854 -
There's a guide here on the US forums
With so many of the old players returning this weekend thanks to the sub reactivation, there should be plenty of experienced 50's about if an attempt were made this weekend. -
Hmm, I can post as well as having my subs reactivated. Where shall I go and troll
Got on a little bit over the weekend and managed to get my global changed back to @Kinslayer and have a very brief chat with Max.
May be on a couple more times before the game card runs out but I think just playing for the hour or so I did at the weekend has pretty much confirmed my time in CoV is definitely at an end rather than on a break as I just didn't really enjoy it
(Though it was nice to escape from that annoying LT in WoW for a brief while!) -
I 'think' it's @Ku'rel as that's the new toon I rolled and logged in with. Will see if I can change it to @Kinslayer though next time I log on.
Yup, I'm back in game for 60 days. Friend of mine who works at Game got a few time cards that weren't on the order sheet he signed for so he pocketed them. Got one 60 day CoH one off him and 5 WoW ones for only 20 quid
Logged in very briefly last night to find that my global name has been reset again, don't remember global going belly up since that first time we had to reset them? Rolled a new villain and took my Empath to Sirens. May run my empath or scrapper through Faultline one evening to see the bit of new content they've actually added in the 6 months since I left.
Not sure I'll actually play much as I was hoping i'd log in last night and think 'Wow, I really miss this' instead of getting bored after an hour like I did. Hopefully, I9 will hit live or test before my 60 days is up so i'll get to see if it is worth playing. -
Great last night in the game guys.
The Hess TF race was fun(even though my team lost by about 30 seconds), Luska was a bit of a pain and the PvP was a good laugh.
It's a shame one idiot in particular ruined it by crashing the channel I set up and sending me abuse then doing the same on his WS over broadcast in Warburg before rolling a new toon to abuse me more.
It's also a shame that he's actually tolerated in an SG by someone I do have a lot of time for with a lot of members who deserve better than having their SG name continually dragged through the mud by him. Someone with a mentality petty enough to do what he did tonight is hardly a shining endorsement for any SG but he can take solace in the fact that all of us on our coaltiion channels were laughing at his rather embarassing antics for the sad little man he must be.
Other than that, i've had a great time in the game and in close to two years i've met some great people, some who are still playing but many more who have moved on
To everyone i've teamed with, repsecced with, PvP'd with and played with, it's been a blast.
Last Line of Defence, 1 AT and EVIL have been a pleasure to know and i've also been proud to lead Bloodline and New Blood Rebellion and hope the two of them do carry on under their new leaders.
Those of you who who ever want to get in touch with me can just sand a PM on here(PM's still work with no sub and I get E-mail alerts)
Have fun people -
OK, just a quick update on the global channel for the night: Good Riddance Kin.
This has now been set up and is a public channel so feel free to join and hurl abuse at me -
...oh yes, and...
A leaving do that opens with fun in Striga and IP might draw a few more attendees if it's advertised in the Heroes forum rather than the Villains one.
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Aye, but i've posted on the 1 AT and my old SG's forum which covers pretty much all the CoH players who would come. Most of the other people I expect to join are CoV players on alts as CoV has been my main home -
OK, as I'm off next Tuesday, I thought i'd try to fit in a few 'events' on Monday 23rd October.
First off, I will set up a global channel called 'Good Riddance Kin' for everyone to join on the night and here's what I have on the agenda
19.00 - Striga TF(Hess) on CoH. Basically get as many people as possible and run a few teams through it.
20.00 - Luska bashing. Not sure how long Striga will take as there'll probably be a bit of organising to do but as soon as we finish, it's off to Independence Port.
21.00 - Warburg/Sirens chaos. Once we've had our calamari, head off to one of the PvP zones for butt kicking fun.
I'll then be taking up permanent residence on WoW, Moonglade server under the name of Kinsul for any who end up there -
Well, after playing way back in Beta, my time in CoH is at an end.
There's various reasons for leaving as wide ranging as the complete lack of content once you hit 50 and the new issue once more doesn't seem to address that and the fact there's simply nothing else for me to do in game.
The main reason though is that the community is not what it once was with too much elitism creeping in and when you've run through all the content several times, that's what keeps you in the game. With so many of those people I played the game with early on moving to pastures new, it has become a bit lonely recently so definitely time to throw in the towel.
Thanks to those who joined one of the original SG's within days of launch in the form of New Blood Rebellion and made it such a fun and respected SG before it got cruelly abandoned by me when CoV launched. Thanks even more to those who formed Bloodline on CoV and made it so well known. Thanks to most of those in LLOD who made the global channel I set up worth the effort. Thanks to EVIL for taking me in when I was SG'less and making the game fun again for me. Thanks to the 1 AT guys for letting me spam their forum so much
My subs run out on the 24th October so i'm sure i'll pop on once or twice and will try to arrange something with those of you I played with before I leave. Other than that, a mention to the people I met in game and had good times with:
Fireblazer/Dark Merchant
Scar Tissue
Max Powerz
Mabutu(The one guy who always made me chuckle to myself!)
Gabriel Kane
Smelly Pants
I'm sure there are some I've missed nad the list would be much longer if so many hadn't left already but I'm sure you know who you all are
Like so many other's who've left, you can catch me in WoW on the Moonglade Server as Kinsul and part of the CoH guild over there. -
And our boards are back, just in time for friday afternoon slacking off
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Well, at least the GG crowd will be relieved/releived(why doesn't either of those look right?) to know the PR thread isn't going to overtake all their hard work in one afternoon now
Time to go to a real spam board now it's back -
I see Doulos hasn't posted in here since the forums went down... He must have posted to a Ranger thread on the US forums by mistake :snigger:
Sorry, couldn't resist that one as we were all waiting for him in WoW the other day and had a chuckle when we heard he'd downloaded the US version -
Was good to catch up with you in game the other night Noir. Sorry I was a little brief but I was in the middle of running a CoP trial at the time
Lot's and lot's of changes since you were playing last. Already told you about me leaving Bloodline and stepping down as leader but I the other one I forgot to mention was that Scar has left the game for WoW
I've also become very lax in my badgehunting lately and haven't actually hunted a single badge since I7 so now you're back, feel free to give me a kick up the behind if you go out hunting any
Next time i'm on, we'll have to team or you should arrange some sort of welcome back TF or something -
not looking to join just wonted to say if anybody complanes the realy do ned a slap for being silly apart from that good luck with the group
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Aye, but I can pretty much guarantee Bridger will lock this thread as soon as he see's it
The simple reason is it's in a language he can't read so how can how he be sure there's not stuff going on that breaks forum rules, meaning he's not doing his job?
Good luck with the VG though, the amount of big VG's on Union at the moment that just seem to be collapsing and general dip in population(sure to get worse with all the CoH content in I8), means we need everything we can to get CoV busy again -
Please get them fixed ASAP. There's a real danger I may have to actually do some work in a minute
Max Powerz
Icy Thunder(is that the blaster or the troller? Icy's blaster either way)
Gaia Guard
Dr Mambo
Double Control
Prince Damien
Dr Infernum
Daddy's Little Defect
Lord Violator
Uhhm, these guys are rarer than Dom's in PvP -
Yay, I like the idea of a villain only PvP night exactly one year after CoV came out.
I'll be along with Exofrost MK IV if it's at lvl 40 -
Well, it seems there's a few debates going on here about how the Dev's claim it works and how it actually works so I set up a dummy SG on test and have let it go through two full cycles now.
I set up an avergare base on the minimum plot size and just left it for two weeks before paying rent. Two weeks later, I came back on and my rent was exactly the same.
If it was done on how much your SG was worth now, that should not have been the case as i'd lost a load of prestige in rent two weeks earlier. The fact the rent total did not reflect this tends to suggest it uses the 'total prestige earned' figure that get's shown in the SG rankings, rather than your current SG worth value.
That is why the bigger your VG/SG, the quicker you will head to that 'rent more than prestige earning ability' point.
I'm going to be very interested in this rent change that is being implemented because, unless they've really thought out every scenario, we could still see 'bankrupt' SG's.
IMO rent should have some sort of cap on it whereby it can only equal what you currently have available or what you have earned in that particular rent period. -
The SG heal badges are pretty hard to gain even if you're in a well populated, active SG so for a small 2 person one I think they're pretty much out of reach.
That said, I found the med room was quite high on my wish list as it actually serves some PvE purpose. Remember, if you've just died in a mission, it's sometimes very handy to rez in base where you can raid your insp storage or even your empowerment station to make taking down whatever killed you a bit easier.
There's also the promise that one of the things they're looking at adding to bases is something to TP you straight to the mission door if you die. -
well not sure about during the day but there is that pvp thing (http://uk.boards.cityofheroes.com/sh...e=0#Post650994) which might be able to enter. Im sure should be able to get you that lv before sunday though if you are on.
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Well, I'll be on Sunday so if you need Exo for it, I'll join. That said, if it's being fought at 50 rather than 40, may not be such a good idea. 5 levels is just too much of a disadvantage. -
Aye, I think EVIL are one of the few VG's that are still actually active at the moment. I know when I logged on Wednesday night, there were 20 people online for EVIL Wednesday.
I don't think there are any other VG's out there that are still getting those sort of numbers online on a regular basis as I rarely see more than 4 or 5 people from the same VG on.
BTW, what's planned for Sunday night? I still need a bar on Exo to ding 46 so if anoyne else fancies a good XP session then, i'll be up for a long grind. -
It's all so stupid and avoidable as well. In Warburg, you can't attack each other while in your base zone as you get flagged as a friendly target as soon as you enter it.
Why not just add that same code to SC and BB and do away with drones altogether. It'll also stop certain people from drone TP'ing as well. -
Very sneaky defiance snipe for teh defeat
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Which i think is currently the only way still in the game to technically 1 shot someone in PvP.
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Unfortunately, not. 1 shot kills are still stupidly common in PvP, due to the way the Dev's define a 'single attack' and it has nothing to do with DoT.
You get hit by a fireball for 99 damage and you have 100 HP, you will then die as soon as the first DoT tick kicks in. Not ideal as it's almost impossible to do anything to stop it, but understandable.
Where it falls down is when you still die from a single attack. Let's looks at the energy blast set and a simple Power Blast. It's one attack, it has no DoT component, you can be one shotted with it if the blaster is buffed enough.
The reason you can be one shotted is because although it's a single attack, it has two damage components, smashing and energy. One of those on it's own would drop you to 1 HP but the second will kill you due to the fact that i'm guessing the 'one hit kill' code obviously looks at the total damage of each component, not the attack as a whole.
It would be nice to get some sort of red name confirmation on this TBH to say if this is how it should work or if there's a bug as I have plenty of evidence of it happening to me and have tested it a few times and can reproduce it if required.
In short, the 'no 1 hit kill' code isn't worth squat as the amount of attacks in game that do only have a single damage component is laughable, especially in tersm of AS's and Snipes which were the main reasons people called for something to be done -
One question, is it going to be teams of 8 or teams of 5?
I know Force Of Immunity and EVIL can proably get teams of 5 but not sure about 8.