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  1. Fire_Guardian_EU

    My Dilemma

    I'd say put your feet up, have a glass of wine, and throw rocks at the kids who've been infesting your garden.
  2. I tried to tune in on Saturday night, but the awful DJ made my ears bleed.

    What's up with that?
  3. Requesting this gets moved to the Guides section.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    the same way everyone does, 1 year for every time the three suns realign.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How about love?
    How about love?
    Measure in love.

    Seasons of looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove.

    (I had to come in and post this, as Stasis made the original post)
  5. But... how do you measure a year?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I will now divert the point of this post and focus on the fact that you two were watching reality TV....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    See, I wouldn't class Come Dine With Me as reality TV. It's a gameshow. Albeit a gameshow that takes place over several days, with dinner as the rounds. Hell, as a bit of a cook myself, I take great interest in seeing what's being prepared, how it's done so, and what people are using to compliment each dish.

    But the copy of CoH in the background was really quite distracting.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    One notable news item about Stevenage caught my eye a while back, and that was about a plane crashing into it's city centre and causing 100s of thousands of pounds worth of structural improvements

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, I remember that, too. It happened in...when was it? Oh, yeah, your imagination. There's never been a plane crash in Stevenage, commercial or private. Or helicopter crash, for that matter. The only high impact death causing incidents around here happen when someone jumps off the top of the St. George's Indoor Market car park to their deaths. Admittedly, living in Stevenage can do that to you, but still.

    Also, Stevenage isn't a city, it's a town. Ask Lewis Hamilton, he was born here. Also Xanthus...and we never see the two of them in the same room at the same time.

  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    our game stores in stevenage r [censored] lol its all wow in there or xbox. though stopping to have a costa hot choco was nice the other day hehe

    [/ QUOTE ]




    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...How many of us live in Stevenage, now? I can count at least four, and I know of at least two people who used to post on here from Letchworth.

    Anyway, the Stevenage Game stores aren't that bad. If it wasn't for the manager at one of them, I would never have started playing CoH. So, you know, wander into both and shout at the manager. It's all his fault.
  9. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    [ QUOTE ]
    Just for a few words about Jumpgate: Evolution FG, it's still in developement but is nearing a Beta phase (as in within the next two-three months), it too is an MMO I'm excited about.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, an e-mail was sent within the last few days saying the beta was being issued sometime this year. However, since they said the exact same thing more than once last year, I won't be holding my breath.
  10. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    Next question's now up and ready for your viewing pleasure. This week, I tackle Spawnus. In a sense.
  11. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    Some great questions all round, here! I'm going to start a weekly schedule, picking out questions at random. So, every Friday, my face will be ready to welcome you to the weekend.

    ...If that doesn't scare people, nothing will.
  12. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    [ QUOTE ]
    I have never and never will beep out stuff on my Lotro Podcast

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good for you!

    I beep stuff out because, yes, it hit a personal note with me. On the other hand (and this feels very similar to something I replied with a while ago concerning a question to do with a certain type of battery operated female stimulation equipment) this is a game played by young people. I don't feel the need to contribute to any decline in society (or be accused of contributing to the decline of society) connected with youths swearing. I'll say what I like to say, but I'm always mindful, when editing, that people who weren't born when I was their age may very well be playing the game - or the young children of people who play the game may be in the room when the players are watching the video.
  13. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    [ QUOTE ]
    Using the Creative section to post links to personal attacks on people you don't like is not really what the Creative section is for.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which is why, in the video, I edited out certain names. However, although I owe it to anyone watching to be entertaining, I owe it to myself to not smile, nod, and lie through my teeth by pretending everyone loves each other and that this is a jolly, happy place. Believe me, if I wanted to cause drama and flames, the video wouldn't have been under five minutes long, it would have been over 10.

    You think that I was too harsh in my comments? They're the nicest bits of what I recorded. I took a lot of it out because, as I just stated in a PM to someone who saw the video, read my comments, and saw it for what it was (a bit of entertaining video), whilst I bleeped and edited out certain names that was purely because I don't want to get banned, and, besides, it isn't my place to enforce my own beliefs about people onto others. I have no intention of rocking the boat.

    However, if I can make just one person stop and think about the community, their own places in it, and think about what they may say and how it affects others, then I consider it a bonus for someone like me, who merely seeks to entertain. If you don't like that, there's no reason for you to continue watching.
  14. Got my second character up to level 50 (I think it took me longer than one my main), started a new Scrapper and got him up to level 17 before the servers went to sleep. Mostly, I enjoyed the game as I used to, playing in a team and chatting with friends.
  15. Well, that was a frustrating end to the weekend. Quickly logged on to see if DXP was still in effect, and decided to see if I could run through the Inventions tutorial before the servers went down for maintenance. Ran to Steel Canyon, got to the University, and...the servers went down just as I clicked Guidance Counselor Jones after reading the Wentworths pamphlet.

  16. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    Post deleted by GhostRaptor
  17. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    [ QUOTE ]
    Call that foul mouthed? Amateur...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, we can't all be [beep]munching donkey[beep] cousin[beep] [beep]wipes.
  18. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    Post deleted by GhostRaptor
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I have been nursing a slight hangover... when my vision returns i will be back in game

    [/ QUOTE ]Happy Cakeday Gangrel

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm willing to bet that his having a hangover and his birthday being today may not actually be connected.
  20. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    [ QUOTE ]
    As I said "If you were designing The Old Republic, how many players in a team with Borlath would be dead before the missions even started?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmmmm. Good question!

    There'll be another episode up tomorrow, in honour of Double XP.
  21. Fire_Guardian_EU

    I miss......

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    As for the humping thing at Bridger's leaving do, only two words spring into my mind, and they're as true today as when they were first spoken.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...donkey punch?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Frothy Walrus.
  22. Fire_Guardian_EU

    I miss......

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plus, in terms of achievements, I didn't think I could top humping Stasis over a table in the middle of a crowded pub in London with Bridger and Rockjaw watching (and FG cheering me on, the sly dog. You gotta know when to quit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stasis said she can't think of anything to say to this, so I had to do it. Thanks, sweetheart.

    It's good to see you're still around Syn, even if, as you say, you're not posting nearly as much as you used to. As for the humping thing at Bridger's leaving do, only two words spring into my mind, and they're as true today as when they were first spoken.

    Good times.
  23. Fire_Guardian_EU

    I miss......

    I miss...

    I miss the feeling you get when you create a new character - something you've never played before. I miss looking around Atlas or Galaxy, being nearly overwhelmed by the clashing colours of Hero uniforms. I miss knowing I can sit in a chat channel and use CoH as a very expensive IM program. I miss the feeling I used to get when I levelled up, or was in a team where somebody hit 50.

    I miss the general feeling of camaraderie in-game, and on the forums. I miss watching an idiot make a post (no, not who you think), pointing something out that makes his whole story moot and worthless and getting a forum PM from someone who doesn't even like me, patting me on the back for taking the sucker down a peg or two. I miss being able to load up the forums and see people flocking to, say, Ask A Ben, or when the Comic and Hero/Villain Culture forum was more than chatter on other MMOs we can't wait to leave CoH for, and notification on people dying.

    I miss the threads that aren't pointless, the feeling I got when I saw someone made a silly post and people didn't spend three pages dismissing the poster just because they don't like the person...not because the post has no merit, but simply because they don't like them.

    I miss the times when I could click "Who's On" and see a host of familiar faces, each one a good and nice person in their own way. I miss Synaesthetix and his borderline psychotic ******* posts that always made me laugh, even when they were directed at me...or maybe especially when they were. I miss discussing going to informal meets and the happy chatter that happened afterwards, about who we met, what we saw, if we got any autographs from any celebrities that happened to be there.

    Maybe I just feel older these days, but I miss my 'carefree youth' in CoH, when everything wasn't a tired re-tread. When threads didn't constantly repeat themselves, or when they did everyone had fun with them, and didn't complain to the high heavens. When pomposity and bluster were the exception to the forums, not the rule.

    I miss people, I miss things, and I miss the game that made me fall in love with the superhero genre. I miss the game that made me want to write again, and sing again.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    No, it's real text.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    To you maybe, yes

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Could you read it? Then it was text.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    BTW, FG... how certain are you that I *actually* have a heart for you to feast upon?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "The blood of the infidels shall taste as sweet as nectar to the bees. And lo, I say unto you, the one with the head of the Wolf shall be unto like that of the sweetest"
    - The Book Of The Guardian 14:63

    Since a wolfhead is the symbol for the Gangrel, it's pretty clear to me that eating your heart would be pretty cool.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not sure we can trust that quoted text as genuine

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, it's real text.