What's on Defiant Villains?
Well... that was a big success!
Well, from what I've seen, there is one or two teams going. But that's about it :S
We need a proper recruitment drive! (followed by server update!)
Well... that was a big success!
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Keep at it and you will prevail...
I agree too, i miss those lazy days when i could check out the whats happening thread and find out what was going on for the month.
At least people have begun using the event and the badger channel again on the server. I've seen more chat on those channels the last 2 weeks than the last year total.
Hey... We might even start those old badge hunts again, since I saw The Collector, aka Zzorg back on the server a couple of days ago (then he went back to lotro)!
The only events on defiant CoV i know of are the rikti mothership raid son friday and sunday 19:00.
I would love to set up regular Trails or SFs.
Since i am a badgehunter i would like to run soem badge-hunting team, but since I11 will make it much easier to get some badges, it's best to wait until it goes live.
Personally I have so incredibly irregular and unpredictable game sessions I just can't host any events at the moment, but "open" player run events is one of the most important things to keep the game alive IMHO since it gives people a chance to get to know each other and - more importantly - the oldies!
It's sad it's basically gone, so it would be lovely if someone picked up the gauntlet!
Now... Where's that Double XP event we all want?
At least people have begun using the event and the badger channel again on the server. I've seen more chat on those channels the last 2 weeks than the last year total.
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I've just joined the events channel. Any problems asking for teams on this or arranging them? I'm presuming the people using the channel are interested in such things as "teams" as opposed to the voiceless population of people who have "LFT" in their team comment but never seem to join one or actually have any interest in teaming. Bewildering.
I would like to see more villain teaming. There must be SOME sane teaming villains around?...
... right?
I'm happy to team, and run teams. I'll take SKs of any level, providing I'm running a toon that can handle the mob size and I don't care if you have an SK or don't and instead want some extortionate XP as long as everything is getting a beating and the team is fun
I only have one villain left on defiant, but if I am not teaming on heroes I am allways happy to join any team on villains
I would like to see more villain teaming. There must be SOME sane teaming villains around?...
... right?
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There's quite a lot of teaming going on, but Defiant villains is a rather closed society nowadays with people knowing each other very well, and mainly only teaming with their "regular" teams. I've got a rather extensive global list and every day there's loads of those "oldies" on, in teams.
I must admit I'm pretty much the same myself. I rarely team with others than my fellow smurfs nowadays. When they're not on, I usually solo one of the less "important" alts. I do accept non-blind team invites on those, but never look for a team.
...and I never ever answer a "Can I join your team" private tell, so ppl, just stop, especially when you're spamming those messages. I'll petition you the next time my whole team gets one of those!!!
on the other hand, if possible I always, always reply to a "can you help me with...".
I must admit I enjoy the game more with those regular teams, skype up'n'running and no worries about possible (cencored, cencored and omg very very cencored).
Defiant villains is a rather closed society nowadays with people knowing each other very well, and mainly only teaming with their "regular" teams...
I must admit I'm pretty much the same myself. I rarely team with others than my fellow smurfs nowadays.
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Personally I like to also team outside the regular team mates and vgs, groups I play with in, but each to their own.
Otherwise, is it any wonder what is going on on Defiant villains .
Doing a bit of cross thread/thread necromancy here .
This was, I felt, the most pertinent comment made in a thread elsewhere:
There are a lot of new players that have joined the game and i think no matter how frustrating it is being asked something that you dont wanna do i think its only right to reply in a polite way ...
im reading a lot about people getting /tells and invites they dont particularly want, and yes its frustrating but can we at least try to be polite when refusing...
i see on these boards new players asking how to go about getting teams, and we give the answer to ask politely - so come on guys lets reply politely too...
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This echoes my sentiments really. I just would like to see the villain side a bit more sociable. I know it's a symptomatic of that side of the game, and not server unique by any means. But I just would hope that Defiant is a good server for new players arriving in the game and a good environment for keeping them.
I know Big Red K is rather busy, but I miss the updated What's on defiant villains real bad...

So, someone without a life, take care of it, update this thread, ask Big K to make it sticky!
There's still obviously the mothership raids Friday and Sunday 7 pm?
What more? PvP/arena still regular? any specialized teams running? Regular RSFs that still invite the odd solo players/unknowns? Fill it up... Now!