Kings Row Radio (Podcast)
Hey, this sounds a pretty cool idea. I'm not really an RP person, but I think it would be neat to listen to what other people come up with. Who knows, perhaps it may even get me interested in it too?
I'm gonna have a play and see if I can make some jingles/adverts...
**2 hours later, submits a 50th time**
Given the story arc I'm currently doing, I just have to ask...
Is the radio evil?
Watch Television!
(Ahem, awesome idea. I look forward to listening)
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
The radio will be a kind of pirate station we will interview heroes and villains. Just like the PDP (that is the club paragon dance party right) It is neutral space as that is where the station is based.
We don't care about your alliance all we care about is your personal story. And every one has a story to tell so why not tell yours on the Kings Row Radio the Super Radio station.
Hi there I have a new idea for a podcast about city of heroes/villains. And I'm looking for some feed back and maybe help with it.
The basic idea of it has been laid out on my blog over at gax but if you dont want to pop over there and read it I will also post it here for you to read.
This is an out line of an Idea I had last night while I was playing City of Heroes. It was an idea for a new podcast and one as far as I know has not been done before.
The basic idea is to get players to come on to the show so that I can interview them. But the difference is that instead of interviewing the player I would be interviewing the Hero/Villain so in other words the entier show would be done In character.
I have chatted to a couple of people that I know in game about this idea and they all seem to think that it could work and could be a fun project.
Of course The show relies upon getting guests and them having some sort of idea about who there character is i.e. back story personality ect ect.
Of course this would mean that you couldn't have a guy on the show that plays a girl super hero/villain as it would be a bit silly. And I'm sure that this type would probably appeal more to the Role Player than your average gamer.
If the idea take off it would be cool if we could get some players to do IC sections about there favorite class powers sets giving in depth descriptions to powers and play styles.
I was thinking of calling the show Paragon Radio but not to sure if any one else has an idea for name I'm willing to accept submissions. Also it would be cool if people could send in radio adverts or jingles for the show.
All I need now is a I mean guest for the show to see if its possible.
So what Im looking for is feed back on this idea and any one that wants to be the the first guest. Also if any one wants to help by making jingles adverts then please get in touch.