How do I set level range on custom mobs
All custom mobs have a level range of 1-54.
If you want to limit your arc to 1-5 you have to include at least one standard mob with that level range.
You should be aware that most custom mobs will probably be to powerful for a level 5 to handle.
I really should do something about this signature.
Yeah and don't forget to add that standart mob to every mission in your arc or you will end up mixed level range arc.
As Praf said, if you want to make a low level arc study in game low level mobs a bit and you can prevent making an overpowered custom mob for that level range.
Thanks for the advice
TBH Before Architect came out, I was planning to make the first mission in my arc a low level one like (in some ways) the one in the welcome to Oroborous arc where you return to the tutorial zone and fight the contaminated(?) who throw rocks at you.
However I see "throwing rocks" isn't a power set we can choose Guess it doesn't scale up to high levels so well.
Hmm yeah i am still not pleased with MA's power picks. They are either too low or too much. If you want to create a lost lt. like boss you need to scale his mind control to hard setting to get Mass Hypnotize but hard setting also gives him a very dangerous power; Terrify. Not many sets have fear resistance. Maybe if i was making my arc for higher level range it will suit but i think it is too much for level 24-35 range.
An idea tho', if you planning to make your arc an Ouroboro like one maybe making second mission of the arc with low level standart mobs (like hellions) will help you to catch that feeling.
If I use a canon mob, it has a level range. Fine.
If I want to do a mission with custom mobs only how do I (say) limit that to level 1-5? Can't see where the option for that is.
I have a planned arc that starts "in your childhood", and having the mobs spawn at level 53 would make a farce out of it.