128 -
See you in a bit Killer_Queen... somewhere around Going Rogue I should imagine.
Take care. -
A lot of people have suggested mini-versions of all the GMs as well (except Lusca of course).
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But Lusca is so cute...
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Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ^_^
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Oh my word... The glee... that really is lovely!
And this really is a great suggestion... with extremely well written descriptions.
See you later Scarlet... and you too Standoff.
The lure of spandex is true strong to resist. -
sorry just couldn't stop my fingers from pressing buttons.
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You put your mittens back on right now! -
A suggest.. Close MA or farm will destroy the game
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I see with my minds eye the huge farmhouse invading Atlas Park and throwing cows and pigs at heroes.
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This for the next big in game event! Don't forget chickens... it has to throw chickens too! -
It's an ancient Urdu word loosely meaning "I see no ninja editing of thread titles to erase typos".
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Ha ha I went back to check. No ninjas here... move alo...
Who threw that shuriken?! -
Sing Star, I feel I've been overly aggressive tonight, and I know I've singled you out, for that I apologise. What follows isn't another dig at you.
You care about "them" being punished!
We care about the game and it's survival.
[/ QUOTE ]
The game didn't die last week when the various (and rightly) angry folks cancelled their subscriptions, and it won't die next week when the angry farmers cancel theirs.
I do think the game is in a tricky situation right now and the next few months are going to be very important in terms of it's survival. I'm hoping Positron has some interesting tricks stuffed up his armoured sleeves, not only to recover from the last couple of weeks, but for the coming storm.
What ever the options are, I reckon that each and every one of us wants City of Heroes/Villains to survive, to grow and to still be the best MMO there is. -
Why the - something - can't they hire some proper PR folks that actually KNOW what they're doing.
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Finally we agree! -
Singstar, It's all good and well you saying us 'antifarmers' aren't considering your argument, but you keep overlooking the one really important point.
Nobody. Made. You. Farm.
As for the devs not picking up the ball as quickly as they could have, it's their ball and they can do with it whatever the hell they like.
What matters now is that they are picking up the ball and wiping mud off it too. -
Hmm, someone mentioned something about a WARSHADE! Familiar?
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I never said I was innocent... I rocked up a whole 9 levels on my warshade. Difference is this, I did it, and if I'm punished for it I'm going to take my licks because I know damn well I exploited a flawed system.
I'm not under the pretence that it's the dev's fault for giving me the means to do it. In short, I'm taking responsibility for my own actions instead of pretending someone made me do it.
/EDIT - I'm gonna add a little more here...
1. The devs could have fixed it faster.
2. The devs could have taken it down until the RCOs could be taken out
3. The devs could have purged every mission with RCO's just like they've basically done now
4. I don't mind the devs taking down farm missions and warning people, then slapping them if they do the same thing again
5. When faced with competition it's insane to upset EITHER side the farmers or the farm-haters. Sure they had to do something, but they chose to do nothing, then do this.
6. Obviously you like hugging devs and don't care about the games actual survival. I still love this game ergo I have to consider you a great threat to the game and hope the devs get to you. ...hmm, yeah... warshade!
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In response,
1. Nobody made you farm
2. Nobody made you farm
3. Nobody made you farm
4. But so long as they don't take your ill gotten gains off you, right?
5. That's their decision to make for better or worse. Positron is confident that CoH can stand up to the competition.
6. Dev hugging? Not quite, Positron is still quite unpopular in my book. Don't care about the game? Which is why I'm here voicing my support for Positron's kill or cure solution to farming. I've loved this game since day one, hence my still being here. -
@Elementar - I understand your point there, but you're comparing chalk and cheese. The mobs in DA are SUPPOSED to vulnerable to fire and were designed that way. The MA was not supposed to become a farming paradise, and wasn't designed to be so.
@Singstar - I doubt very much I'm agreeing with you on anything. An exploit is anything that doesn't function as intended by the dev team. The MA was never intended as a mechanism to level from 1 to 50 in a matter of hours, therefore using to to do so is an exploit. -
Your the silly one, why on earth would people choose to level their toons to 50 over 400+ Hours when they can do it within 24 - 36.
Thats not automaton behaviour thats bloody common sense!
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Because I won't be the one getting my toons or arcs locked, or deleted. Unlike the people who raced to farm.
Thats not silly thats bloody common sense! -
There's your exploit right there.
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i street sweep in DA with fire based toons as they hate fire, there's another exploit. bannage?
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Of course not, an elemental vulnerability is designed to make that foe weak against something. -
Hell yeah it is, if I know what you're gonna do with the gun, and everyone WARNED me about it!
Everyone WAS shouting madly about MA being the farmers wet dream and they still didn't test it properly for that. So don't be silly!
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Silly? I don't think so. You're not an automaton, you're posessed of free will. You could have made a conscious decision not farm the MA.
Just because we all said MA is going to provide a perfect environment for farming does not make it any better. The devs might have dropped the ball on this, but people still came along and exploited the fact that the devs had released something that'd do something other than they intended.
There's your exploit right there. -
Is this The Coming Storm?
[/ QUOTE ]
Ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Someone give this poster a prize! -
Delting toons that has been powerlvled by players using the tools the DEVS gave us is no exploit at all.
You cant punish players for using the tools the devs gave us.
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You give me a gun. I shoot a man dead. Is it your fault that there is now a dead man at my feet?
No, it's mine. Just because you're given something doesn't mean you have to use it. The people who abused the MA for farming deserve everything they get. If my warshade is stripped of his levels then that's the way it goes... he gets deleted and I start over.
It's amazing that the powers that be didn't realise just how much farming would go on. Monkeys/keys to the banana plantation anyone? At the end of it all though, it's their game, their rules... but they need to be careful. -
Wow! He wasn't kidding when he said he'd come down on farmers hard.
How about...no. That idea goes totally against the idea of Veteran Awards.
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Dammit! I was gonna say 'How about... No'
But 'no' all the same. -
Good luck Mr M!
You'll come back... we always do. -
A mission(graveyard with a huge hole in the middle with all the graves) even got a huge boulder attached to a tiny tiny branch(on an elevated cliff to the south real hard not to miss).
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Ah... that particular rock is styrofoam. They ran out of regular rock rocks. The first time a stormie when through there she galed it into the tree where it was impaled on the branch.
My contribution to this thread is my shiny magic booster cloak seems to disappear at random (especially in the MA in both missions and lobby alike). The collar stays there like it should, but the rest is gone completely. -
Generally I find if you have space, grab hover. Otherwise, they won't implement a greater 'hover overtime' on T.P. It's been a big discussion but the dev's are adamant that it stays the way it is.
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The TP keybind is even easier (and will save you a power space). Now I can never remember the darned thing when I want to...
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that'd be the /bind shift+lclick powexecname teleport one then? -
I propose that the Dev Choice missions be given their own, very noticeable tab on the MA interface to get them off the front page.
There's nothing wrong with them, the ones I've played have been great, but I'm much more interested in seeing what's brand new, rather than seeing same bunch of missions each time I poke the console. -
I'm going to speak up on behalf of MA Farming (sorry) - Last night I took my WS for a few cheap levels on the MA system, simply because no matter how many epics I've rolled I've never got into them, similarly with villains, can't get into the stories. Farming MA gives me the means to quickly bypass the early the early grindfu of jumping down snake holes for that wench, Kalinda, or getting the same crate and same painting from the council.
It's not that the story isn't good, I'm just sick of acting it out, which is partly the reason I left in the first place. Now that I can skip all the early drudgery I've found a new lease of life for the game. It's not about racing to 50 because there's sod all to do when you're there.
Something does need to be done about it, even I see that, and the two suggestions that really stood out to me were either imposing a limit on the number of MA missions you can do per day (which wouldn't really work) or making it part of the three month veteran award.
How can getting access to a mountain of player made content not be considered something shiny and awesome?! Not only do you get to look forward to sifting through the mountains of rubbish content to find the real gems but you have to learn to play a bit first. -
Click-and-learn! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawn_of_the_dead
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That'd so better be the original Romero masterpiece!
*goes to check*
/edit - Phew. It wasI'd probably never leave the zombie mall zone. Not even if the zombies broke through my doorway hidden behind a drywall panel, forced me up the back stairs and through a skylight to escape by helicopter.