Never thought I'd say this...




I know you've all heard this rant many times before, but i'm really considering leaving the game for good now...

Been playing 4 years last Feb, started on EU release date, and im finally fed up with everything, the way the games evolving and things like that..

what im basically on this post for is to let everyone know and if anyone knows of any good MMOs thats worth a try..

Currently checking out EVE Online but doesnt seem to have any actual content to it.

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



Hello Kitty online has gotten good reviews.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



EVE Online is a job. At its core the game utterly sucks, it's the most damnably boring thing I have ever had the misery to come across in my life, what makes people like it is the whole PVP community aspect to it, which means corporations and such, and yeah, it's not a hobby, it's a freaking job. You've got to take it seriously.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



EVE Online is a job. At its core the game utterly sucks, it's the most damnably boring thing I have ever had the misery to come across in my life, what makes people like it is the whole PVP community aspect to it, which means corporations and such, and yeah, it's not a hobby, it's a freaking job. You've got to take it seriously.

[/ QUOTE ]

This..not only that it has the stupidly highest learning curve of any MMO, if you can take it real seriously AND get through all the guff you have to learn to play effiecently it might be an awesome experience for you.

Otherwise it's waiting for Jumpgate: Evolution to come out for a decent spacebased MMO.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




Otherwise it's waiting for Black Prophecy to come out for a decent spacebased MMO.

[/ QUOTE ]
Think CoH but in space. Almost infinite possibilities when it comes to how you can customize your ship!
And the best aprt of it? I'm there!

Jumpgate... Pffft... *pretends to be a dog and buries it in the backyard*



4 years is a long-time in anybody's book Infurnus. If you are frustrated by the evolution of the game and decide on a break theres always Champions-Online.. a Superheroic MMO by Cryptic incoming this summer and 2 other superhero MMOs in the works, DCUO in 2010 and MUO a while later. Theres also StarTrek Online and StarWars:The Old Republic in the works.

Whatever you decide to do, keep in touch.

If you do decide to take a break, take care.



EvE Online...? Yahtzi summed EvE up pretty well here;

But here's my experience of the game;

* Play Elite, Frontier, and Frontier First Encounters to death.

* See EvE Online, notice it steals not just the basic design but even the type face Frontier uses. Think "Hmmm, maybe I should give this a go!"

* Take out the 14 day trial, but discover that PvE is fantastically poor; there's literally only 4-5 possible missions, most of which even then involve shooting a blob so far off you never see what it looks like. And you can't land on any of the planets, unlike Frontier. Discover that the training times for skill progression gets incredibly long (even though it works whilst offline) and you are expected to feed the market (which solo means endless mining) or PvP in the months of wait between being able to upgrade ships. Decide not to renew...

* Years later, after particularly traumatic MMO related real life issues, find I've not got any social games to play. Remember EvE is supposedly much better in groups, and decide to take out a 1 month sub. Sign up to EvE University, an in game training corporation. Yes, you read that right, there's an entire Corp dedicated to helping newbies understand all the ridiculous techno-babble...

* EvE Uni has war declared against it a week or so into my renewal. I decide to try and get as involved as I can. This turns out to mean sitting for LITERALLY 8 hours a day orbiting on a gate or outside a station, waiting for someone to decide they want to tackle the insane odds outside (surprisingly, no one does) whilst drunken people who are in the leading-clique of the Corp ramble on about their pointless lives and mean opinions, and give orders that make little strategical sense. Any attempt to debate those tactics outside of the ruling circles is quickly slapped down, either by an appeal to popularity or tradition.

* In about 2 weeks of "war", I'd logged in nearly 70 hours of orbiting stations, and I'd seen maybe 5 outright fights; One of which involved nearly 200 lowbie ships (including my own) just go POP to smart bombs of various kinds upon entering a gate, one which involved chasing a small marauding band who just fled into a station before they could be killed, and one which actually led to combat to the death, and I just orbited around the targets using Tackling gear (preventing them fleeing)... until I got targeted and also popped.

* Decide the idea of "community" and "excitement" in EvE really isn't my cup of tea at all; quit EvE Uni, ship all my surviving ships and resources back out to the starting systems, and occasionally mine whilst having an evening-shave until my account lapses, as at least the lasers and dust cloud-scapes are pretty. And never go back again.

Regarding MMOs that are good; well it's hard to say, as I've emotionally burnt out on many of them.

Ultima Online was fantastic, despite the complaints of those who wanted it to stay (and still demand to this day that it return to being) a Medieval EvE. And it had the same sense of innovation as CoH does, introducing so many great ideas like true player housing, which later on became fully customizable... but it's suffering the same problems as CoH now, mainly a complete lack of unified design ethos, and it's well over a decade old, so even with it's positives it literally creaks at the seams to play these days, even with a new engine upgrade. Perhaps worth a try, but you'll be joining it in it's twilight years now.

World of Warcraft is undeniably addictive, but the end game is hardcore raiding; I watched a group of virtual and real life friends slowly morph into raiding automatons; change from light hearted and sociable funsters into patronizing loot obsessed selfish monsters... so I find it very, very hard to recommend it. I've also heard that the lower level content has been massively increased in XP rewards to power everyone through it, so even with a new and innocent heart, I'm not sure if the WoW I experienced is still there any more. It's enormously popular for a reason, but I don't know if I can myself give you one to try it... take out a trial account and decide for yourself.

Warhammer Online I've thought about, but only the l33t Bo|\|3 |)o0|)z seem to be raving about it, which is an instant red flag to me. I love the setting and the concept, but I've not heard anything that attracts the independent player in me... PvP can be fun, but I like to be able to have other ways of expressing myself in game too.

Anyway, these comments are getting rambling and not very useful. So I shall stop them there. Long story short though; I don't think you are wrong about EvE, but I don't know what else to honestly suggest... I suspect when I close my CoH account again, that'll be it for MMOs for myself too.



Age of Conan is worth a look!, (if your rig can run it suffienciently) - They are also doing a free trial at the mo.




Otherwise it's waiting for Black Prophecy to come out for a decent spacebased MMO.

[/ QUOTE ]
Think CoH but in space. Almost infinite possibilities when it comes to how you can customize your ship!
And the best aprt of it? I'm there!

Jumpgate... Pffft... *pretends to be a dog and buries it in the backyard*

[/ QUOTE ]

Well just registered for Beta now...will give it a go to see what it's all about

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ive been patiently waiting in line for Black Prophecy for a while now.

Looks to be a fun one.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



EvE online - I played for almost 3 years and had a tremendous amount of entertainment for my money. Yes it is complicated, no there is no instant gratification anything you decide to specialise in requires a lot of effort.

The new tutorial has enabled fresh starters to gain a foot in the ladder of fun earlier, I played the free trial myself a few weeks ago and found it much easier to get going than back in the old days. Not enough to tempt me back to my old characters though.

If you want complex, absorbing, risk vs reward seat of the pants action coupled with long term commitment to your chosen path then this is the one to try.

World of Warcraft - Spent on and off 2 years enjoying to different degrees WoW. It is eyecatching, it's FUN, it's compelling and it will keep you going back for more if it hits the right spot for you.

It is also busy, every zone has all the pests you sometimes find in atlas tenfold.

There are many many nice people in WoW if you take the time to sift through the chaff and I have no doubt it will draw me back for another session in the future.

Age of Conan I had a recent look at, the graphics (the water, it is awesome) are staggering in places. They have taken a lot of ideas from WoW, the traders,banks,mail system, missions etc etc... for me there is something missing. It just doesn't quite do it, but there are still a lot of bugs being ironed out. It has room for improvement but I doubt the market will give it the time it needs to get there.

Guild Wars - tried it, wish I had saved my pennies, just not enough there in terms of content and character uniqueness to make me want to play it for more than 2 days.

I play too much hope this helps a little



WAR is good, I've gone back to that a couple of times. It has PvP that is actually more enjoyable than a visit to the dentist.

I really should do something about this signature.



i only play MMO's that have a trail so can't say much about games that don't, but eve is one game i will never touch.
to complicated and not clear on what the game actually is all about.
pvp is the last thing i would ever play, so that's not the part i like.

i dunno if WAR has a trail, but if it does then i might try it just to see if it's worth it.

guild wars is good, barely any level grind and when you hit the level cap, the game is far from over.
i'm playing for about 3.7 years, and even while there are some things i don't like about it, that's more because of the lifespan.
i play long, so i have done about everything there is to do, and since i don't like grind titles is not what can keep me buzzy.
but do know that GW is very newbe fiendly, you get good explanations and it easy to pick up.
best thing ofcouse is the thing that makes it popular, no monthly fee.

dome WoW on both legal and illigal ways, and it still bores me to death.
the game is unfinished and there are a lot of things they could have done a great amount better.
let's just say the game is to much made for grind and to less made for how the player plays, you ether have uber gear or you're dead.

lord of the rings online is something a bit more traditional, you attack the enemy and the faster you attack, the easier you survive.
can't say much about it because like WoW, the grind is high.
but to lighten this, it's more fun to play and level there because there are many things to look forward to.
the environment is just wonderful there, if there is one thing that just deserves a reward, it's the world art.
and if you have ever seen the 3 movies, you can reconise some parts in the game.

just a review from a grind hater.




Otherwise it's waiting for Black Prophecy to come out for a decent spacebased MMO.

[/ QUOTE ]
Think CoH but in space. Almost infinite possibilities when it comes to how you can customize your ship!
And the best aprt of it? I'm there!

Jumpgate... Pffft... *pretends to be a dog and buries it in the backyard*

[/ QUOTE ]

Well just registered for Beta now...will give it a go to see what it's all about

[/ QUOTE ]
Good boy. *gives Mechano a cracker*

I used to be interested in Jumpgate but after seeing the gameplay trailer of Black Prophecy... Whats Jumpgate again?
Seriously... Made me forget about Jumpgate.



Isn't it rated 23+ though?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a good job Infurnus is 23+ then

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle