



If a Quantum hits you, it does negative energy. If it hits you and you're a Kheld, it does that negative energy plus a bonus wallop of more negative energy.

It used to be a bonus wallop of unresistable nictus damage, but now it's resistable negative energy.

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This is correct.

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See here for the patch notes.

Note it's actually not quite yet in the current patch on test. Coming SOON (tm) though!



With all the changes affecting the other AT's it's nice to see a beneficial one for the Khelds for a change.

Looking forward to playing mine again if the nictus damage becomes resistable.




I'm a bit bummed out by that tbh.



I suspect it has to do with balancing the VEATs coming soon. They probably don't have a kryptonite group, or at least they don't do unresitable damage.

It also means there will be more kelds, since this will make it easier to get through those difficult early levels.

As we have been saying, kelds are balanced anyway; they don't need kryptonite to balance with the other ATs.

Final thought, this gives WSs an edge over PBs, since they have higher base negative energy resistance - could be quite noticable at low levels.

I really should do something about this signature.



I'd concede to lower levels having been a problem. And whilst Khelds well may be balanced and didn't need kryptonite, Quant's and Void's enemies are definitely a nice and defining feature of the AT.

I just think about a change to them in the same light I saw the Mez issue in new defiance, but I'm sure I'm outweighed by datamining and popular opinion.

But hey, nerf them a bit more, and if I could do something about the slow rolling start, I'd probably get farming with my Warshade.



Its not so much the damage i had a problem with but the stuns, particularly at low level. Probably why i've never made it past 16 with a kheld.



Yep, the stuns are the worse component because the consequetive follow up is pretty much much a guaranteed finisher, and it's not until mid levels you start to get anything proactive to deal with it, so very frustrating early on. Later it's pretty rewarding surviving the paranoia of fearing the next one getting the drop on you when you spot it first and counter it and take it down. When I got taken out by Voids and Quant's tbh I didn't really think "Oh ffs nerf them", I was more inclined to feel frusrated at myself and think "[censored], I wish I'd spotted that one" or kick myself for charging around a corner or through a door straight into one.

Oh I hated them alright. I was spiteful enought to enjoy extracting Dark Essence's from them whenever I could!



I found voids and quants a bit challenging below 20, but when I got Dwarf they weren't a problem. IMO they didn't need to be nerfed.



Hell after seeing stalker AS/rage/CM changes reverted I'm waiting for Live goodness



TBH when I first saw this I thought it kinda sucked. I've never really had issues with Voids/Quants on either my WS or my PB. Okay they get me before I get them sometimes but about 9 times out of 10 I have no problem beating them.

And to be honest I liked the idea of something that was a nemesis to the AT. I just wish they had put more in for other AT's/Origins. (i.e Sappers. Okay they End drain people but it would have been cool if their attack had a special type of non resistable damage against Tech origins, like it overloaded their circuits or something... That would have made the game more interesting I think)

But oh well. Life just got even easier for dragging my PB to 50.

Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url=""]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]



Is this live now?
Might explain why the quants and voids I was bashing earlier were doing much less damage to my warshade.

I allways loved the idea of having a major weakness that enemy groups could exploit, made things interesting :P



It's been live for ages.

I really should do something about this signature.



I always loved the idea of having a major weakness that enemy groups could exploit, made things interesting

[/ QUOTE ]

Hear hear!

Stop nerfing stuff people, the majority of us LIKE difficulty, it's why we come back!

"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad

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War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights

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McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights

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