G-R questions not asked yet




Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
I don't believe this has been stated categorically yet, actually. If it was, then it may have been during one of the individual Hero Con panels I didn't attend -- I know for a fact it was NOT addressed in the "main" GR presentation during the HC prenote address, nor during a couple of the panels that I did attend.

(That said -- I agree, I would GUESS that personally-carried items will travel with the character, but like 99.9% of GR subject matter, it's just that...a guess.)

i agree with all you said however, this does not discuss the point i am trying to make personal property and private sgs, sg leardship and control, as well as personal property contined therewithin is in jepoardy unless a red name chimes in here. will we be protected or not from loosing our stuff....

or will the dvs create a system that protects sg leaders on high pop servers as well as veterans from loosing there stuff

my point is it haoppens now, people get robbed the way the game is set up atm. it will only increase unless precautions are taken by the people that have stuff to loose.

please remember im in a sg with freind in rl i only have my uber 10 mill prestige to loose as well as i dont want to jump through the hoops to sell me stuff.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
if u want to use the comic book roleplay idea mine is the fortress of solitude not the justie league.
Okay, let me try...

It's painfully obvious to me that what you intend bases to be and what the devs intend bases to be are very far apart. As has been said repeatedly, the devs have never created or supported bases to be "fortresses of solitude." The only thing that I know of that may have encouraged people to use them as such that I can think of was the huge reduction in base costs they rolled out a while back. But even then, I distinctly remember devs talking about how it was to help super groups, not mentioning the side affect of individuals benefiting as well.

Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
so as mine is the fortress of solitude why can i not keep my stuff....
No one is saying that you won't be able to keep your stuff. We don't know yet what mechanism they will implement. Maybe you will! Maybe you won't. Frankly, it's entirely within the realm of the possible that not even they know yet the answer to that, how do you expect us to? Keep in mind that everything you're reading here is speculation based on what we know about what the devs think about certain things and how they've implemented mechanics in the past.

But the simple fact is that you, like we, will have to just wait and see what happens.

If they decide that you won't be able to use your base if you switch sides, well, then there you go. They obviously still don't view your "fortress of solitude" the same way as you do.

Practically speaking, we all know that the devs have consistently not been amenable to people hoarding stuff. No, not even billion's of influence worth of purple IOs. If they wanted you to do that, you'd be able to carry around hundreds of recipes and/or enhancements instead of the <100/10 that you can today.

When you decided to hoard them in your SG bins, you were acting counter to what the devs wanted. What you were doing isn't strictly disallowed, so you are able to be the beneficiary of something they don't feel strongly enough about to crack down on. Congratulations. However, you must accept that "isn't strictly disallowed" is not the same thing as "encouraged."

Have you heard of the market "exploit" used to transfer influence/infamy between characters on different servers? It's in quotes because the devs have stated that they don't see it as a true exploit, but that it can be risky. They've also said that, like what you're using base bins for, they don't strictly approve of it, and that if you screw it up and lose a couple of billion because you bought or sold the wrong thing at the wrong price, well, that's too damn bad, and you're s*** outta luck.

Well, I get the feeling (which, if they decide that switching sides revokes access to your SG stuff, would prove validated) that since you're using a game mechanic for something that it was not intended, if you lose access to your purple IOs, that's just something you're going to have to live with.

I'm sorry if you end up feeling cheated because you worked "stupid hard" [the OP's words, not mine, lest anyone think I'm denigrating him] to get all of that stuff, I really am. But not to put too fine a point on it, this is the consequence of doing something the devs implicitly disapprove of. Even if you don't get smacked down directly, at some point, you run the risk of getting hosed out of what you worked so hard for.

Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
and more i dont want to give away i am forced aparantly if i want to badge or do the content to give it all up or sell it and put it all over my alts....
Seriously, lose the entitlement. You're not forced to do anything. Will you have to make a choice? Maybe. Welcome not just to life, but to almost every game that's ever been written. You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need.

Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
However, my arguement is after 4+ years of grinding farming pvping etc... i now have to walk away is somthng i dont like.

trashing the 4 years of grinding on my main to get some badges...
Well, now we get to the heart of the matter. That "grinding farming" thing? See above notes about doing things the devs disapprove of.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
i agree with all you said however, this does not discuss the point i am trying to make personal property and private sgs, sg leardship and control, as well as personal property contined therewithin is in jepoardy unless a red name chimes in here. will we be protected or not from loosing our stuff....
I wasn't attempting to answer your "point i am trying to make", because it's not worth even taking the time to try.

This is the "Player Questions" forum ("Got a Question? Get an answer! Players helping players find information related to CoH/CoV."). By definition, you can't get an answer here (or anywhere else, likely) to the question you have.

You are simply going to have to wait for official information on GR from the devs, just like everyone. Continuing to ask over and over and over and over again really doesn't increase the chance you'll get actual, real dev-based information. Honest.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server)
http://legionofvalor.guildportal.com / http://fallenlegion.guildportal.com

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Okay, let me try...

It's painfully obvious to me that what you intend bases to be and what the devs intend bases to be are very far apart. As has been said repeatedly, the devs have never created or supported bases to be "fortresses of solitude." The only thing that I know of that may have encouraged people to use them as such that I can think of was the huge reduction in base costs they rolled out a while back. But even then, I distinctly remember devs talking about how it was to help super groups, not mentioning the side affect of individuals benefiting as well.

No one is saying that you won't be able to keep your stuff. We don't know yet what mechanism they will implement. Maybe you will! Maybe you won't. Frankly, it's entirely within the realm of the possible that not even they know yet the answer to that, how do you expect us to? Keep in mind that everything you're reading here is speculation based on what we know about what the devs think about certain things and how they've implemented mechanics in the past.

But the simple fact is that you, like we, will have to just wait and see what happens.

If they decide that you won't be able to use your base if you switch sides, well, then there you go. They obviously still don't view your "fortress of solitude" the same way as you do.

Practically speaking, we all know that the devs have consistently not been amenable to people hoarding stuff. No, not even billion's of influence worth of purple IOs. If they wanted you to do that, you'd be able to carry around hundreds of recipes and/or enhancements instead of the <100/10 that you can today.

When you decided to hoard them in your SG bins, you were acting counter to what the devs wanted. What you were doing isn't strictly disallowed, so you are able to be the beneficiary of something they don't feel strongly enough about to crack down on. Congratulations. However, you must accept that "isn't strictly disallowed" is not the same thing as "encouraged."

Have you heard of the market "exploit" used to transfer influence/infamy between characters on different servers? It's in quotes because the devs have stated that they don't see it as a true exploit, but that it can be risky. They've also said that, like what you're using base bins for, they don't strictly approve of it, and that if you screw it up and lose a couple of billion because you bought or sold the wrong thing at the wrong price, well, that's too damn bad, and you're s*** outta luck.

Well, I get the feeling (which, if they decide that switching sides revokes access to your SG stuff, would prove validated) that since you're using a game mechanic for something that it was not intended, if you lose access to your purple IOs, that's just something you're going to have to live with.

I'm sorry if you end up feeling cheated because you worked "stupid hard" [the OP's words, not mine, lest anyone think I'm denigrating him] to get all of that stuff, I really am. But not to put too fine a point on it, this is the consequence of doing something the devs implicitly disapprove of. Even if you don't get smacked down directly, at some point, you run the risk of getting hosed out of what you worked so hard for.

Seriously, lose the entitlement. You're not forced to do anything. Will you have to make a choice? Maybe. Welcome not just to life, but to almost every game that's ever been written. You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need.

Well, now we get to the heart of the matter. That "grinding farming" thing? See above notes about doing things the devs disapprove of.

In regards to my purples they are my drop please iluminate me as to the purpose of bins if not to store stuff....

i farmed 10 mill on my blaster that is a lot of stuff man. If that is not officcally aproived then i am unaware of it. If making an sg and makeing 10 mill pestige is not an"approved" play style please show me that dev post.

Also pease let me know what the devs "intended" bases to be.

Where do you hear,read,see the devs dont like hoarding? im not marketerring im storing my drops, saying im hoarding implies i should use the ww/bm and i do when i want and when i dont want to i store it for an alt

i am unaware of exploits perhaps u can enlighten me as i would love to move a bill or 2 from tri to freedom

i have never read the devs comment on bin usage please enlighten me

i feel i am using mechanics EXACTLY as intended

please read previous posts i dont feel cheated im just asking cause i want to know. That is all. nothing more. my original post is a question please tell me where i should post concerns with regard to GR.

ty for reading this post



Originally Posted by Lightfoot View Post
You aren't supposed to be hoarding this stuff. You are supposed to be moving it through the market so that the huge piles of influence that are sitting out there can be used up. This is why there are those "silly limits on vaults and bins." Regardless, if you must leave, the stuff will still be in the bins for when you come back.

Considering you will be able to get all of the CoV exploration, History, Giant Monster, Defeat, mission, and SF badges if you switch sides, it is a lot more than 3 Badges you stand to gain.

The Prestige isn't yours, it belongs to the SG. They will still have it if you are forced out by switching sides (which, I might add, has not been set in stone). If you need to quit to switch, it is possible that when you switch back and rejoin the group you can pick up where you left off in your SG tallies (which, as I recall correctly, can only be viewed by members of your SG, so it only REALLY matters if you think that your friends will forget your contributions the moment you start to go Vigilante.)

If you want a Dev answer, PM a Dev. The Player Questions forum is for us Players to help other Players with their questions.

If you are going to return to the group after switching sides and coming back, the only thing you stand to lose is your Prestige tally. Everything else, and I do mean everything, should be just as you left it if your SGmates are your friends and as trustworthy as you say.

Your point is that you don't know, and that we don't know, and the possibility of it being some way you might not like is making you angry.

Never post angry, because I'm pretty sure that the above was not your real point.

Our point is: We don't know, and we won't until the Devs tell us. Until we do know, all the things you are getting angry over are just supposition and guesswork. Positron said, when this question was asked at HeroCon, that they were going to do their best to make as many people as possible happy with the sideswitching mechanic. Since nobody will be happy with having to quit their supergroup in order to explore the new content, I took this to mean that they were going to try their hardest to make SGs neutral. Obviously, your understanding of the same statement was different.

We'll know in a few weeks when the Beta starts. Hope to see you (and me, for that matter) in there.

this was a very good post...

one thing though im not angry

i wont cry doom if i loose my stuff caus my buds are real life so its not a concern

i just want to know. So i can prepare my account and toons accordingly



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
i agree with all you said however, this does not discuss the point i am trying to make personal property and private sgs, sg leardship and control, as well as personal property contined therewithin is in jepoardy unless a red name chimes in here. will we be protected or not from loosing our stuff....
If I'm understanding your concerns correctly, we don't need a redname to chime in to answer anything.

If a character leaves a supergroup, they no longer have access to the items in the SG storage. It doesn't matter if it's a 'personal SG' or 'one man SG'. The game system does not make that distinction. If Mighty Joe Hero is superleader of an SG and has 400 enhancements in the bins and leaves the SG, he no longer has access to those enhancements. Plain and simple. The items are not in any way "in jeopardy". The only thing in jeopardy is that one character being able to access them.

Taking a slightly different tack, none of the things you mentioned are put in jeopardy by Going Rogue. They MIGHT be put in jeopardy based on YOUR CHOICES. If you CHOOSE to go rogue, that's your decision. There is no way you will lose leadership or access to your stuff unless YOU DECIDE to take actions that have that result. The superGROUP system is not designed to accommodate solo SG's. Do NOT expect that to change for your convenience.

By the way, I think the system makes a great deal of sense the way it is currently and would STRONGLY oppose changes along the lines that you seem to want. (Not because I have any issue with you; because I think it would be bad for the game.)

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
i just want to know. So i can prepare my account and toons accordingly
Oh, and on this point: you'll have to wait and see. The devs are not going to answer such detailed questions this far in advance. From what we have been hearing, it seems some of these decisions have not even been made yet.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
In regards to my purples they are my drop please iluminate me as to the purpose of bins if not to store stuff....
They are intended to store stuff for your supergroup. It's primarily intended as a mechanism so that if you don't need something and want your supergroup to have a crack at it instead of (or before) putting it on the market, you can. It's also an amenity to temporarily store stuff that you might want to use later.

It is not intended to be used as a permanent extension of your personal storage. If that were the intention, then it's not even necessary; as I said, the devs have the relatively easy capability of simply extending the number of slots you have, and have made the deliberate decision not to do so.

Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
i farmed 10 mill on my blaster that is a lot of stuff man. If that is not officcally aproived then i am unaware of it. If making an sg and makeing 10 mill pestige is not an"approved" play style please show me that dev post.
There's nothing wrong with making a supergroup. There's not really even anything wrong with earning 10 million prestige. However, the devs have repeatedly expressed that they do not like the practice of "farming." They've also expressed that they're not going to shut it down, having a very "play how you like unless it affects others" attitude, but they have in the past taken numerous steps to curb the practice. I'm not going to sit here and enumerate all of the things they've said and done, but if you stick around for a while and read their posts, you'll see for yourself.

Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
Where do you hear,read,see the devs dont like hoarding? im not marketerring im storing my drops, saying im hoarding implies i should use the ww/bm...
That word, I do not think it means what you think it means. Using Wentworth's to unload your IOs is the opposite of hoarding. In fact, hoarding precisely means "storing." The exact post has probably long since been pruned, but in the past, the devs have explicitly stated that the storage limits and small inventory capacities were precisely to encourage people to use Wentworth's and the Black Market. "Marketeering" is exactly what you're supposed to be doing with that stuff. Instead of grinding and farming, turn loose of the IOs and use the influence you obtain to acquire what you want or need on your characters.

Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
i am unaware of exploits perhaps u can enlighten me as i would love to move a bill or 2 from tri to freedom
I respectfully decline this request. For one thing, I'm not going to have you blaming me when something goes wrong. For another, I'm not going to enable you to do yet more stuff that the devs kind of frown on. For yet another, it's not that hard to find. (Or really, to deduce, if you ponder it for a while.)

Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
im just asking cause i want to know. That is all. nothing more. my original post is a question please tell me where i should post concerns with regard to GR.
You're not just asking. Your questions were answered very early in this thread. The nutshell answer is that we don't know whether you'll lose access to your SG/VG base when you switch sides, but based on past experience with the devs, it's entirely possible. But in your post timestamped three and a half hours ago, you started opining on what bases are and aren't, and to be honest, a lot of it directly contradicts things I've read and heard about how the devs feel about bases.

Don't misunderstand me. I'm not mad at you. I just think that you're not hearing the answer you want, and so you are asking the same question over and over and trying to make tangent points to support your point of view and get a different answer. But no matter how you phrase the question, no matter how many times you ask it, and no matter how much you try to support your arguments, the simple fact is that in my opinion (and I don't think I'm alone), based on past statements and behavior by the developers, I don't think they're going to do anything to facilitate hero-to-villain transfers.

To be honest, though, given past history, it would not surprise me if they came up with some new mechanic entirely in the "switching sides" process. Or maybe they will allow direct transfers. Or hell, maybe losing all your stuff will be the price you pay, the burden you have to bear, for switching sides. After all, they've also repeatedly said that it won't be like flipping a switch. If you keep asking, you'll probably even get some people to agree with you. But this isn't a democracy where we vote on what we'd like best. It's a "benevolent dictatorship," and no matter how much we speculate one way or the other, we'll find out when we find out.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
If I'm understanding your concerns correctly, we don't need a redname to chime in to answer anything.

If a character leaves a supergroup, they no longer have access to the items in the SG storage. It doesn't matter if it's a 'personal SG' or 'one man SG'. The game system does not make that distinction. If Mighty Joe Hero is superleader of an SG and has 400 enhancements in the bins and leaves the SG, he no longer has access to those enhancements. Plain and simple. The items are not in any way "in jeopardy". The only thing in jeopardy is that one character being able to access them.

Taking a slightly different tack, none of the things you mentioned are put in jeopardy by Going Rogue. They MIGHT be put in jeopardy based on YOUR CHOICES. If you CHOOSE to go rogue, that's your decision. There is no way you will lose leadership or access to your stuff unless YOU DECIDE to take actions that have that result. The superGROUP system is not designed to accommodate solo SG's. Do NOT expect that to change for your convenience.

By the way, I think the system makes a great deal of sense the way it is currently and would STRONGLY oppose changes along the lines that you seem to want. (Not because I have any issue with you; because I think it would be bad for the game.)

this is exactly what im trying to find out if i "GO rouge" am i kicked from my own sg?

i understand all of what your saying i just want to knwo if the traditional game mechanics will apply

which means btw we loose all our stuff in an sg ( does that not mean a LOT) espesially to people not ina sg with real life freinds crimes to their loot can occur.

and in regards to what an sg is they can be singular even though the terminology is plural. I know more solo sgs then big sgs. Okay yes there are some huge sgs PE and the like are example but most are not. Mst are one 2 people.

and additionally i have 10 mill prestige i dont want that number on my rank in the sg to go away not that people will steal o take from me i just like it there.

(i know lame)

it is what it is

i like it



Dude, if you're THAT worried about it, and it's a supergroup for just you, make an alt (Butlertron 5000?), invite a friend to your SG momentarily, have him/her invite your alt, then kick your friend from the SG.

If you get kicked from your SG for switching sides, and Butlertron 5000 (your alt) is the only other person in the SG, he'll become the new leader.

When you're ready to come back, invite your friend to the SG again, have him/her invite your main character, and then kick the friend again. Quit out of the SG with Butlertron 5000, and your main character will be the leader again.

Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
this is exactly what im trying to find out if i "GO rouge" am i kicked from my own sg?

i understand all of what your saying i just want to knwo if the traditional game mechanics will apply
You should totally "GO rouge." It'll bring out the color in your eyes.

And if you understand what everyone is saying, then why are you still asking? People are saying this: we don't know yet!

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
They are intended to store stuff for your supergroup. It's primarily intended as a mechanism so that if you don't need something and want your supergroup to have a crack at it instead of (or before) putting it on the market, you can. It's also an amenity to temporarily store stuff that you might want to use later.

It is not intended to be used as a permanent extension of your personal storage. If that were the intention, then it's not even necessary; as I said, the devs have the relatively easy capability of simply extending the number of slots you have, and have made the deliberate decision not to do so.

There's nothing wrong with making a supergroup. There's not really even anything wrong with earning 10 million prestige. However, the devs have repeatedly expressed that they do not like the practice of "farming." They've also expressed that they're not going to shut it down, having a very "play how you like unless it affects others" attitude, but they have in the past taken numerous steps to curb the practice. I'm not going to sit here and enumerate all of the things they've said and done, but if you stick around for a while and read their posts, you'll see for yourself.

That word, I do not think it means what you think it means. Using Wentworth's to unload your IOs is the opposite of hoarding. In fact, hoarding precisely means "storing." The exact post has probably long since been pruned, but in the past, the devs have explicitly stated that the storage limits and small inventory capacities were precisely to encourage people to use Wentworth's and the Black Market. "Marketeering" is exactly what you're supposed to be doing with that stuff. Instead of grinding and farming, turn loose of the IOs and use the influence you obtain to acquire what you want or need on your characters.

I respectfully decline this request. For one thing, I'm not going to have you blaming me when something goes wrong. For another, I'm not going to enable you to do yet more stuff that the devs kind of frown on. For yet another, it's not that hard to find. (Or really, to deduce, if you ponder it for a while.)

You're not just asking. Your questions were answered very early in this thread. The nutshell answer is that we don't know whether you'll lose access to your SG/VG base when you switch sides, but based on past experience with the devs, it's entirely possible. But in your post timestamped three and a half hours ago, you started opining on what bases are and aren't, and to be honest, a lot of it directly contradicts things I've read and heard about how the devs feel about bases.

Don't misunderstand me. I'm not mad at you. I just think that you're not hearing the answer you want, and so you are asking the same question over and over and trying to make tangent points to support your point of view and get a different answer. But no matter how you phrase the question, no matter how many times you ask it, and no matter how much you try to support your arguments, the simple fact is that in my opinion (and I don't think I'm alone), based on past statements and behavior by the developers, I don't think they're going to do anything to facilitate hero-to-villain transfers.

To be honest, though, given past history, it would not surprise me if they came up with some new mechanic entirely in the "switching sides" process. Or maybe they will allow direct transfers. Or hell, maybe losing all your stuff will be the price you pay, the burden you have to bear, for switching sides. After all, they've also repeatedly said that it won't be like flipping a switch. If you keep asking, you'll probably even get some people to agree with you. But this isn't a democracy where we vote on what we'd like best. It's a "benevolent dictatorship," and no matter how much we speculate one way or the other, we'll find out when we find out.
the things you say about my "intentions" arent true or on mark however it was a good post and i do have to agree with th rest of everything that you said.

However isnt it a perplexing issue for us all if they wholsale make major changes to the fabric of the game like that. Without any dialouge isnt this ed or pvp changes all over again?

Of course the changes are diferent but isnt the concept of major changes without dialouge with your customrs more of the same.

They are programming as we talk about it and they ( the devs or their sub contractors, or their parent comp) are doing all this coding without any of our feedback or discussion with us,

AND no they clearly dont have to tell us or discuss with the players a thing.

ill still play i do know that. But maybe given past changes perhaps just perhaps they may want to try to go the "xtra mile" to get it right

whatever "right" may be



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
the things you say about my "intentions" arent true or on mark however it was a good post and i do have to agree with th rest of everything that you said.

However isnt it a perplexing issue for us all if they wholsale make major changes to the fabric of the game like that. Without any dialouge isnt this ed or pvp changes all over again?

Of course the changes are diferent but isnt the concept of major changes without dialouge with your customrs more of the same.

They are programming as we talk about it and they ( the devs or their sub contractors, or their parent comp) are doing all this coding without any of our feedback or discussion with us,

AND no they clearly dont have to tell us or discuss with the players a thing.

ill still play i do know that. But maybe given past changes perhaps just perhaps they may want to try to go the "xtra mile" to get it right

whatever "right" may be

okay its not dr,ed, nerf that was a bit extreme.....
i take that back this is new content i just want these thigs adressed



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
i just want these thigs adressed
And they will be... in time.

One other thing that has not been mentioned specifically, is Positron's statement that they, as a development team, will try to make the most number of people happy as possible regarding the way in which SG/VGs will operate in the post-GR environment. Again, and this is getting monotonous, we don't know what that means.

Also, TonyV? I think you are spot on with everything you have said in this thread, and have been admirably pleasant, more so than I might have been.



Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
I don't believe this has been stated categorically yet, actually. If it was, then it may have been during one of the individual Hero Con panels I didn't attend -- I know for a fact it was NOT addressed in the "main" GR presentation during the HC prenote address, nor during a couple of the panels that I did attend.
I believe it was during the "Wouldn't It Be Great If..." panel Posi mentioned we'd be able to act as "gun runners," buying items from one market, then switching sides and selling them for a possible profit. You can check the Podcasts here.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
1) If i take a hero to be a villan for example (blasterA) will that blaster be forced out of an existing supergroup. If that blaster is not I think its appropriate to assume the (blasterA) will keep his or hers supergroup rank, prestige, privligages(i.e. using bins, tps, salvage vaults etc...)

2) if the (blasterA) is forced out of the supergroup is everything lost that the (blasterA) has stored saved etc....

3) I ask because my (blasterA) has a bin of purples a bin of pvp ios a bin of reg ios, as well as 5 bins of large insp and multiple bins of orange salvage. So if i were to choose to go badge on him as he is my badger at 672 do i forfeit all the loot i saved as well as his 10 million prestige. Or is there a mechanism for me to keep all that as well as being able to go to the rouge isles

I also know that not enough info is avail as of yet but i havent heard anyone or read anyone asking this. I think this will need to be adressed for long time players and sg leaders as the will be affected.

Thank you for reading this good day...

Personally, I hope you have to lose access to the SG/VG your a member of, when you fall/redeem.

Mostly, so people have to actually have to make a choice on if they switch, and not go..."I want all the badges" go get all the badges then go back. :P

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
I believe it was during the "Wouldn't It Be Great If..." panel Posi mentioned we'd be able to act as "gun runners," buying items from one market, then switching sides and selling them for a possible profit. You can check the Podcasts here.
That's true, you're right, he sure did. It still doesn't categorize what can and can't be transferred from one side to the other, but it does suggest that at least what you can carry can be ported over...

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server)
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Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
I believe it was during the "Wouldn't It Be Great If..." panel Posi mentioned we'd be able to act as "gun runners," buying items from one market, then switching sides and selling them for a possible profit. You can check the Podcasts here.
I recall hearing that discussion, but couldn't verify which podcast (I listened to them all back to back on a day off)

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
this is exactly what im trying to find out if i "GO rouge" am i kicked from my own sg?
On this specific question: WE DON'T KNOW. Furthermore, I believe the last update from the devs is that they don't know yet either. Ask a thousand times and you still won't get an answer.

As for the stuff stored in the SG base, none of that will be lost as long as you don't do anything careless.

What you need to do is wait for official details to be announced on how SG's will be handled. I would expect it to be about TWO MONTHS before this information is finalized and made available. If you have any questions THEN, or need clarification, feel free to come back and ask us.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
However isnt it a perplexing issue for us all if they wholsale make major changes to the fabric of the game like that. Without any dialouge isnt this ed or pvp changes all over again?

Of course the changes are diferent but isnt the concept of major changes without dialouge with your customrs more of the same.

They are programming as we talk about it and they ( the devs or their sub contractors, or their parent comp) are doing all this coding without any of our feedback or discussion with us,
There's nothing perplexing about it and they seem to be handling it correctly.

Think of it like a car company thinking about a new type of vehicle. They evaluate the market to see if there is demand. Do people want a crossover, small SUV, big sedan, whatever.

Does this community want side-switching? OMG yes. They have been frothing at the mouth about it for a long time.

Now the car company needs to decide about interior details, power train characteristics, engine size, audio system, etc. They sure as hell do NOT try to get feedback on every single detail. They're professionals. They can make these decisions on their own. Will they get them all right? No. But if they look for customer feedback on every possible option, nothing will ever get finished.

There are thousands of nitpicky little decisions the devs need to make. Doing this without consulting the community is the most efficient way to do it. *THEN* they have a beta period during which they get customer feedback. This way, we can evaluate things *IN CONTEXT*. You're worried about storage under the new system. Well, what if the new system adds going rogue AND makes changes to storage? What if SG structure is also affected? Answering one thing is just going to lead to more "What if?" Wait and see how it works AS A COMPLETE SYSTEM.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
They are programming as we talk about it and they ( the devs or their sub contractors, or their parent comp) are doing all this coding without any of our feedback or discussion with us
Two words for you. BETA TESTING.

Of course they're coding it right now without our feedback or discussion. Because they aren't ready for it yet! When the closed beta starts THAT is when the feedback/discussion begins. And in case you didn't catch it before, beta testing is supposed to start this month(If I remember correctly). Just keep in mind, it'll be a closed beta, so unless you're invited to it, you won't get the answers you're looking for until the information is released to the public via official statement. That means... we won't know the answer until you do!



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
However isnt it a perplexing issue for us all if they wholsale make major changes to the fabric of the game like that. Without any dialouge isnt this ed or pvp changes all over again?
You aren't being forced to side switch. There is nothing in Going Rogue that will force you to lose anything, or change anything. They may provide some mechanism to transfer things over besides what's in your pockets, they may not. But the one thing I would bet real money on is that its extremely unlikely they would add special code just to allow single-player SG bases to be teleported from one side to the other.

In any event, anyone taking any action now, to prepare for Going Rogue later, is taking their fate into their own hands. If you do something which later turns out to be deleterious after Going Rogue's feature set is frozen and released, you will have no one to blame but yourself. I would wait until Going Rogue launches before doing anything to my characters that was irreversible in preparation for GR.

There have been lots of posts over the years by players who said basically that they heard/thought/read/guessed the devs were going to do X, so they deleted/purged/sold/moved/erased/swapped/rerolled something, and now they are upset because it turns out they were wrong and believe they are entitled to compensation for being wrong. Don't be one of them. Speculate all you want, but don't act based on anything you read on the forums. None of use without the Red Name knows anything about side-switching authoritatively, and even the Red Names can't be certain, because they are in fact still working on it, and designs change during development.

Perhaps half of all the features of the invention system and the markets changed during I9 beta, and a significant number of the invention sets changed as well. So even if you had the absolute inside word on the feature set for Issue 9, if you made plans based on that info prior to I9 Open Beta, those plans were probably messed up by I9 release.

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thanks for all the feedback.

. I cant wait for GR and look forward to what ever the devs decide.

This wasnt a rant i was just trying to raise a question i had not heard addressd. It will be fun what ever happens and i cant wait for the new content and zones.

was great watching the video from Herocon. The first time i saw it i was just loving the graphics and missed alot of the deails in it. Hope beta hits soon



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
In any event, anyone taking any action now, to prepare for Going Rogue later, is taking their fate into their own hands. If you do something which later turns out to be deleterious after Going Rogue's feature set is frozen and released, you will have no one to blame but yourself. I would wait until Going Rogue launches before doing anything to my characters that was irreversible in preparation for GR.
I run two supergroups - a villain and a hero one. We just moved our villains to the same server as our heroes. Didn't seem much sense being able to side-switch unless we had both villain and hero groups/bases on the same server (and the transfers are free this month).

Beyond that, sure, I'll wait and see. And in the meantime we have the joy of grinding some prestige to get the new villain base properly up and running.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
In regards to my purples they are my drop please iluminate me as to the purpose of bins if not to store stuff....

i farmed 10 mill on my blaster that is a lot of stuff man. If that is not officcally aproived then i am unaware of it. If making an sg and makeing 10 mill pestige is not an"approved" play style please show me that dev post.

Also pease let me know what the devs "intended" bases to be.

Where do you hear,read,see the devs dont like hoarding? im not marketerring im storing my drops, saying im hoarding implies i should use the ww/bm and i do when i want and when i dont want to i store it for an alt

i am unaware of exploits perhaps u can enlighten me as i would love to move a bill or 2 from tri to freedom

i have never read the devs comment on bin usage please enlighten me

i feel i am using mechanics EXACTLY as intended

please read previous posts i dont feel cheated im just asking cause i want to know. That is all. nothing more. my original post is a question please tell me where i should post concerns with regard to GR.

ty for reading this post
Nothing in the game belongs to you. It's all the property of NCSoft. Thus, it's not "your" stuff to take with you.



Originally Posted by Spear0 View Post
Nothing in the game belongs to you. It's all the property of NCSoft. Thus, it's not "your" stuff to take with you.

o come on now. I was refering to the things i have on my account in a legal sense however....

if u are interested some of the things arnt theirs either

ill refer you to patent 6,731,314 and it lawsuits regarding it not to mention many other lawsuits the game and all mmos have had against them.

and in regards to the "MY" aspect its allready been stated in some courts that owner/User generated content is possibly and or is the personal "intellectual Property" of the genertor. Specifically from things that happend in the mmo secondlife and WoW. Of course there is the end user agreement but its been established that you can not give away or agree to give up your rights for example when you get a sjob and sign a contract if you ever sign a non-compete clause it wont hold up in court that infringes on you constituional rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiess. with certain exceptions such as miranda and even then you can reclaim them ex post facto i belive via the 5th ammendment.

in fact i would argue that the stuff on my account is mine. And not the property of ncsoft, when i buy a coke or a pepsi its not theirs anymore.

I of course with that pepsi or coke cannot now re-market it or use its logos thats their rights. Ios, salvage, etc... it is kind of the smae thing. Ncsoft made it i bought it now its mine. As long as im not remarketing it in a non approved way. Or change the codeing etc... to further damage their I.P. rights.

this is how they say it. in the EULA

(c) Member Content. Members can upload to and create content on our servers in various forms, such as in selections you make and characters, certain additions to the game world, and items you create for the Game(s), and in bulletin boards and similar user-to-user areas ("Member Content"). By submitting Member Content to or creating Member Content on any area of the Service, you (i) you represent and warrant that you have the necessary rights to submit such Member Content; (ii) the Member Content does not infringe the proprietary rights of any third-party, including intellectual property rights; and

this part is where u agree to actually forfeit a right under the law. Its common practice but if you wanted to sue you could u cant give away your rights.

(iii) acknowledge and agree that such Member Content is the sole property of NC Interactive. To the extent that NC Interactive cannot claim exclusive rights in Member Content by operation of law, you hereby grant (or you warrant that the owner of such Member Content has expressly granted) to NC Interactive and its related Game Content Providers a non-exclusive, universal, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicenseable right to exercise all rights of any kind or nature associated with such Member Content, and all ancillary and subsidiary rights thereto, in any languages and media now known or not currently known. You shall indemnify and hold NC Interactive and its affiliates harmless from and against any claims by third parties that your Member Content infringes upon, violates or misappropriates any of their intellectual property or other proprietary rights.

clearly it gets complicated but your stuff is yours and mine is mine. within reasonably resposible usage of that stuff. Ill try to find the law that identifies it as such its not to recent a suit. So it will take me time i had an arguement with my inlaws about i.p. rights when peope were selling property on secondlife for real money.