Kinslayer Has Left The Building
Yet again, another one gone to WoW! Cya Kin! Thanks for all the teaming etc!
Sorry to see you leave, I can understand things being lonely, its happened to me once before. Made some new friends and things picked up though.
Very sad you are departing. Those that know you will surely appreciate how much you have put into the game. CoV will defintely be a poorer place without you and im sure the EVIL crew will miss ya. It was great (if not short lived) having someone with the amount of experience you had serve us. I for one would have struggled with the Item of Power without ya and glad that we got to experience that chaos before you went.
Pretty sure you wont be back for abit as like you said there aint really anything coming which makes you think I want to experience that. I just hope you keep in touch and use our EVIL forum to keep in touch (like afew others are doing at the mo). You know there always be a space for you if you ever decide you fancy a quick WoW break.
I feel kind of the same with the feeling that the community is not what it once was. However I have put in touch much effort to see it go to waste. I think I carry on until someone pays me atleast £500 on ebay .
Anyway, its been a pleasure knowing and fighting against ya (gone through my emails and had forget I had to go against you in S4!). Things in the the game have gone down hill but hope when you think back it be mostly the good things you remember. You been here a long time and I will miss the days when I found myself having to disagree with every post you made. Take care and all the best, gonna miss ya!
P.S. Shotgun your hammi o's
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Sorry to see you leave, I can understand things being lonely, its happened to me once before. Made some new friends and things picked up though.
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See? This is a good way to renew things if you find people have left
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Have fun in what ever you do Kin.
Good thing about CoX you can always pick it back up at anytime and play.
gona be a shame to see you go mate didnt team with you much ingame but new of you and your groups on both coh and cov.
your gona leave a big set of shoes to fill not being there anymore to answer radnom questions on the leaders channel for one and whos gona come up with and spend the time orgonising new event ideas for the game
well im sure you will be back some day just hope you do well where ever you end up
oh and o was trying to orgonise a sirens invasion on the 29th so just thinkl what a way to go that would be taking control once again in sirens call 1 year on since cov launch
There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's
Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50
GL & HF Kin
Didn't know you as well as others but always valued your knowlage and enjoyed your company.
Take care and hope WoW treats you well.
sorry to see you leave dude, will miss you in EVIL, as much as you probably hated my lack of pet control
Take care
Sorry to hear you're leaving CoH/V Kin, I'll be seeing you on WoW, but still
Who knows, you might come back one day, they always come back... be it willing or force, walking or knee-capped, er, i mean... >>
the main reason though is that the community is not what it once was with too much elitism creeping in
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There are no elite players!
Only people who are likeminded to eachother are people better to play with eachother and one may object to another unlikeminded persons style of play, sense of fun and attitude to the game and if that persons unpersuadable they can seek out people they would enjoy playing with.
I am sorry to see ya go, I hope ya find what ya looking for.
I have experienced similar sentiments feeling that no one else has actually bought the game to play a hero. I am like this "when the SAS plan to do a job do they plan to do it in a way that gets all of their people in and out with all of the hostages saved or do they just charge on in "hello everyone here i am" doing a rambo being shot at from every direction in the hope that somehow they manage to dodge all the bullets and despite not knowing whats coming next brushing of a team mates defeat as something that had to of happened". In short i like to play with a certain way of thinking teamplayers and not show off one man armies who compromise the rest of the team and objective, and yes i might be in the wrong game as a defeat is not a death or looking for a different kind of game really.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Have fun over in WoW, we're going to be running out of people who don't take any nonsense around here soon, so hopefully there'll be something to tempt you back in future.
didnt see that one coming, have fun whatever you end up doing.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
didnt see that one coming, have fun whatever you end up doing.
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tell me about it.
Neways have fun on tht stupid WoW game.sad to see u go mate hope to speak to u another time.
See ya Kin, been a real pleasure being in the NBR and Bloodline with ya, and I can only guess at the amount of effort you've put into building the groups up.
I've hardly been on myself over the last three or four weeks as Villains seems to be pretty empty these days. I'll be getting Lucius to 50 (getting really good at soloing those EB Hero's!) and then will have to think about whether to stick with the game or not too.
Shame we didn't get a VG run at RSF before you went...
Take it easy fella, hope to see you in game before your subs run out.
Gabriel Kane, Lvl 50 Mind/FF Controller
Lucius Kane, Lvl 48 Nec/Dark/Soul Mastermind
Just got back from a meet in machester with some people from this game to hear this news.
Sorry to hear your going kin, you been a great leader/friend to me for over a year. You helped me alot when I first joined NBR and without you helping me not sure i would still be here myself.
Thanks for showing me how to organise TF's and alot of knowledge about the game.
Hope you run a final TF before you leave, would be proud to join it.
FireBlazer Level 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
New Blood Foundation/Rebellion
Dark Merchant Level 50 Ninja Stalker
Global Chat: FireBlazer
the main reason though is that the community is not what it once was with too much elitism creeping in
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There are no elite players!
Only people who are likeminded to eachother are people better to play with eachother and one may object to another unlikeminded persons style of play, sense of fun and attitude to the game and if that persons unpersuadable they can seek out people they would enjoy playing with.
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Yes, but elitism is a quicker way of saying that
"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."
It's all gone to the WoWians!
Have fun kinslayer.
Although we have only teamed a little I'm sorry to see you (or any1) leave CoX.
Unfortunately I have to agree about I8 and once again the lack of new content for lvl 50 players. Going to have to find an SG member to ex me for the new content.
Hope you will be back for I9.
Paragon Girl
good luck in WoW.... say hi to everyone else
have to say, given everything you've done in game, I'd love to know who is being elitist to you ....
although if the PvPers (& others) go to the Americans and more go to wow, it is hard to see who is going to remain to be elitist to....
Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world
the main reason though is that the community is not what it once was with too much elitism creeping in
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There are no elite players!
Only people who are likeminded to eachother are people better to play with eachother and one may object to another unlikeminded persons style of play, sense of fun and attitude to the game and if that persons unpersuadable they can seek out people they would enjoy playing with.
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Yes, but elitism is a quicker way of saying that
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lol haha ok thats my way of saying what all elitests are at the end of the day aside from telling themselves that they are better than everyone else.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Bye kin it was nice having you with us in Retribution briefly even if you didnt enjoy it we enjoyed having you
Good luck in wow I've been there alot myself, not that anybody ever notices but I've "left" the game 3 times so far, once for 8 months and nobody noticed hehe grumble grumble e.t.c hehe.
Sorry to see you go Kinslayer. We havent done a lot of playing together, and on these forums we've certainly had our disagreements, but at the end of the day I've had nothing but respect for you. Your PvP workshops were awesome. I rarely enjoyed PvP (I always sucked at it), but those PvP workshops actually made me feel like I was semi-decent. Even if I wasn't, they still gave me a lot of good fun, and that's what it's all about in the first place.
Hope to run into you again!
Well, after playing way back in Beta, my time in CoH is at an end.
. Thanks even more to those who formed Bloodline on CoV and made it so well known. Thanks to most of those in LLOD who made the global channel I set up worth the effort. Thanks to EVIL for taking me in when I was SG'less and making the game fun again for me. Thanks to the 1 AT guys for letting me spam their forum so much 

There's various reasons for leaving as wide ranging as the complete lack of content once you hit 50 and the new issue once more doesn't seem to address that and the fact there's simply nothing else for me to do in game.
The main reason though is that the community is not what it once was with too much elitism creeping in and when you've run through all the content several times, that's what keeps you in the game. With so many of those people I played the game with early on moving to pastures new, it has become a bit lonely recently so definitely time to throw in the towel.
Thanks to those who joined one of the original SG's within days of launch in the form of New Blood Rebellion and made it such a fun and respected SG before it got cruelly abandoned by me when CoV launched
My subs run out on the 24th October so i'm sure i'll pop on once or twice and will try to arrange something with those of you I played with before I leave. Other than that, a mention to the people I met in game and had good times with:
Fireblazer/Dark Merchant
Scar Tissue
Max Powerz
Mabutu(The one guy who always made me chuckle to myself!)
Gabriel Kane
Smelly Pants
I'm sure there are some I've missed nad the list would be much longer if so many hadn't left already but I'm sure you know who you all are
Like so many other's who've left, you can catch me in WoW on the Moonglade Server as Kinsul and part of the CoH guild over there.