G-R questions not asked yet




1) If i take a hero to be a villan for example (blasterA) will that blaster be forced out of an existing supergroup. If that blaster is not I think its appropriate to assume the (blasterA) will keep his or hers supergroup rank, prestige, privligages(i.e. using bins, tps, salvage vaults etc...)

2) if the (blasterA) is forced out of the supergroup is everything lost that the (blasterA) has stored saved etc....

3) I ask because my (blasterA) has a bin of purples a bin of pvp ios a bin of reg ios, as well as 5 bins of large insp and multiple bins of orange salvage. So if i were to choose to go badge on him as he is my badger at 672 do i forfeit all the loot i saved as well as his 10 million prestige. Or is there a mechanism for me to keep all that as well as being able to go to the rouge isles

I also know that not enough info is avail as of yet but i havent heard anyone or read anyone asking this. I think this will need to be adressed for long time players and sg leaders as the will be affected.

Thank you for reading this good day...



Why not skip to the real question. Is there going to a way we can exploit the side switching to transfer enhancements/recipes from side to side?

My guess is yes... but they'll try to limit how much that can happen.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
I also know that not enough info is avail as of yet but i havent heard anyone or read anyone asking this. I think this will need to be adressed for long time players and sg leaders as the will be affected.

Thank you for reading this good day...
Your right, there is not enough info available on this. However, it has been asked many times. I do not have the link to it, but the information we have is a Developer saying that they are working on a solution to the SG/VG membership problem that they believe will satisfy most everyone.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
1) If i take a hero to be a villan for example (blasterA) will that blaster be forced out of an existing supergroup. If that blaster is not I think its appropriate to assume the (blasterA) will keep his or hers supergroup rank, prestige, privligages(i.e. using bins, tps, salvage vaults etc...)

2) if the (blasterA) is forced out of the supergroup is everything lost that the (blasterA) has stored saved etc....

3) I ask because my (blasterA) has a bin of purples a bin of pvp ios a bin of reg ios, as well as 5 bins of large insp and multiple bins of orange salvage. So if i were to choose to go badge on him as he is my badger at 672 do i forfeit all the loot i saved as well as his 10 million prestige. Or is there a mechanism for me to keep all that as well as being able to go to the rouge isles

I also know that not enough info is avail as of yet but i havent heard anyone or read anyone asking this. I think this will need to be adressed for long time players and sg leaders as the will be affected.

Thank you for reading this good day...
1) Yes, this has been asked. As of HeroCon, the developers were still working on it.

2 ) Nothing of "yours," as far as the game is concerned, is in the SG storage bins. Yes, theres a log (and note) now about who put in what, but there is no actual ownership.

If you quit your SG (which is what would happen if you side-switched and if SGs don't support members who switch sides) nothing comes with you. Not prestige earned (that's the SG's) - and not anything in storage, except for the Vault, which is merely an access point for the SG-independent Vault Inc.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Well if you could retain access to a SG bin

Other people/toons could put stuff in those same bins and then you could take them out. You could also put stuff in and they could take it out. That would be no different than letting heroes and villains trade.

Sounds like a real nice perk for buying going rogue.



Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
Well if you could retain access to a SG bin

Other people/toons could put stuff in those same bins and then you could take them out. You could also put stuff in and they could take it out. That would be no different than letting heroes and villains trade.

Sounds like a real nice perk for buying going rogue.
But if you are not in a SG, then you don't have access to it's bins. To let it be otherwise opens up the path to darkness... I mean, possible bug/gltich allowing anyone on your SG's team to come in and clear out the bins.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I've probably seen more threads pointing out "we don't know" than people asking questions... yet they still ask them. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only thing that is certain is that we will be able to switch sides but the particulars of doing so are very much unknown.

Global @radubadu
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Originally Posted by Radubadu View Post
I've probably seen more threads pointing out "we don't know" than people asking questions... yet they still ask them. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only thing that is certain is that we will be able to switch sides but the particulars of doing so are very much unknown.
It will involve a series of missions - no simple "light switch".

Also, we are getting Ultra Mode as part of it but (apparently) it's a freebie.

Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols also coming with it.

Basically... the HeroCon Keynote address stuff.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



i can appreciate the we dont know. Also i was not at herocon so i wasnt able to see the dev response. As far as the "ownership of the stuff in bins" well i am sg leader so i set it to be my bins.

Also is it possible for me to promote an alt to the LEADER status to secure the rougly 10 bill i have in bins. The reason it is there is there is now where else to put it im out of vault space, WW space, as well as all holding space.

I was only asking about the stuff in the base clearly my alts will hold my stuff but that raises another question. If i do go rouge on a hero can i bring a glad resist set with me in my tray and sell it there?

The reason im bringing this up is i dont see it readily on the boards i looked it may be there but its not on front 1,2,3 pages i dont have time to read the whole boards so since we must be gettin close to GR at this point as its jan now i though maybe i would re raise the discussion and bring up the impacts of such things on long time players/farmers/pvpers ( im least of pvp than farm) but still.

Also what comes to mind when we talk about this is the fact that there are so many others in my situation as im sure the posters on this must be as well. DO i sell the stuff now? Its so much influ where would i put it all?

ty for reading this and any advice or info i can get from you all in the know



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
3) I ask because my (blasterA) has a bin of purples a bin of pvp ios a bin of reg ios, as well as 5 bins of large insp and multiple bins of orange salvage. So if i were to choose to go badge on him as he is my badger at 672 do i forfeit all the loot i saved as well as his 10 million prestige. Or is there a mechanism for me to keep all that as well as being able to go to the rouge isles
This part we can answer.
Anything stored in the SG bins *IS NOT YOURS* any more. The prestige IS NOT YOURS. The items are in *SG STORAGE* and will stay there. The prestige belongs to the SG and it will stay there. Even if you are the only person in the SG, the items are considered as belonging to the SG and not to you (or any one character). If you were to switch servers, the items in storage would stay behind.

Items carried on your character will go with you. It sounds like you have way more stuff stored than you can possibly carry. You'll have to deal with that.

As an aside, the inspirations will not be an issue. We have been told that cross-faction inspiration trading is definitely on the way. The ability to trade anything else is unknown. Personally, I would not expect it. If the markets are not being merged, I don't think they will allow trading of recipes or enhancements.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Linked from the Herocon forum

Pt 2 is all the GR stuff

Also, learning to use the search page can help out a lot.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
Also is it possible for me to promote an alt to the LEADER status to secure the rougly 10 bill i have in bins.
Yes. However, the character doing the promoting and the character being promoted must BOTH be online AT THE SAME TIME. If you can't arrange that, then you have a problem. Sort of. If you plan ahead, you can simply have the superleader leave and the position will go to the character you want in charge.

I was only asking about the stuff in the base clearly my alts will hold my stuff but that raises another question. If i do go rouge on a hero can i bring a glad resist set with me in my tray and sell it there?
Yes. For your purposes, you seem to be okay on this. For someone looking to profit from it, the side-switching process has been stated that it will be time-consuming. It will involve missions. We have no firm information on how many or how long it might take.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Linked from the Herocon forum

Pt 2 is all the GR stuff

Also, learning to use the search page can help out a lot.

used search page perhaps i dint use the correct key words but thanks for the link ill explore that more and maybe it will help me know more

but still its important cause it will take me much time to move the stuff i have if i cant bring it with me i want a litle heads up on that if i can get it



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
DO i sell the stuff now? Its so much influ where would i put it all?
If it's more than you could ever possibly use (which it sounds like it might be), try giving it away.

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Originally Posted by CaptSammy View Post
Your right, there is not enough info available on this. However, it has been asked many times. I do not have the link to it, but the information we have is a Developer saying that they are working on a solution to the SG/VG membership problem that they believe will satisfy most everyone.
I hope they don't engage in force-quit SGs. If someone feels it doesn't make sense for their side-switched character to be in the same group they can always quit (or if leader, kick others of the wrong morality out) but if I have to remove my characters from my SG that I worked so hard to build just to be able to enjoy content I had to PAY FOR I'm going to be very very unhappy.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
I hope they don't engage in force-quit SGs. If someone feels it doesn't make sense for their side-switched character to be in the same group they can always quit (or if leader, kick others of the wrong morality out) but if I have to remove my characters from my SG that I worked so hard to build just to be able to enjoy content I had to PAY FOR I'm going to be very very unhappy.

If you can "enjoy the content" and "be very very unhappy" simultaneously you're more schitzoid than me. Maybe you should not get GR until the question has been answered. That way you don't actually HAVE to "PAY FOR" the content; it'll be your very own decision whether to buy it.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
I hope they don't engage in force-quit SGs. If someone feels it doesn't make sense for their side-switched character to be in the same group they can always quit (or if leader, kick others of the wrong morality out) but if I have to remove my characters from my SG that I worked so hard to build just to be able to enjoy content I had to PAY FOR I'm going to be very very unhappy.

this is it in a nutshell. I did and my freinds did work SOOOO hard on the sg. I did work so hard on the bins, not just hard but stupid hard harder then the average player. i have nowehere to put my stuff because of the silly limits on vaults and bins.

Its not my fault... i did not put restrictions on the bins and now it seems im gonna have to sell off everything and i cant bring it with me only to get 3 badges.

(in my sg its not a risk my real life freinds arnt gonna rob me) the principle of it stinks i will loose the 10 mill prestige on my blaster i worked hard for not just a little hard for but VERY hard for very few have ten million prestige in this gane and very very few of them are blasters and now it seems ill have to walk away from it so i can continue badging. Well that sucks.

my hope for this post was to encourage the devs to read it and perhaps post something but no it sseems i have only stirred up the boards pvpers that was not my intention.

sorry to all if that is what happend, i only wanted some real information about what was gonna happen.

I will say this though i am very happy about new content i just dont want too loose all i have worked for to gain 10 hours of content its perhaps not worth the risk/reward

please excuse the jack daniels in me now but i hope i got my point accross

thanks for taking the time to read this as horrible as my english and spelling is atm



The problem here and in other threads dealing with this is that Bases were designed to belong to a *group*, not an individual. And by 'group' I mean a group of players, not a group of one player's alts.

The group that owned the base was either a group of heroes or a group of villains, and the two don't mix. (And while there are comic book examples of opposing faction groups co-operating, that line of argument is just plain stupid since those groups never last in those very same comic stories.)

So, a group of heroes owns a base. That's what SuperGroup Bases are supposed to be. Why would anyone think that a character can leave the SuperGroup, turn villain, and still have access to the base? (Again, one-time scenarios from comic books don't apply.)

"Hey, Justice League, I've decided to leave you so I can rule the world and force everyone to do things my way since I know best, so, I'm leaving. Since I did a lot of the work on the base supercomputer, I'm going to take that with me. See ya. Hey, you're blocking the computer, ow ow ow, stop that!"

Now, since their inception, Bases have evolved so that individual players can rather easily have their own private base. This has given some the idea that their base is their own private lair, and not the property of an organization. But that's not how they're set up intrinsically.

If the Devs allow a sole-owner base to transfer their base to redside, then how can they say no to the SuperLeader of a base used by an active SuperGroup of players? And if you say to allow a base to switch sides if there's only one player in it, then that would encourage SuperLeaders to kick everyone out so they can switch over 'their' base.

Heck, one loses their base by switching servers, let alone alignments. Don't see how one can switch sides and take 'their' base with them without convoluted and unrealistic role-play rationales (this *is* a mmoRPg) and causing *a lot* of bad feelings from members of SGs who've had their bases taken away from them because their SuperLeader switched sides.

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Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
this is it in a nutshell. I did and my freinds did work SOOOO hard on the sg. I did work so hard on the bins, not just hard but stupid hard harder then the average player. i have nowehere to put my stuff because of the silly limits on vaults and bins.

Its not my fault... i did not put restrictions on the bins and now it seems im gonna have to sell off everything and i cant bring it with me only to get 3 badges.
You aren't supposed to be hoarding this stuff. You are supposed to be moving it through the market so that the huge piles of influence that are sitting out there can be used up. This is why there are those "silly limits on vaults and bins." Regardless, if you must leave, the stuff will still be in the bins for when you come back.

Considering you will be able to get all of the CoV exploration, History, Giant Monster, Defeat, mission, and SF badges if you switch sides, it is a lot more than 3 Badges you stand to gain.

(in my sg its not a risk my real life freinds arnt gonna rob me) the principle of it stinks i will loose the 10 mill prestige on my blaster i worked hard for not just a little hard for but VERY hard for very few have ten million prestige in this gane and very very few of them are blasters and now it seems ill have to walk away from it so i can continue badging. Well that sucks.
The Prestige isn't yours, it belongs to the SG. They will still have it if you are forced out by switching sides (which, I might add, has not been set in stone). If you need to quit to switch, it is possible that when you switch back and rejoin the group you can pick up where you left off in your SG tallies (which, as I recall correctly, can only be viewed by members of your SG, so it only REALLY matters if you think that your friends will forget your contributions the moment you start to go Vigilante.)

my hope for this post was to encourage the devs to read it and perhaps post something but no it sseems i have only stirred up the boards pvpers that was not my intention.

sorry to all if that is what happend, i only wanted some real information about what was gonna happen.
If you want a Dev answer, PM a Dev. The Player Questions forum is for us Players to help other Players with their questions.

I will say this though i am very happy about new content i just dont want too loose all i have worked for to gain 10 hours of content its perhaps not worth the risk/reward
If you are going to return to the group after switching sides and coming back, the only thing you stand to lose is your Prestige tally. Everything else, and I do mean everything, should be just as you left it if your SGmates are your friends and as trustworthy as you say.

please excuse the jack daniels in me now but i hope i got my point accross

thanks for taking the time to read this as horrible as my english and spelling is atm
Your point is that you don't know, and that we don't know, and the possibility of it being some way you might not like is making you angry.

Never post angry, because I'm pretty sure that the above was not your real point.

Our point is: We don't know, and we won't until the Devs tell us. Until we do know, all the things you are getting angry over are just supposition and guesswork. Positron said, when this question was asked at HeroCon, that they were going to do their best to make as many people as possible happy with the sideswitching mechanic. Since nobody will be happy with having to quit their supergroup in order to explore the new content, I took this to mean that they were going to try their hardest to make SGs neutral. Obviously, your understanding of the same statement was different.

We'll know in a few weeks when the Beta starts. Hope to see you (and me, for that matter) in there.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



Pssst, btw... I'm pretty sure when he says his 10 mil prestige, he means it looks cool when you can look at a toon's total earned prestige for an sg and see a huge number. When he say's he's gonna lose that, he just means if he rejoined he'd be back at 0. I'd feel the same about one of my doms in my sg, even though he's only at 5

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



As everyone has said, we don't know. As most have said, the prestige, and stuff in the bins of your SG aren't yours, it's the SGs. Did you earn it? Yes. Can you keep it? Presumably only if you don't switch sides.

Now, something to keep in mind, you can stop being a hero, but not go full villain. Now, I would assume that if you go vigilante, or rogue(The two grey areas between Hero and villain) that you would not be forced out of your SG/VG, but that you can still go to both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. So if badges are all you're concerned about, it shouldn't be an issue.

Now if it's content, switching sides doesn't mean new content. It's the same content you already have available, just not to all your toons. The new content is the missions to switch sides, and Preatoria. Going to Preatoria won't mean your hero suddenly becomes a villain, so the new content there will still be accessible.

Lastly, I just have to say something about this statement...

but still its important cause it will take me much time to move the stuff i have if i cant bring it with me i want a litle heads up on that if i can get it
How much time would it take? More than six months? Yes it's January now, but GR isn't expected to be released until the end of the 2nd quarter. That means June. Now obviously you have a lot of stuff, and it'll take a lot of time to liquidate it, or pass it off to alts, whatever. But there is still PLENTY of time before GR comes out. Not to mention that come day one of GR going live do you HAVE to switch sides. I'm fairly certain that option will be available for... until CoH/V closes down.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
The problem here and in other threads dealing with this is that Bases were designed to belong to a *group*, not an individual. And by 'group' I mean a group of players, not a group of one player's alts.

The group that owned the base was either a group of heroes or a group of villains, and the two don't mix. (And while there are comic book examples of opposing faction groups co-operating, that line of argument is just plain stupid since those groups never last in those very same comic stories.)

So, a group of heroes owns a base. That's what SuperGroup Bases are supposed to be. Why would anyone think that a character can leave the SuperGroup, turn villain, and still have access to the base? (Again, one-time scenarios from comic books don't apply.)

"Hey, Justice League, I've decided to leave you so I can rule the world and force everyone to do things my way since I know best, so, I'm leaving. Since I did a lot of the work on the base supercomputer, I'm going to take that with me. See ya. Hey, you're blocking the computer, ow ow ow, stop that!"

Now, since their inception, Bases have evolved so that individual players can rather easily have their own private base. This has given some the idea that their base is their own private lair, and not the property of an organization. But that's not how they're set up intrinsically.

If the Devs allow a sole-owner base to transfer their base to redside, then how can they say no to the SuperLeader of a base used by an active SuperGroup of players? And if you say to allow a base to switch sides if there's only one player in it, then that would encourage SuperLeaders to kick everyone out so they can switch over 'their' base.

Heck, one loses their base by switching servers, let alone alignments. Don't see how one can switch sides and take 'their' base with them without convoluted and unrealistic role-play rationales (this *is* a mmoRPg) and causing *a lot* of bad feelings from members of SGs who've had their bases taken away from them because their SuperLeader switched sides.
here is an issue on what cox is and what it is not

it is not justie league it is not the avengerrs

it IS city of heros not city of super heros if it was city of super heros i would not worry about npcs on tfs etc...

bases weather called supergroups or villan groups are not entirely about groups anymore. If they were group content may be more important in the current incarnation of this game sgs are indeed private and have been for about a year +.

If sgs were so important then they and their content would have been evolved or introduced. Alas they have not and Sg's have become more singular if u want to use the comic book roleplay idea mine is the fortress of solitude not the justie league.

so as mine is the fortress of solitude why can i not keep my stuff....

also or in addition to why (not in my case) should i worry about some new addition to my sg(fortrees of solitide) or ( bat cave) taking my stuff...

its mine

if i wanted other to have it i would gve it away and lord knows i also done that too...

but th real important stufff 80+ purples

60+ pvp ios

and more i dont want to give away i am forced aparantly if i want to badge or do the content to give it all up or sell it and put it all over my alts....

my point____________

I dont want to be forced to do that to enjoy the new content thats all im saying we can argue the symantics of what a sg or a vg is or what it should be in another way. However, my arguement is after 4+ years of grinding farming pvping etc... i now have to walk away is somthng i dont like. I love the idea of the new content and going rouge its awsome and makes me happy the devs are working so hard to make the game fresh what i dont like is....

trashing the 4 years of grinding on my main to get some badges and risk my stuff, sg, bins, slavage, insp, et al for some badges and so i can roll a blaster in grandville.

i want content yes

i dont want too loose my stuff to get it...



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
Pssst, btw... I'm pretty sure when he says his 10 mil prestige, he means it looks cool when you can look at a toon's total earned prestige for an sg and see a huge number. When he say's he's gonna lose that, he just means if he rejoined he'd be back at 0. I'd feel the same about one of my doms in my sg, even though he's only at 5
Hell ya

and i know tams been here longer than me i just played one toon more but the same appllies to him as well as all the hardcore grinders here....

does tam or you or anyone want to risk their base sgs or status...

im sure ill take precautions to prevent me loosing my stuff but the amount of work ill have to do to prevent me lossing my stuff kinda stinks as well as will be time consuming and a pain to finish.

I just hope the devs hear this o they can take into consideration the ramifications of the changes they are about to implement.... lord knows they havent in the past and it has injured the game at times... i.e.(e.d. pvp changes, nerfs etc..)



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Items carried on your character will go with you.
I don't believe this has been stated categorically yet, actually. If it was, then it may have been during one of the individual Hero Con panels I didn't attend -- I know for a fact it was NOT addressed in the "main" GR presentation during the HC prenote address, nor during a couple of the panels that I did attend.

(That said -- I agree, I would GUESS that personally-carried items will travel with the character, but like 99.9% of GR subject matter, it's just that...a guess.)

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