New Dominator set?
I doubt that this is the new set that they are talking about, but it could be. Just seems like a way to get War Witch into Praetoria, and give her sets roughly equivalent to what she was on Primal earth.
I'm still thinking that we'll be getting some sort of Dark Control/Dark Assault set, but maybe we'll get more than one, and Autumnal will be it.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
My money is on this specific set, i do believe your right tho maybe a dark control will pop up soon, however i like to think Autumnal will be it because its fresh new and sounds exciting
plus an assault set to go with it!
they wouldnt just give a whole new set to a villain inspite of players, i can guarantee this is it.
Sometime Last year Dominators became my favorite AT. I already have a Fire/Psi, Earth/Fire. Elec/Elec, Elec/Psi and Ice/Thorns at level 50. I need some new Doms devs... Seriously !!
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
totally agree Airhammer, be patient they will come i can feel it!
You realize Autumnal is just the devs way of mixing fire and ice together right. >_>
They could have simply given her fire control, ice assault or the other way around but instead gave her a combo of both elements in control and assault. Dont expect it anytime soon...or ever. Unless your war witch herself. Reading way to into it. Dont get me wrong, Doms are my favorite and i cannot wait for dark control and assault.
hang on so you think this autumnal assault and control wont come but your so sure dark control will??
not to sound funny but i find that very dellusional since we have so many dark powers it would be boring and uncool to include another, now dont get me wrong i want another dom set, but i think autumnal is an official power set, unless devs say otherwise and im entitled to think as such since there is no case for or against this topic yet, this is just a speculation to see what ppl may think of this idea and to be quite frank if it was a mix of fire and ice, wouldnt it be more fitting to have more of an elemental name rather than Autumnal? as Autumnal is pretty much the four elements this set could mean anything and i shall keep thinking outside the box till truth be told
hang on so you think this autumnal assault and control wont come but your so sure dark control will??
not to sound funny but i find that very dellusional since we have so many dark powers it would be boring and uncool to include another, now dont get me wrong i want another dom set, but i think autumnal is an official power set, unless devs say otherwise and im entitled to think as such since there is no case for or against this topic yet, this is just a speculation to see what ppl may think of this idea and to be quite frank if it was a mix of fire and ice, wouldnt it be more fitting to have more of an elemental name rather than Autumnal? as Autumnal is pretty much the four elements this set could mean anything and i shall keep thinking outside the box till truth be told ![]() |
And yeah, looking at the pictures and knowing what War Witch's theme was, I really do imagine that she's just got some Ice Control and some Fire Control Powers merged into Autumnal Control, and same for the assault sets. It doesn't look like a new set, just a combination of two sets' powers.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Highly doubtful it's a new player set.
Serene has attacks that are both elements (For instance she dual wields elemental swords, one fire and one ice). This is in all likelihood just a fancypants name they gave to her unique abilities.
You can already make dominators with fire and ice abilities, so that would be an incredible waste of a new powerset. Particularly with all the commotion as of late about Doms not getting proliferation and having to wait for new sets.
Also, there are plenty of people who want Dark Control (have been for years), and that there are lots of dark powers already is absolutely irrelevant.
There were already Fire themed Blast, Melee, Manipulation, Armor and Control sets and we still got Thermal Radiation. The fact that there's already Dark Miasma, Blast, Manipulation, Melee, and Armor doesn't mean a thing with regard to Dark Control.
There are any number of ways to go about making it unique and fun to play.

synapse said they didnt have anything for doms in i21.5 but potentially for the next major release such as i22 whenever that comes out, didnt say anything else about it though

right ok but before anyone decides to bash me on this issue, i just like to clarify, yes, dark control sets have been frequently asked over the years but i can assure it has not been the most asked for set in game, there are plenty of other sets for other AT's that have been asked for i.e Psychic Melee, Radiation Armor, Radiation Melee, Light control, Light Assault, the list goes on, my point was that i feel dark powers in general are kinda boring and to have dark control might/might not be all that good, however introducing a new power set would guarantee a better result whether good results or bad.
thats just my idea and i felt the need to post this to raise an eyebrow at the idea of maybe something for doms hopefully soon.
People have been asking for a Dark Control set for a while. Never seen a call for "autumnal control."
And yeah, looking at the pictures and knowing what War Witch's theme was, I really do imagine that she's just got some Ice Control and some Fire Control Powers merged into Autumnal Control, and same for the assault sets. It doesn't look like a new set, just a combination of two sets' powers. |
I was originally going to say that it was improbable, but looking at:
It seems like her powers have player-based descriptions and unique icons. That implies that they may in fact be a new player set. After all, most enemies just use simple descriptions and copied icons for powers that aren't available to players.
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian

well this is certainly a nice piece of info that goes to the pro side, now im definitly positive it will be a power set, if not, then i would like to know as why not, this could potentially be a very powerful set judging by the power Antipodal Strike
sounds sweet!
Thanks Vauluur.
right ok but before anyone decides to bash me on this issue, i just like to clarify, yes, dark control sets have been frequently asked over the years but i can assure it has not been the most asked for set in game, there are plenty of other sets for other AT's that have been asked for i.e Psychic Melee, Radiation Armor, Radiation Melee, Light control, Light Assault, the list goes on, my point was that i feel dark powers in general are kinda boring and to have dark control might/might not be all that good, however introducing a new power set would guarantee a better result whether good results or bad.
thats just my idea and i felt the need to post this to raise an eyebrow at the idea of maybe something for doms hopefully soon. |
You can also point to the pic with her brandishing the fire/ice dual swords. It looks to be an in game shot, not an art pic.
Plus it's just more fun to think that something new is on the way.

I'm with Sypher on this one. It's not unprecedented at all for the devs to use named NPCs to introduce new powers to the game. They've done it several times where they use a posting like this to hint at a new set that's in development without really explaining it.
You can also point to the pic with her brandishing the fire/ice dual swords. It looks to be an in game shot, not an art pic. Plus it's just more fun to think that something new is on the way. ![]() |
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian

I highly doubt That a set like Serene's would get released before Dark/Dark.
Dark may be a port, but it's a NEW set for Doms, where as the "autumnal" idea is just a mishmash of what we already have. Dominators are the ONLY AT red-side not to have access to dark in some way, and they are probably the 2nd most requested Dom set after Illusion (which I rather NOT be ported).
I have a small hope that it'll be a new set like Device Control or Radiation Control/Melee or something. But if it's Dark, I will be VERY happy.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
Although you may possibly be right with dark being ported over first, i also like to think that still autumnal will be first, and no autumnal is not just a mish mash of powers.
Autumnal Equinox Ranged, Superior DMG(Cold), Moderate DMG (Fire, DoT), Foe Hold, -SPD, -Recharge
Calling on the strength of the seasons, you concentrate both ice and fire on your target. The target is held in a block of ice and is unable to move while they cook inside the block.
that is fairly new and to be honest it is more an obvious choice before dark, however either way i will be happy with this or dark, so long as dominators are served justice.
My money is on Whip Assault and possibly Whip Control.
Why? Because I refuse to believe Dark Control/Assault take that much time to create and this Autumn set just looks like a fancy name for Plant control or fire/icy mix.
Only Whip animations will take that long to create. Mind you, they already created several new animations for Mastermind and it makes little sense to create something totally new when they already have those animations done.
They made dual pistol for MM first and then later introduced Dual Pistol Blast set. It's only logical. So the chance of it being Whip Control/Assault is as high as 80%. Mark my word!
(they could also introduce Dark Illusion by the time they have "time" for Dominator but it's unlikely Dominator gets 3 new sets at once)
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I would like to point out to the vast majority of posters in this thread a couple of facts:
1.) Autumnal control doesn't "look" like anything. It exists, and is a combination power of ice/fire. However, the powers available to Serene ARE NOT clones of fire or ice control/assault. They are their own powers that deal a primary damage type and secondary damage type. For example, her single target hold is similar to block of ice. However, it sets the target on fire as well as being a hold.
2.) Saying Autumnal Control won't happen because "x hasn't been ported yet" is not a valid argument.
3.) CoH Freedom is currently in a stage that is focused on drawing in new players and selling things to them. This is how the game intends to make money in the new model.
4.) The Autumnal Control/Assault powers include several new animations.
With these facts in mind, NOT seeing Autumnal Control and Autumnul Assault as a "premium" set would be very surprising. Doing all the work for the sets and not gaining additional income from it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian

I am not against seeing something "new" but if Autumnal Control/Set is the "surprise" set, then I'll be annoyed. It really doesn't seem all that exciting to me except for having access to Fire and Ice damage. Technically, you can have similar theme in choosing either Fire/Ice Control and Fiery/Icy Assault. The current choice is just as "Autumnal". ugh..I really hate this Autumnal name!
Now.. if they throw in some kind of Form shifting, then we'll see. :P They came up Swap Ammo, didn't they? Maybe they can have similar design for an Assault set.
Yes, this Autumnal may have new animations but they can also easily create new animation for current ice/fire attacks. There's really no need for a fire/icy set. New animation shouldn't be the reason for a "new" set.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
As Vauluur pointed out, we havnt seen or heard anything of this autumnal set except a picture of dual wield elemental swords, we can see it is different because it has new powers, but we still dont know what it looks like, or how it plays so your assumptions will only be just that.
nobody knows a thing and to clarify once again this whole thread is just based upon information found and see what the general consensus is on it, the information is there for you to accept or deny choice is yours but assuming is very foolish and we can only wait and see what the final word is with the devs, which at the end of the day is where the truth lies and the buck stops.
As Vauluur pointed out, we havnt seen or heard anything of this autumnal set except a picture of dual wield elemental swords, we can see it is different because it has new powers, but we still dont know what it looks like, or how it plays so your assumptions will only be just that.
nobody knows a thing and to clarify once again this whole thread is just based upon information found and see what the general consensus is on it, the information is there for you to accept or deny choice is yours but assuming is very foolish and we can only wait and see what the final word is with the devs, which at the end of the day is where the truth lies and the buck stops. |
Recently they created 3-4 (4 if you count the buff/pet one) new animations for Mastermind Whip attacks. It is very logical to believe that a Whip Assault/Control is in the works.
Maybe they do have Dual Wielding set in the future but the chance of seeing Whip before Autumnal (or whatever they want to call it) is extremely high and it's logical. I don't believe a Fire/Ice set is even in the works but I won't be against it if they release a new set with overlapping powers/theme. It is just not as "exciting".
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I'd prefer Autumnal to be some sort of temperature, wind and plant based combination rather than fire and ice. If it's just generic fire and ice then "meh".
if you look at sorceress serene's profile on the wiki she has only 1 control power, 1 passive power, and 2 melee attack powers that are of the autumnal theme so i dont really consider her of autumnal control or assault since most of her offensive powers are taken from other sets (ice bolt, ice blast, fireball, fire blast, flares)

Well i read the link on the new character profile Sorceress Serene and she has a set that clearly isnt in the game, Autumnal control and Autumnal assault.
Now its a no brainer that the devs have something planned for doms as they said that it will come after issue 21.5.
So question is, is this the new set they were talking about?
heres the link if anyone has missed it
i would like to think that doms will soon be getting the new sets since they have been ignored for some time.
like to think what the community thinks of this so leave your ideas down below