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  1. Oh, and this always used to make me chuckle too, in the old Faultline
  2. I've also seen a "Dong", "Ding", "Sing", "Sang" and "Sung" - wonder if it's a simple _ _ ng script?
  3. Well Aion's certainly doing well...

    Also, "Thank you"
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I take it the look on Positrons face at 1:42 is a web-buffering blip and not bug-eyed utter shock at the interviewer's question of "What do you think makes City of Heroes stand out from the crowd..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That made me laugh. Hard.
  5. Hey, this sounds a pretty cool idea. I'm not really an RP person, but I think it would be neat to listen to what other people come up with. Who knows, perhaps it may even get me interested in it too?

    I'm gonna have a play and see if I can make some jingles/adverts...

    **2 hours later, submits a 50th time**
  6. geoffrey_EU

    I miss......

    I miss 90% of the time
  7. geoffrey_EU

    CoX IRC server

    I've been on for coming on 10 years now, so IRC would get a thumbs up from me. Though I run an old version of mIRC (Which doesn't allow multiple servers on one instance) and I'm too stubborn to upgrade, so unless it was on that server, I wouldn't join in

    I'd only be idling, anyway
  8. You big dirty manlover.

    Though, I've not seen you online in a good ... 8 months?, so I guessed as much :P
  9. geoffrey_EU

    Memorabilia 2009

    Yeah yeah, I noticed that as soon as I posted, but typical that the damn forum won't let me edit it ;P

    So uh, just pretend it says 2008 for now
  10. geoffrey_EU

    Memorabilia 2009

    I may have missed a post already, so apologies if I have...

    Anyway, 'tis like 3 days until Memorabilia this year and usually the forums are abuzz with excitement and "I'm going!" posts, but I can't see a peep.

    Is anyone actually going?
    Has it secretly been called off and I'm the only one that doesn't know?
  11. geoffrey_EU

    I13 screenies!

    It's probably the logo for the screen recording software... Bulent's or something.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    You just need to add Npc dialogue to anyone of your tabs. That will show the cut scene speech and random Npc bubbles.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't want to see it in my chat window. I'm talking about the actual bubbles that appear from the NPC's heads. They stand around looking like mime-artists waving their arms about but saying nothing :/

    (and the toggle to view these bubbles is turned on in the options)

    [ QUOTE ]
    The first letter of npc's names also determines what they say if your clicking on them

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I get that. I'm just saying that if it's not one of those with special text, they just say "Nice day, isn't it?". I remember there being whole heaps of different things like "I hear hero_x recently took down some skulls in the Hollows" or "I can't wait to do sewing class tonight"

    (Ok, so maybe not that second one, but you get the idea)
  13. *bump*

    Did you ever get this sorted Insanitor?

    I haven't seen a cutscene speech bubble for the past couple of issues, or from any NPC "thanks for saving me!" text.

    The only NPC speech bubbles I /do/ see are when I click on the ones in the street. If it's not a custom "You've been on patrol for 12345 hours" or whatever then it's "Nice day, isn't it?" every time

    That's the only thing they ever say
  14. I won a blue heroes tshirt at Omega Sektor, but I've never worn it. I daren't damage it ¬_¬

    I'd love some figures in the Recluse style of things (Which I never got round to buying, but Recluse is meh)... And obviously one thing I'd like is models of my own toons but unless I have three or four hundred pounds to shed out, it's not gonna happen

    (If anyone's interested, I've seen Gensen Figures mentioned several times around the intarwebs. Protoyping at $600 for a 4-5" model, and then about $60 for a resin cast of said model)

    And a final thing I think would be cool, which I thought of the other night, would be a book collecting the best CoX fan-fiction together from the forums. Proceeds to DtWT or something, I don't know. But there's a lot of good stuff on here that I just don't read because it's online.
  15. I'd play less if it was free.
    By paying for it, I feel guilty when I don't :P

    Not that I can see it becoming free anytime soon. They claim they're investing a lot of time and effort into making the upcoming issues sock-blowing-off worthy. At least, to compete with the other MMOs on the way

    Edit: Woo, my 128th post!
  16. Man.
    That blows.

    Everything's already been said better than I could, so all the best, folks.
  17. What if we ding while we're offline?

    I almost envision myself purposely killing myself to get some debt before I log, just to slow the XP increase down.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    A couple of other things from that article - "full zone re-dos for the zones they felt needed work" - Boomtown for sure

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, seems he was talking about since they took over from Cryptic. So I'm guessing he's referring to Faultline and Hollows there.
  19. Empathy for villains - Meh
    Mission creator - Yeah, we heard about that ages ago
    Day jobs - Pft
    Pack you have to pay for - Pft
  20. The 'universal' in this leads me to believe it's related to the 'universal enhancement slots' noted here:

    How do you see them working? - 10 slots that don't even appear in a specific power? (Almost as if you're slotting your whole self)
  21. They've said many a-time that the development times in between issues are likely to increase. Something along the lines of "We've always been hard pressed to fit everything in and still make a decent issue. Now we hold the reigns we can play to what timescale we see fit for realising the best for the players."
    So it doesn't surprise me... I imagine there'll be some uber-small thing for a fiver again, a bit like the wedding pack, around December. Perhaps a christmas pack?
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Although, depending on thier level of intelligence, the Hydra might possibly rebel against the Rikti sometime.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You could get an AV hydra that gets all intelligent and leads the Hydra in their quest for revenge. Like the "big brain bug" off Starship Troopers.
  23. *6-Slots Thread Necromancy*

    Hi, so I'm continuing with my helmet project.

    It became pretty apparent that this was going to work better if I wore the helmet backwards, due to the slope in the game

    helmet and the back being higher:

    Helmet Side-Shot

    This line shows where I intend to draw my eyeline. I'll probably go ahead with that next weekend:

    Helmet Angled

    I also purchased 2 more items. Firstly on the left of this pic are the ex-army ear defenders I got from my local army surplus

    shop, which I intend to stick on the side of the helmet. The dude selling them was going on about ear protection grades and

    "What gun do you have?". He seemed quite baffled when I replied "Oh, I don't have a gun, I have a controller. I just need

    these for the shape really." - fun .
    And the 2nd item is a mop bucket, which I chopped up and then realised I hadn't taken a pic, so put it back together.


    Anyway, finally here it is after I chopped it up for the front. Once the eye slot is in place I'll work out what angle it

    needs to be at to work properly. I might need to cut a bigger hole in the base just so I can get my head in to it once it's

    all closed off. So I might end up looking at making it sturdier somehow. Some sort of in-frame?


    Anyway, just thought I'd let anyone who is interested know that I'm still planning on going ahead with it
  24. The shards are too big for it to be after-ouro. Unless it collides with something, heh.

    As for the waterfalls, Eden has them too - I guess they're just easy to do and look nice. (Is it explained why the Shard falls are red?)

    Interesting theories, anyway
  25. geoffrey_EU

    I love CoX!

    Our flamers might seem weak at first, but it's all about Damage over Time