I miss......
I miss the good times in the hollows!
I miss the hollows!
I miss old-style debt.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

I miss 90% of the time
I miss...
I miss the feeling you get when you create a new character - something you've never played before. I miss looking around Atlas or Galaxy, being nearly overwhelmed by the clashing colours of Hero uniforms. I miss knowing I can sit in a chat channel and use CoH as a very expensive IM program. I miss the feeling I used to get when I levelled up, or was in a team where somebody hit 50.
I miss the general feeling of camaraderie in-game, and on the forums. I miss watching an idiot make a post (no, not who you think), pointing something out that makes his whole story moot and worthless and getting a forum PM from someone who doesn't even like me, patting me on the back for taking the sucker down a peg or two. I miss being able to load up the forums and see people flocking to, say, Ask A Ben, or when the Comic and Hero/Villain Culture forum was more than chatter on other MMOs we can't wait to leave CoH for, and notification on people dying.
I miss the threads that aren't pointless, the feeling I got when I saw someone made a silly post and people didn't spend three pages dismissing the poster just because they don't like the person...not because the post has no merit, but simply because they don't like them.
I miss the times when I could click "Who's On" and see a host of familiar faces, each one a good and nice person in their own way. I miss Synaesthetix and his borderline psychotic ******* posts that always made me laugh, even when they were directed at me...or maybe especially when they were. I miss discussing going to informal meets and the happy chatter that happened afterwards, about who we met, what we saw, if we got any autographs from any celebrities that happened to be there.
Maybe I just feel older these days, but I miss my 'carefree youth' in CoH, when everything wasn't a tired re-tread. When threads didn't constantly repeat themselves, or when they did everyone had fun with them, and didn't complain to the high heavens. When pomposity and bluster were the exception to the forums, not the rule.
I miss people, I miss things, and I miss the game that made me fall in love with the superhero genre. I miss the game that made me want to write again, and sing again.
I miss my chainmail.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
I miss the game that made me want to write again, and sing again.
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Why not write a song about what you're missing?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I miss 90% of the time
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Shouldv gone specsavers
I miss competition nights oh wait hang on a second! Coming to an atlas park near you soon . . . .a damz competition special night again!
(shameless i know!)
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
I miss everyone that made the game fun and community great that are no longer here, for whatever reason.
There were better times on all fronts.
I miss teaming with Aardy, bushbaby, Moonshade, Jaq, Infy, Chiefy, Catz, Days etc. etc.
Summer of 2006 -> Spring 2007, I miss you.
So is this some kind of January depressison theread, then?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I miss the good old parties that people, usually TG, threw in Steel Canyon.
I miss the epicness... "Zomg theres a Lusca"... "[censored] is that... a giant robot just sqwished meh!"... "Right... so your telling me we have to attack that thing!"
I miss the naivety, "Whats so bad about the gulch?", "Whats so bad about the Freaks?", "Whats so bad about them sappers?", "Whats so bad about those AV's?","Whats so bad about the Tailor?" 3ish years im still asking myself that one! I voew to work it out!
So is this some kind of January depressison theread, then?
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no this is an excuse for me not to do my essay!
I miss watching an idiot make a post
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Don't worry, I'm back now!
I miss the game that made me want to write again, and sing again.
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Why not write a song about what you're missing?
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That's not a bad idea you know.
I miss the AV teams when a whole group of heroes would come together to get a badge.
I miss TFs that we would complete in an evening (long evenings) with really good teams of people who were on EVERY NIGHT.
I miss running through the hollows, not knowing what would be around the next corner.
I miss not knowing what I am doing and playing the way I want to instead of the way I know is most efficient.
I missed the forums...
That's why I came back.
I miss standing around in Atlas Park trying to make the zone crash.
I miss spending 16 hours a day standing around just doing not a lot (i still do it, but in a different fashion).
I miss Rockjaw and Bridger.
I miss Old school Hami, just for the team work that was involved in it, and the fact that i gave away all bar one of my Hami-os
I miss donut seeds
I miss my "son" Afterburn (never posted on these forums by spent a lot of time playing with). I am glad that i built him a better Fire/fire blaster, and told him how to play it better.
I miss the Brighton Comic-Con.
I miss the witty banter that we used to have.
Too much i miss, but i still keep on coming back though
Aye, i miss Kerensky on *these* forums... but he is still around though
I miss Chatarsis. If only he could get 3 months of CoX for free so he could lurk the forums a bit more.
Oh wait... /lurk off
I miss Chatarsis. If only he could get 3 months of CoX for free so he could lurk the forums a bit more.
Oh wait... /lurk off
[/ QUOTE ]
Good deal that isnt it? Although that does remind me to log back in to get some stuff sorted out >.<
I miss Chatarsis. If only he could get 3 months of CoX for free so he could lurk the forums a bit more.
Oh wait... /lurk off
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Good deal that isnt it? Although that does remind me to log back in to get some stuff sorted out >.<
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Indeed. However I do not intend to log in. And the only reason I'm here is because the reactiviation mail told me to go here.
Maybe I should play L2 again...
I miss.... Well, actually... I don't miss anything! I'm still having fun in the game, I'm still having fun roleplaying, and most of my friends are still here.. What's there to miss?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
miss the general feeling of camaraderie in-game, and on the forums. I miss watching an idiot make a post (no, not who you think), pointing something out that makes his whole story moot and worthless and getting a forum PM from someone who doesn't even like me, patting me on the back for taking the sucker down a peg or two
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Irony. Gotta love it.
I miss the game that made me want to write again, and sing again.
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You could always try writing and singing The Blues?
For goodness sake people, cheer the hell up will ya? It's a bladdy computer game.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
I miss the folk from my first SG (Firespray, Kensa, Midge Einsats Kommando, Ravenmyst, Jzero Akiro) had some good fun times with them.
Luckly, part of a cracking SG these days who make playing still fun after 3 and a half years..... VOTE ECHELON!!!!
I miss Aero- he once paid £30 to get a taxi home from a cybercafé to finish a task force.
I miss Dr.Rock - we listened to what he said, I still play my main three years later.
I miss the Spad he new how to make a tank.
I miss Sitriel he new how to compose a forum response
I miss Hami the banter has never been the same
@Boy Wonder
Quantum Flash - Ill/Kin Controller
Leader of the Legion of Heroes