Laugh, cry, sigh - PvP Anecdotes
lmao man i cant wait to get some of these antedotes
Class, absolute class..
Sorry I dont have any of my own at the moment, have to twist my brain a bit..
I personally enjoy hearing the cries of unfairness when I 3 shot a stalker. A number of times I've been called a FOTM blapper (Ice/Nrg). Funny how I concentrate mainly on ranged blasts and slows, hell I only have one melee attack .
I love it when I get told that working in a team is cheating. I'm sorry, maybe I should just go in solo with my sonic defender next time?
Basehuggers are cowards!
Yeah, they *might* stop basehugging if there wasn't a guaranteed chance of getting ganked by seven or eight people as soon as they get out of range of the drones. The funny thing is the gankers run a mile and shout obscenities when the "basehugger" calls in a few friends.
I love it when I get told that working in a team is cheating. I'm sorry, maybe I should just go in solo with my sonic defender next time?
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Yes, and only use Liquefy please...
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Regen is so weak
Getting jumped once again by a BS/regen scrapper (for some reason, french players seem to think it's the best pvp build EVAH!), I fight back ; after IH goes down, genericscrapper343 faceplant, because his pvp tactic is "I'll stand still and keep spamming attacks against that brute (nevermind the fact I'll build his fury up!)".
[Tell]GenericScrapper343: Man, regen is so nerfed now...
Such a good fight
While I'm in RV on my PvE controller without break frees (I know, I know... stupid) to take a look around, some stalker tries to AS me during 20s on top on my... quicksand. Finally, he gets it and TF me, then finish me as I am disoriented.
Yup... such a good fight, I didn't know I was participating though.
None of my old ones really leap out at me, but i found it funny today when I was accused of playing FOTM dominator.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
scrapper reactions to my dm/sr are quite fun, there was 4/5 regens in sc camping about in the water the other day so I ran around spamming touch of fear on them all and they all left
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
scrapper reactions to my dm/sr are quite fun, there was 4/5 regens in sc camping about in the water the other day so I ran around spamming touch of fear on them all and they all left
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fear n00b!!!!!!!!1111!!!
seriously though, always makes me chuckle when a regen says "i'd of beaten you easy if you didn't use your self heal" and also people who call me noob for "blinking" in a fight i mean using tp to bounce about the battle field
I have seen so many and alot of the ones already mentioned. One that always makes me chuckle is:
Noob - Stop using inspirations and hide
I think it was a brute (but doesnt really matter) attacking anyone he saw in Warburg. Well the brute doesnt seem to be having alot of luck and when I killed him on my stalker he/she had a moan. As so many people do (it seems) they say I beat you if you didnt have hide. Fair enough, I was game for a laugh and took off hide and somehow was able to give this brute a pounding before he ran off. Ofcourse this signalled the end of the contest and hide back on to finish him off whilst he thought he was safe resting
Anyway after a quick trip to the hospital he now tries his luck on a poor kinetic corruptor. Again this brute dont seem to be having much luck. This corruptor kept cheating by using inspirations to heal himself. Trying to explain that this is one of his powers, he just couldnt seem to accept/believe this. He kept on shout out "stop using inspirations to heal yourself cheater". The brute was king of the noobs refusing to understand that this healing was infact one of his powers. The fight eventually got on its way again and once the brute was almost dead (and had used up all of his inspirations I might add which ofcourse wasnt cheating) he decided to leg it. Again he got to have a first class ticket to the hospital as I gave chase and smacked him in from running from his dual.
Stop using caltraps its cheating
Another little pvp thing that I have witnessed afew times in sirens call is stalkers getting upset when they our outsmarted I cant get there easy kills no more. I have seen many a stalker fool for stalker traps such as standing on caltraps and then complain about how its not fair and they should fight properly.
I dont know if I should laugh or cry at such people.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Nice post, Kinslayer.
I find it funny when I defeat Brutes and Stalkers with my Defender. The usual reply I get is 'Cheater, you can't use that wind thingy! I can't hit you with it on you noob!'
I think the most fun thing to do is find a Ninjitsu Stalker, thinking he's all brilliant, jumping around (me with +perc of course), ASing everyone. He knows I'm there, but he sees my hurricane, so stays away. When I see him hop next to a Blaster, BAM, Tornado, snow storm, TP to him, Freezing rain, Total Focus, Snipe. Pretty much dead. That really annoys them.
TBH, I enjoy it when people call you a noob, it just means they hate you for being great
Fantastic thread, Kin.
I have to laugh at the people who complain when I tp them into a nice mob. I get called all sorts. Noob, cheat, cheap.
I'll agree its cheap. Hardly costs any endurance at all.
My fave was the other day when a dom and a stalker I had been torturing were in the zone and a fight club started. So the whole team was gathered in the momument circle thingy in Sirens. I think ok....a cease fire is a cease fire and go stand next to them all. They both attack me. I run off and live. When I come back one is in a duel so I wait a little longer until his health is low then TP him to a nice mob. He dies.
I then TP the stalker to the same mob and hold/immob her. She dies. They then kick off and the Dom says he will never PvP again.
Eeeeehhh....we have some laughs on Union we do. Or a least I do anyways.
@Sweet Chilli
My favourite was a Peacebringer who was banging on in Sirens broadcast about how they hadn't died in an hour and, when called on it, steadfastly refused to admit that I'd taken them down.
Finally, I returned to base, scrolled my message window back to the relevant point, took a screenie of the "You have defeated X" message, uploaded and then posted the link back over broadcast.
Random Hero : "Well, you can't argue with that."
Peacebringer : [deathly silence]
I have to laugh at the people who complain when I tp them into a nice mob. I get called all sorts. Noob, cheat, cheap.
I'll agree its cheap. Hardly costs any endurance at all.
My fave was the other day when a dom and a stalker I had been torturing were in the zone and a fight club started. So the whole team was gathered in the momument circle thingy in Sirens. I think ok....a cease fire is a cease fire and go stand next to them all. They both attack me. I run off and live. When I come back one is in a duel so I wait a little longer until his health is low then TP him to a nice mob. He dies.
I then TP the stalker to the same mob and hold/immob her. She dies. They then kick off and the Dom says he will never PvP again.
Eeeeehhh....we have some laughs on Union we do. Or a least I do anyways.
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Intentionally causing debt is griefing in my book!
On another note the times I've been called a cheat 'cos I was using holds on my controllers isnt even funny anymore
And of course...STAND STILL AND FIGHT DAMMIT!! yes sir! shall I just turn my back to you aswell for a better shot then sir scrapper/stalker etc.?
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
Intentionally causing debt is griefing in my book!
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And, unsurprisingly, in the GM's book as well.
Well not in the Dev's opionion I'm afraid if its in a pvp zone
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Yes it is. Using mobs to soften up or help swing a battle is acceptable. What you describe as in you did not attack the player and TP'd him with the epxress intention of getting him debt IS griefing.
Kin and Archy are correct - it is possible to grief other players in PvP, and victims of such behaviour should /petition with full details.
Kin and Archy are correct - it is possible to grief other players in PvP, and victims of such behaviour should /petition with full details.
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It is fascinating why the red name posts are contradictory to this. According to them, there is nothing we can do tp other players on PVP zones that can be considered griefing.
Kin and Archy are correct - it is possible to grief other players in PvP, and victims of such behaviour should /petition with full details.
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It is fascinating why the red name posts are contradictory to this. According to them, there is nothing we can do tp other players on PVP zones that can be considered griefing.
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Unless you use an exploit, in which case it is griefing.
Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen
In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!
From CuppaJo:
I just sent a PM to cuppa asking if purposefully giving a player debt is considered griefing. Will update when she gets back to me
The Devs say - No. (Unless something is occurring over and over with the intention to harass, then it may be actioned.)
Ultimately PVE mobs in a PVP zones are hazards of a PVP zone. Players do have control (and options) that will prevent them from being victims of the TP Foe tactic.
Regarding being held, immobilized, slept and then being teleported into a PVE mob: griefing? No.
If a player uses TP Foe and teleports another player into a mob, so that their health is reduced, and then finishes them off with a killing shot
.griefing? No.
If a player intentionally uses a knockback power (or Repel or Dispersion Bubble) on another player from the top of the roof to the street below where there happens to be a PVE mob, and the players presence draws mob aggro and dies
should the player who knocked back the target player off that roof be actioned for griefing? No.
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Just to make things clear here -
If someone attacks you in a PvP zone and you are having an RP event (like FC) that is NOT harassment.
If you are in a PvP zone you can attack another player repeatedly.
However - you cannot trash talk someone using vulgar words, racial slurs, sexual slurs or other UA violating actions (something is occurring over and over with the intention to harass, it may be actioned.) That IS harassment and can be actioned against by the GMs.
You could also be actioned for exploiting in a PvP zone - for example - by hanging out as a villain in a hero hospital to gank heroes as they respawn. This is not as designed and may be actioned.
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The key phrase for me is "The Devs say - No. (Unless something is occurring over and over with the intention to harass, then it may be actioned.)". If someone is repeatedly tp'ing the same person into mobs to cause them debt than this could be petitioned and actionable as harassment.
Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen
In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!
So let me get this clear in my head, tp'ing people in mobs is petitionable, if you repeatedly go for the same person/few people, gloat about how you've put them in debt, or do so with the intention of putting them in debt (not sure how your supposed to tp someone into a mob without giving them debt under the new system though).
For example, I go into sirens tomorrow and start tp'ing every hero I come across into mobs, not singling anyone out just any hero I can find, and I don't make any comments to anyone about it, no gloating and no apologies, simply using the most efficient way I have of killing heroes, is that petitionable?
I would say it is. You're not there to PvP, you're not there to get rep or bounty, your sole intention is to Mob TP as many people as possible without actually attacking them.
The way I see it is if you're heavily outnumbered and being base camped, it's probably not petitionable. If you're TP'ing them into a mob then attacking them and actually trying to kill them yourself with the NPC's aiding you, it's also not petitionable as you're actually making an attempt to do it for the rep rather than to inflict debt.
Not that i'd use any of these tactics. TP foe is for TP'ing people to you for killing, end of. I have no respect for drone/mob TP'ers.
Its all down to the ambiguous EULA and the fact that the GMs dont need to justify their actions, if they feel you have gone beyond reasonable play, and are indulging in antics which the sole purpose of is to upset people, this can be deemed harrasment, greifing or whatever and the GMs can do what they want. In a MMORPG there is no hard and fast set of rules, GMs take a decision you have to live by it whether you deem it fair or not.
Send a petition and let the GMs sort it out, its what they are paid to do.
What a shame a pleasant thread go hijacked.
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
We've all heard the noob trash talk, the bad losers, the indignation from people getting attacked in PvP zones, so, how about a nice little thread for some of the funniest things you've heard/seen in PvP. I'll kick it off

No Honour Among Thieves
Attack two scrappers with my corruptor who are fighting in Warburg and get told. 'stop attacking us, we're duelling' so, I reply 'OK' and back off to let them finish. They both then turn round and gank me. Two faced of them or just naive of me? Either way i've learnt my lesson now.
On a personal note to any badgers etc who get the hump for being attacked, things like this have happened to me several times now. If I attack you, don't take it personally but i've honourably left people badge hunting before only for them to attack when they get the chance. I don't care what you're doing and what your intentions are, leaving you alive is a risk i'm no longer going to take.
Actually playing your AT how it should be played? Cheating!
Fighting a scrapper with my corruptor and lay the slows on him while staying out of range and attacking. Keeping up a non stop chain of attacks and debuffs when the scrapper says 'stop running and fight me'. Of course, how silly of me not to go toe to toe melee against a regen scrapper with my squishy.
Stalkers are the suxxor
Of course, the age old favourite I chuckle everytime I see. 'Stalkers can't fight fair and can only win by using hide. Of course, nothing to do with you standing still long enough to let them AS you is it!
The ego has landed... With their excuses
My personal favourite though is when you come up against some of the big heads in the zones. There they are with their highly original FOTM spine/regen' wailing on some unfortunate squishy and putting him in the ground. In comes me and debuffs them and drops them before they realise they've been blindsided only to be met with 'I wasn't ready, you couldn't beat me if I knew you were going to attack'.
Of course not, a spine/regen would tear me apart WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY I WAITED UNTIL YOUR GUARD WAS DOWN. Not my fault you dropped the ball and got caught by a rookie mistake.
Grudging respect
Much kudos to the perpetrators here. There I am engaging in my favourite past time of crippling regens self heals and dispensing of them in a one on one. This particular regen though seems to be getting his heals off just in time as he also has aid self and neither of us are making headway with a complete stalemate.
Then we see two speech bubbles appear. 'Nice of them to soften each other up curly' 'Sure is Mo'... Both get AS'd by the two stalkers who we didn't realise had been watching us for a while and waiting for us to burn insps
Cheeky little oiks but was amusing
The bully boys
We've all seen them, those so desperate to get another rep point and not look bad that they 'challenge' people they know are not as good as them while avoiding those who are better or mercilessly hunt down the easy kill. Every time a PvP event comes up, they try to recruit the BEST players rather than the players they may be friends with. How good they look is everything, chances are they'll be the first to leave a zone though when the real big boys show up.
The Schizophrenics... Double standards for all
These are the ones who really bring me a warm glow when I get a rep point off them. Those who are on the back foot, outnumbered, out gunned or even just up against the wrong build that is their achilles heel. They criticise the oppositions honour, claiming they don't gank, fight with dignity etc and generally exude an air of holiness... Next night they're in the zone with their 5 friends ganking the poor PvP newcomer to hell.
My own sick satisfaction
I don't know why, I really don't, but for some reason I get a some real sick sense of glee from dropping fliers with snow storm. Nothing in PvP gives me as much pleasure as seeing the flying blaster or PA dropper hovering over the baying mob of meat head builds(tanks, scrappers, brutes, stalkers) picking his shots and safe in the sky from his inherent squishiness. Then you drop the sucker in the middle of that mob and watch then all turn from the high HP target they were fighting to the suddenly vulnerable easy meat that has dropped in on them like mana from heaven
So, what are the other amusing comments or just plain 'shake your head in disbelief comments'