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  1. Bring back the RV event with everyone at level 40! That was truly awesome.
  2. Yuh, my Son/NRG does absolute silly ST damage, completely agree with you there, but for group damage I can't think of a better secondary to go with Sonic then Fire.

    (seriously though, AR/Ice..... really? )
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Siren's Song and the DoT from the fire powers are going to be at odds though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was thinking of using the 2 Sonic powers (Howl then Sirens) for -Res, then stroll in and use the 2 PBAoE powers from fire.

    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Poor, poor you. *pats Sin*
  4. Sonic/Dev would make a very nice PvP zonal toon I thinks. Oh if only I had the time and patience!

    Also, Sonic/Fire = PBAoE pwnage :P
  5. Sirens Song + Time Bomb = Yum Yum

    Glad to see more people choose Sonic as time goes by.

    I'd almost definitly try and fit Screech in there somewhere as well, I don't suppose you'll be using this toon to PvP?
  6. Jummy


    <3 Globey

    He is THE sex.
  7. Jummy


    Ooo Free you dirty lil minx!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    All bow down to Cherry!

    [/ QUOTE ]


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    You know, I defeated Cherry once.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Nerf Tylantia!

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    oi! jum!

    i voted for u as best blast0r! >.<

    [/ QUOTE ]

    <3 Tyl
  10. Jummy

    5 Best Blasters

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jum pwns all so its

    1. Jum
    2. Jum
    3. Jum
    4. Jum
    5. Jum

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love you Stalko, come to WoW with me
  11. Jummy

    5 Best Blasters

    Gatling, Frozen Electrum, they're the two i've seen really shine.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I personally want to see maybe a water kind of blast!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    But we already have frozen water blast!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What would you have then, you n00blet!?!?!

    And everyone else, leave Blasters alone! Give them more powers!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I usually fight blaster vs blaster

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My favorite kind of PvP
  14. Light Blast sounds sexy but I think it'll look quite like Energy Blast as I don't see how they can do different animations :/

    I personally want to see maybe a water kind of blast!
  15. Also depends on what kind of PvP you're looking for.

    Rad for duels and such, Cold for teams and zones imo.
  16. PvP is unfair on me!

    Every now and then, sometimes, occasionally, I get killed. I know it's a shock to hear but this clearly means PvP is unbalanced!
  17. Probaly best to ask in the Controller section matey!

    (Although I'm not that experienced with controllers, Ice/Storm looks like a fantastic PvE combo too me)
  18. Jummy

    Oh noes!

    Not sure, will dabble a little bit here and there, but just mostly got bored of it, just nearing upto the 2 years badge :/
  19. Jummy

    Oh noes!

    Just thought I'd let the few of you that know me know, that my sub runs out on May 18th and I won't be renewing it. Just don't seem to play the game anymore so may as well cancel the subscription. I may very well be back eventually, but we'll see.

    Toodle oo!
  20. Just stop arguing and declare me the winner now!
  21. Of course, wasn't there a large chunk of the thread that went missing recently?