Comic Con Panel




Manticore and Ghost Widow are switching sides in issue 17? Is that even possible?

[/ QUOTE ]

It might be possible, but I think it's more likely that the Praetorian version of Manticore is a villain and the Praetorian version of Ghost Widow is a hero.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Manticore and Ghost Widow are switching sides in issue 17? Is that even possible?

[/ QUOTE ]

It might be possible, but I think it's more likely that the Praetorian version of Manticore is a villain and the Praetorian version of Ghost Widow is a hero.

[/ QUOTE ]We already know about Manticore, he's a villain named Chimera.



Who knows, maybe it is even a clue to the spy AT hinted at in the survey.

Manticore did infiltrate Arachnos by pretending to switch sides.

Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry



I for one am simply intrigued that there are going to be Praetorian versions of characters with the same alignment. And you know what the devs are going to do just to make the majority of the player base scream? Praetorian Fusionette is TOTALLY going to be a hero too. THERE WILL BE TWO OF THEM. And I completely love the idea. *One of the only Fusionette fans*

In all seriousness though, I do look forward to finding out who these "inherently good" and "inherently bad" people are. We already know that Chimera is a villain, but is he as close to being as hero as our Manticore is to being a villain? Also, we know that Stefan Richter is supposed to be dead in Praetoria, but Arachnos was around before him, meaning there could very well be a Ghost Widow equivalent, dead or alive, and if she's as fiercly loyal to Arachnos as our version is then that could lead to some interesting developments whichever way it goes.

I'm going to be intrigued to see if we come across a Praetorian version of Malestrom and Desdemona since they both originated on Primal Earth. That could make for a fun story arc with Desdemona as a contact trying to stop her Praetorian version from carrying out some nefarious scheme.

And final note: I'm very excited at the prospect of a praetorian version our ourselves. The letters in Ouroboros arcs and the ITF hint at Praetorian Requiem so I'm sure we'll see something big involving him, as well as mentioning the Praetorian version of yourself, meaning we could possibly have a dynamically generated AV based on the mission holder? For example: I'm holding a mission on my energy/energy blaster to take out an operation headed up by one of Tyrant's enforcers. When my team runs that mission, the AV will be the same powerset (appearance and name I'm not sure how they'd handle) and be portrayed as a Praetorian version of yourself. That would be pretty sweet. Could even set it up as something akin to that nemesis system in that other game that's nowhere near as good. Just a note of interest.




So, that's Mod08, Bruce Horatio Harlick, Vince The Dark Watcher D'Amelio, Matt Positron Miller, Brian General Manager Clayton, Joe Hero1 Morrissey, Ross Marketing Borden, Unknown Woman, David Nakayama.

Who is that Unknown Woman... Mynx?

And congratulations to the guy who teabagged Positron!

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed that for ya Z_M. At least I refrained from putting (Foxbat) in with his name.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does he have the Foxbat Pop Gun?




About the animations for MA, I was wondering when I looked at them, it feels like like a work in progress. Some of the punches seemed pretty similar to the SS punches. They didn't look very martial arts oriented.

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I thought they looked like punches Batman, the Question, Wildcat, Daredevil, and Nightcrawler would use. Not so much Shang-Chi, which might be what some people expect when they see the name "Martial Arts", but boxing is a martial art, too, and a damn effective one.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Thanks for the MA and SS vids. But I fail to see what is so exhausting about sitting there talking to people.

[/ QUOTE ]

You've obviously never been to / worked at a convention booth.

Imagine a mile-long hike, through a swamp. A noisy, hot, smelly swamp.

That's one-way through the con building. Now, imagine that around 50 thousand people are also trying to go through that same smelly loud swamp. To get to YOU. To ask you questions. You have to stand there, make sure your booth isn't falling apart, making sure that no one's stealing your equipment, creating nasty words on your screens, badmouthing your product, trying to get company secrets, asking valid questions that require 20+ minutes to answer...

If you have ever worked retail or food during a huge lunch rush? Multiply that by about 60x and you have a brief glimpse of the convention.

Oh yes: they're not sitting. There are a total of 2 chairs at that booth and one of them was Nakayama's. they did have a little back room but "little" being the key word there. They stand 10 hours a day doing this.

Try it some day. Guaranteed that if you spend most of your time behind a computer desk typing? You're not gonna want to stand more than an hour before you get a huge back and foot ache.

[/ QUOTE ]Try my job. I work in factory walking around 8-12 hours a day, sometimes 7 days a week, in steel toed boots on a concrete floor. I work with 300 degree steam heated presses. The temp and humidity are often quite high, and added on top of heavy lifting and manual labor. I do that at least 5 days a week, at least 8 hours a day every week of the year. So give me a break, standing around in a crowded Con for a couple of days is nothing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Chill out . . . sure, since you do that kind of hard work everyday, it might be easy. And no question that what you describe is hard work.

But for those of us who sit on our backsides all day, every day, working at a keyboard, then 10 hour days on one's feet is totally exhausting. I've done it and know how tired I was at the end of the event.

Thanks for posting all this stuff for those of us too far away/poor/time deprived to attend the con.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Manticore and Ghost Widow are switching sides in issue 17? Is that even possible?

[/ QUOTE ]

It might be possible, but I think it's more likely that the Praetorian version of Manticore is a villain and the Praetorian version of Ghost Widow is a hero.

[/ QUOTE ]We already know about Manticore, he's a villain named Chimera.

[/ QUOTE ]

I got the sense from the panel that they might be ret-conning some of the Praetorian counterparts. I guess in Chimera's case there will be no change.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



I'm sorry if I missed it but has anyone revealed how tintable Dark Blast/Melee/Miasma are?




I'm sorry if I missed it but has anyone revealed how tintable Dark Blast/Melee/Miasma are?


[/ QUOTE ]

I've made assumptions that I hope are true. Must have red/orange dark melee and red/black willpower!

Be well, people of CoH.



Manticore and Ghost Widow are switching sides in issue 17? Is that even possible?

[/ QUOTE ]

It might be possible, but I think it's more likely that the Praetorian version of Manticore is a villain and the Praetorian version of Ghost Widow is a hero.

[/ QUOTE ]We already know about Manticore, he's a villain named Chimera.

[/ QUOTE ]

I got the sense from the panel that they might be ret-conning some of the Praetorian counterparts. I guess in Chimera's case there will be no change.

[/ QUOTE ]Except that Manticore's costume and Chimera's costumes aren't identical, and I can tell the difference: that's not Chimera, that's Manticore.

That'd be pretty freaky, wouldn't it? If the only way you could do the Manticore TF was through Ouroboros (if at all), but Ghost Widow was somewhere in Brickstown with her own anti-Crey TF? If Ghost Widow wasn't in Recluse's Watchtower handing out patron powers, but Manticore was standing there handing out Arrow Mastery powers?




I've made assumptions that I hope are true. Must have red/orange dark melee and red/black willpower!

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here. I already have been imagining black-and-yellow lightning and the costume changes which will go with it.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



I'm sorry if I missed it but has anyone revealed how tintable Dark Blast/Melee/Miasma are?


[/ QUOTE ]

I've made assumptions that I hope are true. Must have red/orange dark melee and red/black willpower!

[/ QUOTE ]

Bill! Ew... EW! Bad Bill!



I volunteer to massage Castle! Since Castle is the only dev I haven't seen a picture of, I MUST assume that Castle is a HAWT FEMALE...

...ummm.... named Floyd.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, are YOU going to be disappointed. Here's a pic for you:
Click at your own risk!

That's Dark Watcher, Me and Synapse (Left to right).

EDIT: I see JJDrakken beat me to the punch.



Not Found
The requested URL /_VYPWSl21Ny4/SP_c4DHdmCI/AAAAAAAAASc/j-qM-AyFa4M/s912/img_0841.jpg was not found on this server.

[/ QUOTE ]

Google is griefing your pic!



Not Found
The requested URL /_VYPWSl21Ny4/SP_c4DHdmCI/AAAAAAAAASc/j-qM-AyFa4M/s912/img_0841.jpg was not found on this server.

[/ QUOTE ]

Google is griefing your pic!

[/ QUOTE ]

Edited link. Try now.



I think is still down for it, since he be imagining other images. From an older post in this thread.



Gotta give some major props to Babs and the animations crew. i16 as far as the new animation and color customization is all about him. And of course Castle and his cronies for the power proliferation. However, Earth assault is NOT a proliferated power set, by definition any "assault"power set is unique to Dominators, a combination of "blast" and "melee" powers.

Anyway great job guy can't wait to get my hands on this and test the crap out it.

The new MA animation do look a bit underwhelming from the videos I hope they look better in person.

Anyway Happy birthday Z I. gratz on the level.



Not Found
The requested URL /_VYPWSl21Ny4/SP_c4DHdmCI/AAAAAAAAASc/j-qM-AyFa4M/s912/img_0841.jpg was not found on this server.

[/ QUOTE ]

Google is griefing your pic!

[/ QUOTE ]

Edited link. Try now.

[/ QUOTE ]

That did the trick, thanks!



Ohhh I've never seen Synapsitron! Hai Synapsitron!



I volunteer to massage Castle! Since Castle is the only dev I haven't seen a picture of, I MUST assume that Castle is a HAWT FEMALE...

...ummm.... named Floyd.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, are YOU going to be disappointed. Here's a pic for you:
Click at your own risk!

That's Dark Watcher, Me and Synapse (Left to right).

EDIT: I see JJDrakken beat me to the punch.

[/ QUOTE ]

Synapse might give Jay a run for his money for the title of sexy dev.

"I think I'm cute. I've got gold medals.
I've got the moves that make them all tap out.
The Angle Slam, the Ankle Lock.
Marty Jannetty...still can't walk.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt."
Kurt Angle




So, instead of sending the Devs a gift basket, we should be sending them cushioned stools. Got it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seriously. Chairs, water, snacks, and hugs. lol!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I volunteer to massage Castle! Since Castle is the only dev I haven't seen a picture of, I MUST assume that Castle is a HAWT FEMALE...

...ummm.... named Floyd.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, are YOU going to be disappointed. Here's a pic for you:
Click at your own risk!

That's Dark Watcher, Me and Synapse (Left to right).

EDIT: I see JJDrakken beat me to the punch.

[/ QUOTE ]

Synapse might give Jay a run for his money for the title of sexy dev.

[/ QUOTE ]

Great, now there's no chance of any new costumes in i16.



Synapse might give Jay a run for his money for the title of sexy dev.

[/ QUOTE ]

They should fight it out... in a tub... full of mud...
Okay, I'll stop.