Nemesis plot.....
So, are all the "Nice day" citizens Nemesis automatons?
Is it a Nemesis plot?
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All citizens are Nemesis automatons. Including you.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
So, are all the "Nice day" citizens Nemesis automatons?
Is it a Nemesis plot?
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All citizens are Nemesis automatons. Including you.
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Me? How the heck di.... Lord Nemesis is watching you, Alvan... d you come to that conclusion?
Woo, more invasions!
And I, for one, would be happy to start butchering the pedestrians, should they spring into combat mode - serves them right for g'damn PUSHING me all the time.
Oooh, now that would be an interesting development.And a moral dilemma. Somewhere in that crowd is a person waiting for a chance to kill you. Now you could do a preemptive strike but he could be one of the civilians you are sworn to protect.Collateral damage.
Oh man, that's fantastic. I hope they do do something with these citizens in the future, but even if they don't - having NPCs randomly say, "Lord Nemesis is watching you" is highly creepy.
Very, very cool.
Its not all a Nemesis plot...
Its ALL a Nemesis plot!
-nods sagely-
Yeah, I love some of the litte details in game, like this and the Stranded women in the Hollows. Things that add a little spark to a sometimes dull street.
Giles, crack out the EMP grenades and the pulse carbine. We're going bot hunting!
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I love some of the litte details in game, like this and the Stranded women in the Hollows
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They do add a little surprise and a little sparkle to the game. I accidentally 'defeated' one of those stranded woman in Hollows. I didn't see her standing next to some explosives a bunch of trolls were playing with. I blew the whole lot up and then spotted her lying there. I consoled myself with the idea that she was probably a plant anyway...
Wait, you *can* hit certain civvies? Thats news to me >.>
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Wait, you *can* hit certain civvies? Thats news to me >.>
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Well, some of those 'stranded woman' are not stranded at all, as soon as you get close to them they skip away laughing while a bunch of skulls or hellions pour out of the nearest building to ambush you. I assumed the one that died was one of those, honey trap I think they call it and that one certainly died - or was at least unconscious for a while. I was too slow to take a screenshot unfortunately
I love some of the litte details in game, like this and the Stranded women in the Hollows
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They do add a little surprise and a little sparkle to the game. I accidentally 'defeated' one of those stranded woman in Hollows. I didn't see her standing next to some explosives a bunch of trolls were playing with. I blew the whole lot up and then spotted her lying there. I consoled myself with the idea that she was probably a plant anyway...
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Occationally you'll see a stranded women and when you go near them you'll get attacked by an out of sight mob and she'll run off saying something like "there you are darling". A bit like the "sleeping" freaks in bricks "got you sucker"
So, are all the "Nice day" citizens Nemesis automatons?
Is it a Nemesis plot?
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All citizens are Nemesis automatons. Including you.
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Fulcy is too old to be a nemesis automaton, he wouldve rusted solid by now
But seriously, I have noticed that once or twice, made me double take but then I just carried on thinking nothing else of it. Unless thats what nemesis wants me to think.
But then again he could be wanting me to think that I should think that....but then agai....(head explodes)
Reading around and found something quite apt....this is a great little subject on the type of villain Nemesis is.
Originally I thought he fit with the Xanatos Gambit but in fact he fits more in the Xanatos Roulette
Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"
So, are all the "Nice day" citizens Nemesis automatons?
Is it a Nemesis plot?
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All citizens are Nemesis automatons. Including you.
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Me? How the heck di.... Lord Nemesis is watching you, Alvan... d you come to that conclusion?
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Now that was funny
I can only hope that it is all connected to the coming storm.
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
Villain 50's - 1
Would love to see a Nemesis zone attack would be very cool
Originally I thought he fit with the Xanatos Gambit but in fact he fits more in the Xanatos Roulette
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Actually, Nemesis is just a puppet of TVTropers, who secretly plot to take over the world by stopping any productive work at places with the Internet connections and making all of us speaking only in teeveetropisms. And there's nothing Xanatos about that, it's just Genre Savvines-powered Indy Ploy, - condensed pop culture is Too Awesome to Not To Work. im confuddled
Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"
they should have a nemesis raid, where the civies turn and start shooting everyone
like zombies/rikti
Would love to see a Nemesis zone attack would be very cool
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It might involve the steam horses too
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Isnt it triggered by doing one of the nemesis arcs Iv had it for a while now whenever iv done it (cant recall which one).
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
I would HUGELY enjoy Nemesis attacks like this

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
I would HUGELY enjoy Nemesis attacks like this
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I hope you all know TsumijuZero is a nemesis plot.
I would HUGELY enjoy Nemesis attacks like this
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Me too!
That's why I had to share it, it just felt like such a great idea for the next invasion type and it fitted in so well with the way those citizens have been behaving like the automatons that you get in some Nemesis missions.
I could imagine it being the kind of epic story that I used to read in Marvel comics when I was a nipper... (and Strykes me ol' China, I can (just about...) remember that far back
I love fighting Nemesis. A Nemesis invasion would be excellent.
On a side note, I think the Nemesis have the best models in the game. To whoever designed them; good job.
All the people are fake, the cities are fake. You as a hero is fake. But sometimes i wake up drooling on my keyboard in the middle of night, and see my hero running or jumping, but he stops as i raise my head off the keyboard. Its like matrix, only its real..... blue side and red side???? which i pick???

Someone mentioned recently that the variety of responses that you get from clicking on one of Paragon City's citizens seems to have changed at some stage.
You used to get a number of different comments from them, but now you only get "It's a nice day" or an information message such as time spent on patrol if their name begins with the relevant letter.
Well, I think it might be a Nemesis plot!!
While I was standing near Talos train station, a citizen called Tony walked past, chatting on his mobile, and his conversation went something like:
"Yeah, it is, I was talking to my cous.... Lord Nemesis is watching you, Quantum Dark.... sin about it last week"!!!
So, are all the "Nice day" citizens Nemesis automatons?
Is it a Nemesis plot?
Is the next invasion going to be all those citizens being switched on at some stage by Nemesis so that every city zone becomes a battleground??
Or is it just a perfectly simple case of paranoia on my part?
And has anyone else noticed this message cropping up?