park entrance, I woke up thinking "thats quite a good place to have it".

    So has CoX invaded anyone elses dreams? Did any of the dreams scarily come true???

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's what being single will do to you.

    Well, for me at least.

    I'm not lonely.

    Me? Lonely? Not at all.

    Not in the slightest.


    **And yes, I was giggling when I saw this thread**
  7. Thanks!

    Had a quick look and moved a few things around, but it's more or less what I wanted.
  8. Now, I'm not someone to tinker with IOs to get the best possible results that I may be after, so I was hoping someone might be able to create a build for a Rad/Rad with Ranged Def in mind. I'd prefer most powers from both sets, except Proton Volly, just dosn't fit in with how I want me Corr to play.

    I'd be very grateful if someone would produce a build I could take a look at.

  9. Lady_DarkForce

    Defiant Legends

    [ QUOTE ]
    I love these pat-on-the-back-for-no-apparent-reason threads.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I do as well. Makes me feel I should do more.

    Maybe even be a nicer person.


    Heh, nicer.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Then maybe, just maybe, we don't have to listen to "BUT I'M MISSING PRECIOUS CONTENT!!" whines again.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    True, but now we have whines about "THIS WILL MAKE PERMA PL BRIDGES!!"
  11. Lady_DarkForce


    [ QUOTE ]
    Now unless COX bans soloing , then every AT should be able to solo , every mmo that forced team play onto others at LOW LEVELS has been a failure so far.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's funny that most people have end problems in the lower levels and have done for as long as I've been playing, which is since we got servers in europe during Issue 3.

    Moat people get round it by teaming, others by using only the shields they need for the damage that the mobs they are fighting do, and some just grit their teeth and think of what it'll be like in 10 levels or so with Stamina and SOs. You're only forced to team in the low levels if that's the only option that you can get along with.

    Everyone can solo, how well is another matter, depending on how you like to play and the AT and power sets you play.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    It could be that the zombie attacks are triggered when the amount of people in a zone exceeds a certain amount, and Defiant is just too (ironically) dead to trigger them.

    Thats pretty funny actually, Defiant is so dead even zombies wont log in there!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And yet Zukunft has been having invations, and that server is even more dead than Defiant.
  13. Lady_DarkForce


    I thought you might say that.
  14. Lady_DarkForce


    [ QUOTE ]
    Primairy i would say SS, Rage perma to bump up the dmg output even greater. Dont believe tanker getting broadsword, sadly though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you're talking about Broadsword for damage, from what I understand, due to the base damage of the set, Broadsword would be worse than Battle Axe for damage on a Tanker.
  15. So, from what I'm trying to understand from that post from Castle, these changes will be in effect in Arena PvP (and maybe Base Raids) but not Zonal PvP, untill a later issue?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    yer u cant lvl to 24 WITHOUT choosing ur branch of arch.

    also pre-gz/or alrdy gz if uve hit 24 alrdy

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, thats not technically true =P You HAVE to respec at 24, but you dont HAVE to take any Bane or Crab Powers. You can totally ignore them, should the mood tkae you. But the Respec is indeed compulsory =3

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, it is technically true, not selecting either new path and just continuing on as a Huntsman is a branch of Arach, which is what was said.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    how about,instead of conserve energy,which is not really needed,we have a power,like dark armour's pbaoe attack(forget the name),but gives a small heal instead of damage?could also be taunt too.maybe too much like rttc?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is, in a nutshell, what Castle has done with Energy Drain, made it like a weaker version of Dark Regeneration, only it keeps it's +Endurance as well and is autohit.
  18. Hmm, I could try my hand at it again, was fun last time.
  19. I was just switching bank accounts at the time this happend, so I had to take my old Visa card off the records on my account, but then when I went to put my Maestro card's details on file, I find that I can't.

    I want more slots
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I see a flaw

    Person X leads SG A

    Person Y leads SG B

    X & Y do not know/like each other.

    X goes on holiday for a month and is unable to log into the game - auto-demote kicks in and X is no longer the leader.

    Person Z becomes Leader of SG A and merges with SG B

    X comes back and hey presto, their SG is not the one they created/managed or worked so hard for for 3 years etc, it's something entirely different.

    It's not an obvious issue but I'd hate if it happened to me without my consent.

    The principal is fine but some changes would need to be made.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you, as the leader of your own SG, have invited and promoted someone in your SG to a point that they would become leader under that given situation, and you don't trust them enough not to merge untill you come back, you shouldn't really be leader of an SG.
  21. Lady_DarkForce

    New Epic AT

    I just want a Shivan Decimator Epic AT.

    That is all.

    Ok, so not quite all, but while the points made in this thread are valid, they are rather pointless, if the Devs have the imagination to reason the creation of the PPD EAT, then they can put it into the game.

    Some players will agree with whatever the Devs say (and I mean a thought out reason, not just 'a wizard did it') and play them. Some players will agree with the points already made and not play them. Finally, some players will just play them because they are new.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    So, basically, if you can't attend an event (for whatever reason) and don't fancy doing a PvP based event of any sort then you've got no real chance of getting one? Hmm.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wouldn't say that was strictly true, maybe if you ask someone who is going, to grab one for you as well as for themselves and inform one of the forum mods (should they be at an event, which I assume will be a given) beforehand of the person it is that will ask for an extra code for you.

    Would that be possible?
  23. Hey Bap, I remember you from way back when, welcome back to the game.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    CoX is a PvE-based game and it needs that content regularly updated. Make it free2play and reduce the amount of times the content gets updated, and you'll see the servers empty entirely for about 6 months of the year, perhaps longer. It easily takes a year to develop content which the players can bash through in one or two months and what's the point in playing the game if you have done everything?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just a wild idea I had while reading this thread.

    What if there was a paid content pack say, once a year, that contained 3 current free issues but once players had bought the packs and applied them to their accounts, they only had the first issue upon activation and the other 2 would be activated at points during the next year until the release of the next paid content pack by the Dev team. Kind of like what they do now with pre-downloading issues.

    Not that I'd want that, I like how the game is at the moment. I just think the game needs more/better marketing, which hopefully we'll see soon enough.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The 'universal' in this leads me to believe it's related to the 'universal enhancement slots' noted here:

    How do you see them working? - 10 slots that don't even appear in a specific power? (Almost as if you're slotting your whole self)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Could be, but it could equally be that they are for most travel powers (not teleport) and thus universal for travel, though that implies TP too so maybe not

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It says Range aswell as the speed improvements for the other 3 travel powers.