Hows PvP these days?
1) Occasionally
2) afaik Yes
3) When there is more than 3 ppl there and maybe
4) yes and rarely
5) somewhat and hell no
7) dont know tbh
8) cant rememebr
SC is dead, usually RV is the only place to PvP now
oh and welcome back
Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab
Welcome back
There have been quite a few PvP changes in the time you've been away, especially in Issue 13.
Crafting has also been introduced to the game, so you might want to upgrade your older avatar using the newer types of enhancements available, especially the enhancement sets - check out this page for a run down on them, and the way they work.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
in response to "Hows PvP these days" Destroyed
Thanks guys. Maybe we can get some of the old pvp back. Its a pitty really because the implementation of pvp is really quite good here just the AT balance and lack of interest of players seems to be lacking a little.
1st char I logged onto was in SC but it was a ghost town, I guess Ill have to play my higher level toons though Im bored with em.
Determined to make Rad/Psi work though for solo pvp, seems he hasnt changed any so must be other ATs are a lot better now then.
Well once Im used to the game again Im going to make sure there is some pvp fun if only its folk killing me.
Oh two more questions. Is it still possible to speed level stalker through paper missions and does dull pain still prevent you from being knocked out of hide?
Take care. Have fun. Hope we meet up on one side or the other.
There are new and terrible ways of PLing, but you should be careful - the devs will ban avatars that level too fast.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
4) yes and rarely
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Execpt they lost every single when they fought those Vindicate guys, I heard they were awesome.
"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."
2. Is Art of War still around?
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Yeah, we are still kicking although I joined just after you took your break. A lot of the old school moved on, half formed Vindicate, and old schoolers such as SGT and co went over to the US - they still keep in contact but havnt seen them this side of the pond for a good while.
Fulcrum/Eros/Mighty Rex are still around amongst a few others who pop back from time to time. And our roster has significantly increased in the last 2 years (now sitting back in 9/8th on the SG tables)
As for PvP, the consensus is it hit it's peak around i12 then got *foobar'd* post i13. Its not dead by a longshot thanks to the adaptability of the best players we have to offer *the vindicate chaps etc*, however long gone are the mass SC/Warburg gankathons as most PvP is done in RV.
Proof is in the pudding as to the mistake of some of the changes when they essentially retcon the messups by giving options to remove them in the arena (go figure )
PM me ingame @stryke if you want to contact any old member who may still be around.
Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"
"There are new and terrible ways of PLing, but you should be careful - the devs will ban avatars that level too fast."
Lol, great minds. Only Ive always turned down PLing anyway as I feel you end up with a character you arnt in touch with.
"Execpt they lost every single when they fought those Vindicate guys"
There was one french team that stood out the most Im terrible with names though. Pitty I missed seeing Vindicate in action.
Hi Warscythe. I remember your name from forums I think. Had a nice wee chat with Waffles when I came on. I feel like too much of a nub at the mo but it would be great if you guys would consider me if I do stay about, or even just to get togather in arena for some fun.
Remember most the names you posted and Stryker seems to be still around though probably doesnt remember me as I was only in AoW a while before I left. Wait Zak! That was the leader back then, I really am aweful on names. He still kicking about?
Nice to see actually that there are still quite a few folk still here as I recognise every one of you at least from forums.
Looking at i13 patch notes I cant help feeling that they ended up getting the opposite of what they wanted. Instead of attracting new people to pvp they seem to have alienated many of the old ones and not attracted any new players.
Oh well gotta work with what we have. No points crying over what was lost... unless we can convince them to rethink things a bit.
P.S. Thanks for the link Golden Girl. Looks like I have tons to catch up on.
Oh one last thing in order to at last get one char to 50 Ill be doing missions in Warburg. Whatever anyone does please dont come and pick on me there as that would be truely aweful!
in response to "Hows PvP these days" Destroyed
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Quotin' dis. It's still fun if you have nothing else better to do.
Pitty I missed seeing Vindicate in action.
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I've got vids
Pitty I missed seeing Vindicate in action.
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I've got vids
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I don't think you took on the French team he is talking about (although could be wrong). I assume you talking about the test server meet ups? If so then it was a long process but the French and Germans did eventually succumb to the mighty EU. Infact the EU got too good and couldnt get fights .
However those days have long past (regular international fights) and most of them players are long gone.
1) Filths kinda about although don't believe TG is any more.
2) Yes
3) Maybe - Zones are mostly quiet apart from RV when you get the occasional battle. Number wise its not a patch on what it was. You could probably go into SC and not get AS'd. With the new PvP anyway you probably laugh at the poor stalker that did it anyway since it got nerfed.
4) See above
5) Yes it did, very very powerful combo. With the new PvP I can't comment.
6) Variety of new sets such as Shield, Pain and some sets swapping to heroes and villains e.g. thermal controllers.
7) I believe the times have been reduced on archery
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Stryker is still around but under the name @enervator (i heard his name got retconned due to infringement, dunno if thats true as my global ironically is similar)
Just like Globey and "Heals like Jesus on crack" - Rooks, i think his time is sporadic, but its best to ask those guys as they run the Vindi SG now.
Zak went across the pond with SGT if my memory serves right.
But if you are wanting in AoW again just PM me ingame, im on most nights from 7pm.
Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"
Zak went across the pond with SGT if my memory serves right.
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Zak rarely came online on Freedom, and Sgt, I ain't seen him on Freedom for over a year, but i've had a few breaks so not quite sure, but i've not seen him recently.
Well the only one I knew for sure was SGT, he popped on the AoW forums not long back to let us know he would be giving CO a try *not sure if this has changed* but said he had taken a lil' break from CoX. Then again since i've never stepped foot on the US servers you'll know infinately more than me my bouncing bosomed friend (seriously that avatar is distracting . . . damn you globey )
Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"
in response to "Hows PvP these days" Destroyed
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better word PvP has been supressed!
in response to "Hows PvP these days" Destroyed
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better word PvP has been supressed!
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Or diminished
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
in response to "Hows PvP these days" Destroyed
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better word PvP has been supressed!
[/ QUOTE ]
Or diminished
[/ QUOTE ]
Or balanced
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
(seriously that avatar is distracting . . . damn you globey )
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in response to "Hows PvP these days" Destroyed
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better word PvP has been supressed!
[/ QUOTE ]
Or diminished
[/ QUOTE ]
Or balanced
[/ QUOTE ]
It's not balanced - yet
And as the devs have said a lot of the PvP changes were for stuff they're adding in the future, perhaps we should wait and see what that stuff is before saying if the I12 adjustments were good or bad
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
in response to "Hows PvP these days" Destroyed
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better word PvP has been supressed!
[/ QUOTE ]
Or diminished
[/ QUOTE ]
Or balanced
[/ QUOTE ]
It's not balanced - yet
And as the devs have said a lot of the PvP changes were for stuff they're adding in the future, perhaps we should wait and see what that stuff is before saying if the I12 adjustments were good or bad
[/ QUOTE ]
yeah, you can only expect people to give the benefit of the doubt for so long. Pie in the sky accounts for nothing after 5 years and 2 superhero MMOs on the horizon to break COHs exclusive niche, they want to keep peoples interest they going to have to be a lot more open and forthcoming given how much they have ignored (every single suggestion and feedback in i13 closed beta was ignored) and alienated the PvP population in recent times.
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
You know its a shame a real shame. I could play PvP for hours. of real Enjoyment. I made toons to PvP with i earned Prestige to make my toons the best i could. It Kept me in the game. As soon as they decided to make the PvP so bad compared to have it used to be. Thats when you lost this vetrans interest.
You know all things considered i wish that they just kept to no content PvP style rather than mess around thinking they could get people interested by making it different.
I did everything in my power b4 the changes to make people interested PvP Nights , PvP Events. Funny thats all they had to do too. Not keep on nerfing it.
Balanced!? how the hell is it balanced? As far as i see these days you play either a Stalker and a Blaster.
If you play a melee toon its kinda a joke cos the mez protection you have does jack. Spend time on your [censored]. so you struggle to keep up to do any killing. The Suppression is a real joke. Why do you get suppressed for taking a inspiration !?!? The guys that used to say that using a Insp was cheating have taken over the game! Suppression is everything now.
I heard it said b4 the fast pace of the game made it a appealing. Its true it was. Being able to move into combat range and make a kill in a group full of villains/heroes and make it out with your life was exhilarating.
As well as being able to survive in a zone full of a opponents on your own. NO CHANCE these days. I struggle against 2 now.
What the Dev's failed to understand it takes time to learn to be as good as some of the players got. Time and Experience. Dev's thought well that's just not chips! but if we spend the time and cash getting that good why not!?
I'm moaning now because i didn't bother at the time. I thought id wait and see what happens as the games changed so many times b4. But now its clear that the Dev's are only gonna make it worse. If the PvP hadn't changed i probably be still playing now. And as often as i used to. Despite all the bad PvE additions. But since CO is coming out and looks awesome and seeing as they seem to be listening to players i am going to go play that hopefully get the PvP bug as bad as i got here and pray they don't make stupid mistakes there too.
my 2 cent anyhow.
A well implemented pvp system is one of the best ways to attract players with the least amount of work required on behalf of the developers. Once set in place, unlike pve content, there is far less need for change as the veriety required to keep players interested comes directly from the creativity of the players and not the developers.
I remember watching the animated workmen building the arena and looking forward to the time we could test all these power sets on one another. While it took some time to catch on (half the time only an MA/SR scrapper in there asking for fights) by the time I left the game in 2006 the pvp community was really getting into it. Perhaps smaller then the pve community but actually far more interaction between the servers and hero/villan sides.
As knightstalker says there was very little reason to have such sweeping changes in the first place. It is quite shocking to see the contrast between the lower level pvp areas back then and those now and the emptyness of of the arena. A lot of pvp in an is based on player input and attitude and there seems to be a consensus both in the US and EU that i13 had a very negative effect on the numbers of pvpers.
I would honestly like to know how dedicated the developers are in correcting this as there are many factors that could make CoX one of the leading PvE AND PvP games.
After over ten years of online pvp in pretty much every game that offers it I would say the following is unique in CoX:
1. A combination of very varied and interesting power sets that feel unique to this game.
2. One of if not the best formats to have a player controlled arena in which the results are then laid out afterwards. Other games have arenas but CoX gives the players far more control over the settings and feedback afterwards.
3. PvP areas that not only dont force a limitation on numbers involved or prevent players from returning after they have outleveled the area whilst not allowing "twinking". It struck me that WAR has taken on a little of this in their open PVP.
Given these factors one would really expect the CoX pvp community to be happy and striving especially if one had seen how it was growing back in 2006.
The impression given to me is that either, due to competition from other games, so many people have left and the developers have given up trying to correct the possition. Or that they are taking a long time to admit a mistake was made and correct it.
This is a pitty because as I say the game basics are there for them to previde a really successful pvp system on par with or even exceeding those in place in other online games.
I would really like to know what the developer's current view on pvp is. Whether they feel pve is of greater importance and how they are planning to address pvp issues in the future.
Well just managed to get into the arena. Tested my Ill/Rad, MA/Regen and Rad/Psi out.
Apart from not being able to kill a BS/WP scrapper with my psi damage I really didnt find suppression to be so aweful and it still seems possible to kite (just as well as I could almost be one shot by BS).
I guess I just need to see how RV is but so far it honestly doesnt seem that bad.
Hi guys! Just coming back from from an ikkle brake (3 years) and while I download all the patches I was wondering how things are now?

I know much of this I could get from going through tons of threads but Im lazy and hate the search engine here.
1. Are the old names like Tainted Greek and Filth still about?
2. Is Art of War still around?
3. Going into PvP zones will I still be able to have a good time with as many folk as there used to be?
4. Did the French ever get beaten and are there still tournaments being held?
5. Did my last AT combo Rad/Psi defender ever catch on and is it any good now for pvp?
7. What new sets/powers are out there (think I left just before they were about to introduse MM thugs)?
8. Oh and has the horribly long anim times on archery set been fixed?
Looking forward to seeing everyone in SC etc. (save for the stalkers ofcourse...).
3. Are there still