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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    I am... perturbed at the lack of communication and faulty procedures that exacerbate that lack of communication.
    You would be more preturbed if you were aware of his "community co-ordination" over on Warhammer Online....
  2. tuesday publish for these fixes is a joke, you knew they were in game and published the crap patch anyway, why not just hold off on the whole patch till tuesday or untill you fixed the gamebreaking bugs? "High priority" indeed.....
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    To put it succinctly, on every MMO I've worked on, that count is up to 4 now, the words Rollback also mean a loss of customer progression from the current time stamp to the point of restoration. This means the loss of every item/loot dropped, any experience or levels, any achievement get the point.

    In Game Development, because there are so many intertwined customer facing systems, there is rarely an elegant way to go in and completely pull out a feature or change. They can sometimes be disabled with a server side client command, but rarely, and I mean rarely, can they just be pulled out like a proverbial hair in the soup without significant risk.

    When I tell you that a Rollback is srs bsnss, I'm not kidding.

    And no, you're not howling. Questions are to be expected.
    Worked for, subtle difference I know but you are not a developer now are you?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Build schedules are a very tricky thing. We're not able to just pop code in and send it over to be published the same day. Usually we have to send builds for publishing at least a week in advance.

    The ops team supports all NCsoft products, not just CoH. This requires rigorous scheduling which has to be adhered to.
    Thats all just peachy keen, heres what you do. DONT publish huge bugs that are KNOWN and NOT fixed.

    This patch was a joke and had no business being published in the state it was in
  5. Like everything Castle did to PvP the nophase should be taken out of the game, vigourously beated with sticks and then shot
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    New item every week means variety. Some weeks you'll like what we're putting up and some weeks you won't. We accept this, and will watch the sales of said items and react accordingly.

    There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice.

    To each their own.

    It's a learning process and we're going to toss some weekly specials on the market that are going resonate really strongly with the Community, and some that will not.

    Great thing is, next Tuesday is only a week away.
    a learning process of how much you can gouge customers for worthless junk?

    For the vast majority of players these items lower their damage output, have terrible accuracy and the sledgehammer is deleted as soon as people get the recipe drop. This package was worth 40 points if that as it stands, 100 if they lasted a week not the rediculously small amount of useage times they have. Also why does the picture of the survival kit contain a med pack?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
    If you read the rest of my post, it would have been clear why that is the case. The devs are working on sets that people have been requesting since launch. Now that those are out, it's probable that Dominators will get something nice and shiny.
    "working" on sets is a bit of a stretch, development houses have masses of shinies on hold back for future plans, street fighting and dual pistols were announced as "must haves" back in issue 2 and theres nothing in them that would indicate taking years to get right for release, plant control was in alpha but didnt show its head till issue 6. Reason we are getting all these melee sets are because they are easy to make, a large amount of the playerbase run melee characters and they now have the micro transaction infrastructure in place to maximise returns on selling individual sets.

    More will be coming, sadly non-melee sets will be a minority and control in particular (along with MM pets) will be neglected partly because the devs are afraid of them and cant quantify their use in regular terms (re spreadsheets). When I6 hit the devs for some bizarre reason beleived dominators were god mode when they were horribly, horribly gimp.

    Dominators will get dark/dark because all the powers are already there in no greater or weaker form that relevent abilities in existing control sets, Im confident dark control is already made which is why there has been no attempt of porting of dark maisma to controllers secondary
  8. Stalk_obot_EU

    Vip pvp?!?

    Fire up the time machine and go and punch Castle in the nuts before he killed pvp to get it running again
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post
    Having done some more play, I am going to stand by my earlier statements, and in fact assert that Energy Aura may be one of the most survivable sets for a Brute Tank.

    1) EA gets a pretty high passive recharge.
    2) Overload is the only T9 not called Granite Armor with significant bonuses to both evasiveness and resilience that can also have its recharge time reduced. You can have it down to about a minute and change or less, easily.
    3) Destiny Barrier provides two potential uses: it can be used immediately before a crash as coverage, or it can be used as an emergency button prior to using Overload. In the former case, you are covered for thirty seconds after the crash, and the last thirty is a good opportunity to void judgement. Then your overload is back up and running.

    In short, the build transforms into a click-power based build with only about ten seconds ish of vulnerability at most. The rest of the time, you can be considered a high-threat, layered protection powerset.
    EA is horribly overpowered, people just dont seem to get it yet, I never need overload ever so dont have to suffer a crash and thats on a scrapper with less HPs than a brute anyway. PSI isnt a problem as can build in 30% psi def anyway and cover the rest with shadow meld (yes I know brutes dont get that) the only thing that gives me pause is the sewers in the Apex task force (lets call that 2 minutes of pain and green chugging) and the bugged DE +200% tohit eminators that should have been fixed on day one.

    I even have confront to take the AVs, yes you can get overload to low downtime but again I stand by the fact that its unneeded.
  10. I assume this thread was supposed to be called "how fast can your PC load"
  11. Just come back, made a KM/EA for conceptual reasons and its obscenely unkillable except in the sewers of the apex trial (toxic) and on the eden trial (how the eminators +tohit havent been put to reasonable levels is beyond me) shadow meld is up more often than it isnt to plug the psi hole but have psi defence at nearly 30% anyway. Who would imagine that EA could become OP after sampling it back in i6....
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post
    It's very possible to get Overload to a 3/4 uptime, though. Might not be perma, but it's damn good.
    whats the point of that? I can tank lvl 54 AVs all day long without overload
  13. ET change was PvP driven, then Castle destroyed PvP and made the change even more irrelevent. It hit hard, and took away 10% of your life and defined the set, as indeed many individual powers define many sets, Castle, the number nerd then made up formulas after the event and started to factor in animation times, (something that was never done originally) and retro fitted it to ET, the upshot is a set that WAS at the top is now firmly sat at the bottom of the heap. Oh Im sure it looks average on a spreadsheet but there is no flow to the set, 6 seconds of animation for 2 attacks just destroys it. The only place ET was overpowered was in PvP and we all know how much Castle seemed to hate that, how can anyone be so stupid as to think people would like to have their characters play in a completely different manner would be a good thing, and ignoring primary attacks and going for pool power attacks was the way to go....
  14. Stalk_obot_EU

    Missuse of /hc ?

    The use of chat and conversation on help means its actually monitored by people, I have been away since Castle retardedly killed PvP and every question I have asked has been answered promptly on help.
  15. PvP used to be a whole lot more fun, a harder curve perhaps but far more rewarding. When castle reinvented zone pvp he killed it, no ifs or buts, the pvp populace dropped off and wasnt replaced with new blood.

    The reason for this as I see it is mainly the fact that he made everything generic and in a game where people prize their individuality to the extent of spending hours and hours on builds or even just on a costume bringing things down to common denominators is not a way to go.

    Also the most damaging attacks in PvP come from pool powers, flurry obscenely does more damage than any nuke or tier 9 power on a base 3 second cooldown.

    The game needed tweaks to pvp, it really did and I was excited when I head Castle was visiting PvP but it needed tweaks, not reinvention. PvP may have moved to the arenas but it was the zones that was most interesting being much more unpredictable and fluid.
  16. Yeah I have a fire/dev (3 actually) its great, not as good as it was though.

    Sadly Castles vision and laws has taken a huge chunk of variety out of PvP and lumped everyone together, you cant specialise in one aspect due to the retarded diminishing returns. Theres little point planning for the best as the game doesnt really make sense any more, like how flurry is more than twice as powerful as tier 9 primary melee attacks.

    But MAs as good as anything else and is a fun set
  17. headsplitter really really isnt a cone,its a tiny arc. If u have 2 guys stood directly behind each other you may hit them both. To compensate for this the chance to crit from hidden state will be 50% which actually will make it weaker in the long run than a vast majority of other attacks.
  18. I wouldnt worry about any numbers for PvP because as soon as something becomes a top performer it will get hit with the Castle stick and brought back down to everything else. Variety seems to be a bad word nowadays.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    "Power Spectrum"? That ranks with "Power and Responsibility" as the crappest issue title yet

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And apart from this helpful piece of feedback, would you care to share your invaluable suggestion with us?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Its called an opinion, I beleive we are all entitled to one. Its also valid criticism which most businesses are happy to use, good, bad or indifferent. However being flamed/trolled by a moderator......whom do you advise?

    As for what would be better, something like "Divergence" off the top of my head, and though rubbish, is more in keeping with the pithy issue names of old. "Power Spectrum" sounds weaker than coming straight out and calling it "Power Customisation", or "Yu c4n c0lor y0urz powahz blu!1!111!!"
  20. "Power Spectrum"? That ranks with "Power and Responsibility" as the crappest issue title yet
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    As for CoP: Of course someone found a way to exploit it... and it shut down before most of us got to try it out. Since then, it's become something of a myth that the devs don't speak of.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    From what I recall is that people found a not hidden, pretty obvious and gigantic bug where you couldnt "complete" a mission if you were in SG mode and some of your sg members were in the COP trial. Clicking the contact however gave you the rewards for completion over and over and over. To call it an exploit is wrong, it was fundamentally broken to the highest degree and the devs couldnt fix it or couldnt be bothered to fix it. You correctly point out that the devs dont like to mention the debacle but they did say that to get it working they would need to remake it from scratch so the chances of seeing it in game are nil to nil imo.

    Implying that people were "exploiting" it is suggesting that player actions forced the removal of said content from the game.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It was admitted by Lighthouse (US Board Mod) that the changes were NOT for PvPers

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's not quite correct - he said it wasn't expected to appeal to the current PvPers - the idea was to make PvP more accessable to newer players, so this meant reducing the ability to be uba leet

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And the idea failed miserably.

    Anyway why nit pick, what Stalky said is basically right.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    But not totally right - he made it sound like the changes weren't designed for PvP, when they were - but just not for the pre I13 PvPers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    again thats your inference, I would say that your veiwpoint is not on an even keel with Paragon Studios and Ncsofts.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It was admitted by Lighthouse (US Board Mod) that the changes were NOT for PvPers

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's not quite correct - he said it wasn't expected to appeal to the current PvPers - the idea was to make PvP more accessable to newer players, so this meant reducing the ability to be uba leet

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not true at all, you are placing your own inferrence on the subject and presenting it as fact. It was stated that the changes were not for the PvPers, no mention was made of past, present or future.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    well just to throw a spanner in the works, i'm with virgin and have no problems at all. So maybe it's you and not your providor ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you on their cable service? He probably uses their regular ADSL, which is nothing more than wholesale broadband sold by BT.

    Just like a farm sells poultry to various supermarkets, BT sells broadband ready-made to various ISPs. Practically every "Up to 8Mbps" package is wholesale BT. The really GOOD internet packages aren't wholesale, they're LLU (Local Loop Unbundling). LLU means that apart from your actual telephone line that goes into your house, your broadband gets routed on the ISPs own networks.

    This would be like Sainsburys rearing their own cattle, cutting out the middle man.

    In the case of Virgin, you can get fibre-optic cable broadband, which doesn't even use your phone line. BT couldn't have a say in this even if they wanted to. This fibre optic stuff is without a doubt the most advanced broadband, but they aren't laying any more cable, so if you aren't in a Virgin area, you never will be.

    If you have Virgin internet, but it uses your phone line, that's BT Wholesale. After all, Virgin would want to reach everybody, not just people in cable areas.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LLU isnt a magic wand of awesomeness though, if you are with a bad ISP that uses LLU you will still get bad service, like with AOL and their crippling traffic shaping. Just because something should be technically superior when considering capabilities doesnt mean that will be the reality, policies can turn the greatest thing in the world into a pile of steaming poop. Plenty of the bad ISPs use LLU and give [censored] service often delivering less than "stock" broadband.

    Virgin are not a very well received ISP, either via their line service or their cable outlet. Their future intentions are very dubious too with preferential "pathways" to content that pays them and utilising the Phorm marketing software.