Comic Con Panel




I have to say, comiccon was a blast and yeah, it was very exhausting.

About the animations for MA, I was wondering when I looked at them, it feels like like a work in progress. Some of the punches seemed pretty similar to the SS punches. They didn't look very martial arts oriented. Not like they have to be perfect, but maybe that was just my perception. Remember that a lot of this is still being worked on.

I personally spent the whole time recreating my character looks and changing power colors to see what it would look like.

I didn't think that Dark Melee would have made much of a difference with color changes, but I stand corrected. Especially the Dark Consumption and Soul Drain. I can't wait till this stuff goes live.



Well the're not done with the issue yet, so there may be more animations (or even color selections) that we haven't seen yet.

Myself I really like the negative effects in the "dark" versions of things. It's a little more limited than I would want, but still it's *different* to such an extent that everyone will be able to have a good time customizing away.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Really? I actually like the new MA attacks and plan to make a new scrapper specifically to use them!

And a new scrapper to use the metal spines

Plus a new brute for the claws

Altitis? Ai gotz it

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Thanks for the MA and SS vids. But I fail to see what is so exhausting about sitting there talking to people.

[/ QUOTE ]

You've obviously never been to / worked at a convention booth.

Imagine a mile-long hike, through a swamp. A noisy, hot, smelly swamp.

That's one-way through the con building. Now, imagine that around 50 thousand people are also trying to go through that same smelly loud swamp. To get to YOU. To ask you questions. You have to stand there, make sure your booth isn't falling apart, making sure that no one's stealing your equipment, creating nasty words on your screens, badmouthing your product, trying to get company secrets, asking valid questions that require 20+ minutes to answer...

If you have ever worked retail or food during a huge lunch rush? Multiply that by about 60x and you have a brief glimpse of the convention.

Oh yes: they're not sitting. There are a total of 2 chairs at that booth and one of them was Nakayama's. they did have a little back room but "little" being the key word there. They stand 10 hours a day doing this.

Try it some day. Guaranteed that if you spend most of your time behind a computer desk typing? You're not gonna want to stand more than an hour before you get a huge back and foot ache.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, instead of sending the Devs a gift basket, we should be sending them cushioned stools. Got it.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



TY for sharing the con news with us forumites!

HBD too!

Go Team Venture!



I put up Zek's videos on YouTube with her inderect permission.

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Holy crap, the Super Strength alternate animations are awesome. Definitely gonna be using the ground punch.

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I so want that for Dawn Strike on Peacebringers...

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My first thought, too.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.




Happy B-Day and thanks again!

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I just watched the video about Earth Assault... and omg DoT aura (Mud Pots)?!!

The next spines/fire mob killer will be a Fire/Earth Dominator? Starting saving your Magma Mower names now!

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Great video. I love how they told us alot about the upcoming game but also told us nothing at the same time. I love this game and cannot wait for the new stuff coming out



Thanks for the MA and SS vids. But I fail to see what is so exhausting about sitting there talking to people.

[/ QUOTE ]

You've obviously never been to / worked at a convention booth.

Imagine a mile-long hike, through a swamp. A noisy, hot, smelly swamp.

That's one-way through the con building. Now, imagine that around 50 thousand people are also trying to go through that same smelly loud swamp. To get to YOU. To ask you questions. You have to stand there, make sure your booth isn't falling apart, making sure that no one's stealing your equipment, creating nasty words on your screens, badmouthing your product, trying to get company secrets, asking valid questions that require 20+ minutes to answer...

If you have ever worked retail or food during a huge lunch rush? Multiply that by about 60x and you have a brief glimpse of the convention.

Oh yes: they're not sitting. There are a total of 2 chairs at that booth and one of them was Nakayama's. they did have a little back room but "little" being the key word there. They stand 10 hours a day doing this.

Try it some day. Guaranteed that if you spend most of your time behind a computer desk typing? You're not gonna want to stand more than an hour before you get a huge back and foot ache.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, instead of sending the Devs a gift basket, we should be sending them cushioned stools. Got it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Or massage gift certificates.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)




So, instead of sending the Devs a gift basket, we should be sending them cushioned stools. Got it.
Or massage gift certificates.


[/ QUOTE ]

I volunteer to massage Castle! Since Castle is the only dev I haven't seen a picture of, I MUST assume that Castle is a HAWT FEMALE...

...ummm.... named Floyd.



Really looking forward to being able to change the Punch, smashing haymaker and KO Blow animations now, they can actually look like what they're called YAY!



I would like to know what BAB thinks is the most fluid (flow of animations) attack chain for MA will be after the alt-animations go live.

I think I'm finally going to be able to play MA. That rocks.

Be well, people of CoH.




I really like the new MA animations. My main character is a MA Scrapper and I think I'll change several of the animiations to the new punches. But I think I'll keep the current Eagle's Claw animation since I like it so much.

And I hope they'll eventually let us use bright colors on the Earth sets. I have a bubblegum themed character in mind that I wanted to use with Earth Assault and bright pink rocks would work great.



These animations are the sealing kiss for my final decision on going somewhere soon (though swtor is still on my radar) thank you for posting them!

Now, back to leveling my WP/SS O_O (and I thought I made te right choice on EM when WP came out :P)




Unknown Woman is Karen Reynoso, our events coordinator. She's kept in a cryostasis most of the year, and brought out only to run the booths at the cons.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, poor Karen. Formerly a local from here in beautiful Austin, Texas, ripped from paradise and sent to the decent-but-not-as-great-as-Austin locale of Mountain View.

Proud member of the Paragonian Knights



Listening to the panel excerpt video, then going back and watching the Going Rogue trailer again, gave me a weird moment. From the 2:23 to 3:17 mark of the video:
"One of the things with when we had the Praetorians in the past, you know, as they currently exist in our game, on the surface they're fairly two-dimensional, they're abstracts of, they're the 'goatee versions' of a lot of our characters from City of Heroes. And when we chose Praetoria as a world we really wanted to flesh out and explore, sitting down with people who care about the story as much as we do, that wasn't doing these people justice. We really started to look at each individual character, and the history we were creating, and within this alternate world, ruled by a Tyrant, and asking ourselves, 'Now, how would this person exist and how would they be, and whose side would they be on, and and so forth?'"
"It's not just every good guy is a bad guy and every bad guy is a good guy. Some people are inherently good and some people are inherently bad and they're going to stay that way no matter what."

[/ QUOTE ]
Now go back to the Going Rogue trailer and look at the color cues behind the various characters. Desdemona starts out red-tinted, becomes a hero, gets blue tinted. Maelstrom talks about being trained as a hero standing in front of a blue backdrop, turns on them, gets a red backdrop. OK, we get it: blue = City of Heroes, red = City of Villains, that's familiar.

But what follows is a montage of four signature characters: Statesman on a blue background, Lord Recluse on a red background, Manticore on a red background, and Ghost Widow on a blue background.

Manticore and Ghost Widow are switching sides in issue 17? Is that even possible?



I've got some more pix from the panel at sdcc09, go right ahead and dig through them.

I have other pictures from the con but these are all coh oriented.

Also, I have a video clip that I'll be cleaning up.

Right now, tired and exhausted and stuff, so I don't trust myself to type a good rundown. Basically, the slideshow presentation had a nice little outline: we meet the 4 guys at the panel, they talked about how they got into COH's dev team. Then, we got a very nice blow by blow about the state of the game from pre-launch through now and beyond.

Q&A time included some requests for base love, suggestions about the game/costuming, and then... well, we had to leave the room and start chatting out in the hall.

What really impressed me while the guys were talking about their history in the industry is that we've got a HUGELY experienced team. Yeah they're hiring newcomers too but the core members of the dev team are almost ridiculously experienced people.

They're also very, very dedicated to this project. Every one of them spoke with respect toward the old Cryptic crew, and with deep appreciation of the fans that keep the game running.

Our money is our time investment, and they don't want to waste our time.

All in all it was a great - but too short - panel. I was very, very happy.


Here is a clip from the discussion panel. 10 megs, go easy on my bandwidth and please do NOT hotlink to it. Download and move on thanks

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Thanks for the post, and Happy B-Day!




Thanks for the MA and SS vids. But I fail to see what is so exhausting about sitting there talking to people.

[/ QUOTE ]

You've obviously never been to / worked at a convention booth.

Imagine a mile-long hike, through a swamp. A noisy, hot, smelly swamp.

That's one-way through the con building. Now, imagine that around 50 thousand people are also trying to go through that same smelly loud swamp. To get to YOU. To ask you questions. You have to stand there, make sure your booth isn't falling apart, making sure that no one's stealing your equipment, creating nasty words on your screens, badmouthing your product, trying to get company secrets, asking valid questions that require 20+ minutes to answer...

If you have ever worked retail or food during a huge lunch rush? Multiply that by about 60x and you have a brief glimpse of the convention.

Oh yes: they're not sitting. There are a total of 2 chairs at that booth and one of them was Nakayama's. they did have a little back room but "little" being the key word there. They stand 10 hours a day doing this.

Try it some day. Guaranteed that if you spend most of your time behind a computer desk typing? You're not gonna want to stand more than an hour before you get a huge back and foot ache.

[/ QUOTE ]Try my job. I work in factory walking around 8-12 hours a day, sometimes 7 days a week, in steel toed boots on a concrete floor. I work with 300 degree steam heated presses. The temp and humidity are often quite high, and added on top of heavy lifting and manual labor. I do that at least 5 days a week, at least 8 hours a day every week of the year. So give me a break, standing around in a crowded Con for a couple of days is nothing.



But what follows is a montage of four signature characters: Statesman on a blue background, Lord Recluse on a red background, Manticore on a red background, and Ghost Widow on a blue background.

Manticore and Ghost Widow are switching sides in issue 17? Is that even possible?

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually if i remember right Manticore is on an orange background and Ghost Widow is on a white one.

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