Comic Con Panel




No problem

Actually I think, even though he's taken, that Hero 1 is probably the hottest of the devs I've met. I'm also quite partial to Russ the marketing guy too. Tall and hot.

>_> Sigh.

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Please. Show some decorum. Ross is Marketing. Marketing is ebil. Ross was the one giving Castle the evil-eye at the M&G when he started telling us "things Marketing did not want us to know yet but that Castle thought we needed to know".

Yes, the quotes are mine.

Seriously though, a Marketing guy?


Won't even let you get away with that one on your birthday.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Ok...seriously no yellow ice patch??? I have been waiting for years to make WeeWee the Ice Troll and now when my dream is about to become reality they do this Who is gonna team with my new earth/earth dom Princess Pewp Castle now?? This is totally unacceptable.

On a more serious note I realy hope I can get the fist slam/foot stomp replacement ported over to stone melee to replace fault or heck even tremor. People laugh but yes I use fault. I find Tremor/Burn/Fault/Burn/Tremor etc. to be a very effective on my favorite map full of little Nemesis baddies.

And thanks for all the sneak peeks. Those that could not be there really appreciate it

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Who would laugh at you for using fault? Fault is freaking awesome. Tremor is less so, but still pretty useful.

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People that say taking a brute power that doesn't do damage is a waste, but I don't listen to most people

The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!

Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!

Shhh! Rangle is plotting.



Ok...seriously no yellow ice patch??? I have been waiting for years to make WeeWee the Ice Troll and now when my dream is about to become reality they do this Who is gonna team with my new earth/earth dom Princess Pewp Castle now?? This is totally unacceptable.

On a more serious note I realy hope I can get the fist slam/foot stomp replacement ported over to stone melee to replace fault or heck even tremor. People laugh but yes I use fault. I find Tremor/Burn/Fault/Burn/Tremor etc. to be a very effective on my favorite map full of little Nemesis baddies.

And thanks for all the sneak peeks. Those that could not be there really appreciate it

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You scare me.

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Sweet because I am out of slots on Triumph and have some friends on you will get to see them first hand

The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!

Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!

Shhh! Rangle is plotting.



I volunteer to massage Castle! Since Castle is the only dev I haven't seen a picture of, I MUST assume that Castle is a HAWT FEMALE...

...ummm.... named Floyd.

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Oh, are YOU going to be disappointed. Here's a pic for you:
Click at your own risk!

That's Dark Watcher, Me and Synapse (Left to right).

EDIT: I see JJDrakken beat me to the punch.

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Synapse might give Jay a run for his money for the title of sexy dev.

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I second this... can we get a pic of JLove? I think I saw one several years ago...I think I can equate the feeling I get when I try to imagine what my CoV friends look like in Rl like I used to want to know my teachers first name. We would sit there and quess until we were purple...



Gotta give some major props to Babs and the animations crew. i16 as far as the new animation and color customization is all about him. And of course Castle and his cronies for the power proliferation. However, Earth assault is NOT a proliferated power set, by definition any "assault"power set is unique to Dominators, a combination of "blast" and "melee" powers.

Anyway great job guy can't wait to get my hands on this and test the crap out it.

The new MA animation do look a bit underwhelming from the videos I hope they look better in person.

Anyway Happy birthday Z I. gratz on the level.

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It's one powerset proliferated from two others.




Try it some day. Guaranteed that if you spend most of your time behind a computer desk typing? You're not gonna want to stand more than an hour before you get a huge back and foot ache.

[/ QUOTE ]Try my job. I work in factory walking around 8-12 hours a day, sometimes 7 days a week, in steel toed boots on a concrete floor. I work with 300 degree steam heated presses. The temp and humidity are often quite high, and added on top of heavy lifting and manual labor. I do that at least 5 days a week, at least 8 hours a day every week of the year. So give me a break, standing around in a crowded Con for a couple of days is nothing.

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And as I said:

If you worked like the devs do, in front of a computer 350 days a year, this would not be acceptable.

Good for you that you are a hard-working tough-guy. Grats.

The rest of us are deskjob schlubs who are NOT used to it. You dont' get a cookie for being snarky in my thread, nor for trying to diss people who are producing the game you apparently enjoy.


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I work in a high school...I do two periods of hall duty, spend half my day doing data entry and I used to do one chemistry lab...On my 30 min lunch break I play CoV with my kids or spend it talking about comics with them...I live the life of a Dork Overlord...



It's one powerset proliferated from two others.

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BaBsinator... Anything on my request for GW Dark Blast particles?



I gotta say I am always shocked to see pictures of game devs.

I seriously thought Positron looked like this.

Will the Real Positron please stand up.

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Well, armor is very slimming. Like vertical stripes.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Some particulars are left out of certain sets (no yellow ice patch, no bloody ice...). People will whine but then that's better than the alternative

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I can see why no yellow ice, but what's wrong with red ice?

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We want ice to look like 'ice' and because of how the FX were created when you apply a very saturated, non-cool hue to them they no longer look like ice and instead look like a cartoonish jewel.

Even saturated greens turn ice FX into emeralds, so we've had to desaturate the hues as they move away from the cool cyans/blues.

There's still reds, oranges, yellows, etc...but they're desaturated tints.



It's one powerset proliferated from two others.

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Four others, including one NPC-only.

But why oh why did you give us those poo-looking poo hammers D:

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Because slamming enemies with them is so very satisfying ?

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Some particulars are left out of certain sets (no yellow ice patch, no bloody ice...). People will whine but then that's better than the alternative

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I can see why no yellow ice, but what's wrong with red ice?

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We want ice to look like 'ice' and because of how the FX were created when you apply a very saturated, non-cool hue to them they no longer look like ice and instead look like a cartoonish jewel.

Even saturated greens turn ice FX into emeralds, so we've had to desaturate the hues as they move away from the cool cyans/blues.

There's still reds, oranges, yellows, etc...but they're desaturated tints.

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If I'm understanding the current scheme correctly, there are often two color palettes for a powerset - one 'bright' and one 'dark'. Why not do a variant for the various ice powers - one 'saturated' palette and one 'desaturated' one? That still would allow colorable ice that looks like 'ice', while also allowing the creation of 'emerald blast' or 'crystal blast' (or emerald/crystal armor, for that matter) for those who might want such a thing.

It's one powerset proliferated from two others.

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Four others, including one NPC-only.

But why oh why did you give us those poo-looking poo hammers D:

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Because slamming enemies with them is so very satisfying ?

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And, yeah. This. The entire reason I play characters with stone melee is because it feels like I'm smacking enemies around with ENTIRE FREAKIN PLANETS. If I'm gonna hit enemies with a piece of rock, I want it to be a big irregular hunk of stone that looks like it would leave a nice painful abstract pattern of indentations on the flesh of my brute's victims. Most weathered rocks are not flat and smooth, but neither are they angular - I personally think the mallets look fine.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



There's still reds, oranges, yellows, etc...but they're desaturated tints.

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Whoa... hold up, BAB... will this be tied into the Desaturation FX setting in Advanced Graphics Settings within the game?

In other words, are all the ATI users with that setting disabled because it doesn't play nice with FSAA going to be screwed on the customization front?

Be well, people of CoH.



We want ice to look like 'ice' and because of how the FX were created when you apply a very saturated, non-cool hue to them they no longer look like ice and instead look like a cartoonish jewel.

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I'd like to see alternate graphics for the Ice effects on Tankers and Defenders/Corruptors.

What we've got now makes you look like you're encased in a block of ice. I'd like to see an effect that makes you look you're made of ice.

What that would be exactly I don't know. Perhaps a more subtle ice effect that more closely conformed to your body, or something that changed the reflectivity or translucency of your skin and costume.

Similarly, I've tried starting a couple of different Stone tankers and brutes, but I find the appearance of the various armors to be, frankly, ugly. The Granite Armor is unattractive because it is identical for all Stone tankers and brutes. It's especially off-putting for female characters.

It would be nice to be able to turn off the "big gray rock" effect completely and let the character's costume substitute for Granite. There are several costume options that look much better than the Granite Armor form.

I realize that there should be some kind of effect so that PvP opponents have a clue as to what power the character has. An obvious but inobtrusive rocky crumble or a characteristic glint (something along the lines of the Willpower aura) should suffice, and then let the character's costume fill in the rest of the appearance.



I've got to wonder if that ties into some of the earlier talk about 50s who don't go Rogue getting powers that you aren't able to get elsewhere for being an exemplary hero/villain? I'm betting we'll have to really pound on the other side like crazy in order to win the power-ups.



We want ice to look like 'ice' and because of how the FX were created when you apply a very saturated, non-cool hue to them they no longer look like ice and instead look like a cartoonish jewel.

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That's precisely what I was wanting to be honest, and probably the only way I could really bring myself to play an Ice/blaster. I'd love to have a character who has power over minerals like an earth tanker but rather lets it take the form of crystal. Ruby gem shield + Ruby encrusted fists = Good theme. As is... the gem shield is pretty poorly mis-matched with whatever you pair it with. It just doesn't have a good thematic pair.



Some particulars are left out of certain sets (no yellow ice patch, no bloody ice...). People will whine but then that's better than the alternative

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I can see why no yellow ice, but what's wrong with red ice?

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We want ice to look like 'ice' and because of how the FX were created when you apply a very saturated, non-cool hue to them they no longer look like ice and instead look like a cartoonish jewel.

Even saturated greens turn ice FX into emeralds, so we've had to desaturate the hues as they move away from the cool cyans/blues.

There's still reds, oranges, yellows, etc...but they're desaturated tints.

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That's a good idea. Any word on an ETA of a Cartoon Jewelry power set?



So, will there be yellow freezing rain? I will rename my power Fatal Golden Shower

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




I volunteer to massage Castle! Since Castle is the only dev I haven't seen a picture of, I MUST assume that Castle is a HAWT FEMALE...

...ummm.... named Floyd.

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Oh, are YOU going to be disappointed. Here's a pic for you:
Click at your own risk!

That's Dark Watcher, Me and Synapse (Left to right).

EDIT: I see JJDrakken beat me to the punch.

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Synapse might give Jay a run for his money for the title of sexy dev.

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I second this... can we get a pic of JLove? I think I saw one several years ago...I think I can equate the feeling I get when I try to imagine what my CoV friends look like in Rl like I used to want to know my teachers first name. We would sit there and quess until we were purple...

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This one is a couple of years old, from the Meet & Greet at the D&B in Milipitas. I've seen some from last years HeroCon, but I'd have to dig for them.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



About the bright colours on ice- I say allow them. Some people might really enjoy the crystal or gemstone effect, and make some pretty cool character concepts with it.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



it all sounds so good...

puts off my pre-order of you know what for another week

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



But I fail to see what is so exhausting about sitting there talking to people.

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You obviously haven't talked to a certain type of person.

You've probably heard of the type at least. The ones whose mere presence (let alone their conversational style) are the very definition of pain. So much so that, after a few minutes you turn into Garth "It's Sucking My Will To Live!".

Kinda like talking to someone who has the same verbal affect as Ben Stein, but without the brains to back it up.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Try it some day. Guaranteed that if you spend most of your time behind a computer desk typing? You're not gonna want to stand more than an hour before you get a huge back and foot ache.

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I do it twice a year. That's about all I can stand (no pun intended). By the end of a 4-5 day con, everything below your navel hurts, your feet and legs have been pounded into something roughly the consistency of warm jello and you wonder how people who work retail for a living do it (aside from a masochism so profound that you shudder to think of it).

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



About the bright colours on ice- I say allow them. Some people might really enjoy the crystal or gemstone effect, and make some pretty cool character concepts with it.

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I agree. I was looking forward to a whole slew of gemstone-hurling 'ice' blasters. But I think the 'catch' is that Babs says it looks like 'cartoon gemstones.' I'm assuming his choice of the word 'cartoon' was to reflect the idea that the particles would then not look as realistic as the rest of the graphics in the game. Assuming that's true, I can't fault this decision. City of Heroes may be based on comics, but the graphics are not cartoony.



City of Heroes may be based on comics, but the graphics are not cartoony.

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I see what you did there

(And I was going to post this before I realized it was YOU! Hey YOU!)

I also agree, both about allowing such colors and, however, about not allowing them if the Team thinks it looks bad (Or not good enough).

This is all looking great...

And thanks again Zekiran!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"