710 -
For a game doing fine it sure tries to look not doing fine.
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You do know a game with 200k subs is a very profitable concern. -
Cant see an event happening not after the lay off 80% of there staff. Hell cant see NCsoft being in the western market after 2009.
100% right sir some people have forgotten that a game like this is built by the community and not by them alone.
But that is not to say this game or these boards do not have people that about the game and community. My advice come to the boards listen to the people that care and ignore the people that think they matter. Find your self a good VG or SG and have fun.
Im sure you can tell the people to avoid and the people to listen to. -
Dark Armour cant stand teaming with them either its the noise.
Any one else notice that Google has been haxed or is just me. Any better safe than sorry don use Google for search today as you dont know what your going to get.
Sorry that does kinda come off as a bit of an arsey comment. What I'm trying to say is your server was probably very different to a MMO server.
As I'm sure that's it not that hard to make t possible to have every toon in every MMO have animated hair but Im also sure that it would cause extra stress on the players system and that of the servers as well. So why not just not have animated hair as it would be easier.
But that's not to say that I don't want to see animated hair in MMO games. -
NWN 1 was a single player game
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Erm, wrong, I DM'd a NWN1 server. And he's right it had animated hair, like the cloaks.
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OK did your NWN1 server hold over 4,000 players that could all be on line all at once. -
Depends. Actually, NWN 1 of all things, had animated hair, and quite good ones (about the same level as CoX cloth) So, it doesn't need to be that big a performance hit as it might seem if done properly. Of course, IF they use physics engine to do that, things are different...
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NWN 1 was a single player game CoX cloaks not every one has them in fact only certain PCs. Now you make every one have animated hair which is going to affect more PCs and NPCs then your going to see a major effect on game performance. -
SO if a rumour about updating engines to the Aion engine for the next incarnation of COH is true.. Could those lovely locks finally sway in the wind?
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It would be nice, yes
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While I can see that hair that moves could be cool I don't think its a good idea for CoH. I cant really any MMO that has animated hair I think that it would make it harder for older PCs to play the game. -
Just for a few words about Jumpgate: Evolution FG, it's still in developement but is nearing a Beta phase (as in within the next two-three months), it too is an MMO I'm excited about.
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Yeah, an e-mail was sent within the last few days saying the beta was being issued sometime this year. However, since they said the exact same thing more than once last year, I won't be holding my breath.
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The Beta will be happening this year. I did an interview with Herman Petersheck at connect 08 last year a great guy.
http://www.veoh.com/videos/v68676929Hb4T6K5 Thats where the video is hosted if you want to watch it. -
Sadly the only thing I can say is sorry I nave not yet set up a RSS feed I will do this by the weekend so it makes it easier for people to listen to.
Also I hope to have a a full show for people to listen to to by next weekend. -
I would HUGELY enjoy Nemesis attacks like this
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I hope you all know TsumijuZero is a nemesis plot. -
Thanks for the feed back on the idea. I have kind dropped the IC stuff and will only do it if people want to do it IC. Might have to check out screw attack my self.
Yeah the lotro show does have a co-host. I will be setting up an RSS for Kings Row Radio and submitting it to i-tunes after I get my first guest on the show which I am working on at the moment. But glad you like it.
No you need to pay for your account with a credit card for recuring payment as the system no longer takes debit cards.
I think the DEV have been in croatia since the zone went live.
To dam expensive for a slot when you consider you can get a full from live or the PSN for the same price. I'm all for micro transactions as long as there that.
Because it easier to down grade the player power sets with out having to change every thing else in the game that's why.
Not saying that I wont interview people IC if thats what they want. But I don't think I will be putting on a voice for it.
This is an introduction cast to Kings Row Radio a Pod Cast about City Of Heroes and City of Villains. We want you the players of this great game to come on to the show and talk about your experiences in game come on don't be shy tell us about your Heroes and Villains.
Jesus Rocky calm down already, and lets just let this go, enough has been said about the AAB 4 its done, its dusted, Panda doesnt like it, fair enough, we did.
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I'm not angry who said I was angry. -
I DO have my OWN podcast and its has an awful lot of listeners it comes out twice weekly and my listener base continues to grow so I must be doing some thing right.
And I am also going to start MY OWN CoH podcast soon which will be based upon the format OF MY VERY POPULAR lotro podcast.
Wow putting emphasis on words is more fun that it looks. Also if your going to do a you podcast expect to get criticism good or bad. And that all that I was doing was pionting out that if your going to bleep out the swearing why swear.
So you can now stick a fork in it as its done.