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  1. Some great advice in this thread, I have always admired efficient leader's who communicate clearly with short frequent messages.

    I am a good little soldier, played for many years and happy to follow but freeze if the star lands on me for any reason and get rid of it like a hot potatoe, so hat's off to anyone willing to take on the responsibility.

    I wonder if there would be any benefit to some kind of mentoring scheme where players who fancied becoming efficient leaders could be taken on a few runs and given some tips by the more confident and proven successful leaders?
  2. Apologies if this is classed as resurrecting an old post but it was the most recent I could find using the search options.

    The visual effect from the hasten power is not something I have ever really thought about before, however having just invested in the Ascension Radiance Armour set, rushed to the tailor and got all gussied up in my new outfit I could have saved 6 merits and not bothered with the gloves!!

    It's horrible, I have two glowing balls of fire instead of hands which makes the effect of the radiance gloves completely lost.

    Please can we have the option of no effect for hasten power, please.
  3. Saw this yesterday and it looks very good, the bit at the very end where the younger K speaks and it sounds so like TLJ it could be dubbed is spooky.

    Also saw the Season 2 Game of Thrones trailer, not sure why they are officially calling it that but still, the trailer looked good.
  4. Oooh oooh, I just remembered another couple of must see movies I haven't noticed mentioned,

    Pitch Black of course followed by The Chronicles of Riddick.
  5. Sorry if these are repeats but I have to throw my 3 all time ever favourites and I can't give them any preference as they are all just the best:-


    Blade Runner

  6. I have to echo the 'variety' theme but I would also say do not discount the power of the Forums.
    I have often commented to people that of all the MMO's and games around, these forums are the most active, the most informative and the most visited and contributed to by the red names.
    If I am having a break from the game I still visit here every day and I can guarantee after only a short time I will see/read something that will inspire me to get back ingame and join in again.
  7. Another quick question on this one, where do you go to see your points accrual?
    I must be either missing these points or missing where to see them.

    Many thanks
  8. Yes 14 day time cards are available and Amazon UK had a nice price on them recently making them good news for someone like me who enjoyed popping back from time to time.

    Thank you for confirming the points system has started already, I shall apply both making a months subscription which should kick off my points then.
  9. I wonder if anyone can help with clearing this up for me.

    I recall reading that the points system will come into force now and anyone having an active subscription on the 1st July will start to receive the monthly allocation of points. (I can't find the post but it was by an official, maybe that date was just as an example and it has not yet happened)

    Will this work the same for accounts who use game time cards?

    Are there any restrictions, for example I have 2 x 14 day cards, do I need to apply them both at once to make up a month's time before my points will be allocated?

    Many thanks if someone can answer this for me
  10. It was horribly, horribly laggy at the start, I moved from Atlas to PI in the hope it improved and it didn't however, after crashing in PI I moved back to Atlas and as the event progressed it improved greatly.
    Unsure if this was due to people spreading out across the zones or something being done to improve the situation but it was much better after the first half an hour.
  11. You know what I would love, a paragon time, or a coh time, or a game time.
    Lets do away with all these different time zones and just have the one, with a quick feed we can have running on our desktops.
    Everything can be quoted in game time then and we all know where we are in an instant.
  12. Not wishing to rain on any parades but I have to be honest and say the server status hitting 2 dots regularly worries me a little.

    Our lovely game when all is said and done (in particular EU side) is not the busiest MMO out there, and yet the server capacity is such that we are hitting mid and even heavy loads some evenings (yellow and even red dots on union).

    Now for all you people taking a sharp draw on your breath and preparing to rip me to shreds, I am not saying I am unhappy that the servers are busy, I am very happy they are, what concerns me is that it takes not huge numbers to fill them up.

    Last night I gave up trying to play, I was running around new zones and rubber banding so much it was no fun at all. Load times are off the scale, you can almost mash a cuppa going into a mission. Broadcast was full of people having problems with lag/rubberbanding etc.

    Loving the new zones and the new issue, disliking the fact it seems to be tipping our servers over and wondering why.
  13. We just got this on Sis P TF, has anyone found a work around or do we just hope for a support response?
  14. And there I thought I was the only one.

    To me they look like they have been cut from the page of a comic and pasted into my game, they just, don't, fit, somehow.
    It is hard to explain but they look out of place and not correct with their surroundings, plus they are too big and too noisy for me to enjoy.
    Happy for all those who are thoroughly enjoying them though.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Dates are chewey, Carn.

    Also: What kind of absurd thing are you gonna ask for next, that people look and see if there's already a recent thread or 100 with the same problem for people to post in instead of starting yet another one? Silly, Carn. Very silly.
    I am not sure what is worse to be honest, starting the 36th post on the same topic or necro posting the one on the same subject from 2009. (sure caught me out)

    What it says to me though is a few things, we still have the same issue one year (and probably more) later, also fewer repeat posts would be made if the problem was addressed so people knew what was happening.

    As of 10 seconds ago the online store is still unavailable on Union at least.
  16. I beg your pardon I had indeed missed the date of the post and thought it in response to today's issues.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost Falcon View Post
    Hmm...the in-game store appears to be online, and after checking with our Ops team, no outtages were reported.

    Please note that we did publish a new build to the Live servers today, and that if you logged in right after the publish was completed, the online store may not be immediately visible/available.

    If you come across this again on the EU servers, please file a Support Ticket.

    Ghost Falcon, with respect how can you have not seen what must now be hundreds of forum posts regarding the fact the store is and has been down the entire day.
    If the 'Ops Team' are telling you this is not the case then they need to either visit specsavers or put some different checks in place.
    There are a huge number of players either unable to make a character at all because all their available slots are full or are unable to make a character on the server of their choice.
    We have waited in excited anticipation for the launch of GR, please enable people to actually play it now.
  18. Fascinating, most posters seem to assume the OP is a male looking for a date.

    I read it and re-read it and assumed the OP was a mature female looking for like minded player's for friendly teaming.
  19. This is nice news.

    Welcome back.
  20. Love a lot of the suggestions made already.
    A couple from me would be.

    The ability somehow to see which of my characters needs that badge/tf/sf without having to keep a spreadsheet or log each of them on to check.

    The ability to attach more than one item to an email.

    And please please please more than 18 base storage items and lots more stuff for base building.
  21. 1. Che Guevara
    2. John Lennon
    3. Bin ladan
    4. Rolf Harris
    6. Billy Connoly
    7. Abraham Lincoln
    9. Chuck Norris
    10.Jack Black
  22. Having read a number of the posts on a fair few forums regarding this issue from both sides my initial thoughts remain the same.
    I find it hard to believe that a company as large and sophisticated as Blizzard would not have foreseen the furore the REALID announcement would create, I therefore cry PR stunt on the part of Blizz.
    I think the reaction by both the player base and the media have made this an unprecedented event and as the saying goes, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
  23. hazey


    Welcome back brambelino, I play Union and regularly wander off for breaks and then back again for a play.
    The warm community on Union never ceases to amaze me, I can be back a few hours and feel I have never been away there is almost always something being organised in Sal's badgehunter chat.
    My latest return was about a week or so ago and for me both blue and red side activity has picked up tremendously, never a shortage of tf's on blue side and never a shortage of team's no matter the level forming up on redside.

    Wishing you lots of fun and madness.
  24. Yep the latest piece run by PC Gamer quoted us as having 132 character slots available and the most populated servers being virtue and freedom.
  25. TrueMetal how do you come around to suggesting my post makes us look like irrational whining children for pointing out that after weeks of showing out of date information on the EU updater, it finally gets updated to show...the wrong information, again.

    A post was made for the times expected for double xp weekend start and guess what, for eu players it was the wrong information, again.

    Whilst pointing out these errors may well not be helping the situation, as the errors have already occurred, I live in hope that it may make those responsible be more careful in the future to give us correct news.