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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
    These things are cool, but they are GIANT SPOILERS for people who haven't run the arcs yet.

    Also when they post something in the announcements with a title like "Update to the Issue 21 Overview - Sorceress Serene", it sounds like they've added new content (issue 21.01) when actually all it is, is a description of what's already there. Gets me all excited for no reason

    Avatea, is there any chance you could post more informative titles like (in this case)
    "Update to the Issue 21 Overview - Sorceress Serene BACKSTORY"
    so those of us who'd rather learn about these characters in-game can skip the post and do so?

  2. How should we be finding out about the Signature Story arcs? ("Who Will Die")

    When SSA1.1 appeared there was a popup window saying "new contact xxx" is in Skyway City. After which I couldn't find the contact in my contact list and had to log to an alt to get the window again and find where the contact was.

    When SSA1.2 came out - nothing! It's only because there was a thread on the forums that I knew to look for it. And even then, finding where the villain version started was a another thing I had to crawl the forums for.

    Shouldn't we be told about these arcs IN GAME?
  3. The hero contact for the first signature story arc (Theoden) gives the option to visit the store to buy inspiractions.

    However the villain contact (Alamastor?) does not.

    Is there any reason for this, or do the devs just hate villains? :-)
  4. I know this isn't technically a "bug" but I can't find where to enter "suggestions"...

    On the new character selection screen, the way the non-selected characters are shown (slightly greyed out or lower contrast) makes it hard to spot your non-selected characters from the sea of "unlockable" slots.

    Is it possible you could make the unlockable slots a little less prominent? i.e. less prominent than my alts please!
  5. I can't believe this thread's been running for three pages and no one's said "DOOM"

    I was convinced we were going to have to wait for the i19 publish - and then they go and announce it at 11:13pm!

    Mr Megawatt
    Defiant and proud of it
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    In any event, anyone taking any action now, to prepare for Going Rogue later, is taking their fate into their own hands. If you do something which later turns out to be deleterious after Going Rogue's feature set is frozen and released, you will have no one to blame but yourself. I would wait until Going Rogue launches before doing anything to my characters that was irreversible in preparation for GR.
    I run two supergroups - a villain and a hero one. We just moved our villains to the same server as our heroes. Didn't seem much sense being able to side-switch unless we had both villain and hero groups/bases on the same server (and the transfers are free this month).

    Beyond that, sure, I'll wait and see. And in the meantime we have the joy of grinding some prestige to get the new villain base properly up and running.
  7. DeadSkip

    Worst Mobs Ever.

    Originally Posted by NarfMann View Post
    Methinks you either don't know what you're doing, or are soloing Malta with one of the ATs/power combos that Malta are particularly well-suited against. If you pay attention to what you're fighting, Malta are only scary. Trying to solo Malta with an empathy/Archery defender will probably result in serious death, but with any troller, tanker, scrapper, stalker, brute, dominator, mastermind or blaster all it takes to get through is timely use of inspirations and/or clever power use. And you may have to run away to regroup/recover before the fight is over, but that's part of what makes them fun.

    (Here's a hint: Don't let the sappers hit you)
    This is a little misleading. If you've ever tried fighting Malta inside a building with a blaster you'll know that

    (a) sappers and gunslingers hang around out of sight around corners until you aggro their group and
    (b) if you're playing on the same difficulty as you play against most other factions you'll often find yourself held by the titans/gunslingers, or long duration stunned by the operations officers(?) And you can only carry so many break frees.

    The hardest arc I've ever done was the Indigo arc with my (solo) ice/ice blaster.

    However, this doesn't mean I think they're the "worst mobs ever" - I think they're great. Let's just not pretnd that they're easy!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
    I like this idea, but the problem is what is a proper ammount of time. I know some people it takes a couple minutes to verify CoH or reboot their machine, while others it takes 20+ minutes.
    Yes, I thought of that - that's why I left it a little vague.

    For most of my disconnects, I can get straight back on without reverify or reboot or any such so a 2 minute timeout would be fine. Fixing it that way would solve 90% of my disconnect grief.

    However, if you want to get into system design...
    I'd say queue any instance that doesn't end cleanly for deletion and delete them as and when you need the storage or instance handle or whatever back to reuse. Then the time before deletion is limited by system needs not a hard number.
  9. Dear Devs,

    You must have seen the problem where you're soloing and you're 90% through a "kill all baddies in several city blocks" mission, when you get disconnected. When you re-enter the mission it's a new instance, fully populated and you have to start again from scratch.

    Frustrating or what?

    Is there any reason why the instances could not have a timeout on them rather than instantly being destroyed (presumably) when the last team member logs out/disconnects.

    They wouldn't have to hang around for ever. Just long enough for the player to restart his machine, or reverify his CoH image. and then re-enter, picking up from where he left off.

    Yours hopefully
  10. I'd be happy with a change as long as it looked cool But it's hard to say whether that's the case - until or unless we see the options.

    I've never been a fan of the rock armour or brimstone armour as they always seemed over-lumpy in some places (I haven't seen any i16 images if they have changed...?)

    One thing I WOULDN'T miss if we lost the current granite armour form is the feeling of "scraping my head along the ceiling" all the time in cave maps.

    Is there a possibilty of having a choice of two or three looks (themes?) in progressively more stone coverage? If anyone wants to look (nearly) as they did before they could select the "covered in stone" option (but on the character's normal model) and use the science pack to morph to a huge model costume... though come to think of it that would be a bit clumsy unless there was some way to automatically select that when you changed costume.

    Roxy Rocks - 45 Tanker
  11. Is this the right place to post this?

    The community and dev digests seem to be useless at the moment. The links are all broken. I'm presuming someone knows about this and is fixing it but if they have posted about it *where* have they posted about it?

    (Also is there any way to change the colour/look of the forum?)

    Not impressed with the new forums - suddenly have far less idea what is going on with the game than I used to
  12. DeadSkip


    Ooh Shiny new forum
  13. DeadSkip

    Defiant down?

    Not impressed with i15 so far.

    No content I wanted and it's buggy.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone know if we will be seen as EU players?

    I mean will we have a "EU" title or some sort?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We will all have "_EU" appended to our screen names to avoid clashes.

    Just kidding... I hope
  15. Hey devs, did you forget bases again?

    - No mention in the training room patch notes of any improvements to bases.

    - no mention in the early publicity stuff for Going Rogue of any changes to bases.

    Sounds like we're going to have to wait until Christmas(?) for any chance of seeing any base improvements.

    I thought we might see something, especially with the accidental release of the Warehouse base room. I thought that indicated "the way things were going" but hey ho
  16. CoV came along in (with) issue 6. The veteran heroes had a 5 issue head start on amassing obscene bank accounts.

    And until issue 9 they didn't really have anything to spend it on.

    (None of this is from first hand experience -- I joined just after i9, but it's what I've heard elsewhere.) Point is it's not all about how much you earn now, Assailant, the inequality they're seeing in their datamines has been there a while.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    A Goldbricker in Cap Au Diable, 'I used to be in a gang in paragon City, but here I get a jetpac!' makes me chuckle.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This one cracked me up yesterday. A goldbricker Lieutenant in Aeon City saying:

    "The next person who says I can see my house from here loses jetpack privileges!"
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I kinda hope that if you take a hero for example my lvl 50 Martial Arts scrapper rougue, he can respec with a maybe a new power set say dual guns. That would make him EVIL!!!!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Very much doubt it. The going rogue is supposed to take your hero/villain and make them rechoose their side not respec them into a completely new character. Which changing one powerset is.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    And even if you could respec and change a power set... a scrapper with a distance powerset??? Would that be overpowered or what?
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    My guess would be that the use of a "Random" PPD mob is coming up with a mob ID with an invalid costume. Posibly something that was removed, but is still on the "random PPD" list.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There are problems with the "random" members of existing groups when being used as hostages - see this forum thread - I have seen that issue with random civilian and random PPD. FWIW I have /bug'ed that one.

    Sounds related if not exactly the same.
  20. DeadSkip

    Issue 14: Bugs

    Has anyone else noticed that since i14 the coloured supergroup banners you hang on base walls are no longer coloured?

    They're a sort of grubby paper texture in pale biege and ignore the supergroup colours.

    Anyone else seen this or is it just me? I'm seeing it on my heroes base on Defiant and my villains base on Union.

    EDIT: Okay - not just me - it's covered on this US forum thread
  21. Yup - I had that when trying to use random police officer.
    I /bug'ed it.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    EBs scale down to Bosses on Villainous. You shouldn't complain about arcs being unsoloable if you're making them harder for yourself on purpose.

    Now, if the EB is impossible even when downranked to Boss, then you have a valid complaint.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I always play non-MA mishes at challenge level 2 - because otherwise you end up fighting lieutenants (+minions) all the time and where's the challenge in that when I can one-shot them all? Therefore I set to the first difficulty above this.

    I don't mind fighting bosses (with SMALL groups) and the end boss [u]occasionally[u] being an EB. That's what challenge level two gives you in the "real world". Indeed that is exactly what I've experienced throughout my vilainous (malicious) career in CoV. However, the option to specify a larger than normal group accompanying the boss is just a pain. Of course the effect of this differs by class - my scrapper could tear through a lot of such spawns, but my mid level dominator and stalker are affected far worse.

    What I don't want is groups of all minions/lieutenants (boring!) or groups of EB and a full large group (impossible). Seems the settings are level 1 - too easy and level 2 too hard.
  23. I'd love to hear other people's impressions of how well (or badly) the Mission architect caters for solo players...

    I think the MA is a great addition and works really well for groups, however in my experience it is nowhere near as good for soloists as the standard mission arcs (except that it's fresh content of course). Oh, BTW before someone says "What do you mean, can't solo six EBs at once?" -- no, I'm not an uber kitted level 50.

    There are a number of factors for that reduce solo playability:
    <ul type="square">[*]Boss mobs only scale down so much. An elite boss against a three man group is not an issue (although the gratuitous overuse of triggered ambushes from him can be). However an elite boss with a supporting group is going to wipe most solos.[*]There is no way to tell which arcs are suitable for solos unless the mission creator has added something like "suitable for soloists" or "contains no EBs" in the freeform text -- and most authors don't.[/list]This hurts everyone:
    <ul type="square">[*]Soloists (like me, most of the time, and like my fellow SG members most of the time) get disheartened by the MA and start to see it not as a positive feature but as a negative one... simply sapping the black market/Wentworth's of its supply of salvage.[*]Mission designers who've produced wonderful group arcs get slated by soloists because they're not soloable. As I wrote on the feedback section after ending a mission on day one "I'm a stalker. You have an EB, a Lieutenant and five minions in the first room. This is unsoloable, ONE STAR".[/list]I just hope some red name is reading this. What my SG needs is an indication in the mission browser of whether the mission is soloable or not. Either as a field the designer fills in and we can sort on OR by programmatic analysis of the content of the mission.

    I can't be alone in this, surely?
  24. This is getting silly.

    I don't mind them taking the servers down between 9am and 10am every morning for regular maintenance.

    But if they're going to take them down ANY other times, they need to put an append in the announcements forum. That doesn't seem much to ask, does it?
  25. Thanks for the advice

    TBH Before Architect came out, I was planning to make the first mission in my arc a low level one like (in some ways) the one in the welcome to Oroborous arc where you return to the tutorial zone and fight the contaminated(?) who throw rocks at you.

    However I see "throwing rocks" isn't a power set we can choose Guess it doesn't scale up to high levels so well.