Missuse of /hc ?




Anyone else noticed that on this server people use the help channel for everything other than help??

I'm initially from Union and it's an unwritten rule that you don't use this channel unless asking for help about an issue (not help to level etc).

Seems this is a bad habbit that some players on Exaulted seem to be carrying on.... Where did this trend come from!?

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Don't know... but it annoys me as well. In a similar vein, I removed broadcast from my one and only character there due to it being obnoxious for me to see the ridiculousness scrolling.



Well since the server's not quite a month old yet, people haven't migrated to the global channels yet. See the global channels thread for a listing of them or ask in game. With badge related questions I've been answering them and inviting people to the BMT of Exalted and Exalted Events channels. There is also EXALTED-UNITED and other channels as well. People could suggest these channels to cut down on the chatter especailly if they're LFG on help. There is also a new facebook group for the server at https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/172581702825009/

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty...

http://www.facebook.com/SCyberTaz (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)



It wouldn't surprise me, but I personally haven't noticed it. That's because one of the first things I do after making a new toon is to remove the Help channel from my chat tabs.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
Anyone else noticed that on this server people use the help channel for everything other than help??

I'm initially from Union and it's an unwritten rule that you don't use this channel unless asking for help about an issue (not help to level etc).

Seems this is a bad habbit that some players on Exaulted seem to be carrying on.... Where did this trend come from!?
It is all over the place not just Exalted but yeah very annoying. Exalted has Channels for this that are not help.

Instead a lot of people spamming about things I care not about. I removed the HELP channel from my toons because of it.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
Anyone else noticed that on this server people use the help channel for everything other than help??

I'm initially from Union and it's an unwritten rule that you don't use this channel unless asking for help about an issue (not help to level etc).
I've turned it off. I am used to people using the hep channel to ask for help with game info, and how to's. Not random nonsense.

I started to turn of broadcast too, but that goes away when I vacate the offending zone. Help had to die in fire.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



That seems like common behavior on some servers. It's a global channel the entire server can see unlike Broadcast and others that are zone-specific.

I assumed the practice was started on Exalted by folks from servers where that is the norm.

It only bugs me when someone is actually trying to get help and they are unable to because of the chatter - or worse, ridiculed for not already knowing the answer.

Exalted is for VIP's, so many assume that means experienced players - but that is not the case. Many VIP's are brand new to the game as well.



Makes perfect sense. If you want to avoid global channels that are moderated by self-important players, Help is the most logical place to go. It isn't like the game provides a LFG channel.

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Justice Company



I am one of "them". Sometimes I ask, or answer questions, sometimes I see a conversation and join in. It is nice having a global channel that is just there. I understand there are many user made channels, I've seen them and nothing has drawn me to them. It doesn't bother me at all when people use it for chatting, as long as that doesn't prevent someone from getting help, which I have not seen happen.

Also, when I need help and I see people chatting away in it, I know that there are people paying attention to it.

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do the f2p players have access to global channels? I know thats not the case here, was just curious... it would explain the increase activ on the other servers.. and as far as here goes, id have to agree with taz. Not many read the forums and know there are channels created to help the player base.



No, f2p players can only use local, group, and help, so it's no surprise help is chattier than ever.



Originally Posted by Tulare View Post
Also, when I need help and I see people chatting away in it, I know that there are people paying attention to it.
Originally Posted by UltraTroll View Post
I removed the HELP channel from my toons because of it.
Originally Posted by Vega View Post
I've turned it off.
I think you are going to see more people turning it off, or ignoring it, as I do. And I see it on many servers.



I leave it on in spite of the chatter... I think it can still serve its intended purpose as long as there are enough of us there who are willing to make a good faith effort when it comes to posting answers. I don't think just abandoning the channel accomplishes anything.

I guess time will tell if I'm right about that or if I'm just being an overly-optimistic idiot. Either's possible.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by catwhowalksbyhimself View Post
No, f2p players can only use local, group, and help, so it's no surprise help is chattier than ever.
This would make sense on any server except Exalted, which has no F2P players...

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Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
This would make sense on any server except Exalted, which has no F2P players...
Exalted has a lot of completely new players.

They follow the examples of others, as some believe that the VIP server will have a lot of veterans. Some may have had doubts that "Help" = "Global Chat about what you had for breakfast" but they follow examples put forth.

As you can see this tends to spiral out of control very quickly, as a couple of very loud long-time players who should know better can bring a lot of players who simply don't know any better into the /help chat very quickly to debate who, exactly, would have jurisdiction on the moon for hours at a time.

With that said I have yet to see a question go unanswered in an eventual helpful manner, so while there may be "lolnoob" responses and a lot of chatter when somebody is trying to ask a question - the only time I've seen somebody get mad over not getting an answer, people were actually already helping somebody else who had asked a complicated question prior to the other guy, who also eventually got help.

-Proud leader of Captain Planet's Magical Friends



Originally Posted by CyberTaz View Post
With badge related questions I've been answering them and inviting people to the BMT of Exalted and Exalted Events channels
I like this and will support it. To those of you who agree, maybe we can draft a script to suggest moving non-help chat to a global channel? Then we can use the script to remind people. I'll give a shot at it, but feel free to make suggestions.

<toon name>, to make it easier for helpers to answer questions, please limit chat to asking for game help. For missions/task forces, please join BMT-Exalted. For general chat, please join EXALTED-UNITED. Thank you for your cooperation.



Servers tend to take on a culture all their own. I doubt that Exaulted will stop using Help as a general chat channel since it's a melting pot of servers and other servers use it as just that as a norm.

However, if you attempt to use Help for general chatting on many servers, you will be sanctioned. Anything from "Please don't do that" to getting on Global Ignore lists.

I know this has caused friction for folks who have moved to a new server with a different culture from "that server is so rude" and "that noob is so rude" when, in reality, neither is true.



just use /ac for help related stuff since theres no pvp on exalted.



The use of chat and conversation on help means its actually monitored by people, I have been away since Castle retardedly killed PvP and every question I have asked has been answered promptly on help.

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Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



The use of the help channel described by the OP sounds like it was lifted directly from Virtue server. I assume other servers use it as a general chat as well. It's to be expected; a zero-effort, serverwide channel is rather appealing to the sort of person who loves hearing his own voice (or seeing his own typing).



I don't see what the problem is. Help questions always get answered. So what if people chat on there. There's nothing wrong with people being social. I sometimes find it entertaining to watch. And yes, I do chime in from time to time.

For those of you who want to be OCD and try to rule over the help channel with scripts, rules, and ridicule - just stop. You can only control what you can control. And other people paying for the game just as you are, you can't control. Let it go.

The Help channel serves its purpose and you get more out of it than just that. Seems like a plus to me.

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I'm mystified where isn't a dedicated server wide chat channel after all this time. People are using help channel as a server wide channel for good reason. I completely agree with it.

What better place to ask for help yes, but also what better way to reach everyone who's on as well, for any number of other reasons.

I lurk a lot



Originally Posted by LaDiva View Post
I'm mystified where isn't a dedicated server wide chat channel after all this time. People are using help channel as a server wide channel for good reason. I completely agree with it.

What better place to ask for help yes, but also what better way to reach everyone who's on as well, for any number of other reasons.
A lot of experienced players tend to filter out "Help", like a lot of them do "Broadcast" on Freedom, also some people, mostly new ones have the show (Hero/Villain) chat Disabled and need to turn it on.

There are Global chat channels as well that are founded by more experienced or socially minded players, two examples are as follows:

Type /chanjoin BMT of Exalted to join the Badges/Monsters/Trials,TF's,SF's channel on Exalted. or
Type /chanjoin Exalted Events to join the Exalted events channel, it's for the more casual teamer, Costume Contests, Biography Contests, Raids, PUG teams, trials and everything. It is a sister channel of BMT of Exalted and usually gets cross spammed when something big is forming.

Both channels have chat whenever someone's not trying to form something and it's kept at T for Teen or cleaner.

Events are usually posted on the Forums, the Exalted Events Calendar or on the Exalted CoH Facebook page at www.tinyurl.com/CoHExalted.

Other channels are listed on the Exalted Channels section and a couple include EXALTED-UNITED and VIP.

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty...

http://www.facebook.com/SCyberTaz (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
Anyone else noticed that on this server people use the help channel for everything other than help??

I'm initially from Union and it's an unwritten rule that you don't use this channel unless asking for help about an issue (not help to level etc).

Seems this is a bad habbit that some players on Exaulted seem to be carrying on.... Where did this trend come from!?
I'm from Union initially too and I noticed this happening the moment the EU and NA server list were merged. Now if I roll up a character on Virtue, Victory or Exalted, the first thing I do is take Help out of my windows.

A real shame but it's either that or watching my chat window get spammed with everything but help requests. Sorry.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



I made a point of noting the dedicated channels in help one evening, and got jumped on by someone bemoaning the lack of an actual global channel and how stupid it was the other 'globals' were capped at 150. When I pointed out there were 160 in Exalted United at the time it didn't even slow him down.

Ultimately I removed help from all but the help tab (which I never have up).

On the plus side, Exalted United was up over 175 within a few minutes after my posts... so maybe I helped some.

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