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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    I want my belt back

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    That belt is still in game under standard belt and then change the skin option.

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    no, it isn't.

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    That belt vanished ages ago! Why?

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    Because... Ahem... *clears throat*

    It was considered a bug that you could access it in the first place.
    True story.
    It was supposed to be a NPC only part.

    And that was the story about the missing belt. Now go to bed!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Otherwise it's waiting for Black Prophecy to come out for a decent spacebased MMO.

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    Think CoH but in space. Almost infinite possibilities when it comes to how you can customize your ship!
    And the best aprt of it? I'm there!

    Jumpgate... Pffft... *pretends to be a dog and buries it in the backyard*

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    Well just registered for Beta now...will give it a go to see what it's all about

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    Good boy. *gives Mechano a cracker*

    I used to be interested in Jumpgate but after seeing the gameplay trailer of Black Prophecy... Whats Jumpgate again?
    Seriously... Made me forget about Jumpgate.
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    Otherwise it's waiting for Black Prophecy to come out for a decent spacebased MMO.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Think CoH but in space. Almost infinite possibilities when it comes to how you can customize your ship!
    And the best aprt of it? I'm there!

    Jumpgate... Pffft... *pretends to be a dog and buries it in the backyard*
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    nice welcome to the forums "i'll definatly be coming back"
    from now on i'm stayin away from here and stickin to the game

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    You call this unwelcome? HAH!
    You should have been here when I first entered the scene.
    Now that was nasty.

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    yeah but we knew you were coming

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    Can't spell disaster without Chat!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    nice welcome to the forums "i'll definatly be coming back"
    from now on i'm stayin away from here and stickin to the game

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    You call this unwelcome? HAH!
    You should have been here when I first entered the scene.
    Now that was nasty.
  6. Oh why not just...
    1:Lower the XP the more objectives there are.
    You know... eightyeleven objectives(hostages, destructables... etc) will lower the maximum amount of xp a lot.
    Or As Rent_ said about 200 enemies... It would also lower the xp you can earn from them.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Chat bug, chat bug and chat bug(s)

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    Hey! The Chat resent that!
  8. Oh the geometry in several zones.
    Like Faultline. Got a building that is floating a few centimeters above the ground.
    And in other zones you can find floating boxes and tress.
    A mission(graveyard with a huge hole in the middle with all the graves) even got a huge boulder attached to a tiny tiny branch(on an elevated cliff to the south real hard not to miss).
    Chat just remember that Chat took pictures of it!
    Small things like this is annoying.
    Don't mind the pink butt. It's one of them homosexuals
  9. Does costume bugs count?
    Been like this since I6.
    Not very subtle either...
  10. [ QUOTE ]

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    Oh that's rather catchy.
    Should turn into a rap.
  11. Chatarsis

    Operation MA 50

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    So your point would now be that the last four issues didn't have much content. Last time we had serious content would be Issue 10 the invasion?

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    The zones lack content. Not the Issues.
    Cimerora=A co-op Tf and a few missions(repetable does not count) Just that... Ends fast.
    Ollonborre=A couple of TF/SFs wannabes and old content with a new filter!

    I liked the issue that came with Cimerora(whatever its name was...). The TF is one of the most fun I've had in ages.
    The Ollonborre issue... Well umm... Was that Issue *insert number here*: Travel made easy!

    Issue 13=when I started to consider to put my money elsewhere... Which I have done now for a loooooong time.
    Issue 14=THE END!

    No more Chat after reactivation weekend is over.
  12. Chatarsis

    Operation MA 50

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    Because plenty of people are already ignoring(read as not bothering with it) MA and thinks the last 2 issues have been wasted.

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    I am willing to bet good money that more people have spent more time playing with the MA then in Cimerora or Ouroboros combined.

    Course I can't prove it, and neither can you disprove it.

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    Because Cimerora lacks content and Ollonborre is... Not really content?

    Ehh... *shrug*
    But it is true as you can say that neither you or I can prove any of it.
  13. Chatarsis

    Operation MA 50

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    That would leave the MA as the place to go to experience new story lines.

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    The trouble is, with the rewards removed/lowered a lot, no one will bother with it, it will just be another empty zone.

    Which means 2 issues wasted.

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    Your post is funny.

    The irony...

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    Sorry i missed the irony in what i said?

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    Because plenty of people are already ignoring(read as not bothering with it) MA and thinks the last 2 issues have been wasted.
    Guess it's only a facepalm moment if you are ignoring it.
  14. Chatarsis

    Operation MA 50

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    That would leave the MA as the place to go to experience new story lines.

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    The trouble is, with the rewards removed/lowered a lot, no one will bother with it, it will just be another empty zone.

    Which means 2 issues wasted.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Your post is funny.

    The irony...
  15. But now he is easier to find for the new players.
    Do you want to make the new players walk a bit extra and actually learn how to navigate through hollows?
    I think not!
    Flux stays!

    This post has been brought to you by Chat Unlimited. Bringing sarcasm to you!

    Anyways... /signed
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    chat should stop referring to her self in the 3rd person before men in a whit van come and take her to a nice padded cell

    Plus it wouldn't be a double load as the servers don't contain the same number of players.

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    But Chat thinks padded cells are comfy.

    Heck... Even these days if the player number goes over 600(What? It has happened...) on a server here the lag increase at a staggering rate. 500 players is a problem as well.
    So if you were to put everyone from the 4 servers on the same it would mean a lot more load on the network and servers=Slide show for most people.

    The structure of the bridge will handle the load but the material they made it from wont... Or something like that.
    Fail in either case(be it server or network) they both fail.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    Teeny tiny problem... EU servers can't handle double the load.

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    Sorry chat but that's wrong the servers can handle the load what cant take the load is the network infrastructure in the EU.

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    Chat might be wrong about the servers but Chat is still right about it not being able to take the double load... Sadly.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    Teeny tiny problem... EU servers can't handle double the load.

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    They can't handle the current load when there's any sort of 'event' running!

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    True true.
    But just think about an event on a server with double the load.
    Can anyone here spell total disaster?

    On the other hand... With all the problems that a EU server with double load would have... compensation would be on 24/7 with double xp.
  19. Teeny tiny problem... EU servers can't handle double the load.
  20. I usually don't do this but... I like coolio soooo...

    The Chat wishes you a happy birthday.
  21. *sniffles*
    I remember when poptart_fairy was just a tiny lil girl trying to make herself heard in the rouge isles.

    Can someone that left the game ages ago say to someone leaving now that they will be missed btw?
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    See, this is what Posi should have said! Nice one War Witch, they should make you official Spokesperson too!

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    Would that have prevented all those 'i leave' topics?

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    Personally? I think it would have limited the number of them.
    If some "this is what we're doing" had been added, then I think it would have stopped most of them.

    But as you say in a different way, that is hind sight.

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    I can honestly say that if this message was the real one then I would have had my hopes for this game still intact.
    Sadly it was not and my hopes are... In another game.(not CO or any Superhero game)