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  1. davidg_EU

    I miss......

    I miss the guys and gals I used to hang around in the Hollows with, eternaly creating new alts so we could help people get through the zone and do the missions.

    I miss forming teams for the Hollows...Now its like Kings Row, but with more interesting features
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    Personally I like to treat Statesman and Recluse as the pinnacle of power in the CoX universe.
    Otherwise there'd be no point in Recluse with cronies being the number one feared enemy.

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    I'd also like to add the fact that Sister Psyche is, according to in-game lore/canon, the most powerful psychic in the World - that's possibly not quite true and I can't find the quote that backs it up but some attention seems to be being paid to the power limits of the CoX Universe.

    In the ads for the Korean release or at least roughly around that time, Mirror Spirit is touted as the most powerful magic-user (or somesuch) too.

    There may not be a whole lot of limitations on us as Players but they are certainly out there. Therefore I tend to scoff at 'uber-l337' Gods who proclaim that they must be more powerful because they created x, y and z.

    Oh and to add more to the mix, I suppose it can be very cliched, especially if you haven't had the personal experience of it (which is why I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it), but one particular strand of weakness is 'addiction'.
    Very powerful creatures (and by that I mean anything!) who have to constantly keep things under wraps might find the stresses and strains of it all leaking out into, perhaps, an addiction or even a personality disorder/antisocial behaviour. Of course, it could get very harrowing and emo all at the same time and, to keep everyone from despairing of having to deal, this addiction might have to be solved at some point.

    Some comic-book-style links I can think of are;
    Tony Stark's alcoholism, combined with his dicky ticker;
    Superman's exposure to Red Kryptonite.

    There are more but my brain cannot think of them.

    This has turned into a very interesting discussion, certainly. And whilst we all know the pointlessness of trying to establish anything as a form of player cannon, it's a handy reference guide nonetheless.

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    IT does help to take things like that (stated power levels) into acount yes.
    BUT, there are a number of ways you can say you were able to pit your will against either of those and be victorious without them having to have a terrible day/left the lights on at home

    One simple way is HOW are they more powerful and how are the player characters powerful? A man with a nuclear bomb is more powerful than me, but give me a sharp stick and I think I have the edge

    Likewise with Sister Psyche, yes she might be the most powerful psychic , but if she cannot translate that power into needed combat skills then she will lose in a fight..Though give her space and its a different matter I would assume

    Most player characters do seem to have a really rapid and intensive learning curve, so while they might not have all the "frills" that some of the NPCs have we do have the "focus" that gives us the edge in the pve fights, which are usually all set up to be in our advantage.
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    Now that means the person could do anything and solve everything in a matter of moments but they won't, why I hear you say? Simple, their own will and soul and such will stop them. They wouldn't want to solve everything, they wouldn't want to be the almighty source of fix for the the world because thats not who they are, they understand that they can't do it and so hold back their power and only use it IF they need to because it's the only answer, and if they don't do it then everything would end.

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    I think, unless you play that very well, you're going to find it very hard to justify. Not saying it can't be done, because Shadowe is an example of it being done reasonably well, but from what you've written, I think you'll have trouble. Could be just your explanation.

    One way of limiting characters like this is to remember that they don't know everything. (If they are actually able to perceive the entire world if they wish then, sorry but there's no helping it, you've created a god and you're a power gamer. Frankly, the player can't know everything, so if you're playing the character that way then you're just asking to be ridiculed.) They can't solve problems they don't know about, and they can't, generally, foresee all the outcomes of their meddling. It might take one of their interventions resulting in something truly horrible happening to teach them not to mess about, but they'll learn.

    However, you're still into a situation there where you won't get me involved in one of those plots since my characters would be entirely superflous, and I would make damn sure that character never got involved with any of my plots as well. You have a character able to solve any problem placed before it, and no reason not to. That is the definition of boring.

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    But again, there is a difference between a god as a character and a "goddly" character.
    Being a god does not mean powergaming, if we want to look at the aesir as an example, not many of them are given vastly such traits and the same can be said for other real world god types..

    Its just that some people in role play tend to always go for the " I R SUPREME!!!!!" type of god that CAN juggle mountains, as opposed to something whose only claim to divinity is being made/created first/creating other stuff.
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    If this happens it tends to be 'I am a GOD!' the response is usually 'prove it...fight me in the arena and prove how much of a God you are' I can say with pretty much 100% certainty (spelling possibly incorrect) that there would be someone who can pummell the god character into submission, the current reigning Gladiators champion Freddie Femur for example or Fans own Toxic Weaver, neither of which claims to be a god, infact they use brand-own street thugs to take people out, so you weren't even pwned by another superhero...a mass of normal powered people with guns, lighter fuel, baseball bats, tire irons (gang warfare) and one strong SOB.

    Nobody can claim to be a god if they were taken down by what amounts to a gang land kicking, especially a god of war.

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    Depends what type of "god" they are

    I have several divine characters that I have played over the years in coh and I would not expect any of them to be undefeatable. But I do play my characters quite close to what I have seen/read in-game.

    god-hood does not have to equate to ominipotence, just look at any number of myths around the world and I would guess that there are more gods that can be defeated with a snooker ball in a sock than can juggle mountains
    (Though with the example you have given my experience would be that no one would challenge a fight that limited them to the games mechanics, its one of the reasons why we used to have such limited success at our rp sessions in pvp zones when I last played )

    Going back to the OP:
    Divine characters are not bad.
    Baddly implemented and played divine/infernal characters are terrible though.

    They are no different from any other character type to play, they provide their own challenges and rewards much like the others.
    It is important to remember to make sure that the characters (all characters) abide by the worlds mythos/rules as far as they are known, other than that as long as you avoid god-modding then you cant really go wrong.

    To be honest I have seen more annoying and "moment breaking" mortal characters in the past than I have divine/infernal....I call it the curse of "batman", it leads to almost undefeatable and infallible vigilantes/dark heroes.
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    Well when I play a buffer i rarely forget to apply the critical ones like SB and CM to nomelees. So even it would be much easier to make duration controllable it's the buffer skill (no laziness the most) that makes the game. Not so rarely I have a kinetic on board that says "ask for sb if u wanna get it". My response to him is if u don't want to be a buff [censored] don't play a buffer, and if I am team leader he get instant kick.

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    A little harsh, I can understand why those with sb ask this as a good number of players do complain if they get boosted without being told/asking first.
    You just have to look at the various old threads about it.
  6. its not that hard to keep an entire team stacked with cm for a mission or TF...really.. So really dont see the need for this. And Likewise for other single target buffs.
  7. I am still getting used to the changes that have happened since I last played, and am still impressed that the game can hold its own amongst other mmos

    That said a graphical update would be nice, and perhaps a sound overhaul.
  8. I found getting a stalker to lvl 35 quite easy (stopped playing it after then as I got distracted by other things). Solo play can tend to eat up inspirations, but when in groups they can be devestating!

    That said, I have not played one for a good few months so am not aware(yet) of how the recent updates will have effected them (I am still logging in my heroes at the moment ).

    Anyway back to point, I found Dark/SR to be v-effective.
  9. The quiet phase will go away soon, they usually do
  10. Is this live now?
    Might explain why the quants and voids I was bashing earlier were doing much less damage to my warshade.

    I allways loved the idea of having a major weakness that enemy groups could exploit, made things interesting :P
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    Hmmm nice topic... Think its fallen abit off track somewhere along the way.

    Im sure we (Core PvP Community) believe that if you are in a PvP zone you will be attacked no matter if you want to or not. You pass the sign at the door to the zone!

    So someone will moan cant avoid it.

    some good advice for all players in a PvP Zone... Avoid broadcast or replying to it.

    Ego has a big part to play in PvP and some people take it too far.

    Broadcast is a outlet for this emotion.

    have fun guys see you in a PvP Zone soon

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    Broadcast must be used - silent PvP is no fun at all

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    Very true!
  12. If you have helpfull assistantes you can make a plaster mold of your head fairly and use that to work on if needed, or just work directly on your own head ,though that is kinda daunting

    I know the RSC use fibreglass and reinforced papermache for some of their prop armour, and they can take a hel of a battering.
    Fibreglass requires a bit of experience though, and tends to be costly unless you are making multiple copies.

    If you need more props, check ebay too, you can find some great deals on various helmets there, had my eye on some old fighter pilot ones for a while
  13. The helmet could work.

    Personaly I would start from scratch, use a wire/card frame and use papermache or Fosshape 300 (or any other brand of heat moulded material).

    Layers of papermache can be fairly rigid and then toughened with varnish,paint or isoflex.
  14. davidg_EU

    Last Night in RV

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    What can i say Defiant RV was awesome last nite just goes to show PVP aint dead on Defiant heres to more !!!!!

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    I'm feeding myself to villains most days at the moment, had totaly forgotten how much I had respecced for pure pve..doh!
  15. I only have one villain left on defiant, but if I am not teaming on heroes I am allways happy to join any team on villains
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    The ONLY thing I would like to see different about the FF powerset is a different colour bubble for PFF and Detention Field, so people can tell them apart from the rest.

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    Well Detention Field has that ring effect around the captured foe but it does tend to get slightly hidden once Dispersion Bubble is over it. Tho its unlikely to happen and look downright silly, I'd love a big arrow and the words "YOU CAN'T DEFEAT THIS ENEMY FOR NOW" under the captured target

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    I like to stand next to the untouchable enemies doing a funky dance along with a message to the team not to attack this one 'till the lizard stops dancing
  17. I must admit its usually something I put down to being drunk or inexperience with the powerset.
    I can managed to keep cm stacked on my entire team,heal and attack usually (attacks get dropped if its getting "hairy").

    But I have seen enemys mez through stacked cm before, and I have had to remind teams that the empath is usually the one person in the team WITH NO MEZ protection, unless there is another defender/troller in the team.
  18. Dominators are one of my favourite villain ATs, being fairly dynamic to play when solo and team.

    The two I have active at the moment are a plant/thorns (concept character) and a Fire/energy.

    At low level the fire/energy was much easier than my plant/thorns but I put some of that down to my experience with /energy on other ATs.
    On the whole I find its a fairly aggresssive combo that leads to a steady "rolling" of mobs and more than meets my expectations for the "assault" archetype

    Depending on the mobs I open up with my mezzes then close as quickly as possible to melee range, demolishing targets while occasionaly throwing out more mezzes to restrict any other enemy around me.

    A lot of the time its just like a variation of blapping with my blasters.
  19. I only managed to make a few clock tower meetings, and even then felt out of place as my character really had little reason to go there, other than the occasional visit to look for cannon fodder for the VG he is with, the gotterdamrung conspiriacy :P

    The various one offs were more fun and made more sense, the boathouse mercs meeting thingy was good and had a good turnout.
  20. The clash of villainous personalities is a big problem, unless you are part of a group who were are themed /created together.

    The villain group I am with on onion was starting to get this clash, our own personal objectives were becoming more important to our characters and it was clear that something "big" was going to happen soon.
    Saddly thegroup became inactive before we could see

    This lack of "associates" does perhaps shed light on why so many villains "monologue" to the heroes...They need to do this so they get recognition and interaction..kinda sad really.

    I can see many villains being traumatised if people just ignored them.
  21. I'm not sure if thats totaly true for all people.

    I for one enjoy the challenge of playing a character type that is totaly oposed to everything I value, but then I am an active and experienced lrper/roleplayer too and used to playing everything from "shiney mortal heroes" to "the scum of the earth".

    For me part of the problem with playing a villain in this game is that there is limited scope for character progression, my characters can not really become redeemed/fall and few people are going to run story-arcs where characters are liable to be killed or locked away for long periods of time.
    Thus removing a good portion of the risk element.

    Ability to effect the world is an issue too.

    I also think that the lack of world information is crippling for this setting, there is so much that is not said that I personaly think is important.

    -Super-powers in professional sports? is it allowed or is it deemed unfair?
    In fact how are they viewd in life in general? Psychic and telepathic powers would surely be an issue if you were in buisness.

    There's also the likely problems caused by the medical teleporters and their impact upon the religious world, and the human psyche.

  22. davidg_EU

    new to stalkers

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    I just rolled a new stalker em/nin shame coz it was a waste getting the first stalker to level 18

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    Its not to much of a waste really, the first 15 lvls can fly by in cov
  23. davidg_EU

    MM vs AV/Hero

    Recluse is hurting me the most at the moment, Calystix waa not much of a problem for me thankfully...Though Mako nailed me pretty hard when he popped up.

    Teaming with a brute is my quick route to victory against most AVs...Though again Recluse can be a nightmare.