PvP zone exploits
Imo theres a worse one in Bloody bay villain base. Heroes can camp inside a crate (safe from turrets I think) and tp villains exiting hospital inside to waiting caltrops etc. Moreover, this spot has line of sight to the arachnos flyer that is the exit from the zone, imo it could be possible to prevent villains from exiting the zone and instead continuously camp-kill them.
Noticed this recently, and Im not sure whether to contact Bridger directly or put this recipe here, but B can delete my post if necessary thougb..
Heres some pics:
pic2 can see the crate in relation to the exit of zone here. THe crate also has direct line of sight to the doors on one side of villain hospital.Not sure about the other side, but possibly someone could get a target lock to there too.
villains can far more more easily tp foe heroes from anywhere in the hero base
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
This just reinforces the argument of having the drones have "TP" protection which would solve most, if not all of these problems.

*shakes fist*
I'll get you next time Singh - and your little dog too!
You know ther bizzaro universe where good is bad, black is white and cats and dogs live in peace? - even in that universe none of my characters can beat Singh.
Best moment of the night was getting an ice tank to drone himself chasing me.
Well, Arachnos security at Warburg isn't so hot.
Being such a low level, I guess thay thought that if they stood still, I might go away.
Their officers seemed more inclined to sulk than to order any kind of attack.
Even this guy ignored me when I tried to strike up a conversation.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Ive never understood why there's level 29 Arachnos in Warburg... Makes the Spider Smasher badge nice and easy though.
Jupiter is slow looking into his notebook, but he always looks.
The [b]Retribution[/b] is coming.
[url="http://s76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/Valens_ii/"]Some of my toons[/url]
I managed to get AS's while zoning from Bloody Bay through the hero exit. Wasn't fun as when I respawned in Skyway, I had debt!
Ah the perils of pvp bases, perhaps one day the devs will realise that the reactionary dropping of drones everywhere does not help at all.
lol this reminds me of my time in sirens last night, was in the heroes base and a stalker was in the tower IN the base :S kept tp'ing me to him nd tryin 2 AS me :@ git, got him back though with cloak of fear
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
I managed to get my ill/emp deep into villain base yesterday and brawled an afk mm to death (emp spec)
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
This just reinforces the argument of having the drones have "TP" protection which would solve most, if not all of these problems.
[/ QUOTE ]
exactly, ive been saying that for ages....but nOOOOOOooo do they do that? nah they do sommert stupid and add more drones in the stupidest of places, or higher the walls >.> how bloody stupid can u get >.<
It's all so stupid and avoidable as well. In Warburg, you can't attack each other while in your base zone as you get flagged as a friendly target as soon as you enter it.
Why not just add that same code to SC and BB and do away with drones altogether. It'll also stop certain people from drone TP'ing as well.
It's all so stupid and avoidable as well. In Warburg, you can't attack each other while in your base zone as you get flagged as a friendly target as soon as you enter it.
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That's only for your own faction, though. The enemy faction can come right up into your "safe zone" and attack you no matter what. I suppose it's to stop people from ganking their own side inside the hospital.
In warburg there are safe zones because it's FFA, basically to stop people of the same faction killing eachother as soon as one would spawn in the hospital. Devs obviously felt similar code in the other zones because that wasn't a threat.
The biggest problem with Sirens (for example) is that people really only think they can go over the top wall of the Villain base or through the gates of the Hero base.
Even if the other side is camping it you can sneak out round the sides.
It's all so stupid and avoidable as well. In Warburg, you can't attack each other while in your base zone as you get flagged as a friendly target as soon as you enter it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, that would be a very good idea - they could use the same code they use in Pocket D.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
didnt see if anyone said it but there is a blindspot by the hero base in Sirens as well. approaching the 'door' to steel canyon head-on from inside sirens call there is a ledge on the right-hand side of the 'gate' where you are hidden from the drones and have a perfect view of the hospital doors.. its not the safest blindspot in the world bc if you step forwards just a little to far there is a drone that will get you, but those watching their step can take some good advantage of this. fixy fixy ^^
@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers
It's all so stupid and avoidable as well. In Warburg, you can't attack each other while in your base zone as you get flagged as a friendly target as soon as you enter it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, that would be a very good idea - they could use the same code they use in Pocket D.
[/ QUOTE ]
i supose the other option is to give the drones the full spectum of leadership powers up def damage perception tp for resistance and give them the ability to cast vengence so when somebody is killed by one of these exploits everthing in the area gets a nice boost to increase there chances of finding the person responsible and dealing with them
There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's
Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url="http://www.armleg.com/dlotu"]www.armleg.com/dlotu[/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50
It's all so stupid and avoidable as well. In Warburg, you can't attack each other while in your base zone as you get flagged as a friendly target as soon as you enter it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, that would be a very good idea - they could use the same code they use in Pocket D.
[/ QUOTE ]
i supose the other option is to give the drones the full spectum of leadership powers up def damage perception tp for resistance and give them the ability to cast vengence so when somebody is killed by one of these exploits everthing in the area gets a nice boost to increase there chances of finding the person responsible and dealing with them
[/ QUOTE ]
thats a fair point, it would be easy to give the drones +def which would lower the base camping and mean base tpers wouldnt be able to get a lock on as would miss.
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
It's all so stupid and avoidable as well. In Warburg, you can't attack each other while in your base zone as you get flagged as a friendly target as soon as you enter it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, that would be a very good idea - they could use the same code they use in Pocket D.
[/ QUOTE ]
i supose the other option is to give the drones the full spectum of leadership powers up def damage perception tp for resistance and give them the ability to cast vengence so when somebody is killed by one of these exploits everthing in the area gets a nice boost to increase there chances of finding the person responsible and dealing with them
[/ QUOTE ]
thats a fair point, it would be easy to give the drones +def which would lower the base camping and mean base tpers wouldnt be able to get a lock on as would miss.
[/ QUOTE ]
There are other things to consider.
I spent 15 minutes trying to get my bounty today as they decided to go afk in there base with invis on. I'd like to see people who idle in there base for the badge somehow removed from the bounty system.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
It's all so stupid and avoidable as well. In Warburg, you can't attack each other while in your base zone as you get flagged as a friendly target as soon as you enter it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, that would be a very good idea - they could use the same code they use in Pocket D.
[/ QUOTE ]
i supose the other option is to give the drones the full spectum of leadership powers up def damage perception tp for resistance and give them the ability to cast vengence so when somebody is killed by one of these exploits everthing in the area gets a nice boost to increase there chances of finding the person responsible and dealing with them
[/ QUOTE ]
Or how about use the same code for the dampening field?
Ever died in a Council (and a variety of others) mission, only for you to click "Go to Hospital", you actually go to a jail cell on the other side of the map? It has a dampening field so you cannot be teleported out of it, and have to fight your way out instead.
That should be easy enough to implicate right?
It's all so stupid and avoidable as well. In Warburg, you can't attack each other while in your base zone as you get flagged as a friendly target as soon as you enter it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, that would be a very good idea - they could use the same code they use in Pocket D.
[/ QUOTE ]
i supose the other option is to give the drones the full spectum of leadership powers up def damage perception tp for resistance and give them the ability to cast vengence so when somebody is killed by one of these exploits everthing in the area gets a nice boost to increase there chances of finding the person responsible and dealing with them
[/ QUOTE ]
Or how about use the same code for the dampening field?
Ever died in a Council (and a variety of others) mission, only for you to click "Go to Hospital", you actually go to a jail cell on the other side of the map? It has a dampening field so you cannot be teleported out of it, and have to fight your way out instead.
That should be easy enough to implicate right?
[/ QUOTE ]
Trouble is those fields stop you resting as well :O(
I expect it could still be done, just maybe take a bit more effort.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Ok i will take a breath and explain this all again.
These are not exploits.This is design fault and the fact that the devs insist to not change this bad creation shows something.
The fact that there is no Code of Conduct and Rules of Engagement set by the Devs for this matter doesnt help also.It isnt even griefing unless is done consecutively and on purpose despite people being around.
However the Sirens call base is like an open invite to tpers.Why? Cause first of all 3range 3acc sloting allows direct tping from entrance of hospital without LoS from just behind the boat.It is open area and you are not breaking any game mechanics so these are actually viable and totally legal pvp maneuvers under current game design.
As for Bloody Bay boxes please dont open again the exploit thing is not an exploit.Is bad game design.I wish people stop cry exploit or cheat on things like this cause they are not.Is just people using their surroundings to the max.
Yes it is wrong meaning is not fair to not be safe inside your own base but hey the Devs allow it obviously.
PvP zones are hot and they are not milk and cookies areas really.They are not supposed to be.You cant walk around and not expect opposing players not using every trick in the book allowed (without breaking EULA).To me is same as saying "lets duel but dont use holds cause you are a controler"
I don't want discussion about right and wrong (note that the word exploit only exists in the topic), Id like all readers go ingame and /bug the cases mentioned here. That way problems may get fixed.
Or discuss here about a good suggestion of the best fix.
I spent some time last night in Sirens Call as I needed the raider badge for one of the villain accolades (and which ever developer thought that requirement up needs a good old fassioned slap)
Seems that theres a "blind spot" in the villain base that allows heroes to be able to TP Foe you straight from outside the hospital to outside of drone range. I lost count of the time I rez'd, rested came out the base and WHAM TP Foe WHAM Two shotted by the scrappers sitting in the blindspot.
I know that the hero base was redisigned so that stalkers couldn't make their way past some blindspot in the heroes defence (sneaking allong the war walls?) looks like the villain base needs the same blindspot eliminated.
I'm not a fan of PvP and last nights trawl didn't convince me that I'm going to change anytime soon. Bah what do I know I'm playing a dominator in Sirens Call I might as well have a huge "KILL ME FOR FREE REP" sign on my back.