Well it made me smile...
I've also seen a "Dong", "Ding", "Sing", "Sang" and "Sung" - wonder if it's a simple _ _ ng script?
I saved a guy called Adolf from a mugging once. You thought Dung was an unpopular name.
"Maybe in the end, what makes heroes into heroes...is that we're just too stupid to quit."
Oh, and this always used to make me chuckle too, in the old Faultline
A Goldbricker in Cap Au Diable, 'I used to be in a gang in paragon City, but here I get a jetpac!' makes me chuckle.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
On a MA arc i was running i got to the third mission where you have to rescue a hostage. Seemed like a normal rescue mission 2bh, i was sk'in up a low level showing him the ropes as such at the high levels.
Anyway everything was going smoothly when we got to the hostage, hostage fight was simple enough but as soon as we rescued him and turned around, what do we see? . . . .
MISSILES coming at us from the other side of the map!!! Was an ambush of malta zeus titans and they can fire from a LONG range away! Made both me and the new player go [censored]?!??!?! and leg it before both dying. I was just laughing nonstop for a good 10 minutes from just turning around and seeing missiles coming towards us and not knowing who fired them.
Good times! Good times!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Whereas I've moved on to smiling at being in a team of 8 lvl 4-6 doing normal missions in Defiant Atlas - and at least 1 person only started 2 days ago - this is his 1st team...
Who says all newbies just MA farm/PL??
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
had a mistake ones.
victim:help, i'm being mugged *bows and shakes scared*
skull brawler: give me your purse *pulling something in mid air*
i tought "huh....[censored]?"
I got two from my VEAT Crab Soldier:
"[NPC] Mercenary: The area is secure. Tell McKnight he's free to come aboard."
... right as I'm shooting the place up with all my pets and killing everything in sight. And:
"[NPC] Kalinda: Gunblade will arrive soon, I have forseen it"
.. as I superspeed past her by less than 2 feet with my 8ft tall character.
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
"BOSS_2_DIALOGUE" was always something amusing to hear someone in a group of mooks say.
Blueside Union: Starblayde (Blaster), Pax Imperia (Tanker), Pax Britannia (Defender)
Redside Union: Natasha Redshade (Stalker)
Whereas I've moved on to smiling at being in a team of 8 lvl 4-6 doing normal missions in Defiant Atlas - and at least 1 person only started 2 days ago - this is his 1st team...
Who says all newbies just MA farm/PL??
[/ QUOTE ]
I got a vintage Sewer Team during the week too, with proper random babble banter. It was excellent.
Best of all for the few deaths we had no-one said "FFS. Where are the heals" to my Cold Defender! Or even said "We need a healer"!
A fun, knowledgable low level PuG with decent chat? That's unpossible!
My favorite is two firbolgs and telephone dialog in Croatoa. It makes me smile everytime i see them and often stop and listen their talking. Sorry can't remember exact lines but you can see them near the station on first or second alley in the main road leading to Gordon Bower.
Saved a guy called Jesus from being mugged once. Made me laugh.
Edit: Just remebered I took a screenie of this, view it here.
We had a TF once that we turned into a bit of a drinking game. Good friend of mine got so drunk his toon just kept running into walls all the time and his chat was something like:
i;m loot
o'/ loste
where ruuu?
My reply:
erm there's 7 of us standing right behind you

My deviantART page (warning some images nsfw)
GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook
The conversation between the Freakshow tank and the Nemesis negotiator still makes me laugh to this day.
considering we cant do anythign to them, whenever i see this i cant help but laugh,
the guy in the white Lmao, slow moe ftw

Whenever i choose Defiant - which isn't very often, i laugh.
Other things to make me giggle:
Sinking boat
Forget 70's ducks on walls - these are the new thing...
his toon just kept running into walls all the time
[/ QUOTE ]
One of my old SG mates used to do this too, not from being drunk though he kept falling asleep at his keyboard
his toon just kept running into walls all the time
[/ QUOTE ]
One of my old SG mates used to do this too, not from being drunk though he kept falling asleep at his keyboard
[/ QUOTE ]

These made me smile:
Nemesis gets lamped!
I don't know what disturbs me more - that he needs the monitor for something, or that it still works while not plugged in to a PC nor a mains supply...
Oh and the massed Longbow Eagle ambushes in mayhem missions always make me smile.
A Goldbricker in Cap Au Diable, 'I used to be in a gang in paragon City, but here I get a jetpac!' makes me chuckle.
[/ QUOTE ]
This one cracked me up yesterday. A goldbricker Lieutenant in Aeon City saying:
"The next person who says I can see my house from here loses jetpack privileges!"
A Goldbricker in Cap Au Diable, 'I used to be in a gang in paragon City, but here I get a jetpac!' makes me chuckle.
[/ QUOTE ]
This one cracked me up yesterday. A goldbricker Lieutenant in Aeon City saying:
"The next person who says I can see my house from here loses jetpack privileges!"
[/ QUOTE ]
That one is indeed funny!
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
his toon just kept running into walls all the time
[/ QUOTE ]
One of my old SG mates used to do this too, not from being drunk though he kept falling asleep at his keyboard
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
It was [Mox]Durin Danark funnily enough looking at your sig
i like the "it Taskforce NAME get them" text oooo scary
his toon just kept running into walls all the time
[/ QUOTE ]
One of my old SG mates used to do this too, not from being drunk though he kept falling asleep at his keyboard
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
It was ***************** funnily enough looking at your sig
[/ QUOTE ]
thats why i laughed cos i know who it was

I thought it's never the wrong time to start a 'seen anything ingame that made you smile' thread...
So I just step into Talos police station and see this NPC dialogue pop up in chat - I think the citizen was just plain unlucky and her parents knew this before they named her:
[NPC] PPD Captain: What did he look like again?
[NPC] Dung: This is the fifteenth time I've had my purse stolen!
I'm not aware of 'Dung' being a popular firstname in any nationality, so I'm wondering where the heck that came from in game...
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)