CoX retail non-existant in shops?
Aye - devs definitely need to stock some more of those copies in shops. If not, advertise a little bit, maybe put an advert on the intaweb. That would certainly attract people.
Unfortuantely, it's up to retailers what games they put on thier shelves, and they only have space for the latest or most popular games.
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On that subject, I seem to be playing a lot of a few month old console games. Anybody else experencing this? I just can't be bothered to spend £40-£50 on a brand new game that is medicore at best. I like to take in all the reviews and make my own decision.
Unfortuantely, it's up to retailers what games they put on thier shelves, and they only have space for the latest or most popular games.
I really should do something about this signature.
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Ouch... That is all.
And here the gamestores got plenty of copies(-GAME ofcourse).
Gamestation in Castle Mall in Norwich had 3 or 4 copies of the GvE box on the shelf, along with all the guild wars games, Lineage 2, the starter packs for Guild Wars and L2, but no copy of Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa to round off my collection :<
They have it in HMV Croydon, but you can still get an Auto Assault Collectors Edition box there too.
It's largely down to shelf space. GAME shops tend to be quite small.
I really should do something about this signature.
They stopped supplying the shops to make ready for the new expansion boxset?
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
It's largely down to shelf space. GAME shops tend to be quite small.
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We had one copy, it was sold. We're supposedly due a replacement copy at some point - probably when our stock levels are back to normal.
Which GAME in Stevenage are you in Stasis? Because if it's the one opposite Costa, you should know I'm considering burning it down for having such a criminally small section for PC games, thereby forcing me to go all the way down to the other one.
I didn't make this decision lightly, the ex-Gamestation guy who used to love my hat is in that one as well.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
I do see it in my local Game stores. It does occasionally pop up in the PC selling Blockbuster stores but not a great deal of the stores (minus the large ones) carry PC games as a whole.
I mean Game seem to have 2 bays in a whole store dedicated to PC games, which is a great shame. But to be honest why give the space to something that isnt 'mainstream' when all other things considered - *cough* consoles *cough*
Have to jump through so many hoops to get distribution to send me a PC game of my choice just so I dont have to buy it full price at another retailer
The annoying thing is I see Tabula Rasa in the bargin bins all the time, besides Guild Wars I dont see really any other NCSoft titles.
Gamestation in Castle Mall in Norwich had 3 or 4 copies of the GvE box on the shelf, along with all the guild wars games, Lineage 2, the starter packs for Guild Wars and L2, but no copy of Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa to round off my collection :<
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You can have my special collectors edition copy of Auto Assault if you like. Sadly though you won't be able to play it. oh.. and TR after the end of the month...
" games i enjoyed playing, but were canned. AA especially. So different, so fun. so 'ahead of it's time' or behind as the case may be. No idea what really killed it, but i loved it.
Back on topic.. last time i checked game (last friday) no copies of CoX, a few GW's and one or 2 Lineage's.
Gamestation in Castle Mall in Norwich had 3 or 4 copies of the GvE box on the shelf, along with all the guild wars games, Lineage 2, the starter packs for Guild Wars and L2, but no copy of Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa to round off my collection :<
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I'm not entirely convinced that they're not just left over from launch and never been sold
DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.
Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!
Aye - devs definitely need to stock some more of those copies in shops.
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Souldn't the devs be working on the game instead spending their time jetting around the world to stock game store shelves?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Yes because it's so easy to market a game this old with such a haphazard/dated graphical look.
Not to mention that the GvE disc has, by now, a rather old client.
Now if they drop a graphics update (even if it's just bringing textures up to scratch of the new stuff it'll be pretty massive) in, say, Issue 15 and drop a new boxed copy... Much easier to market.
It'll look much more appealing and have the MA system as a hook.
Of course, there's the other problem, Comet (the UK electrical retailer) has started charging game publishers for space. Since seeing this story I've been a bit concerned that others will follow suit. Obviously GAME et al would be a bit silly to do this, but if KESA are able to make this work it could be concerning for older games.
I agree completely though that, if NCSoft want to keep pushing the game, then we really need a new disc. I've just bought a new computer (and I'm hoping that it'll be able to run CoX now as my old one kept falling over!) and used my CoV disc to try to cut down the download time, and yet I've still had to sit for nearly 2 hours thanks to my paltry 3meg broadband line, but I'm not going to start on the "BT fit decent phone lines" argument
xxx Ethan xxx
Yes, I'm one of those sad folk on twitter!
"Do not underestimate the power of Shiny�" - Mothers_Love
Which GAME in Stevenage are you in Stasis? Because if it's the one opposite Costa, you should know I'm considering burning it down for having such a criminally small section for PC games, thereby forcing me to go all the way down to the other one.
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It's not that far away. About a minute's walk - and the PC section is much, much bigger.
Then again, so's the stockroom. The smaller shop's stockroom is about the same size as the larger shop's toilet.
A new box would be nice and i belive that when the mac client came out there was somthing mentioned about all future releases of the game would come with both PC and Mac version so there are perhaps plans in the works to have some kind of re-release.
As to who's stocking what where i was some what surprised to notice that my local game had no copies of WoW or its expansions they did however have a lone copy of GvE in the bargain section. game station just had the one copy of WoW and a copy of burning crusade both in a very tatty looking boxes (when will they learn cardboard cases are bad) but no CoH. but my personal favorite go's to HMV who still have a copy of the CoV special edition tho at 44.99 i cant see it shifting fast.
So even the Uber game that is WoW is slowly getting pushed of the shelves
Aye - devs definitely need to stock some more of those copies in shops.
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Souldn't the devs be working on the game instead spending their time jetting around the world to stock game store shelves?
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They would do themselves and the numbers and the community a big favour if they released a shiny new updated edition covering all issues up to and including I13 with a few extra shinies, like exclusive cossie parts and nice extra powers (a la Jump pack/Pocket D powers.)
That would encourage stores to stock the game more - and they can certainly justify it since now CoX is one game, not 2

Thelonious Monk
Which GAME in Stevenage are you in Stasis? Because if it's the one opposite Costa, you should know I'm considering burning it down for having such a criminally small section for PC games, thereby forcing me to go all the way down to the other one.
I didn't make this decision lightly, the ex-Gamestation guy who used to love my hat is in that one as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
our game stores in stevenage r [censored] lol its all wow in there or xbox. though stopping to have a costa hot choco was nice the other day hehe

our game stores in stevenage r [censored] lol its all wow in there or xbox. though stopping to have a costa hot choco was nice the other day hehe
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Your post, to the astute, as an example of the average customers, provides ample evidence as to why our Game stores offer nothing but Xbox and World of Warcraft in Stevenage. Customer profiling is the bane of my shopping life.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
Oh boy, this ole chestnut - The marketing of CoX ...don't get me started.
I was rather surprised in my local large AppleMac store to see no box artwork, no label placeholder presence advertising CoX was available for the AppleMac as a digital download. Many games were available, CoX was not one of them,... not even a mention anywhere.
This is where the marketing for this game falls down, you can talk the talk, but unless you walk the walk and get the product onto the shop floor - whats the point. I asked the assistant whether he had heard of 'City of Heroes' and he hadn't - nor had he any clue it was available as a digital download!.
#Why, I was so Infuriated I threw my milkshake in his face and frantically started pulling the gameboxes off the wall-peggs. I hazily remember shaking and tearing the WoW box to shreds with my bared teeth in a feral fury.
(#actual reality may of differed.)
You think that is bad... at the official EU launch I had to go to five stores before finding someone who had the game. And that was actually Game - in Sweden though.
our game stores in stevenage r [censored] lol its all wow in there or xbox. though stopping to have a costa hot choco was nice the other day hehe
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our game stores in stevenage r [censored] lol its all wow in there or xbox. though stopping to have a costa hot choco was nice the other day hehe
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...How many of us live in Stevenage, now? I can count at least four, and I know of at least two people who used to post on here from Letchworth.
Anyway, the Stevenage Game stores aren't that bad. If it wasn't for the manager at one of them, I would never have started playing CoH. So, you know, wander into both and shout at the manager. It's all his fault.
our game stores in stevenage r [censored] lol its all wow in there or xbox. though stopping to have a costa hot choco was nice the other day hehe
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Did you pee in it?
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
Today throughout the snow, i thought it'd be a good idea to just check around the game stores in my local high-street to see if they stocked City of Villains/Heroes.
Firstly, i went to GAME and scanned the shelves; they had none in stock. I also asked the staff and they confirmed there was none and hadn't been for quit some time.
Disappointed by the outcome of GAME, i decided to head down to Gamestation and to my suprise they also DIDN'T have it in stock. Following this, i visited two independent game retailers who obviously didn't have them but i checked anyway and i was right.
Now i noticed posts on the US forums about how the "userbase is shrinking" yet one of the reasons why is that they have it nowhere! How are you supposed to market a product and sell it if customers cannot find it? Yes there is the alternative of downloading it but you can't expect everyone to have the patience to wait for it to download, can you?
This obviously needs to be sorted out.