Random civilians becomes random custom group
Not sure if I'm reading this correctly...
If you're saying that some mobs are appearing showing the wrong group alignment (in the targetting window under the mob name) then yes - I've had it and I'm sure I remember others mentioning it during beta.
It's damn irritating, but one of the bugs that doesn't really affect gameplay - though I do wonder if some ratings will be marked down for apparently illogical groupings caused purely by this bug.
Can't actually recall if I /bugged that one though...
Of course - I may have misunderstood your post!
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my toons
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No, some "hostages" set a random civilians becomes random custom mob members. So I get a group from my custom mob holding one of their own as hostage... :P
Yup - I had that when trying to use random police officer.
I /bug'ed it.
Well, as the subject says. I have 7 people to rescue in a mission I'm currently trying out. Three of those are set as "custom" and they're working as intended. Four are set to standard/civilian/random but was comes out in the mission is random from the same custom group who are the enemies in the mission.
Searched some but haven't found anything pointing towards this being a known bug. Tried logging out/in and restarting the test, same thing. Has anyone else had this?